323 | Nadler, Fred | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Marines |
119 | Naegel, Catherine | NR | Married Conrad Zimmer |
364 | Nagel, A. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
111 | Nagel, Charles | NR | Child of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nagel (Sr.) |
111 | Nagel, Dora | NR | Child of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nagel (Sr.) |
378 | Nagel, Emil | 1930 | Died 10/8/1930/At brickyard |
378 | Nagel, Henry | 1929 | Died 2/24/1929/Age 85 |
111 | Nagel, Henry N. | NR | Child of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nagel (Sr.) |
111 | Nagel, Henry Sr. | 1853 | Native of Kur-Hessen, Ger./Arriv BI 1853 |
111 | Nagel, Henry Sr. | NR | Stepson of John Giessler |
111 | Nagel, Henry Sr. | 1929 | Died 2/24/1929 |
111 | Nagel, John | NR | Child of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nagel (Sr.) |
331 | Nagel, John | NR | Ward Captain 4th Liberty Loan Drive/2nd Ward |
331 | Nagel, John | NR | Committeeman/5th Liberty Loan Drive |
111 | Nagel, Katie | NR | Child of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nagel (Sr.) |
111 | Nagel, Louis | NR | Child of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nagel (Sr.) |
365 | Nagel, Marjorie | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
111 | Nagel, Minnie | NR | Child of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nagel (Sr.) |
111 | Nagel, Mrs. | 1929 | Wife of Henry Nagle/Died Febr.1929 |
358 | Nagel, Mrs. Caroline | 1935 | BI Resident 43 yrs. |
111 | Nagel, William N. | NR | Child of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Nagel (Sr.) |
228 | Napier, Mrs. | NR | Secretary/Women's War Work |
226 | Napier, Mrs. R. A. | 1934-1935 | Blue Island Garden Club/1934-1935/Pres. |
141 | Napier, Mrs. R. H. | 1898 | Received settlement for injuries on sidewalk |
102 | Napier, Mrs. Richard A. | NR | Child of Rodney N. Day & Sarah Tann |
226 | Napier, Mrs. Richard A. | 1928 | Charter member BI Garden Club/Pres. |
358 | Napier, Mrs. Richard A. | 1935 | BI Resident |
225 | Napier, Mrs. Sadie M. | 1920-1921 | Pres./BI Women's Club/1920-1921 |
232 | Napier, R. A. | 1935 | Owned lots acquired for Park Development |
378 | Napier, Richard H. | 1924 | Died 9/5/1924/Age 83 |
209 | Nash, F. | 1914-1924 | Deacon at 1st meetings of Untd. Ch. of Christ |
364 | Nash, Jean | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
364 | Nash, Mrs. Georgetta | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
366 | Nash, Ruth | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
378 | Naumann, Frederick | 1920 | Died 2/7/1920/Age 80 |
104 | Near, Lydia | NR | Married to Jerome L. Fay |
365 | Neary, Dan | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
323 | Neff, Harry E. | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Engineer. Corps |
326 | Neff, Harry E. | 1917 | Co. B, 13th Railway Engineer, Rock Island Rail |
378 | Neff, John Orley | 1925 | Died 7/1/1925/Age 57 |
112 | Neibert, Anna | NR | Child of Gottfried Niebert |
112 | Neibert, Bertha | NR | Child of Gottfried Neibert |
112 | Neibert, Bertha | NR | Married Charles Krueger |
112 | Neibert, Christian | NR | Child of Gottfried Neibert |
112 | Neibert, Christian | NR | Married Henrietta Wickert |
112 | Neibert, Fred W. | NR | Child of Gottfried Neibert |
112 | Neibert, Fred W. | NR | Married Augusta Mosleu |
111 | Neibert, Gottfried | 1851 | Arriv. BI 1851 from Ger. |
111 | Neibert, Gottfried | 1894 | Died in 1894 at 84 yrs. |
112 | Neibert, Henry | NR | Child of Gottfried Neibert |
112 | Neibert, Henry | NR | Married Nettie Schaefer |
264 | Neibert, Henry | 1879 | 9/4/1879 Organized Fire Co. |
270 | Neibert, Henry | 1880's | Photo Volunteer Fire Dept early 1880's |
378 | Neibert, Henry | 1935 | Died 6/8/1935/Age 82 |
347 | Neibert, John | 1901 | 1901/Alderman 1st Ward |
112 | Neibert, John W. | NR | Child of Gottfried Neibert |
112 | Neibert, John W. | NR | Married Louisa Karstens |
141 | Neibert, John W. | 1901 | Last Village Election-Village Trustee |
163 | Neibert, John W. | 1901 | 1st Election/Elected Alderman 1st Ward |
164 | Neibert, John W. | 1901 | Street, Bridges, Alleys, Committee, City Coun. |
164 | Neibert, John W. | 1901 | Local Assessments Committee, City Council |
164 | Neibert, John W. | 1901 | Drainage & Sewers Committee, City Council |
164 | Neibert, John W. | 1901 | Voted to pass Geist Franchise Ordinance |
378 | Neibert, John W. | 1923 | Died 6/30/1923/Age 62/1st Alderman Ward #1 |
112 | Neibert, Joseph | NR | Child of Gottfried Neibert |
112 | Neibert, Joseph | NR | Married Caroline Sipple |
378 | Neibert, Joseph | 1928 | Died 8/21/1928/Age 85 |
112 | Neibert, Lena | NR | Child of Gottfried Neibert |
112 | Neibert, Lena | NR | Married Herman Krueger |
112 | Neibert, Mary | NR | Child of Gottfried Neibert |
112 | Neibert, Mary | NR | Married Charles Luchtemeyer |
378 | Neibert, Mrs. Matilda | 1924 | Died 10/6/1924/Age 67 |
266 | Neibert, Raymond | NR | Volunteer Fireman |
194 | Nelson, Aaron | NR | Prominent role in Brickmakers Loc. # 3 |
92 | Nelson, Charles | 1897 | Span. Amer. War/Private |
194 | Nelson, Charles | NR | Prominent role in Brickmakers Loc. # 3 |
194 | Nelson, Charles | 1898 | Int'l Brick, Tile T. Cotta Wrkrs/Sgt. At Arms |
358 | Nelson, Christian E. | 1935 | BI Resident 35 yrs. |
234 | Nelson, Fern | 1935 | Sons & Daughters of Liberty/Counselor |
366 | Nelson, Harriet | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Nelson, Harriet | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
234 | Nelson, Harris J. | 1935 | Lodge # 716 A. F. & A. M./Jr. Warden |
323 | Nelson, L. O. | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Engineer. Corps |
358 | Nelson, Lenore G. | 1935 | BI Resident 34 yrs. |
326 | Nelson, Leo | 1917 | Co. B, 13th Railway Engineer, Rock Island Rail |
323 | Nelson, Martin | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Navy |
226 | Nelson, Mary | 1934-1935 | BI Jr. Women's Club/1935-1936/Corresp. Sec. |
226 | Nelson, Mrs. Christian | 1928 | Charter member BI Garden Club/ |
378 | Nelson, Mrs. Lydia H. | 1933 | Died 10/12/1933 |
325 | Nelson, Ned | 1917 | Mentioned in letter from Walter Crossland |
247 | Nelson, Oscar | 1930 | State Bank Auditor |
304 | Nelson, Oscar | 1935 | Town Clerk/12411 Maple Ave, BI |
240 | Nelson, Sadie | 1893 | BI West Review #2,WBA/Inner Hostess |
365 | Nelson, Wm. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
378 | Nestrick, Howard | 1931 | Died 7/18/1931/Age 70/Painting contractor |
378 | Neukirch, Alfred | 1924 | Died 9/29/1924/Age 37 |
103 | Neukirch, Alfred F. | NR | Married Sophia Engelland |
112 | Neukirch, Alfred F. | NR | Child of Christ. Neukirch & Friedericka Felcht |
112 | Neukirch, Augusta | NR | Child of Christ. Neukirch & Friedericka Felcht |
112 | Neukirch, Augusta | NR | Married William Rock |
143 | Neukirch, Chr. | 1878-1879 | Trustee |
112 | Neukirch, Christian | 1850's | Arriv. BI 1850's |
112 | Neukirch, Christian | NR | Married Friedericka Felcht |
112 | Neukirch, Herman F. | NR | Child of Christ. Neukirch & Friedericka Felcht |
112 | Neukirch, Herman F. | NR | Married Dora Lehmker |
378 | Neukirch, Herman F. | 1929 | Died 5/23/1929/Age 64 |
378 | Neukirch, Mrs. Sophia Marie | 1934 | Died 3/21/1934/Age 75 |
63 | Neumann, Karl | 1920's | Passive member of the Liederkranz |
378 | Newcomer, Orrin A. | 1933 | Died 6/24/1933/At San Francisco, CA |
358 | Newhouse, Mrs. R. | 1935 | BI Resident 64 yrs. |
196 | Newhouse, R. | 1800's | Early Subscriber to telephone lines |
114 | Newhouse, Roland | NR | Coal dealer/Married Wilhelmina Schmidt |
97 | Newkirk, Ella | NR | Married to Edwin Seyfarth |
192 | Newman, Henry | 1933 | Bought Cigar business from F. Koenecke |
323 | Newman, Leland | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Cleverly |
364 | Nichall, Miss Marie | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
323 | Nichel, Fred A. | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Navy |
128 | Nichol, Mr. | 1879 | Won contract bid to lay water mains |
225 | Nicholl, Marie | 1929 | BI Jr. Women's Club/Recording Sec. |
228 | Nichols, Mrs. Fred | NR | Looked after disabled war vets/Women's WW |
228 | Nichols, Mrs. Fred | NR | Looked after TB patients at Oak Forest /WWW |
364 | Nichols, Mrs. Fred | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
318 | Nichols, Mrs. Fred J. | 1920 | Social Worker Cook County, Oak Forest |
318 | Nichols, Mrs. Fred J. | NR | Chairman of the Annual Roll Call for Red Cross |
116 | Nickel, Annie | NR | Married William Jr. Vandenburg |
378 | Nickel, August J. | 1926 | Died 4/13/1926/Age 42 |
345 | Nickel, Fred A. | 1935 | Appointed special officer |
378 | Nickel, Mrs. Ella Mildred | 1935 | Died 5/17/1935/Age 53/Wife of Fred |
239 | Nickerson, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
378 | Nickerson, Mrs. Mary | 1925 | Died 6/9/1925/Wife of William H. |
331 | Nickerson, W. A. | 1919 | Charter member Allied Veterans of Blue Island |
112 | Niebert, Anna | NR | Married Wallace Wright |
275 | Niedergesaess, Mr. | 1914 | Residence suffered slight damage in 1914 fire |
378 | Niedergesaess, Mrs. Alice | 1930 | Died 10/1/1930/Age 68/Wife of Rev. Adolph |
208 | Niedergesaess, Rev. A. | NR | Performed Missionary Work |
208 | Niedergesaess, Rev. A. | NR | Organizer & First Pastor St. Paul Evan. Ch. |
208 | Niedergesaess, Rev. A. | 1916 | Took charge of Eden Evan. Ch., Jeff. Pk. Chgo |
378 | Niedergesaess, Rev. G. A. | 1924 | Died 1/26/1924/Age 70/at Chicago |
378 | Niedergesaess, Rev. G. A. | NR | Former pastor of St. Paul's Evan. Church |
366 | Niele, Jack | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
226 | Nielson, Mrs. Morris | 1928 | Charter member BI Garden Club/ |
378 | Nieman, Henry Sr. | 1922 | Died 10/21/1922/Age 78 |
238 | Nieman, John | 1900 | Charter Mem. Fidelity Life Asso., # 369 |
378 | Nieman, Mrs. Dorothy | 1929 | Died 6/12/1929/Age 77 |
378 | Nilles, Joseph | 1921 | Died 9/27/1921/Bakery proprietor |
141 | Nimtz, R. | 1897 | Received settlement for injuries on sidewalk |
378 | Nixon, Frank J. | 1933 | Died 12/10/1933/Age 76 |
174 | Nobel, Mr. | 1914 | Motion to bring Firemen's Tournament to BI |
177-178 | Noble, Alderman | 1916-17 | Disputed bid by Siegrave and Lafrance |
177-178 | Noble, Alderman | 1916-17 | Disputed bid by Siegrave and Lafrance |
135 | Noble, H. | 1889 | Awarded contract to build well |
347 | Noble, James | 1909 | 1909/Alderman 4th Ward |
168 | Noble, James A. | 1911 | 4/18/1911, Elected Alderman 4th Ward |
172 | Noble, James A. | 1913 | 4/15/1913 Elected Alderman 4th Ward |
174 | Noble, James A. | 1914 | 4/15/1915 Elected Alderman 4th Ward |
317 | Noble, James A. | 1930 | 4/15/1930 Elected Alderman 4th Ward |
347 | Noble, James A. | 1910 | 1910/Alderman 4th Ward |
347 | Noble, James A. | 1911 | 1911/Alderman 4th Ward |
347 | Noble, James A. | 1913 | 1913/Alderman 4th Ward |
348 | Noble, James A. | 1914 | 1914/Alderman 4th Ward |
234 | Noble, James A. | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
292 | Noble, James A. | 1926 | 4/20/1926/Elected Alderman 4th Ward |
297 | Noble, James A. | 1928 | 4/17/1928 Elected Alderman 4th Ward |
339 | Noble, James A. | 1932 | 4/25/1932 Elected Alderman 4th Ward |
339 | Noble, James A. | NR | Photo/Former Alderman 4th Ward |
343 | Noble, James A. | 1934 | 4/1/71934 Elected Alderman 4th Ward |
347 | Noble, James A. | 1912 | 1912/Alderman 4th Ward |
348 | Noble, James A. | 1915 | 1915/Alderman 4th Ward |
348 | Noble, James A. | 1916 | 1916/Alderman 4th Ward |
348 | Noble, James A. | 1925 | 1925/Alderman 4th Ward |
350 | Noble, James A. | 1926 | 1926/Alderman 4th Ward |
350 | Noble, James A. | 1927 | 1927/Alderman 4th Ward |
350 | Noble, James A. | 1928 | 1928/Alderman 4th Ward |
350 | Noble, James A. | 1929 | 1929/Alderman 4th Ward |
350 | Noble, James A. | 1930 | 19307/Alderman 4th Ward |
350 | Noble, James A. | 1931 | 1931/Alderman 4th Ward |
350 | Noble, James A. | 1932 | 1932/Alderman 4th Ward |
350 | Noble, James A. | 1933 | 1933/Alderman 4th Ward |
349 | Noble, Jas. A. | NR | Photo/Alderman |
236 | Noble, Margaret | 1935 | Catholic Daught. Of Amer./Trustee |
103 | Noble, Mary | NR | Married John Dornhecker |
358 | Noble, Miss M. | 1935 | BI Resident 62 yrs. |
378 | Noble, Miss Mary | 1921 | Died 9/8/1921 |
359 | Noble, Miss Sarah | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Relics Committee |
173 | Noble, Mr. | 1913 | Presented motion to obtain Stony quarry water |
317 | Noble, Mr. | 1930 | Alderman/Selected for election commission |
106 | Noble, Sadie | NR | Married William Hopf |
101 | Nobles, Jane (Grandmother) | NR | Married Benjamin Cool |
101 | Nobles, Jane (Grandmother) | 1874 | Died 1874 |
143 | Noce, Mike | 1880-1881 | Trustee |
282 | Nolan, Mr. | 1933 | aka Phil Wilson/accused Hackett kidnapper |
223 | Norbeck, Joseph | 1935 | Member BI Lions Club 12/15/1935 |
139 | Norling, Oscar | 1895 | Awarded contract for addition to engine house |
289 | Norman, Jacob | 1935 | Post Office Substitute rural carrier |
378 | Norris James | 1913 | Died 6/1/1913/Age 44 |
239 | Northrup, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
118 | Noth, Carrie | NR | Married Ernst Werner |
366 | Novak, Leonard | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
211 | Nowack, Rev. T. | 1928-1935 | Pastor/St. Isadore Catholic Ch./1928-8/1/1935 |
318 | Numsquist, Nels | 1935 | Navajo Fields Country Club/Director |
264 | Nutzmann, William | 1879 | Committee to raise funds for fire ladder wagon |
378 | Nygren, Axel | 1928 | Died 4/4/1928/Age 56 |
323 | Nylander, Leonard | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Navy |
304 | O'Brien, Frank J. | 1935 | Justice of the Peace/Oak Lawn, IL |
202 | O'Brien, Rev. | 1927 | Helped expedite completion of First Med. Ch. Addition |
203 | O'Brien, Robert E. | 1926-1929 | Pastor/M. E. Church/10/1926-1929 |
378 | O'Brien, Thomas J. | 1927 | Died 8/12/1927/Age 71/Railway conductor |
204 | Ocker, Catherine | NR | Joined Congregational Church,1860 |
112 | Ocker, James | NR | Child of Martin Ocker & Catherine K. Davidson |
146 | Ocker, James | NR | Recollections of Telegraph Office |
146 | Ocker, James/Residence | NR | Photo |
91 | Ocker, Martin | 1861 | Civil War/72nd Board of Trade regiment/ |
91 | Ocker, Martin | 1861 | Civil War/Vicksburg/Killed- Buried in Nashville |
99 | Ocker, Martin | NR | Married Catherine Davidson |
112 | Ocker, Martin | 1846 | From Herkimer Cnty NY 1846/Holland decent |
112 | Ocker, Martin | NR | Married Catherine K. Davidson |
112 | Ocker, Martin | NR | Recalls his CA gold rush days |
226 | Ocker, Mr. James | 1928 | Charter member BI Garden Club/ Treasurer |
241 | O'Connell, F. | 1894 | Knights of Pythias Lodge # 463/Charter Memb. |
247 | O'Connell, William L. | 1933 | Posted Notice of receivership of State Bank BI |
326 | O'Connor, James | 1917 | Co. B, 13th Railway Engineer, Rock Island Rail |
236 | O'Connor, Mary | 1935 | Catholic Daught. Of Amer./Organist |
364 | Odenthal, Charles | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
378 | Odenthal, John | 1921 | Died 10/12/1921/Age 65 |
235 | O'Donnel, M. J. | NR | Member Fraternal Order of Eagles |
378 | Oelke, August J. | 1927 | Died 4/15/1927/Age 70 |
378 | Oetjen, Christian | 1913 | Died 3/31/1913/Age 37 |
224 | Oetjen, G. | 1935 | BI Lions Club/Trustee |
260 | Oetjen, George | 1923 | Reappointed Library Board of Directors |
358 | Oetjen, George | 1935 | BI Resident 51 yrs. |
365 | Oetjen, George | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Oetjen, Lillian | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
378 | Oetjen, Mrs. Anna | 1928 | Died 1/12/1928/Age 66 |
365 | Oetjen, Mrs. Geo. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
335 | Oetter, Mrs. A. | 1918 | Victim of Spanish Influenza |
378 | Off, Johann Jacob | 1927 | Died 5/4/1927/Age 87 |
378 | Oft, John F. | 1924 | Died 3/18/1824/Age 90 |
323 | O'Grady, Calvin | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Cleverly |
239 | O'Grady, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
92 | O'Keefe, Owen | 1897 | Span. Amer. War/Private |
55 | Old, Dr. | 1860's | Pioneer Doctor |
287 | Oldenberg, Charles | NR | Mgr. Of Operations of Chicago Interurban Co. |
212 | O'Leana, Earl | 1935 | Deacon/Central Church of Christ |
212 | O'Leana, George | 1935 | Trustee/Central Church of Christ |
205 | Olmstead, Burnett | NR | Daug. of Rev. and Mrs. Nirium P. Olmstead |
205 | Olmstead, Burnett | NR | Died, BI, age 18 |
236 | Olmstead, Nellie | 1935 | Daughters of Veterans/Chaplain |
205 | Olmstead, Nirium P. | 1916-1919 | Pastor/Congregational Ch. 11/1/1916-10/1919 |
331 | Olmstead, Rev. Nirium | NR | Committeeman/5th Liberty Loan Drive |
378 | Olson Mrs. Sophia Erickson | 1923 | Died 3/31/1923/Age 75 |
233 | Olson, A. | 1935 | Harmonize Lodge member/Trustee |
177-178 | Olson, Alderman | 1916-17 | Disputed bid by Siegrave and Lafrance |
179 | Olson, Alderman Charles | 1918 | Introduced resolution on City Parks |
329 | Olson, Andrew | NR | Died after war from injury/exposure in service |
246 | Olson, Arthur | 1927 | Incorporator Blue Island Winsett Finance Co. |
246 | Olson, Arthur | 1927 | Board of Directors/BI Winsett Finance Co. |
246 | Olson, Arthur | 1932 | BI Winsett Finance Co./Treasurer |
248 | Olson, Arthur | NR | BI Real Estate Board/Secretary |
367 | Olson, Arthur | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
348 | Olson, C. J. | 1914 | 1914/Alderman 5th Ward |
331 | Olson, Charles | NR | Ward Captain 4th Liberty Loan Drive/5th Ward |
177 | Olson, Charles J. | 1916 | 4/24/1916 Elected Alderman 5th Ward |
179 | Olson, Charles J. | 1918 | 4/22/1918 Elected Alderman 4th Ward |
180 | Olson, Charles J. | 1918 | Introd. Resolution for Veterans Meeting place |
258 | Olson, Charles J. | 1921 | Resigned from 5th Ward/Candidate for Mayor |
258 | Olson, Charles J. | 1921 | Defeated in Mayoral race |
348 | Olson, Charles J. | 1917 | 1917/Alderman 5th Ward |
347 | Olson, Charles J. | 1912 | 1912/Alderman 5th Ward |
347 | Olson, Charles J. | 1913 | 1913/Alderman 5th Ward |
348 | Olson, Charles J. | 1915 | 1915/Alderman 5th Ward |
348 | Olson, Charles J. | 1916 | 1916/Alderman 5th Ward |
348 | Olson, Charles J. | 1918 | 1918/Alderman 5th Ward |
348 | Olson, Charles J. | 1919 | 1919/Alderman 5th Ward |
348 | Olson, Charles J. | 1920 | 1920/Alderman 5th Ward |
171 | Olson, Chas. J. | 1912 | 4/4/1912, Elected Alderman 5th Ward |
366 | Olson, Dorothy | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
358 | Olson, Henrietta | 1935 | BI Resident 49 yrs. |
378 | Olson, John A. | 1934 | Died 2/16/1934/Age 48 |
170 | Olson, Louis | 1912 | Employee of Oak Hill Street Railway Co. |
378 | Olson, Louis | 1934 | Died 1/5/1934/Age 56 |
378 | Olson, Miss Edith Janette | 1934 | Died 2/25/1934/Age 22 |
212 | Olson, Mrs. | NR | Held 2nd serv. Of St. Aidan's Episcop. In home |
213 | Olson, Mrs. | NR | First Choir member, St. Aidan's Epis. Mission |
378 | Olson, Mrs. Anna | 1934 | Died 7/22/1934/Age 77 |
207 | Olson, Otto | 1889 | Chosen Deacon Swedish Lutheran Siloa Ch. |
173 | Olson, Peter Mrs. | 1913 | 4/13/1914Received settlement for husbands death |
318 | O'Malley, Vincent J. | 1935 | Navajo Fields Country Club/President |
318 | O'Malley, Vincent J. | 1935 | Navajo Fields Country Club/ |
235 | O'Neil, Mrs. A. | 1909 | Charter Member/Catholic Daughters. Of Amer. |
86 | O'Neill, R. W. District Grand Master | 1877 | Attended funeral of Herman Bose |
378 | Orth, Charles | 1929 | Died 3/13/1929/Age 59 |
210 | Ortman, Rev. N. | 1932 | Minister United Church of Christ 1932 |
212 | Ortman, Rev. N. | 1935 | Formerly of Orchard St. Church of Christ |
212 | Ortman, Rev. N. | 1935 | First Pastor/Central Church of Christ/3/24/1935 |
239 | Ostendorf, Catherine | 1935 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Sentinel |
116 | Ostendorf, Charles | NR | Married Katie Strickert |
378 | Ostendorf, Charles | 1926 | Died 5/20/1926/Age 57 |
358 | Ostendorf, Louise | 1935 | BI Resident 53 yrs. |
239 | Ostendorf, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
235 | Ostendorf, R. | NR | Member Fraternal Order of Eagles |
197 | Osterhagen, Simon | 1854 | Held 1st Conf., BI Mission District in home |
197 | Osterhagen, Simon | 1854 | Steward/BI Mission District |
40 | Osterhout, Levi | 1842 | Bridge Builder |
42 | Osterhout, Levi | 1841-56 | Built toll bridge across Calumet River |
115 | Osterman, John | NR | Married Lena Schuemann |
256 | Otis, Selwyn | NR | Editor/The Suburban Star |
256 | Otis, Selwyn | 1930 | Secured option to buy Suburban Star |
256 | Otis, Selwyn | 1930 | Incorporator/Associated Suburban Publishers |
257 | Otis, Selwyn | 1930 | Editorial Staff/The Suburban Star |
356 | Ott, Louis | 1935 | Fiddler at Centennial Celebration |
358 | Ott, Peter | 1935 | BI Resident/Lemont |
378 | Ouellette, Joseph | 1934 | Died 5/1/1934/Age 86 |
367 | Ouellette, Lorraine | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Ouellette, Louis | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
378 | Ouellette, Mrs. Rose | 1927 | Died 10/9/1927/Age 66 |
236 | Oulette, Alma | 1935 | Catholic Daught. Of Amer./Treasurer |
248 | Ouwenga, Jacob | NR | Cook Cnty Truck Farmer's Asso./Treasurer |
359 | Ouwenga, Jacob | 1935 | BI Cenenntial Asso/Farmer's Day Committee |
232 | Over, John | 1935 | Chairm./ Board of Playground & Parks Comm. |
345 | Over, John | 1935 | 5/27/1935 Apptd. to Plygrd. & Rec. Board |
367 | Overstraeten, Jean | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
378 | Owen, Charles D. | 1928 | Died 7/5/1928/Age 33 |
364 | Owen, Miss Lucille | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
364 | Owen, Mrs. Lenna | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
378 | Pabst, Leo | 1931 | Died 4/15/1931/Age 68 |
378 | Pabst, Mrs. Josephine | 1923 | Died 12/16/1923/Age 69 |
323 | Pacholki, Tony | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Cleverly |
308 | Pacholski, Tony | 1919 | Killed Police Officer Weiland in shoot-out |
220 | Pachomia, Sister, the Superior | 1879 | Came from Milwaukee |
219 | Packebusch, Mr. | 1865-1868 | Teacher Lutheran Parochial School |
104 | Paetsch, Franciska | NR | Married Jacob Fritz |
378 | Pagel, John C. | 1928 | Died 1/1/1928/Age 71 |
323 | Pahl, William | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Cleverly |
366 | Pahlke, Betty | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
366 | Pahlke, Edna Mae | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
364 | Pahlke, Jean | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
364 | Pahlke, Jewel | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
323 | Palmer, Carl | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Engineer. Corps |
326 | Palmer, Carl | 1917 | Co. B, 13th Railway Engineer, Rock Island Rail |
323 | Palmer, Ralph | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Engineer. Corps |
335 | Pancrotia, Sister M. | 1918 | St. Francis Hosp./Victim of Spanish Influenza |
211 | Papitto, Rev. O. | NR | Formerly Asst. to Ch. of Our Lady of Pompei |
211 | Papitto, Rev. O. | 1912-1918 | Pastor/St. Donatus Catholic Ch./1912-1918 |
212 | Parker, A. W. | 1935 | Trustee/Central Church of Christ |
367 | Parker, Marjorie | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
235 | Parson, Thomas | 1935 | Knights of Columbus/Recording Secretary |
241 | Parsons, Harriet | 1904 | Sunshine Camp # 3761, RNA/Charter Member |
239 | Parsons, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
250 | Parsons, Thos. | NR | Boy Scout Committee Troop # 788 |
378 | Patenaude, Mrs. Clara | 1919 | Died 1/2/1919/Age 27/Wife of Joseph |
378 | Patnaude, Edward | 1934 | Died 10/26/1934/Age 35 |
378 | Patnaude, William | 1935 | Died 12/19/1935/ age 64 |
378 | Patnaude, William | 1935 | Died 12/19/1935/Age 64 |
375 | Patno, Arthur (See Hochstadter death) | 1934 | Died 10/14/1934/Age 34/Car Accid./RR tracks |
375 | Patno, Arthur (See Hochstadter death) | NR | Husband of Ethel Patno |
375 | Patno, Ethel (See Hochstadter death) | 1934 | Died 10/14/1934/Age 33/Car Accid./RR tracks |
375 | Patno, Ethel (See Hochstadter death) | NR | Wife of Arthur Patno |
113 | Patrick, Walter | NR | Lawyer practiced with Sanders |
123 | Patterson, W. R. | 1872 | 7/5/1872 Petitioners for Village Organiz. |
235 | Paul Alec | 1935 | Fraternal Order of Eagles/Vice President |
206 | Paul, Rev. | 1865-1904 | Pastor/ St. Benedict Parish |
366 | Pauling, Mrs. P. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
323 | Payton, Robert | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Aviation Corps |
235 | Pearson, E. | 1909 | Charter Member/Catholic Daughters. Of Amer. |
236 | Pearson, Miss Eva | 1909 | Catholic Daught. Of Amer./Inside Sentinel |
239 | Pearson, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
235 | Pearson, Mrs. M. | 1909 | Charter Member/Catholic Daughters. Of Amer. |
239 | Peasley, O. M. | 1911 | W. S. Tinsman Div. # 815 BLA/Officer/Chaplain |
46 | Peck, Martha | NR | Niece of Mrs. Fox |
233 | Peetz, A. | 1935 | Harmonize Lodge member/Noble Grand |
240 | Peetz, Hans | 1882 | Independent Order of Foresters/Charter Memb. |
378 | Peetz, Henry | 1931 | Died 11/16/1931/Age 60 |
378 | Peirce, Albert J. | 19334 | Died 7/10/1934/Age 52 |
106 | Peirce, Alden F. | NR | Married Eunice Huntington |
234 | Peirce, Alden P. | 1874 | Charter Member Lodge # 716 A. F. & A. M. |
236 | Peirce, E. K. | 1889 | Charter Member Women' Relief Corp |
89 | Peirce, Samuel W. | 1848 | Third Co. 63rd/106th/Second Lieutenant |
366 | Peirsma, Miss Martha | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Pekin, Mary Loy | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
289 | Pekin, R. J. | 1932 | Took Government Post Office Exam |
367 | Pellegrino, Louise | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Pellegrino, Mary | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
378 | Peloquin, Arthur | 1934 | Died 1/20/1934/Age 51 |
364 | Peloquin, Charles | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
378 | Peloquin, Felix Sr. | 1934 | Died 10/29/1934/Age 78 |
378 | Peloquin, Felix Sr. | 1922 | Died 2/1/1922 |
168 | Peloquin, Mrs. F. | 1910 | Paid $400 for damages from fall on sidewalk |
92 | Penberthy, John | 1897 | Span. Amer. War/Private |
216 | Pepper, Victie | 1877 | One of first graduate of the Whittier School |
366.367 | Perelli, Mary | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
75 | Periam Family | NR | Periam's named after the pioneer family |
26 | Periam, Abigail | 1845 | Headmistress of First School for Girls |
80 | Periam, Abigail | NR | Early settler/Sister of Elizabeth |
112 | Periam, Abigail | NR | Child of Phoebe Meeker & Joseph Periam |
112 | Periam, Abigail | NR | Conducted first Private school in BI |
26 | Periam, Elizabeth | 1845 | Headmistress of First School for Girls |
80 | Periam, Elizabeth | NR | Early settler/Sister of Abigail |
112 | Periam, Elizabeth | NR | Child of Phoebe Meeker & Joseph Periam |
112 | Periam, Elizabeth | NR | Conducted first Private school in BI |
112 | Periam, Elizabeth | NR | Married Benjamin Sanders |
113 | Periam, Elizabeth | NR | Married Benjamin Sanders |
113 | Periam, Elizabeth | 1876 | Died |
40 | Periam, Jonathan | 1842 | Bridge Builder |
80 | Periam, Jonathan | NR | Horticulturist/Editor of Prairie Farmer/ |
80 | Periam, Jonathan | NR | Arrived in settlement 1838/Father died in 1839 |
89 | Periam, Jonathan | 1848 | 63rd 106th Regiment/Major |
112 | Periam, Jonathan | NR | Child of Phoebe Meeker & Joseph Periam |
112 | Periam, Jonathan | NR | Editor of the Prairie Farmer |
117 | Periam, Jonathan | NR | Married Mary Wadhams |
112 | Periam, Joseph | 1838 | From Newark, NJ 1838 |
112 | Periam, Joseph | NR | Married Phoebe Meeker |
112 | Periam, Joseph | NR | Child of Phoebe Meeker & Joseph Periam |
81 | Periam/Jonathan | 1838 | Personal account of early days |
366 | Perisma, Miss C. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
78 | Perium, Elizabeth | NR | Schoolmistress/married Benjamin Sanders |
78 | Perium, Elizabeth | NR | Sister of Abigail |
79 | Perium, Mary Wadhams | NR | Wife of Jonathan |
79 | Perium, Mary Wadhams | NR | Mother of two daughters/Moved to Chicago |
361 | Perkins, Mary | 1848 | First Schoolteacher in BI |
26 | Perkins, Miss Mary | Circa 1940's | Prv. & Public School Teacher |
28 | Perkins, Miss Mary | 1840's | Teacher in the First School |
318 | Perling, Frank | 1935 | Navajo Fields Country Club/Director |
46 | Perriam, Jonathan | NR | Editor of the Prairie Farmer |
46 | Perriam, Jonathan | NR | Brother of Mrs. Benjamin Sanders |
104 | Perry, Lucinda J. | NR | Of Warren R. I. /Married John Baldwin Fox |
378 | Peters, Anthony E. | 1930 | Died 6/31(?)/1930 |
270 | Peters, Christ | 1880's | Photo Volunteer Fire Dept early 1880's |
143 | Peters, Christ. | 1886-1887 | Captain of Police |
126 | Peters, Christian | 1879 | Appointed Chief of Police |
130 | Peters, Christian | 1881 | 9/5/1881, Discharged as Police Capt. |
133 | Peters, Christian | 1885 | Capt. of Police/additional pay to light lamps |
143 | Peters, Christian | 1878-1879 | Chief of Police |
143 | Peters, Christian | 1879-1880 | Captain of Police |
143 | Peters, Christian | 1880-1881 | Police Captain |
143 | Peters, Christian | 1883-1884 | Supt. of Streets |
143 | Peters, Christian | 1884-1885 | Police Captain |
143 | Peters, Christian | 1885-1886 | Police Captain & Supt. Of Streets |
264 | Peters, Christian | 1879 | 9/4/1879 Organized Fire Co. |
198 | Peters, H. J. | 1899-1903 | Pastor/Central Methodist Church/1899-1903 |
115 | Peters, John | NR | Married Anna Schultz |
208 | Peters, John | NR | Charter member of St. Paul Evangelical Ch. |
378 | Peters, Mrs. Anna | 1921 | Died 2/12/1921/Wife of Christian |
378 | Peters, Mrs. Minnie | 1931 | Died 4/4/1931/Age 49 |
365 | Petersen, Mr. & Mrs. John | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Petersen, Mrs. John | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
205 | Peterson, Fred | 1934 | Pres./The Men's Club. Congregational Church |
367 | Peterson, Mrs. T. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
92 | Peterson, Theodore J. | 1897 | Span. Amer. War/Private |
378 | Petry, John A. | 1933 | Died 9/17/1933/Age 48 |
94 | Pettijohn, Henry | NR | Child of Laura Rexford & George Pettijohn |
94 | Pettijohn, George | NR | Married Laura Ballard Rexford |
258 | Pettijohn, George | 1922 | Resigned from Library Board/Moved to the city |
94 | Pettijohn, Lucy | NR | Child of Laura Rexford & George Pettijohn |
45 | Pettijohn, Mrs. Laura Rexford | 1840 | Pasadena CA, Gr. daughter of C.D. Robinson |
228 | Pettijohn, Mrs. Laura Rexford | 1935 | Of California |
35 | Pfeiffer, Christian | 1874 | Owner/Quick Claim Deed to the Feeder Dam |
43-44 | Pfeiffer, Christian | 1870's | Secured injunction |
115 | Pfeiffer, Eugene | NR | Married Emma Schultz |
130 | Pfister, Philip | 1881 | 11/7/1881/appointed Police No. 1 |
131 | Pfister, Philip | 1882 | 3/6/1882. Resigned as Police No. 1 and Supt. |
236 | Phelps, Cornelia | 1889 | Charter Member Women' Relief Corp |
118 | Philip Zorn | NR | Brother of Babett Zorn |
255 | Phillips, Roy | 1918 | Publisher, The Weekly Review |
255 | Phillips, Roy | 1918 | Obtained Control of The Standard |
255 | Phillips, Roy | 1920 | Incorporator/Blue Island Publishing Corp. |
255 | Phillips, Roy | 1920's | Manager/Sun Standard |
302 | Phillips, Roy | 1918 | Purchased "The Standard" from the Erretts |
110 | Phillipson, Thilda | NR | Married Lawrence Lusson |
239 | Picard, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
196 | Piel, Henry C. | 1900's | 1st Mgr. Of local telephone exchange |
196 | Piel, Mrs. Henry C. | 1900's | 1st Telephone operator |
101 | Piepho, Minnie | NR | Married August Consoer |
347 | Pierce, Alden P. | 1905 | 1905/Alderman 1st Ward |
347 | Pierce, Alden P. | 1906 | 1906/Police Magistrate |
347 | Pierce, Alden P. | 1907 | 1907/Police Magistrate |
347 | Pierce, Alden P. | 1908 | 1908Police Magistrate |
151 | Pierce, Frank | 1868 | Rock Island RR Conductor/Suburban Line |
366 | Piersma, Miss M. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
335 | Pierson, P. S. | 1918 | Victim of Spanish Influenza |
378 | Pierson, P. S. | 1918 | Died 10/16/1918/Age 34 |
214 | Pierson, Prof. P. | 1935 | Of/Chicago/Pastor, Swedish Covenant Ch. |
111 | Piggott, James | NR | Married Mary Merkelbach |
208 | Pike, Mr. & Mrs. Floyd | 1928- | Pastors of Full Gospel Mission 1928- |
13 | Pinet, Father | 1600's | Founder |
106 | Pinnow, Carl | NR | Married Mary Hopf |
358 | Piper, Ambrose J. | 1935 | BI Resident 50 yrs. |
232 | Piper, Jessie | 1935 | Sec./ Board of Playground & Parks Comm. |
304 | Piper, Jessie | 1935-1936 | Playground Board Secretary |
345 | Piper, Jessie | 1935 | 5/27/1935 Apptd. to Plygrd. & Rec. Board |
358 | Piper, Mary Murphy | 1935 | BI Resident 60 yrs. |
111 | Piper, Mr. A. | NR | Married Mary Murphy |
105 | Piper, Otis | NR | Married Mary Green |
196 | Pipin, L. | 1800's | Early Subscriber to telephone lines |
217 | Pipin, L. E. | 1927 | Elected Board of Ed. BI High School/Member |
234 | Pipin, L. E. | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
193 | Pipin, Louis | 1892 | Supt. Of Hayte & Alsip Brick Yard |
116 | Pippert, Fred | NR | Married Lizzie Staffel |
378 | Pippert, Fred C. | 1918 | Died 1/18/1918/Age 50 |
364 | Piretti, Santena | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
203 | Place, C. A. | 1890-1894 | Pastor/M. E. Church/10/1890-1894 |
378 | Plageman, Mrs. Sophia | 1928 | Died 11/18/1928/Age 89 |
378 | Plagemann, Mrs. Sophia | 1928 | Died 3/19/1928/Age 89 |
123 | Plumb, Geo. E. | 1872 | 7/5/1872 Petitioners for Village Organiz. |
127 | Pochman, Charles J. | 1877 | Sold lots to Village |
366 | Poehlsen, Betty | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
274 | Poehlsen, E. H. | 1896 | Shoe Store escaped destruction in Fire of 1896 |
168 | Poehlsen, Emil | 1911 | 4/18/1911, Ran for Alderman 1st Ward |
52 | Poehlsen, John | 1855 | Carpenter |
367 | Poehlson, Emil | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
378 | Poehlson, Emil H. | 1920 | Died 8/30/1920/Tavernkeeper/Old resident |
241 | Pohlson, E. | 1894 | Knights of Pythias Lodge # 463/Charter Memb. |
69 | Polland, John K. | 1850's | Photo/Built Dry Goods Store |
14 | Pontiac | 1769 | Indian Chief |
95 | Poole, Minnie | NR | Married Benjamin Robinson |
239 | Poole, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
363 | Pooler, Mr. R. | 1935 | Directed Choir for "Wings of Time" Production |
355 | Pooler, Rollin | 1935 | Trained singers for musical production |
124 | Pope, E. M. | 1884-5 | Down East Yankee |
302 | Pope, Eugene | NR | Proprietor of the "Standard" |
252 | Pope, Eugene M. | 1883 | Acquired ownership of Blue Island Standard |
54 | Popp, Frank | 1860's | Son of John Popp (Little John) |
54 | Popp, John (Little John) | 1850's | Well-digger |
54 | Popp, John Jr. | 1860's | Son of John Popp (Little John) |
198 | Popp, Mr. & Mrs. Frank | 1925 | Donated pipe organ to new Methodist Church |
378 | Popp, Mrs. Emelie | 1928 | Died 3/3/1928/Age 75/Wife Frank |
378 | Porter, Harley D. | 1935 | Died 6/30/1935/Age 57 |
239 | Porter, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
378 | Porter, Mrs. Margaret Jean | 1923 | Died 8/31/1923 |
358 | Porter, W. A. | 1935 | BI Resident 30 yrs. |
378 | Post, Edson P. | 1935 | Died 2/20/1935/Age 65/RI Switchman |
93 | Post, Julia | NR | Wife of Fayette D. Rexford |
213 | Post, Robert | 1935 | Executive committee of St. Aidan's Epis. Ch. |
234 | Post, Robert | 1935 | Lodge # 716 A. F. & A. M./Secretary |
378 | Post, Theodore | 1924 | Died 11/8/1924/Age 63 |
266 | Post, William | NR | Volunteer Fireman |
232 | Postweiler, Mrs. J. P. | 1924 | Member Board of Playground & Parks Comm. |
262 | Postweiler, Mrs. Jacob | 1924 | Member first playground & Rec. Board |
234 | Powell, Frank | NR | Royal Arch Mason/Royal Arch Captain |
58 | Powell, Malinchton A. | 1850 | Elected Palos Town Supervisor |
365 | Premo, Mary | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Premo, Norman | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Presnak, Margaret | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Presnak, Thersea | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
244 | Press, W. G. | 1890 | Incorporator/Calumet State Bank/Vice Pres. |
213 | Price, Miss Helen | NR | First Choir member, St. Aidan's Epis. Mission |
212 | Price, Mrs. Helen | NR | Librarian, BI Public Library |
212 | Price, Mrs. Helen | NR | First Choir mother of St. Aidan's Epis. Mission |
225 | Price, Mrs. Lena D. | 1926 | Pres./BI Women's Club/1926 |
378 | Priebe, Albert Sr. | 1934 | Died 10/24/1934/Age 69 |
378 | Priebe, Herman C. | 1931 | Died 6/7/1931/Age 69/At Pittsburg, PA |
356 | Primm, G. C. | 1935 | Scoutmaster Troop #608 |
364 | Prince, Jerry | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
209 | Pronger, C. J. | 1914-1924 | Elder/first meetings of United Church of Christ |
367 | Pronger, Carol | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
21 | Pronger, Charles | NR | Owner Road Contracting Plant |
232 | Pronger, Charles J. | 1935 | Owned lots acquired for Park Development |
275 | Pronger, E. C. | 1919 | Stockholder in Blue Island Ice Co. |
223 | Pronger, Earle J. W. | 1935 | Member BI Lions Club 12/15/1935 |
224 | Pronger, Earle J. W. | 1935 | BI Lions Club/Third Vice Pres. |
234 | Pronger, Emery | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
290 | Pronger, Herman | 1901 | Post Office regular free mail carrier |
323 | Pronger, Merrill | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Army |
209 | Pronger, Mr. & Mrs. C. J. | 1914 | Held First Services BI Untd. Ch. Of Christ 1914 |
378 | Pronger, Mrs. Charles | 1931 | Died 10/10/1931/Age 52 |
236 | Pronger, Mrs. R. R. | 1935 | Daughter of John S. Kauffman/2306 Collins St. |
210 | Pronger, Rose | 1924 | Made arrangements for Church meeting place |
116 | Pronger, William | NR | 1st Husband of Johanna Vandenburg |
378 | Pronger, William | 1935 | Died 9/16/1935/Age 58 |
239 | Proper, Stella | 1935 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Star Marshal |
96 | Propper, Catherine | NR | Married Christian Krueger Sr. |
144 | Prussing, Alexander | 1894-1895 | Trustee |
144 | Prussing, Alexander | 1895-1896 | Trustee |
139 | Prussing, Mr. | 1895 | Trustee/Voted against closing saloons on Sun. |
356 | Prymas, Ida | 1935 | Sang at Centennial Celebration |
266 | Pucik, Frank | NR | Volunteer Fireman |
309 | Pucik, Henry | 1935-1936 | Photo/Motorcycle Policeman |
281 | Puggsley, George F. | 1925 | Guard/Dangerously wounded in Bank robbery |
156 | Pullman, George M. | 1880 | Founder -Pullman Palace Car Plant & Town |
365 | Punt, Chas. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Punt, Irma | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
364 | Punt, Mrs. Chas. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
216 | Purer, Anne | 1877 | One of first graduate of the Whittier School |
235 | Puttkammer, Felix | 1935 | Fraternal Order of Eagles/Conductor |
378 | Puttkammer, Mrs. Frank | 1927 | Died 9/28/1927/Age 59 |
211 | Pyterek, Rev. P. G. | NR | Pastor/St. Stansilaus Ch., Posen |
211 | Pyterek, Rev. P. H. | 1911-1912 | Pastor/St. Isadore Catholic Ch./1911-1912 |
367 | Quackenbush, Helen | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
208 | Quade, Dietrich | NR | First Officer Treasurer St. Paul Evangelical Ch. |
119 | Quade, Henry | NR | Married Louise Haase |
250 | Quade, Henry | 1933 | Blue Island Boy Scout Committee Troop # 782 |
317 | Quade, Henry | 1930 | 4/15/1930 Ran for Alderman 3rd Ward |
339 | Quade, Henry | 1932 | 4/25/1932 Ran for Alderman 3rd Ward |
341 | Quade, Henry | 1933 | 4/24/1933 Ran for Alderman 3rd Ward |
378 | Quade, Henry | 1919 | Died 11/13/1919/Age 59 |
117 | Quade, Mrs. Dietrich | NR | Sister of Louise Buschman, Mrs. Wm. Fischer |
117 | Quade, Mrs. Dietrich | NR | Sister of Wm. Buschman |
367 | Quellette, Noella | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
211 | Quigly, Archbishop | NR | Gave permission to buy Old St. Benedict Bldg |
323 | Quinn, Lee | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Signal Corp |
331 | Quinn, Norman W. | 1920 | Adjutant, BI American Legion # 50 |
255 | Quinn, Norris | 1918 | Publisher, The Weekly Review |
255 | Quinn, Norris | 1918 | Obtained Control of The Standard |
302 | Quinn, Norris | 1918 | Purchased "The Standard" from the Erretts |
331 | Quinn, Norris | 1919 | Secretary of temporary Veterans Organization |
255 | Quinn, Norris W. | 1920 | Incorporator/Blue Island Publishing Corp. |
255 | Quinn, Norris W. | 1920's | Editor/Sun Standard |
15 | Quinn, Norris W. | 1920 | Sun Standard Editor |
331 | Quinn, Norris W. | 1919 | Charter member Allied Veterans of Blue Island |
367 | Rabka, Lorraine | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Rachey, Mary | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Racine, Charles | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Racine, Joseph | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Racine, Phillip | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
323 | Racine, Rudolph | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Army |
365 | Racine, Rudy | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
235 | Racine, Rudy R. | 1935 | Knights of Columbus/Grand Knight |
351 | Racine, William | 1919 | Foreman, Libby, McNeil & Libby |
365 | Raczykowski, Mary | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
141 | Radcliff, Mrs. | 1899 | Asked for compensation for injuries from a fall |
208 | Rader, Evangelist Paul | 1920's | Associated with Pastor George Bauerlein |
378 | Rades, Arthur A. | 1928 | Died 3/21/1928/Age 36 |
323 | Radwan, Louis | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Cleverly |
378 | Rady, Agnes T. | 1925 | Died 7/29/1925 |
235 | Raines, Ellen | 1920 | BI Rebekah Ldg. 300/Warden |
378 | Raithel, Mrs. Anna Margaret | 1923 | Died 11/20/1923/Age 79 |
226 | Rampke, Mrs. John | 1934 | Directed Jr. Garden Show 6/1934 |
226 | Rampke, Mrs. John | 1934-1935 | BI Garden Club/1934-1935/2nd Vice Pres. |
226 | Rampke, Mrs. John | 1934-1935 | BI Garden Club/1934-1935/Chrm. Jr. Clubs |
223 | Ramser, M. R. | 1935 | Member BI Lions Club 12/15/1935 |
364 | Randall, Leslie | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
378 | Randall, Mrs. Augusta Marie | 1932 | Died 2/26/1932/Age 44/nee Dreischerf |
365 | Rang, Mr. & Mrs. Walter | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Rang, Virginia | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Raniser, Mr. & Mrs. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
29 | Rankin, Rev. | 1859 | Missionary on the Illinois Central RR |
203 | Rankin, Rev. | 1859 | Missionary of the IL Central RR |
378 | Rankonin, Mrs. Albertina | 1923 | Died 7/24/1923/Age 78 |
308 | Rapke, Teddy | 1919 | Killed in shoot-out at Polish wedding party |
308 | Rapke, Teddy | 1919 | Seven-year-old killed in shoot-out |
240 | Rathburn, Lovice C. | 1893 | BI West Review #2,WBA/Charter Member |
309 | Rathnau, George | 1935-1936 | Photo/Patrolman |
378 | Rathnau, John | 1922 | Died 12/30/1922/Age 37 |
134 | Rau, Mike | 1887 | Allowed $8.00 to build foot bridge |
346 | Rauch, Alderman | 1935 | Referred matter of float to finance committee |
367 | Rauch, Joyce | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
298 | Rauch, L. W. | 1928 | Awarded contract to spread road oil |
341 | Rauch, L. W. | 1933 | 4/24/1933 Elected Alderman 1st Ward |
223 | Rauch, Lewis W. | 1935 | Member BI Lions Club 12/15/1935 |
246 | Rauch, Louis | 1927 | Board of Directors/BI Winsett Finance Co. |
248 | Rauch, Louis | 1905-1915 | BI Headquarters of NE IL Fancier's Asso. |
345 | Rauch, Louis | 1935 | 4/16/1935 Elected Alderman 1st Ward |
350 | Rauch, Louis | 1933 | 1933/Alderman 1st Ward |
350 | Rauch, Louis | 1934 | 1934/lderman 1st Ward |
350 | Rauch, Louis | 1935 | 1935/Alderman 1st Ward |
356 | Rauch, Louis | 1935 | Acted as attendant in wedding scene |
359 | Rauch, Louis | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Exec. Comm. & Director |
359 | Rauch, Louis | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Properties Committee |
304 | Rauch, Louis W. | 1935-1936 | Alderman 1st Ward |
364 | Rauch, Louise | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Rauch, Lucille | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
364 | Rauch, Mrs. Irene | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
300 | Rauhoff, Millard | 1929 | 4/22/1929 Ran for Mayor |
318 | Rauhoff, Millard | 1934 | Secretary Blue Island Bar Association |
350 | Rauhoff, Millard | 1928 | 1928/Police Magistrate |
223 | Rauhoff, Millard A. | 1927 | BI Lions Club/Pres/1927 |
348 | Rauhoff, Millard A. | 1925 | 1925/Police Magistrate |
350 | Rauhoff, Millard A. | 1926 | 1926/Police Magistrate |
350 | Rauhoff, Millard A. | 1927 | 1927/Police Magistrate |
350 | Rauhoff, Millard A. | NR | Photo/Former Police Magistrate |
98 | Rauwolf, Andrew | NR | Married Annie Bauman |
206 | Rauwolf, Andrew Sr. | NR | Early settlers & Founder St. Benedict Cath. Ch |
335 | Rauwolf, Anna M. | 1918 | Victim of Spanish Influenza |
231 | Rauwolf, F. X. | 1935 | Library Board/BI Public Library/Board Member |
304 | Rauwolf, F. X. | 1935-1936 | Library Board Member |
343 | Rauwolf, F. X. | 1934 | Appointed to library board |
230-231 | Rauwolf, F. X. | 1903 | Local Builder/Awarded contract for new Library |
98 | Rauwolf, Frank | NR | Married Rosa Bauman |
144 | Rauwolf, Frank X. | 1900-1901 | Trustee |
260 | Rauwolf, Frank X. | 1923 | Reappointed Library Board of Directors |
142 | Rauwolf, Mr. | 1901 | Trustee |
378 | Rauwolf, Mrs. Agnes | 1929 | Died 1/14/1929 |
378 | Rauwolf, Mrs. Elizabeth | 1922 | Died 4/12/1922/Age 51 |
244 | Ray, Col. W. A. | 1890 | Incorporator/Calumet State Bank/Pres. |
323 | Ray, Frank | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Army |
243 | Raymond, Miss Nellie | 1923 | Lived on third floor of Grand Theater Bldg. |
251 | Read, Dr. E. C. | 1880's | Advertiser in the BI Standard |
366 | Reali, Ruth | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
366 | Reali, Ruth | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
236 | Reardon, Beatrice | 1935 | Catholic Daught. Of Amer./Lecturer |
378 | Reardon, Mrs. Mary | 1935 | Died 6/2/1935/Age 54/Wife of Patrick |
239 | Redinour, Selina | 1935 | Ladies Aux. BRT, Roy. Neig. Ldg/Conductress |
378 | Reed, Clarence Robert | 1927 | Died 11/30/1927/Age 31/at Hamlet, IN |
92 | Reed, Fayette | 1897 | Span. Amer. War/Corporal |
252 | Reed, May | 1880's | Printer's Assistant |
302 | Reed, S. C. | NR | Proprietor of the "Standard" |
134 | Reed, S. C. | 1887 | 12/6/1887, Elected Police Magistrate |
144 | Reed, S. C. | 1895-1896 | Police Magistrate |
144 | Reed, S. C. | 1896-1897 | Police Magistrate |
252 | Reed, S. C. | 1884 | Bought Standard Herald from Eugene Pope |
252 | Reed, S. C. | 1934 | Died, Hamlet, IN., 1/3/1934 |
252 | Reed, S. C. | 1934 | Buried Mr. Greenwood Cemetery |
157 | Reed, S. T. | NR | Officer Grand Trunk Railway System |
91 | Reed, Stephen C. | 1864-5 | Civil War/Co. F, 98th NY Infan./Dis. 1863 |
91 | Reed, Stephen C. | 1864-5 | Civil War/Reenlist.1864, Co. G, 39th IL Infan. |
91 | Reed, Stephen C. | 1864-5 | Civil War/Mustered out 12/6/1865 |
379 | Reed, Stephen Collin | 1934 | Died 1/9/1934/Age 87/Active in Masonic affairs |
379 | Reed, Stephen Collin | 1884-1888 | Publisher of the BI Sun Standard 1884-1888 |
379 | Reed, Stephen Collin | 1887 | Police magistrate 1887 |
286 | Reed, William | 1895-1896 | Financier revived project for street railway in BI |
287 | Reed, William | 1907 | Experienced financial troubles |
144 | Reed. S. C. | 1888-1889 | Police Magistrate |
144 | Reed. S. C. | 1889-1890 | Police Magistrate |
144 | Reed. S. C. | 1890-1891 | Police Magistrate |
144 | Reed. S. C. | 1891-1892 | Police Magistrate |
144 | Reed. S. C. | 1892-1893 | Police Magistrate |
144 | Reed. S. C. | 1893-1894 | Police Magistrate |
144 | Reed. S. C. | 1894-1895 | Police Magistrate |
228 | Reeder, Mrs. Glenn | 1935 | Elect. BI Coun. of Parent. & Teach./Vice Pres. |
379 | Reen, Caroline | 1922 | Died 11/15/1922/Age 90 |
136 | Rehm, J. F. | 1890 | 9/1/1890 Rec'd Right of Way from RR |
118 | Rehm, Jacob | NR | Married Winnie Wuest |
113 | Rehm, Jacob Frederick | NR | Born Chicago, 9/2/1852 |
113 | Rehm, Jacob Frederick | NR | Married Minnie Wuest, 3/2/1882 |
113 | Rehm, Jacob Frederick | NR | Chicago Brokerage Bus./BI Village Pres. |
135 | Rehm, Jacob F. | 1890 | 6/2/1890, member Board of Health-Pres |
144 | Rehm, Jacob F. | 1890-1891 | President of the Board |
144 | Rehm, Jacob F. | 1891-1892 | President of the Board |
144 | Rehm, Jacob F. | 1892-1893 | President of the Board |
144 | Rehm, Jacob F. | 1897-1898 | President of the Board |
144 | Rehm, Jacob F. | 1898-1899 | President of the Board |
144 | Rehm, Jacob F. | 1899-1900 | President of the Board |
244 | Rehm, Jacob F. | 1887 | Incorporator of BI Savings & Loan/Director |
61 | Rehm, Mayor Jacob F. | 1897 | Speech at Dedication of Concordia Hall |
135 | Rehm, Mr. | 1890 | President of Vill. Board |
379 | Rehmeyer, Orley V. | 1928 | Died 3/21/1928/Age 32 |
379 | Rehmeyer, Roy | 1925 | Died 3/7/1925/Age 36 |
305 | Reich, August C. | 1935 | Justice of Peace/13720 Indiana Ave. Riverdale |
251 | Reich, F. A. | 1880's | Advertiser in the BI Standard |
379 | Reich, Frederick | 1924 | Died 1/8/1924/Age 45 |
356 | Reich, Otto | 1935 | Of Beverly Hills/Judge for Centennial Parade |
356 | Reich, Otto F. | 1935 | Chicago Attorney/BI Pioneer/gave address |
62 | Reichel, Kurt | 1920's | President/Member of the Liederkranz |
366 | Reichel, Kurt | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
366 | Reichel, Mrs. K. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
112 | Reichert, Andrew | NR | Child of Maria Wagner & George Reichert |
112 | Reichert, Andrew | NR | Not Married |
379 | Reichert, Andrew | 1925 | Died 3/23/1925/Age 54 |
32 | Reichert, George | NR | Home Location |
112 | Reichert, George | 1850's | Native of Ulstadt, Ger./Arriv. BI 1850's |
112 | Reichert, George | NR | Married Maria Wagner |
67 | Reichert, H. C. | 1840-60's | Legal Services during 1840-60's |
112 | Reichert, John | NR | Child of Maria Wagner & George Reichert |
112 | Reichert, John | NR | Married Augusta Volp/daugh. Of Henry Volp |
117 | Reichert, John | NR | Married Augusta Volp |
112 | Reichert, Rosina | NR | Child of Maria Wagner & George Reichert |
112 | Reichert, Rosina | NR | Married Fred Voigt |
112 | Reichert, Theresa | NR | Child of Maria Wagner & George Reichert |
112 | Reichert, Theresa | NR | Married Charles Johler |
143 | Reid, S. C. | 1887-1888 | Police Magist. (Part. term-replaced Ellfeldt) |
214 | Reiley, Rev. | NR | Universalist preacher |
71 | Reiner, Andrew | 1889 | Trustee of Old Blue Island Cemetery Asso |
97 | Reiner, Andrew | 1876 | Married Emma Seyfarth/Only son of Bernard |
112 | Reiner, Andrew | NR | Child of Bernhard Reiner |
112 | Reiner, Andrew | NR | Township Supervisor/Supt. Of Public Works |
112 | Reiner, Andrew | NR | 1st male child born in village |
130 | Reiner, Andrew | 1880 | Petitioner for tile pipe sewer |
138 | Reiner, Andrew | 1894 | Appoint. Supt. Of Electric Light & Water Plant |
143 | Reiner, Andrew | 1887-1888 | Supt. Of Public Works |
144 | Reiner, Andrew | 1888-1889 | Supt. of Streets |
144 | Reiner, Andrew | 1889-1890 | Supt. of Streets |
144 | Reiner, Andrew | 1893-1894 | Supt. Of Public Works |
144 | Reiner, Andrew | 1897-1898 | Trustee |
144 | Reiner, Andrew | 1898-1899 | Trustee |
379 | Reiner, Andrew L. | 1933 | Died 11/26/1933/Age 56/Son on BI pioneers |
31 | Reiner, Bernhard | Late 1850's | First German Settlers |
112 | Reiner, Bernhard | 1847 | From Bavaria, Ger./Arriv. BI 7/4/1847 |
112 | Reiner, Bernhard | NR | 2nd German to locate in BI/Tavern owner |
112 | Reiner, Bernhard | 1855 | Died 9/28/1855 |
379 | Reiner, Frank Joseph | 1935 | Died 7/22/1935/Age 91/Civil War Vet |
164 | Reiner, John W. | 1901 | Public Library Board, 2nd Ward |
357 | Reiner, John W. | 1935 | BI Resident 35 yrs./10230 Lowe Av |
230-231 | Reiner, John W. | 1901 | Appointed by Mayor/BI Public Library |
112 | Reiner, Mrs. | NR | Married 2nd to Franz Gaenzehals |
379 | Reiner, Mrs. Emma | NR | Daughter of John Seyfarth |
379 | Reiner, Mrs. Emma | 1935 | Died 7/5/1935/Age 85/Wife of Andrew |
116 | Reinholt, Catherine | NR | Married John Frederick Steffes Sr. |
343 | Reinke, Fred W. | 1934 | 4/1/71934 Ran for Alderman 4th Ward |
199 | Reinke, Pastor A. | 1864 | Pastor for seven years |
199 | Reinke, Rev. A. | 1864-1871 | Pastor/1st Evan. Luther. Chur. of BI/1864-1871 |
204 | Reitzel, Rev. | 1887- | Pastor/Congregational Church |
249 | Rempe, Father F. A. | NR | Pastor St. Benedict Church |
249 | Rempe, Father F. A. | NR | Conceived idea of Hospital for Blue Island |
206 | Rempe, Rev. Francis | 1904-1905 | Monsignor/Pastor St. Bened./1904-1905 |
249 | Rempe, Rev. Monsignor F. A. | 1915 | Delivered Dedication sermon for new hospital |
323 | Renaud, Ernst C. | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Army |
235 | Renfro, Bertha | 1913 | Woodmen Circle # 80/Inner Sentinel |
235 | Renfro, Ida | 1935 | Amer. Legion Ladies Auxill./Right Color Bearer |
236 | Renfro, Martha | 1935 | Woman's Relief Corps/President |
364 | Renfro, Mrs. Ida | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
234 | Renfro, Mrs. M. | 1920 | American Legion Ladies Auxiliary/Commander |
379 | Renfro, William | 1922 | Died 3/19/1922/Age 48 |
212 | Renzullo, Rev. P. | NR | Of Chicago Heights/Pastor of St. Donatus |
209 | Rettke, Frank | 1920's | Bldg. Committee/Evangelical Comm Ch. |
241 | Rettke, Marian | 1936 | Sunshine Camp # 3761, RNA/Inner Sentinel |
280 | Rettke, Mr. | 1929 | Son-in-law of Mrs. Edna Stewart |
280 | Rettke, Mr. | 1929 | Notified police of Buchholz murder |
241 | Rettke, Nellie | 1936 | Sunshine Camp # 3761, RNA/Vice Oracle |
365 | Rettker, Alice | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
49 | Reusnow, Carl | 1860's | Established Brick Yard |
357 | Reusnow, E. | 1935 | BI Resident1859-1885/7034 S. Park Ave, Chgo |
358 | Reusnow, Mrs. Louis | 1935 | BI Resident 83 1/2 yrs. |
113 | Reuss, Brothers | NR | Grandsons of Thies Reuss/Grocers |
379 | Reuss, Claus | 1929 | Died 5/20/1929/Age 65 |
379 | Reuss, John | 1925 | Died 6/29/1925 |
235 | Reuss, John A. | 1935 | Knights of Columbus/Deputy Grand Knight |
379 | Reuss, Mrs. Anna | 1925 | Died 8/17/1925/Age 61 |
112 | Reuss, Thies | 1850's | From Germany/Arriv. BI 1850's/Grocery Store |
236 | Reuss, Thies | 1895 | Charter Member/Plattdeutsche Gilde Germ. #37 |
356 | Reussnow, Mrs. Louise | 1935 | 2nd Prize for oldest BI resident-84 yrs. |
379 | Reussnow, Theodore | 1927 | Died 8/17/1927/Age 83/Son of first BI settlers |
379 | Reuter, John | 1927 | Died 9/17/1927/Age 73 |
289 | Rexfod, Norman | NR | Brother of Stephen Rexford |
29 | Rexford | Circa 1849 | Families Professing Universalistic Faith |
251 | Rexford & Prentice | 1880's | Attorneys/ Early advertisers in BI Standard |
93 | Rexford, Alma Zeruia | NR | Child of Stephen H. Rexford & Susan Wattles |
236 | Rexford, Almira C. | 1889 | Charter Member Women' Relief Corp |
93 | Rexford, Anna | NR | Wife of Germanicus Cooley |
93 | Rexford, Anna | NR | Child of Benajah Rexford & Z. Squier |
93 | Rexford, Anna Louise | NR | Child of Stephen H. Rexford & Susan Wattles |
93 | Rexford, Anna Louise | NR | Wife of Charles A. Bellamy |
123 | Rexford, B. N. | 1872 | 7/5/1872 Petitioners for Village Organiz. |
93 | Rexford, Benajah | NR | Married First to Zeruia Squier |
93 | Rexford, Benajah | 1862 | Died March 25, 1862 |
93 | Rexford, Benajah | NR | Wed 2nd to Roxanna Ayer of Stainstead, CT |
93 | Rexford, Betsy L. | NR | Child of Benajah Rexford & Roxanne Ayer |
201 | Rexford, Bros. | 1895 | Cement work for M. E. Church |
110 | Rexford, Caroline C. | NR | Married Henry H. Massey |
22 | Rexford, Charles | NR | Child of Norman Barton Rexford |
94 | Rexford, Charles | NR | Child of Norman B. Rexford/ Twin of Charles |
110 | Rexford, Clarissa C. | NR | Married Henry H. Massey |
93 | Rexford, Clarissa Caroline | NR | Wife of Henry H. Massey |
93 | Rexford, Clarissa Caroline | NR | Child of Norman Rexford & Julia Wattles |
144 | Rexford, E. H. | 1897-1898 | Trustee |
144 | Rexford, E. H. | 1898-1899 | Trustee |
144 | Rexford, E. H. | 1899-1900 | Trustee |
216 | Rexford, E. H. | 1887 | Elected Board of Ed. |
163 | Rexford, E. H. | 1901 | 1st Election/Ran for Mayor/114 Votes |
291 | Rexford, E. H. | 1914 | Played coronet at opening of new Post Office |
93 | Rexford, Eliza | NR | Child of Benajah Rexford & Z. Squier |
93 | Rexford, Elizabeth | NR | Died in Youth |
93 | Rexford, Elizabeth | NR | Child of Norman Rexford & Julia Wattles |
101 | Rexford, Elsie Ann | NR | Married Germanicus Cooley |
94 | Rexford, Emily | NR | Child of Heber S. Rexford & Laura Bisbee |
94 | Rexford, Emily | NR | Married M. T. DeWitt |
167 | Rexford, Everett | 1909 | 4/20/1909. Ran for Mayor |
21 | Rexford, Everett H. | NR | Son of Heber S. Rexford |
26 | Rexford, Everett H. | 1893-99 | Photo/Village Trustee/Pres. Village Board |
31 | Rexford, Everett H. | NR | Son of Heber S. Rexford |
90 | Rexford, Everett H. | 1861-63 | Civil War/Bugler in Co. A, First IL Light Artil. |
94 | Rexford, Everett H. | NR | Child of Heber S. Rexford & Laura Bisbee |
94 | Rexford, Everett H. | NR | Wed Sarah Robinson/Daug. of Charles D. |
94 | Rexford, Everett H. | NR | Village Trustee/Pres Village Board |
95 | Rexford, Everett H. | NR | Married Sarah Robinson |
182 | Rexford, Everett H. | 1920 | Died 1920 |
144 | Rexford, Everett H. | 1893-1894 | President of the Board |
144 | Rexford, Everett H. | 1896-1897 | Trustee |
379 | Rexford, Everett H. | 1920 | Died 1/6/1920/Age 78/Pioneer of Community |
379 | Rexford, Everett H. | NR | Son of Mr & Mrs. Heber Rexford |
379 | Rexford, Everett H. | NR | Trustee/Village Pres./Farming/Real Estate |
379 | Rexford, Everett H. | NR | Civil War Vet/Battle of Shiloh, Vicksburg |
379 | Rexford, Everett H. | NR | Civil War Vet/Battle of Fort Donaldson |
379 | Rexford, Everett H. | NR | Member G. A. R./Chief Bugler/Mason |
379 | Rexford, Everett H. | 1871 | 1871 Married Sarah E. Robinson |
379 | Rexford, Everett H. | NR | Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. C. D. Robinson |
379 | Rexford, Everett H. | 1920 | Died at home of Mrs. George Pettijohn (Daugh) |
93 | Rexford, Fannie I. | NR | Married John Clark |
93 | Rexford, Fannie I. | NR | Child of Stephen H. Rexford & Elvira Barber |
23 | Rexford, Fayette | 1838 | Son of Norman Rexford, First Mailcarrier |
85 | Rexford, Fayette | NR | Found stone implements |
93 | Rexford, Fayette D. | NR | Married Julia Post |
93 | Rexford, Fayette D. | NR | Child of Norman Rexford & Julia Wattles |
22 | Rexford, Frank | NR | Child of Norman Barton Rexford |
36 | Rexford, Frank | 1840-50's | Photo/Son of Burton Rexford |
94 | Rexford, Frank | NR | Child of Norman Barton Rexford |
22 | Rexford, Fred | NR | Child of Norman Barton Rexford |
94 | Rexford, Fred | NR | Child of Norman Barton Rexford/Twin of Fred |
20 | Rexford, Fred K. | NR | Artist |
157 | Rexford, H. S. | NR | Officer Grand Trunk Railway System |
40 | Rexford, Heber | NR | His recall of Wildlife in early days |
83 | Rexford, Heber | 1840's | Stage couch driver |
85 | Rexford, Heber | NR | Personal account of the early days |
21 | Rexford, Heber S. | 1832 | Arrived Chicago 1832/Brother of Norman |
67 | Rexford, Heber S. | 1840-60's | Legal Services during 1840-60's |
67 | Rexford, Heber S. | 1830-40's | Performed First Marriage in the settlement |
70 | Rexford, Heber S. | 1847 | Recollection of the Sickly Years |
93 | Rexford, Heber S. | NR | Child of Benajah Rexford & Z. Squier |
94 | Rexford, Heber S. | NR | Just. of Peace/Mailcarrier/Farmer/Cnty Treas. |
94 | Rexford, Heber S. | 1809 | Born May 12, 1809, Chittenden County, NY |
94 | Rexford, Heber S. | NR | Married to First Wife, Laura Bisbee |
94 | Rexford, Heber S. | NR | Wed to 2nd wife, Elizabeth Smith, |
94 | Rexford, Heber S. | 1885 | Died March 7, 1885 at 76 years |
106 | Rexford, Heber S. | NR | Married Fannie Huntington |
31 | Rexford, Heber S. | 1847 | Mailcarrier/Farmer/Village Treasurer1870 |
93 | Rexford, Heber Squier | NR | Child of Norman Rexford & Julia Wattles |
93 | Rexford, Heber Squier | NR | Husband of Fanny Huntington |
379 | Rexford, Henry | 1928 | Died 3/17/1928/Age 73 |
94 | Rexford, Henry L. | NR | Child of Stephen H. Rexford & Elvira Barber |
94 | Rexford, Henry L. | NR | Prominent Chicago Attorney |
94 | Rexford, Henry L. | 1879 | Born 10/6/1854/Union Coll. of Law 1879 |
94 | Rexford, Henry L. | 1881 | Law Firm of Rexford & Prentice 1881 |
93 | Rexford, Isabel | NR | Wife of Fayette Dickson |
93 | Rexford, Isabel | NR | Child of Benajah Rexford & Z. Squier |
93 | Rexford, Julia | NR | Married James B. Massey |
93 | Rexford, Julia | NR | Child of Norman Rexford & Julia Wattles |
93 | Rexford, Julia Ellen | NR | Child of Stephen H. Rexford & Susan Wattles |
93 | Rexford, Julia Ellen | NR | Wife of Charles R. Morgan |
257 | Rexford, Justice Heber | 1857 | Held inquest/death of Seeman on RI RR tracks |
67 | Rexford, Justice of the Peace | 1837 | Performed Second Marriage in the settlement |
93 | Rexford, Laura A. | NR | Child of Norman Rexford & Julia Wattles |
93 | Rexford, Laura A. | NR | Wife of A. B. Kyle |
94 | Rexford, Laura Ballard | NR | Child of Everett Rexford and Sarah Robinson |
94 | Rexford, Laura Ballard | NR | Married George Pettijohn |
94 | Rexford, Laura Bisbee | 1856 | Died 1856 |
93 | Rexford, Louis A. | NR | Child of Stephen H. Rexford & Elvira Barber |
93 | Rexford, Louis A. | NR | Married Minnie S. Swan |
93 | Rexford, Louise A. | NR | Child of Benajah Rexford & Roxanne Ayer |
93 | Rexford, Mary C. | NR | Child of Stephen H. Rexford & Elvira Barber |
93 | Rexford, Mary C. | NR | Wife of Joseph Eames |
87 | Rexford, Mary D. | 1844 | Died of scarlet fever/Age 3 yrs., I mo., 9 days |
87 | Rexford, Mary D. | 1844 | Daughter of Norman and Julia |
93 | Rexford, Mary D. | NR | Died in Youth |
93 | Rexford, Mary D. | NR | Child of Norman Rexford & Julia Wattles |
115 | Rexford, Minerva | NR | From Zanesville, OH/Married Nathanial Sherwood |
229 | Rexford, Mr. | 1897 | Petitioned for a Public Library |
224 | Rexford, Mrs. Barton | 1890's | Charter Member BI Women's Club/ |
215 | Rexford, Mrs. Everett | 1854 | Teacher at first Whittier school |
224 | Rexford, Mrs. Everett | 1890's | Charter Member BI Women's Club/ |
228 | Rexford, Mrs. Fred | NR | Took comfort kits to Chicago/Women's WW |
20 | Rexford, Mrs. Julia, Norman's Wife | NR | Photo Courtesy of Fred K. Rexford |
224 | Rexford, Mrs. Mary I. | 1913-1914 | Pres./BI Women's Club/1913-1914 |
379 | Rexford, Mrs. Sarah Robinson | 1914 | Died 6/22/1914/Age 69/Wife of Everett H. |
379 | Rexford, Mrs. Sarah Robinson | NR | Daughter of Pioneer Settlers |
20 | Rexford, Norman | 1836 | Builder BI House/Second White Settler |
20 | Rexford, Norman | NR | Photo Courtesy of Fred K. Rexford |
21 | Rexford, Norman | Born 6/4/1802 | Second White Settler |
23 | Rexford, Norman | 1838 | First Postmaster |
23 | Rexford, Norman | 1868 | First Postmaster |
93 | Rexford, Norman | NR | Child of Benajah Rexford & Z. Squier |
93 | Rexford, Norman | 1802-83 | B. 6/4/1802/Charlotte, VT/Died 3/25/1883 |
93 | Rexford, Norman | 1828 | Married Julia Wattles of Ripley, NY, 1/10/1828 |
93 | Rexford, Norman | NR | First Postmaster |
360 | Rexford, Norman | 1835 | Arriv. Chgo. 6/5/1835/Native of Charlotte, VT. |
361 | Rexford, Norman | 1838 | First BI Postmaster |
361 | Rexford, Norman | NR | Father of Fayette Rexford |
22 | Rexford, Norman Barton | NR | Photo Courtesy of Fred K. Rexford |
58 | Rexford, Norman Barton | 1836 | First male child born in the settlement |
93 | Rexford, Norman Barton | NR | Married to First Wife, Jane Smith |
93 | Rexford, Norman Barton | NR | Married to second wife, Almira Myrick |
93 | Rexford, Norman Barton | NR | Married Jane Smith |
93 | Rexford, Norman Barton | NR | Child of Norman Rexford & Julia Wattles |
94 | Rexford, Norman Barton | 1836 | First White Child born in Blue Island |
93 | Rexford, Olive H. | NR | Child of Benajah Rexford & Roxanne Ayer |
178 | Rexford, R. | 1917 | 4/17/1917 Ran for Mayor |
91 | Rexford, Roscoe E. | 1861 | Civil War/Brother of Everett H. Rexford |
91 | Rexford, Roscoe E. | 1861 | Civil War/Co. A, 1st Light Artil./Died of Illness |
94 | Rexford, Roscoe E. | NR | Child of Heber S. Rexford & Laura Bisbee |
93 | Rexford, Ruth | NR | Daughter of Benajah/ Died in Childbirth |
236 | Rexford, Sarah D. | 1889 | Charter Member Women' Relief Corp |
93 | Rexford, Sarah Elsie | NR | Child of Stephen H. Rexford & Susan Wattles |
93 | Rexford, Sarah Elsie | NR | Wife of Emerson E. Bellamy |
93 | Rexford, Sophronia H. | NR | Child of Benajah Rexford & Roxanne Ayer |
88 | Rexford, Stephan | 1850 | Married to Elvira Barber of Wordsboro, Vt. |
93 | Rexford, Stephen | NR | Child of Stephen H. Rexford & Susan Wattles |
93 | Rexford, Stephen | NR | Married 2nd Elvira R. Barber, a widow |
289 | Rexford, Stephen | 1844 | Blue Island Postmaster/ |
289 | Rexford, Stephen | NR | Brother of Norman Rexford |
58 | Rexford, Stephen A. | 1850 | Commission to divide Cook County townships |
93 | Rexford, Stephen H. | NR | Child of Benajah Rexford & Z. Squier |
93 | Rexford, Stephen H. | 1804-80 | Born May 4, 1804, Died 10/7/1880 |
93 | Rexford, Stephen H. | NR | Husband of First wife, Susan Wattles |
22 | Rexford, Susan | NR | Child of Norman Barton Rexford |
94 | Rexford, Susan | NR | Child of Norman Barton Rexford |
87 | Rexford, Susan B. | 1849 | Died 7/4/1949/ Married to Stephan Rexford |
93 | Rexford, Susan Eliza | NR | Child of Stephen H. Rexford & Susan Wattles |
93 | Rexford, Susan Eliza | NR | Wife of John W. Waughop |
93 | Rexford, Thomas Ayer | NR | Child of Benajah Rexford & Roxanne Ayer |
140 | Rexford, Trustee | 1897 | Motion to establish Public Library |
144 | Rexford, W. S. | 1893-1894 | Treasurer |
93 | Rexford, Wilder A. | NR | Child of Benajah Rexford & Roxanne Ayer |
94 | Rexford, Wilder A. | NR | Married Ann Holcomb |
22 | Rexford, Will | NR | Child of Norman Barton Rexford |
94 | Rexford, Will | NR | Child of Norman Barton Rexford |
89 | Rheit, George | 1848 | Third Co. 63rd/106th/Captain |
234 | Rhoades, A. C. | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
379 | Rhode, Arthur | 1929 | Died 2/6/1929/Age 30 |
101 | Rhode, Edward | NR | Married Annie Consoer |
379 | Rhode, Edward | 1930 | Died 12/22/1930/Age 75 |
379 | Rhode, William | 1933 | Died 11/16/1933/Age 36/Auto accident |
196 | Rhodes, A. C. | 1927 | Mgr. Local Telephone exchanage/10/1927 |
365 | Ricchio, Arthur | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
365 | Ricchio, Arthur | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
317 | Ricchio, Salvator | 1930 | 4/15/1930 Ran for Alderman 2nd Ward |
233 | Rice, F. A. | 1935 | Harmonize Lodge member/Trustee |
241 | Rice, Fred | 1904 | Sunshine Camp # 3761, RNA/Charter Member |
290 | Rice, Fred | 1901 | Post Office substitute free mail carrier |
309 | Rice, Fred | 1935-1936 | Photo/Mayor |
345 | Rice, Fred | 1935 | 4/16/1935 Elected Mayor |
350 | Rice, Fred | 1933 | 1933/Treasurer |
350 | Rice, Fred | 1934 | 1934/Treasurer |
355 | Rice, Fred | 1935 | Committee to plan Centennial Celebration |
304 | Rice, Fred A. | 1935-1936 | Mayor |
223 | Rice, Fred A. | 1935 | Member BI Lions Club 12/15/1935 |
291 | Rice, Fred A. | 1932 | Retired from Post Office in 1932 |
291 | Rice, Fred A. | 1933 | Elected City Treasurer in 1933 |
291 | Rice, Fred A. | 1935 | Elected Mayor of Blue Island |
341 | Rice, Fred A. | 1933 | 4/24/1933 Ran for City Treasurer |
341 | Rice, Fred A. | 1933 | City Treasurer/Bond accepted |
350 | Rice, Fred A. | 1935 | 1935/Mayor |
358 | Rice, Fred A. | 1935 | BI Resident 45 yrs. |
241 | Rice, Lettice | 1904 | Sunshine Camp # 3761, RNA/Charter Member |
367 | Rice, Mary Jane | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
250 | Rice, Mayor Fred | 1935 | Member So. Shore Boy Scout Exec. Comm. |
359 | Rice, Mayor Fred | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Mardi Gras Committee |
359 | Rice, Mayor Fred | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Centennial Ball Committee |
359 | Rice, Mayor Fred | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Properties Committee |
359 | Rice, Mayor Fred A. | 1935 | BI Centennial Asso./Exec. Comm. & Director |
356 | Rice, Mr. & Mrs. Fred | 1935 | Principles-wedding scene-Centen. Celebration |
356 | Rice, Mr. & Mrs. Fred | 1935 | Celebration 50th wedding anniversary |
356 | Rice, Mr. & Mrs. Fred | 1935 | Came to BI in 1898 |
241 | Rice, Mrs. Lettice | 1904 | Organized Sunshine Camp # 3761, RNA |
105 | Rich, Katherine | 1851 | Native of Bavaria, Ger. |
105 | Rich, Katherine | 1911 | Died 4/14/1911 |
108 | Rich, Margaret | NR | Married Carl Kott |
206 | Richard, Rev. | 1865-1904 | Pastor/ St. Benedict Parish |
217 | Richards, H. L. | 1935 | Elect. Supt. Of the High School |
221 | Richards, H. L. | NR | Supt. Blue Island Community High School |
224 | Richards, H. L. | 1935 | Member BI Lions Club 12/15/1935 |
236 | Richards, Leona | 1935 | Woman's Relief Corps/Guard |
367 | Richards, Marilyn | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
364 | Richards, Mrs. Ruth | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
243 | Ricker, Mr. | NR | Manager Princess Theater |
379 | Rickey, Benjamin | 1923 | Died 2/16/1923/Age 78 |
235 | Rickhoff, Helen | 1920 | BI Rebekah Ldg. 300/Conductor |
241 | Rickoff, Amelia | 1936 | Sunshine Camp # 3761, RNA/Faith |
379 | Rickoff, Fred C. | 1933 | Died 9/6/1933/Age 68 |
379 | Rickoff, Mrs. Bertha | 1932 | Died 2/19/1932/Age 31 |
379 | Rickoff, Mrs. Christine | 1923 | Died 3/29/1923 |
366 | Ricks, Henry | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
128 | Riddle, Mr. | 1874 | Supt. Of Rock Island RR. Company |
128 | Riddle, Mr. | 1874 | Superintendent of R. R. Company |
239 | Riddle, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
367 | Ridenour, Alden | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
109 | Riegel, Mina | NR | Married Henry Kott |
323 | Riehm, Sergeant-Major | 1918 | Escorted body of Steffes to Blue Island |
134 | Ries, Father Bruno | 1887 | Of St. Benedict's Catholic Church |
134 | Ries, Father Bruno | 1887 | Submitted plan for subdiv. old Cath. Cemetery |
116 | Rietch, Emma | NR | Married Paul Staffel |
323 | Ringquist, Nels A. | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Army |
31 | Rinkenberger Family | Late 1850's | First German Settlers |
241 | Rinkenberger, A. C. | 1894 | Knights of Pythias Lodge # 463/Charter Memb. |
123 | Rinkenberger, C. | 1872 | 7/5/1872 Petitioners for Village Organiz. |
234 | Rinkenberger, Christian | 1874 | Charter Member Lodge # 716 A. F. & A. M. |
99 | Rinkenberger, Mina | NR | Married August Biederman/Sister of Christian |
118 | Rinkenburger, Lydia | NR | Married Levi Wingate/Had four children |
379 | Rio, G. B. | 1935 | Died 4/27/1935/Age 73 |
225 | Rio, Minnie | 1929 | BI Jr. Women's Club/Correspond. Sec. |
379 | Rippe, Henry Sr. | 1925 | Died 5/20/1925/Age 73 |
379 | Rippe, Mrs. Amelia Margaret | 1929 | Died 1/3/1929/Age 64 |
176 | Rippet, Robert | 1915 | Appointed Patrolman |
379 | Rippet, Robert A. | 1931 | Died 10/25/1931/Age 69/At Portland, OR |
366 | Roach, Helen | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
366 | Roach, Helen | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
366 | Roach, Margie | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
379 | Roberts, Mrs. Vertus B. | 1920 | Died 9/1/1920/Age 53/Wife of City Civil Engin. |
179 | Roberts, V. B. | 1917 | 5/21/1917 Appointed Civil Engineer |
172 | Roberts, Vertus | 1913 | Appointed City Engineer |
117 | Roberts, Vertus B. | NR | Married Hattie Wiebking |
165 | Roberts, Vertus B. | 1903 | Appointed City Engineer to replace P. Fletcher |
379 | Roberts, Vertus B. | 1929 | Died 6/23/1929Age 68/Former City Civil Engin. |
364 | Robertson, H. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
315 | Robertson, John R. | 1929 | Owned land in zoning dispute |
323 | Robertson, Louis | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Engineer. Corps |
379 | Robertson, Mrs. Dorothea | 1930 | Died 5/2/1930/Age 67 |
117 | Robertson, Thomas | NR | Married Dora Wiebking |
29 | Robey | Circa 1849 | Families Professing Universalistic Faith |
379 | Robinso, Charles B. | 1928 | Died 1/1/1928/Age 77/Pioneer/RR conductor |
71 | Robinson Family | 1849 | Two Servants buried in Robinson's Grove |
78 | Robinson Family | NR | Account of the early years |
79 | Robinson Family | NR | Seven daughters/three sons |
95 | Robinson James | NR | Child of Charles D. Robinson & Emily Ballard |
83 | Robinson, "Old Man" | NR | Expert rifle handler |
151 | Robinson, Agent | 1868 | Rock Island RR Agent/Suburban Line |
36 | Robinson, Alexander (Chechepinqua) | 1874 | Friendly Indian Chief |
95 | Robinson, Anna Chapman | NR | Child of Charles Drake Robinson & Emily Ballard |
95 | Robinson, Anna Chapman | NR | Married Edwin O. Fuller |
151 | Robinson, Ben | 1868 | Rock Island RR Conductor/Suburban Line |
95 | Robinson, Benjamin | NR | Child of Charles D. Robinson & Emily Ballard |
95 | Robinson, Benjamin | NR | Married Minnie Poole |
45 | Robinson, C.D. | 1845-50 | First Lumber Yard |
95 | Robinson, Charles | NR | Son of Mrs. C. B. Robinson |
71 | Robinson, Charles D. | 1849 | Died in Cholera epidemic 1849 |
71 | Robinson, Charles D. | 1849 | Buried in Robinson's Grove |
71 | Robinson, Charles D. | 1867 | Conveyed deed For BI Cemetery |
78 | Robinson, Charles Drake | 1840 | From NY/ Married to Emily Ballard |
78 | Robinson, Charles Drake | 1840 | Arrived settlement 1840 |
79 | Robinson, Charles Drake | 1893 | Died 5/222/1893/Buried Mt. Greenwood Cem. |
94 | Robinson, Charles Drake | NR | Child of Henry Robinson and Elizabeth Bingle |
94 | Robinson, Charles Drake | NR | Married Emily Ballard |
95 | Robinson, Charles Drake | 1811-93 | Born 2/15/1811, 5/23/1893 |
123 | Robinson, Chas. D. | 1872 | 7/5/1872 Petitioners for Village Organiz. |
28 | Robinson, D. O. | 1840's | Teacher in the First School, last Terms |
45 | Robinson, D. O. | NR | Owner of Carpenter Shop |
52 | Robinson, D. O. | 1840's | Carpenter |
94 | Robinson, Daniel | NR | Married Jane Kelley |
67 | Robinson, Daniel O. | 1840-60's | Legal Services during 1840-60's |
94 | Robinson, Daniel O. | 1836 | Carpenter/Real Estate |
94 | Robinson, Daniel O. | 1836 | Justice Of Peace/School Director |
95 | Robinson, Daughter | NR | Mrs. Sam. D. Huntington |
115 | Robinson, Dr. | NR | 2nd Husband of Lucinda Sherwood |
225 | Robinson, Elizabeth R. | NR | The BI Women's Club, In Memoriam of |
46 | Robinson, Em | NR | Early School Days |
71 | Robinson, Emily | 1867 | Conveyed deed For BI Cemetery |
95 | Robinson, Emily | NR | Child of Charles D. Robinson & Emily Ballard |
95 | Robinson, Emily | NR | Married Harry Morgan |
78 | Robinson, Emily Ballard | 1840 | From NY/ Married to Charles Robinson |
78 | Robinson, Emily Ballard | 1840 | Arrived settlement 1840 |
79 | Robinson, Emily Ballard | 1887 | Buried Mr. Greenwood Cemetery |
79 | Robinson, Family | NR | Henry, Eliz., Charles D, & Mrs. Edgar Doane |
95 | Robinson, Florence | NR | Child of Charles D. & Emily Ballard |
95 | Robinson, Florence | NR | Married Dr. F. S. Kauffman |
123 | Robinson, H. B. | 1872 | 7/5/1872 Petitioners for Village Organiz. |
126 | Robinson, H. B. | 1874 | 4/21/1873/Appoint. Vill. Clerk to fill vacancy |
132 | Robinson, H. B. | 1883 | Appointed Oil Inspector |
140 | Robinson, H. B. | 1897 | 2 year term/Dir. Of Public Library |
143 | Robinson, H. B. | 1874-1875 | Clerk (Partial term, replaced Charles Trapp) |
144 | Robinson, H. B. | 1900-1901 | Director of Public Library |
164 | Robinson, H. B. | 1901 | Public Library Board, 4th Ward |
251 | Robinson, H. B. | 1880's | Advertiser in the BI Standard |
23 | Robinson, H. B. | NR | Pioneer Postmaster |
229 | Robinson, H. B. | 1897 | Elected Director/BI Public Library |
244 | Robinson, H. B. | 1890 | Incorporator/Calumet State Bank |
230-231 | Robinson, H. B. | 1901 | Appointed by Mayor/BI Public Library |
71 | Robinson, Harry | NR | Buried in Robinson's Grove |
71 | Robinson, Harry | NR | Brother of Charles D. Robinson |
79 | Robinson, Harry | NR | Son of Charles D. Robinson/Died of Cholera |
79 | Robinson, Harry | NR | Father of two daughters |
79 | Robinson, Harry | NR | '49er gold seeker in CA/ father of Susan |
94 | Robinson, Harry | NR | Child of Henry Robinson and Elizabeth Bingle |
94 | Robinson, Harry | NR | Married Clara DeMinge |
95 | Robinson, Harry | 1849 | Died of Cholera 1849 |
229 | Robinson, Harry B. | 1891 | Blue Island Library Asso./Secretary |
234 | Robinson, Harry B. | 1874 | Charter Member Lodge # 716 A. F. & A. M. |
22 | Robinson, Henry | NR | Settler/General Store Owner |
23 | Robinson, Henry | NR | Pioneer Postmaster |
79 | Robinson, Henry | NR | Son of Charles Drake Robinson |
79 | Robinson, Henry | NR | Father of Charles D. Robinson |
79 | Robinson, Henry | 1840 | Early Settler/Married to Elizabeth Bingle |
94 | Robinson, Henry | 1843 | Married Elizabeth Bingle |
94 | Robinson, Henry | 1843 | Rock Island Station agent/Coal Yard operator |
288 | Robinson, Henry | NR | Postmaster/Post office in his general store |
289 | Robinson, Henry | NR | Blue Island Second Postmaster |
24 | Robinson, Henry | 1840's | General Store Owner |
95 | Robinson, Henry B. | NR | First Marriage to Mary Clarkson |
95 | Robinson, Henry B. | NR | Second Marriage to Luna Walde |
95 | Robinson, Henry B. | NR | Third Marriage to Elizabeth Russel |
86 | Robinson, Hugo | 1877 | Accompan. Herman Bose's Body from Florida |
31 | Robinson, J. D. | 1840 | General Merchandising |
94 | Robinson, James | NR | Child of Henry Robinson and Elizabeth Bingle |
94 | Robinson, James | NR | Father of Mrs. Samuel D. Huntington |
94 | Robinson, James | NR | Married Ruth Chadeague |
95 | Robinson, James | NR | Married Jane Egan |
95 | Robinson, Jesse | NR | Child of Charles D. Robinson & Emily Ballard |
95 | Robinson, Jesse | NR | Married Ashley K. Hammon |
79 | Robinson, Joseph | NR | Son of Charles Drake Robinson |
94 | Robinson, Joseph | NR | Married Amelia Kelso |
94 | Robinson, Joseph | NR | Child of Henry Robinson and Elizabeth Bingle |
95 | Robinson, Maud | NR | Child of Charles Drake and Emily Robinson |
95 | Robinson, Maud | NR | Married Richard F. Hayes |
224 | Robinson, Miss Lou | NR | Led "Chorus Club of the Women's Club |
224 | Robinson, Miss Lou | NR | Niece of Mr. H. B. Robinson |
46 | Robinson, Mr. | NR | House location |
224 | Robinson, Mrs. Harry B. | NR | Hold First meeting BI Women's Club in home |
224 | Robinson, Mrs. Harry B. | 1890's | Charter Member BI Women's Club/Temp. Chrm |
358 | Robinson, Mrs. Minnie | 1935 | BI Resident 52 yrs. |
379 | Robinson, Mrs. Minnie C. | 1929 | Died 5/11/1929/at Oakland, CA |
323 | Robinson, Russel | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Army |
379 | Robinson, Russel | 1933 | Died 11/5/1933/Age 54 |
379 | Robinson, Russel | NR | Son of H. B. & Elizabeth Robinson |
215 | Robinson, Sally | 1854 | Teacher at first Whittier school |
94 | Robinson, Sarah | NR | Married Everett Rexford |
95 | Robinson, Sarah | NR | Child of Charles D. Robinson & Emily Ballard |
95 | Robinson, Sarah | NR | Married Everett H. Rexford |
94 | Robinson, Sarah Ann | NR | Child of Henry Robinson and Elizabeth Bingle |
94 | Robinson, Sarah Ann | NR | Married Edgar P. Doane |
79 | Robinson, Susan | NR | Daughter of Joseph Robinson/ Noted actress |
79 | Robinson, Susan | NR | Mother of two children |
95 | Robinson, Susan | 1846-71 | Born 1/2/1846/Died 1871 |
95 | Robinson, Susan | NR | Child of Joseph Robinson & Amelia Kelso |
95 | Robinson, Unknown | NR | Died in Infancy |
95 | Robinson, Unknown | NR | Child of Charles D. Robinson & Emily Ballard |
59 | Robinson's Hall aka Seward Hall | 1859-60 | Social Gathering Place |
29-30 | Roche Family | 1850's | Early Settlement Arrivals |
113 | Roche, Albert | NR | Child of Sarah Wilson & Walter P. Roche |
113 | Roche, Albert | NR | Married Alice Kyle |
123 | Roche, Albert W. | 1872 | 7/5/1872 Petitioners for Village Organiz. |
30 | Roche, Emily | NR | Daughter of Walter P. Roche |
113 | Roche, Emily | NR | Not Married |
113 | Roche, Emily | NR | Child of Sarah Wilson & Walter P. Roche |
216 | Roche, Grace | 1877 | One of first graduate of the Whittier School |
113 | Roche, Grace F. | NR | Child of Sarah Wilson & Walter P. Roche |
113 | Roche, Grace F. | NR | Married Isaac W. Holland |
113 | Roche, Henry J. | NR | Child of Sarah Wilson & Walter P. Roche |
113 | Roche, Henry J. | NR | Married Amanda Homes |
379 | Roche, Henry J. | 1921 | Died 6/12/1921/Age 69/at Glendale, CA |
113 | Roche, James | NR | A Bachelor/ Brother of Walter P. Roche |
224 | Roche, Miss Emily | 1890's | Charter Member BI Women's Club/ |
379 | Roche, Mrs. Alice Kile | 1918 | Died 12/1918/Age 74/Wife of Albert W. |
379 | Roche, Mrs. Sarah | 1922 | Died 5/9/1922/Age 95/Pioneer settler |
113 | Roche, Walter P. | 1855 | Arriv. BI 1855 |
113 | Roche, Walter P. | 1819 | Born Calloway Cnty, MO 7/7/1819 |
113 | Roche, Walter P. | 1896 | Died 4/16/1896 |
113 | Roche, Walter P. | 1847 | Married Sarah Wilson in 1847 |
113 | Roche, Walter P. | 1825-1906 | Born 2/6/1825/Died 2/6/1906 |
113 | Roche, Walter P. | NR | Brother of James Roche |
124 | Roche, Walter P. | 1872 | Trustee Election/115Votes |
126 | Roche, Walter P. | 1873 | 2nd Vill. Election 4/15/1873/Trustee |
30 | Roche, Walter P. | 1854 | Manufactured Cigars and Tobacco |
143 | Roche, Walter P. | 1872-73 | 1st Bd. 10-261872-4/15/1873/Trustee |
143 | Roche, Walter P. | 1873-1874 | Trustee |
30 | Roche's Woods | 1854 | Last Natural Remnant of native woodlands |
113 | Rock Frances | NR | Child of Frederika Schultz & John Free. Rock |
113 | Rock, Alma | NR | Child of Frederika Schultz & John Free. Rock |
113 | Rock, Catherine | NR | Child of John J. Rock & Margaretha C. Janssen |
113 | Rock, John Freeborn | 1854-1928 | Born BI 3/11/1854/Died 1928 |
113 | Rock, John Freeborn | 1894 | Married Frederika Schultz, 9/8/1894 |
113 | Rock, John Freeborn | NR | Rock & Geist Feed Store |
113 | Rock, John Freeborn | NR | Child of John J. Rock & Margaretha C. Janssen |
379 | Rock, John Freeborn | 1927 | Died 12/30/1927/Age 73 |
113 | Rock, John Jacob | 1821 | Born in Vedirpstedt, Holstein, Ger.,3/1/1821 |
113 | Rock, John Jacob | NR | Married Margaretha Catherine Janssen |
113 | Rock, John Jacob | NR | Married in Vedirpstedt 1/30/1853 |
113 | Rock, John Jacob | 1853 | Arriv. NY 4/13/1853 |
113 | Rock, John Jacob | 1887 | Died 1/11/1887 |
113 | Rock, Lillian | NR | Child of Frederika Schultz & John Free. Rock |
113 | Rock, Lucinda | NR | Child of John J. Rock & Margaretha C. Janssen |
113 | Rock, Mable | NR | Child of Frederika Schultz & John Free. Rock |
113 | Rock, Martha | NR | Child of Frederika Schultz & John Free. Rock |
113 | Rock, Mary | NR | Child of John J. Rock & Margaretha C. Janssen |
113 | Rock, Mathilda | NR | Child of John J. Rock & Margaretha C. Janssen |
379 | Rock, Mrs. John | 1921 | Died 1/1/1921/Age 53 |
113 | Rock, Rosamond | NR | Child of John J. Rock & Margaretha C. Janssen |
113 | Rock, Walter | NR | Child of Frederika Schultz & John Free. Rock |
112 | Rock, William | NR | Married Augusta Neukirch |
113 | Rock, William | NR | Child of John J. Rock & Margaretha C. Janssen |
118 | Rodenhausen, Mr. | NR | Married Susanna Weissenborn |
357 | Rodenhausen, Susan | 1935 | BI Resident 67 yrs./7534 Ellwood Av. |
198 | Roegge, William | 1897-1898 | Pastor/Central Methodist Church/1897-1898 |
379 | Roehm, Gottlieb | 1931 | Died 5/24/1931/Age 76 |
289 | Roehm, John C. | 1935 | Post Office mail carrier |
379 | Roelle, Frank Anthony | 1928 | Died 2/11/1928/Age 79 |
234 | Roemisch, A. F. | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
346 | Roemisch, Dr. A. J. | 1935 | 9/30/1935 Appointed Health Commissioner |
379 | Roemisch, Frank | 1901 | Died 1901 |
358 | Roemisch, Mary | 1935 | BI Resident 73 yrs. |
275 | Roemisch, Mr. | 1914 | Residence suffered slight damage in 1914 fire |
356 | Roemisch, Mrs. A. J. | 1935 | Acted as matron of honor in wedding scene |
240 | Roemisch, Ruth | 1936 | Phythian Sisters/BI Temple /Manager |
250 | Roesner, C. A. | NR | Blue Island Boy Scout Committee Troop # 783 |
366 | Roesner, Conrad | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
289 | Roessner, Conrad A. | 1935 | Post Office mail carrier |
277 | Rogan, Police chief | 1915 | Buffalo, NY/Helped solve Mislich murder case |
223 | Rogers, Frank C. | 1935 | Member BI Lions Club 12/15/1935 |
239 | Rogers, Leone | 1935 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Musician |
364 | Rogers, Mrs. Elizabeth | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
239 | Roggeveen, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
379 | Roggeveen, R. D. | 1935 | Died 5/28/1935/At West Hollywood, CA |
379 | Rohde, Mrs. Anna | 1931 | Died 6/14/1931/Age 76 |
236 | Rohe, A. C. | 1912 | Woodmen of the World # 245/Manager |
331 | Rohe, A. C. | NR | Ward Captain 4th Liberty Loan Drive/3rd Ward |
334 | Rohe, A. C. | 1919 | Ward Captain Red Cross Local Drive/3rd ward |
379 | Rohe, August Henry | 1929 | Died 3/15/1929/Age 67 |
379 | Rohe, Conrad W. | 1922 | Died 8/12/1922/Age 65/Pres. Rohe Lumber Co. |
246 | Rohe, Elmer | 1927 | Board of Directors/BI Winsett Finance Co. |
97 | Rohe, Paul | NR | Married Elizabeth Seyfarth |
365 | Rohe, Paul Jr. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
193 | Rohe, Paul W. | NR | President, Rohe Lumber Co. |
223 | Rohe, Paul W. | NR | Member BI Lions Club |
250 | Rohe, Paul W. | 1918 | Blue Island Boy Scout Committee Troop # 780 |
367 | Rohe, Robert | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
367 | Rohe, Sey | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
241 | Rohrbach, H. | 1894 | Knights of Pythias Lodge # 463/Charter Memb. |
163 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1901 | 1st Election/Elected Alderman 1st Ward |
164 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1901 | Finance Committee, City Council |
164 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1901 | Electric Light & Gas Committee, City Council |
164 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1901 | Police and Fire Committee, City Council |
164 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1901 | Railroad Committee, City Council |
164 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1901 | Voted to pass Geist Franchise Ordinance |
165 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1903 | 4/21/1903 Elected Alderman 1st Ward |
231 | Rohrbach, Harry | NR | First Board Member/BI Parks & Playgrounds |
234 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
234 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1916 | Ldg. 1331, B.P.O.O. Elks/Leading Knight |
246 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1927 | Board of Directors/BI Winsett Finance Co. |
296 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1901-1908 | Photo/Alderman 1901-1908/Treas. 1908-1910 |
331 | Rohrbach, Harry | NR | Ward Captain 1st Liberty Loan Drive/4th Ward |
347 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1901 | 1901/Alderman 1st Ward |
347 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1902 | 1902Alderman 1st Ward |
347 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1903 | 1903/Alderman 1st Ward |
347 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1904 | 1904/Alderman 1st Ward |
347 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1905 | 1905/Alderman 4th Ward |
347 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1906 | 1906/Alderman 4th Ward |
347 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1907 | 1907/Alderman 4th Ward |
347 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1908 | 1908/Alderman 4th Ward |
347 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1909 | 1909/Treasurer |
347 | Rohrbach, Harry | 1910 | 1910/Treasurer |
379 | Rohrbach, Mrs. Emma | 1927 | Died 3/5/1927/Age 83/(Ulrich) |
379 | Rohrbach, Ulrich | 1913 | Died 12/20/1913/Salesman |
139 | Rolfe, C. A. | 1895 | Granted franchise for gas works |
379 | Roll, Caroline Felzien | 1918 | Died 11/9/1918/Wife of John/at Hardwell, NE |
234 | Roll, Geo. J. | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
106 | Roll, George | NR | Married Alvina Hopf |
178 | Roll, George | 1917 | 4/17/1917 Elected Treasurer |
259 | Roll, George | 1922 | Sold his horses to City for Firehouse for $300 |
182 | Roll, George J. | 1917-18 | Photo |
260 | Roll, George J. | 1923 | 4/17/1923 Elected City Treasurer |
348 | Roll, George J. | 1917 | 1917/Attorney |
348 | Roll, George J. | 1918 | 1918/Attorney |
348 | Roll, George J. | 1923 | 1923/Treasurer |
348 | Roll, George J. | 1924 | 1924/Treasurer |
223 | Roll, Gilbert A. | 1935 | Member BI Lions Club 12/15/1935 |
347 | Roll, Henry | 1907 | 1907/Alderman 2nd Ward |
347 | Roll, Henry | 1908 | 1908/Alderman 2nd Ward |
379 | Roll, Herman | 1924 | Died 7/28/1924 |
35 | Roll, John | 1874 | Owner/Quick Claim Deed to the Feeder Dam |
36 | Roll, John | 1840-50 | Owner of Grist Mill and Tannery |
148 | Roll, John | 1885 | Organiz. Calumet Ice Company 1885 |
234 | Roll, John | 1874 | Charter Member Lodge # 716 A. F. & A. M. |
43-44 | Roll, John | 1870's | Secured injunction |
108 | Roll, Miss | NR | 2nd Wife of George A. Kortz |
108 | Roll, Miss | NR | Sister of John Roll |
379 | Roll, Mrs. Caroline | 1905 | Died 5/3/1905/Ate 64/Wife of John |
226 | Roll, Mrs. George | 1934-1935 | BI Garden Club/1934-1935/Treasurer |
379 | Roll, Mrs. Rosina | 1927 | Died 6/4/1927/Age 87/Wife of John |
223 | Roll, William | 1935 | Member BI Lions Club 12/15/1935 |
366 | Rollette, Ed. | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
109 | Roloff, Henry | NR | Married Emma Kriegsman |
379 | Roloff, Henry | 1905 | Died 4/26/1905/Age 46 |
117 | Roloff, John | NR | Married Mary Voss |
379 | Roloff, Louis | 1934 | Died 10/21/1934/Age 23/Auto accident |
101 | Roloff, Mary | NR | Married William Consoer |
379 | Roloff, William J. | 1933 | Died 6/22/1933/Age 55 |
220 | Rosalie, Sister | 1929 | Died while undergoing surgery 3/171929 |
380 | Rosalie, Sister Mary | 1929 | Died 3/17/1929/Age 58 |
380 | Rosalie, Sister Mary | NR | Superior, St. Benedict School |
207 | Rosch, Rev. Paul | 1909 | Pastor St. Benedict 1907/1909-3/11/1917 |
207 | Rosch, Rev. Paul | 1917 | Died 3/11/1917 |
249 | Rosch, Rev. Paul | 1914 | Laid Cornerstone for new St. Francis Hospital |
323 | Roscoe, George | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Aviation Corps |
213 | Roscoe, Mr. & Mrs. | NR | First Choir member, St. Aidan's Epis. Mission |
90 | Rosecranz, General | NR | Civil War |
107 | Rosenberg, Mr. | NR | Owned Butcher Shop |
234 | Rosenfield, L. | 1916 | Charter Member Ldg 1331/B. P. O. O. Elks |
323 | Rosenquist, A. C. | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Engineer. Corps |
240 | Rosenquist, Bertha | 1908 | Phythian Sisters/BI Temple 25/Charter Mem. |
241 | Rosenquist, Christina | 1904 | Sunshine Camp # 3761, RNA/Charter Member |
240 | Rosenquist, Christine | 1908 | Phythian Sisters/BI Temple 25/Charter Mem. |
240 | Rosenquist, Christine | 1908 | Phythian Sisters/BI Temple 25/Past Chief |
238 | Rosenquist, Maida | 1915 | Justice Lodge # 1243 F. L. A./Charter Member |
379 | Rosenquist, William Conrad | 1935 | Died 9/19/1935/Age 75 |
241 | Rossner, Ed | 1932-33 | United Span. War Vet./Quartermaster |
241 | Rossner, Edward H. | 1935 | United Span. War Vet./Adjutant Quartermaster |
92 | Rossner, Edward H. | 1897 | Span. Amer. War/Farrier |
92 | Rossner, Edward H. | 1897 | Spanish War Vet. Org./Quartermtr. & Adjutant |
379 | Rossner, Ferdinand | 1914 | Died 11/27/1914 |
379 | Rossner, Mrs. Christine | 1918 | Died 12/30/1918/Age 72 |
379 | Rothenberger, Charles | 1924 | Died 9/20/1924/Age 59 |
335 | Rothenburger | 1918 | Victim of Spanish Influenza |
379 | Roulo, Mrs. Anna | 1931 | Died 8/4/1931 |
304 | Roulo, Wm. | 1935 | Collector/Alsip, IL |
326 | Rowe, Leslie | 1917 | Co. B, 13th Railway Engineer, Rock Island Rail |
323 | Rowe, Leslie J. | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Engineer. Corps |
318 | Rowland, Dr. L. T. | 1928 | Navajo Fields Country Club/Board of Governors |
319 | Rowland, Dr. L. T. | 1927 | Purchased property at 293 Western Ave. |
318 | Rowland, Dr. Leroy T. | 1935 | Navajo Fields Country Club/ |
30 | Rowley, John K. | 1850's | Platted Town of South Lawn |
323 | Rudd, Margaret | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Hospital Corps |
224 | Rudd, Mrs. Julia M. | 1911-1912 | Pres./BI Women's Club/1911-1912 |
229 | Rudd, Mrs. M. M. | 1891 | Blue Island Library Asso./Director |
224 | Rudd, Mrs. M. M. | 1890's | Charter Member BI Women's Club/ |
379 | Rudd, Mrs. Mary M. | 1921 | Died 6/22/1921/Mother of W. N. Rudd |
224 | Rudd, Mrs. Willis | 1890's | Charter Member BI Women's Club/ |
91 | Rudd, Oscar F. | NR | Civil War/Captain of Co. G., 39th IL Infantry |
229 | Rudd, W. N. | 1891 | Blue Island Library Asso./Director |
331 | Rudd, W. N. | 1920 | Chairman of Memorial Asso. of Amer. Legion |
72 | Rudd, Willis N. | 1922 | Assisted trustees Memorial Park Asso. |
110 | Rudd, Willis N. | NR | Married Julia R. |
258 | Rudd, Willis N. | 1922 | Appointed to Library Board/Replace Pettijohn |
263 | Rudd, Willis N. | 1925 | Died 1925/Chrm. Zoning Commission |
263 | Rudd, Willis N. | 1925 | Member Library Board |
379 | Rudd, Willis N. | 1925 | Died 11/27/1925/Age 65 |
379 | Rudd, Willis N. | NR | President of Mt. Greenwood Cemetery Asso. |
369 | Rudolph Brand | NR | Married Clara Uhlich |
97 | Ruff, Anna | NR | Married to Walter Seyfarth |
322 | Ruff, George | 1918 | 1st World War I Blue Island War Casualty |
322 | Ruff, George | 1918 | Died of Diphtheria 1/20/1918/US Naval Hospital |
323 | Ruff, George | 1918 | Blue Island Honor Roll WW I/Navy |
328 | Ruff, George | NR | Memorial Inscription WWI |
328 | Ruff, George | 1918 | Died US Naval Hospital 1/30/1918 |
328 | Ruff, George | 1918 | Died of Diphtheria |
328 | Ruff, George | 1918 | Buried German Lutheran Cemetery |
328 | Ruff, George | 1918 | Survived by Mrs. Martin Wolff, 67 Greewood |
379 | Ruff, William | 1921 | Died 7/12/1921/Age 83 |
367 | Ruff, Winifred | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
379 | Ruffert, Herman | 1935 | Died 5/19/1935/Age 79 |
379 | Ruffert, Mrs. Mary | 1925 | Died 3/30/1925 |
379 | Ruffert, Mrs. Otillie | 1930 | Died 5/1/1930/Age 74 |
101 | Rum Anna | NR | Married Herman Consoer |
235 | Runde, Dr. Henry | 1935 | Knights of Columbus/Chancellor |
250 | Runde, Henry B. | NR | Boy Scout Committee Troop # 788 |
289 | Runge, A. W. | 1935 | Post Office Clerk |
379 | Runge, August | 1920 | Died 12/22/1920/Age 55 |
367 | Runge, Bernice | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
113 | Runge, Charles | NR | Child of Otto Runge & Elizabeth Klein |
113 | Runge, Edward | NR | Child of Otto Runge & Elizabeth Klein |
113 | Runge, Ella | NR | Child of Otto Runge & Elizabeth Klein |
113 | Runge, Frances | NR | Child of Otto Runge & Elizabeth Klein |
365 | Runge, Henry | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
113 | Runge, Herman | NR | Child of Otto Runge & Elizabeth Klein |
379 | Runge, Herman | 1928 | Died 4/3/1928/Age 70 |
113 | Runge, Hermine | NR | Child of Otto Runge & Elizabeth Klein |
113 | Runge, John | NR | Child of Otto Runge & Elizabeth Klein |
103 | Runge, Julia | NR | Daughter of Otto Runge |
103 | Runge, Julia | 1857 | Married Charles Ferdinand Eidam, 9/1857 |
103 | Runge, Julia | 1911 | Died 5/10/1911 |
113 | Runge, Melvin | NR | Child of Otto Runge & Elizabeth Klein |
113 | Runge, Otillie | NR | Child of Otto Runge & Elizabeth Klein |
108 | Runge, Otto | NR | Married Elizabeth Klein |
113 | Runge, Otto | 1852 | Arriv. BI 1852/Native of Mecklenburg |
113 | Runge, Otto | NR | Child of John Runge/Native of Mecklenburg |
113 | Runge, Otto | NR | Married Elizabeth Klein |
113 | Runge, Otto | 1832-1912 | Born 6/24/1832/Died 12/25/1912 |
379 | Runge, Otto | 1912 | Died 12/25/1912/Age 80 |
365 | Runkle, Helen | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
97 | Runkle, John | NR | Married to Helen Seyfarth |
205 | Runkle, John | 1935 | Pres./The Good Fellowship Club |
365 | Runkle, Mrs. Helen | 1935 | Played role in "Wings of Time" Production |
225 | Runkle, Mrs. Helen Seyfarth | 1927-1928 | Pres./BI Women's Club/1927-1928 |
225 | Runkle, Mrs. John | 1929 | Sponsor/Explain. purpose of Jr. Women's Club |
248 | Rush, G. Fred | 1935 | Circuit Judge |
196 | Rushmore, E. S. | 1901 | Mgr. Local Telephone exchanage/12//1901 |
95 | Russel, Elizabeth | NR | Married to Henry B. Robinson |
282 | Russo, The Brothers, | 1925 | Sentenced 3-10 yrs in Joliet/Express Robbery |
52 | Rust, August | 1853 | Shoemaker |
304 | Rust, Christ | 1935 | Supervisor/2458 W. Broadway, BI |
52 | Rust, Christian | 1853 | Shoemaker |
144 | Rust, H. | 1890-1891 | Trustee |
144 | Rust, Henry | 1889-1890 | Trustee |
209 | Rust, Rev. Wm. | 1925 | Pastor/Evangelical Comm. Ch./1925 |
192 | Ruthenberg, Wm. | 1925 | Manager, Modern Lumber & Supply Co. |
209 | Ruthenberg, Wm. G. | 1920's | Bldg. Committee/Evangelical Comm Ch. |
239 | Ruthrauf, Mrs. | 1909 | Ladies Auxiliary BLE # 40/Charter member |
240 | Ruthrauff, Laura | 1908 | Phythian Sisters/BI Temple 25/Charter Mem. |
240 | Ruthrauff, Laura | 1908 | Phythian Sisters/BI Temple M of R. and C. |
379 | Rutz, Mrs. Augusta | 1928 | Died 1/9/1928/Age 68 |