Cook County

1800-2000 Deaths A-F

Collection of Deaths contributed by Sue Anger, Jeanne Arguelles, Mary Arvidson, Linda Atkinson, Beverly S. Aylor, Vicky Bartlett, Janice Brown Buchanan, J. K. Burkholder, Joan Cool, Dick Couch, M. Crushshon, Sharon I. Dickson, Karen Simons Dodd, Diane Gregorchuk, Kathie Groll, Kenneth Gruschow, Deb Haines, Anita Heflin, Jane Hunter Hodgson, Carolyn R. Holladay, Heather Hurley, Kim Lemberg, Colleen Maresca, Arthur Maxwell, Vicki Reynolds Mazur, Ejvor Merkley, Ron Mlejnek, Lorraine Moore, Tom Mueller, Rita Neumann, Marta Norton, Helen Popp, Kathy Ramirez, Charlene Reinhart, Dorothy Rodgers, Joan M. Ross, Patt Seitas, Carole Shoptaw, Irene Snyder, Vickie Tallent, Virginia Travis, June E. Tuck, Joyce Vetter, John Weiss, Arlene Welter, Steve and Lila White, Linda Wright, Aunt Gibby, Bob, Bonnie, and Yvette.

ABBOTT, Arthur H. A., of A. H. Abbott & Co., died Sept 13, at Atlantic City, N. J. Burial at Andever, Mass., Thursday, Sept. 16. --Chicago Tribune, Sept. 16, 1915

Died - Abram ABRAHAMSON, beloved husband of Helen Abrahamson, aged 57 years. Funeral from residence, 292 Sedgwick-st., Wednesday, Sept. 16, at 2 p.m., to Graceland. --Chicago Daily Tribune, Wednesday, September 16, 1891

Died - April 7, 1891, at 12:30 a.m., Elizabeth ABRAMS, beloved daughter of William and Mary Abrams (nee Griffin). Funeral from parents' residence, 99 Sebor-st., Thursday, April 9 to Calvary. New York papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, April 7, 1891

ACKERMAN, Yolanda, died May 20, aged 2 years and 2 months, beloved daughter of Harry G. and May Ackerman. Funeral Monday 10 a. m. from Our Lady of Sorrows Church, thence by carriages to Mount Carmel. New York, Toledo and Mansfield O. Papers please copy. --Chicago Daily Tribune, 21 May, 1905--Chicago Daily Tribune, 21 May, 1905

ADAM, Frieda G., nee Druwe, beloved wife of Fred A. Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Druwe, sister of Julius Druwe and Anna Hartwig; died suddenly. Funeral at 1 o'clock Sunday, Dec. 8, from 2312 N. Western-av., to St. Natere? (y or v) church, Taiman and Greenwood-terrace, to Waldheim. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 6, 1912, p.23

Died - July 27, at 762 21st st., Hattie ADAMS, aged 2 years 3 weeks and 4 days. Funeral Sunday, July 29, to Concordia. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 28 July 1883

AHLES, Mathias J., 34; 944 Lincoln-av., Aug 7. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

ALBERT, Louis - Wish to announce to our friends that my beloved husband and our father has quietly passed away on Saturday, Aug. 23. Funeral Wednesday, Aug. 27 at 404 Center-st., 10 a.m. Mrs. Louis Albert and children. --Chicago Tribune, 26 August 1902

ALLEN - Dec. 22, 1890, James T., Aged 86 years. Funeral from late residence, No. 68 Twenty-fourth street, at 3 p.m. Wednesday. Dec. 24. Interment at Ann Arbor, Mich. --Chicago Daily Tribune, Dec. 23, 1890

ALLEN, Thomas, 66; 44 E. 50th-st., April 11. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

ALT, Frank H., 1528 Farwell-av., beloved husband of Clara Lang Alt, father of Edward E., Frank H. Jr., and Howard L. Alt.; son of Mrs. Katherine Alt, and brother of Mrs. Emilia Portman, passed away suddenly at San Antonio, Tex., Saturday, Feb. 14 at 8:30 p.m. Funeral Wednesday at 2 p.m. from Bentley's chapel, 2701 N. Clark-st., by automobiles to Graceland. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, February 17, 1914

ANDERSON, Marie, 78; 759 N. Campbell-av., Aug. 7. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

ANDERSON, Sophia, 69; 171 Gault-pl., Aug. 6. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

Died - William ANDREWS, May 19th, 1890, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. M.L. Dart, No. 13 Aberdeen-st., in his 82d year. Funeral Wednesday, at 10 a.m., at Rosehill. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

ANNICK, Ulysses, 4; 10 S. Hermitage-av., April 10. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

The funeral services of Edward ANNING will be held at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 36th st. and Cottage Grove-av., Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. --Chicago Tribune, Feb. 22, 1893

APPLETON, June Frances, died Nov. 14, 1915, beloved daughter of W. C. and Hattie G. Appleton. Funeral services from late residence, 7151 Luell?-av. Wednesday, Nov. 17, at ? p.m. Interment Oakwoods cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1915

AVERS - At 2809 South Park av., Dec. 22, Frederick H. AVERS, aged 59 years. notice of funeral later. --Chicago Daily Tribune, Dec. 23, 1890

BAINBRIDGE, Francie H., died at residence, 1520 Sunnyside-av. Services from Carroll's chapel, 4542 N. Ravenswood-pk, Thursday, Dec. 5, 2 p.m. Interment Troy, N. Y. --Chicago Tribune, December 4, 1912

Died - Jan 27, Alphonso D. BALDWIN, aged 48 years. Funeral from his late residence, No. 676 Jackson blvd., Friday at 10 a.m. to Forest home Cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892

BALDWIN, R. Barlow, died suddenly, Nov. 9, at Springville, Cal., beloved husband of Elizabeth H. and father of Mrs. O. C. Hansen, Robert B. and Frank L. Baldwin. Funeral Saturday, Nov. 16, 2 p.m., from residence of his son, 6922 Parnell-av.; Interment at Mount Hope. Milwaukee papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, November 14, 1912

BARNES, James E. - Card of Thanks. Minnie Barnes and relatives extend heartfelt appreciation to the Rev. T. E. Tomerling, Lawrenceville, Ill.; members of Hawthorne club, and friends for their loving kindness in the sorrowful loss of James E. Barnes. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, February 18, 1917

Died - Feb. 6, at Aurora, Ill., Thomas BARNET, late superintendent for twenty-three years of C., B & Q., R. R. Co. Brass foundry. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, February 6, 1882

BARON, Tobias, beloved husband of Julia Baron, father of Mrs. L. Ladewich, Lillie, Adolph, and Bertha Baron, died aged 68 years, March 30 at 1 a.m. Funeral Monday, April 1, at 1 p.m. sharp from their house, 2811 Indiana-av. Please omit flowers. Graceland. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, April 1, 1901

BARRETT, Anne Thornton, Mrs., died at her residence, 426 41st-st., Sunday, March 31. Services at the Holy Angels' Church, Tuesday, at 8:30; Interment at Bloomington, Ill. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, April 1, 1901

BARWICK, John, aged 64 yrs, beloved husband of Louisa Cleaver Barwick, died Sep 1, 1902. Funeral notices later. No Flowers. --Chicago Tribune, 2 Sept 1902

BARWICK, John, Funeral Thursday Sep 4 at 2:30 pm from Church of the Mediator, Morgan Park, No flowers, Interment-Mount Hope--Chicago Tribune, 3 Sept 1902

Mrs. Louisa BARWICK, Long A Resident Here, Dies. Mrs. Louisa BARWICK, one of the earliest residents of Chicago; a graduate of the old Dearborn academy died last night at her home, 2236 W. 113th st. She was 83 years of age and is survived by one son and four daughters. -- Chicago Tribune, 1893

Died - Louisa Cleaver BARWICK, aged 83, beloved wife of the late John Barwick, fond mother of William S., John L. (deceased), Louise I., Mrs. Edith Beardsley, Mrs. Mary Wells, Mrs. Ruth Brookes. Services at the Church of the Mediator, Morgan Park, Thursday, Sept. 17, at 2 p.m. Interment Mt. Hope. -- Chicago Tribune, 1893

BENDIXON, Stephen, aged 14 months, son of Samuel and Cecelia Bendixon. Funeral at 12:30 p.m. from 3554 Union-av. to St. George's church, hence to St. Boniface cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, 26 August 1902

BENGTSON, Anna Theresia, died Nov. 12, beloved daughter of Theodore and Anna Cirika, sister of Alfred, Ludvig, and Alma in Chicago, Emily Towne in Lake Geneva, Wis., and Beata Norman, Malmo, Sweden. Funeral Friday, Nov. 15, at 2 p.m., from her late residence, 1505 Grace-st. Interment at Graceland cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, November 14, 1912

BENN, Philomen, widow of Alex Benn and mother of Henry L. Marshall, died Tuesday, Sept. 14, 1915. Funeral from late residence, 6586 Kimbark-av., Thursday, 10:30 a.m.; interment private. --Chicago Tribune, Sept. 16, 1915

BENNETT, Flora A., 50; 2205 W. Harrison, April 14 [1900?]. --Chicago Tribune, burial permit issued

Died - April 14. Flora A. BENNETT, wife of Wellington Bennett. Funeral from 2205 W. Harrison st. Friday, 1 p.m. Interment at Rosehill. -- Chicago Tribune, 17 April 1903

Died - B. J. BERENTSON, at his late residence 593 No. Hoyne Av., aged 54 years 7 Months beloved husband of Mrs. H. Berentson and father of Delia, Benjamin, and of the late Ida M. Berentson. Funeral from the above residence Sunday, Jan 31 at 3 p.m. by carriages to Graceland. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892

Died - G. H. BERGER, aged 32 years. Funeral from late residence, 19 Rees-st., Friday, Sept. 7, 1888, at 1 o'clock sharp. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888

BERLIZHEIMER, Harold, beloved son of David and Bertha Berlizheimer, brother of Maurice. Funeral from Furth's chapel, 35th and Grand-blvd., Friday, Dec. 6, at 1 p.m.; automobiles to Rosehill. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 6, 1912, p.23

Died - Feb. 1, at Oak Park, Ill. Mary E. BICKNELL, wife of F. W. Bicknell, aged 52 years. Funeral private from residence, 309 Kenilworth-av., Sunday, at 2:30. Burial at Forest Home. --Chicago Tribune, 02 Feb 1895

BIDWILL, Elizabeth M., died Dec. 5, 1912, beloved wife of the late William Bidwill, fond mother of Edin E., James M., and Joseph F. Bidwill. Funeral Saturday, Dec. 7, 1912, at 9 a.m., form the residence of her son, 4500 W. Monroe-st., to St. Mel's church, where solemn high mass will be celebrated, by carriages to Mt. Carmel. Member of Branch ?04, L. C. B. A. Kenosha, Wis., papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 6, 1912, p.23

BIGLEY, William J., died May 20 at his residence 4322 Grand Blvd., beloved husband of Bridget, nee Kennedy, father of William L. Cecelia. Lizzie. and Rosie. Notice of Funeral Hereafter. --Chicago Daily Tribune, 21 May, 1905

BILDERBECK, Frank, 67; Fullerton and Sheffield-avs., Aug. 7. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

BILHARZ, Henry, died Nov. 30, 1912, aged 72 years, beloved husband of Amanda and father of Mrs. John Moran, Mrs. Frank Crothers, Ira Bilharz, and Mrs. Walter M????v?. Funeral services this evening at 8 p.m., at his late residence, 7201 Harvard-av., Interment Tuesday, Dec 3, at Seneca, Ill. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, December 2, 1912. page 19

BILLMEYER, Katherine, nee Helmetag, entered into rest Feb. 14, in her forty-seventh year, beloved wife of Joseph Billmeyer, mother of Charles, Mrs. Laura Geng Jr., Ella and Margaret Billmeyer, mother-in-law of Chas. Geng Jr., and sister of Mrs. Louise Kopt of Salt Lake, Utah, Mrs. John Klein, Mrs. George Giles, and the late August Helmetag. Funeral Tuesday Feb. 17, at 8:45 a.m., from late residence, 8126 Sheffield-av. Burial at Niles Center, by automobiles. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, February 17, 1914

Died - On the 1st inst., at Presentation Convent, Peacock Lane, Cork, Josephine BINCHY - in religion, Sister Mary Frances Austin - daughter of the late Owen Binchy of Charlesville, County Cork, Ireland, and niece and godchild of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Murphy, 496 Marchfield-av., Chicago, Ill. --Chicago Tribune, Feb. 22, 1893

BIRCH, Charles W., died at his home, 4?22 (4322 or 4822) S. State-st., in his 63d year, beloved husband of Mary Birch, member of Dearborn lodge, A. F. & A. M. and Oriental Consistory and Apollo commandery. Services at his late home on Thursday, Sept. 16, at 10:30 a.m. Interment by train to Oak Hill cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Sept. 16, 1915

BLACKWELL, Patrick E., Officer, died at Mercy Hospital, beloved husband of Julia Nee Heffernan, father of Minnie and John Blackwell and brother of John Blackwell. Funeral Monday at 9:30 a.m. from his late residence, 6748 Calumet av to Holy Cross Church, where high mass will be celebrated. Thence by carriages to Mount Olivet, Member of St Thomas Court C. O. F. --Chicago Daily Tribune, 21 May, 1905

BLEDSOE - Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our kind friends and neighbors who assisted us so graciously in our sad bereavement in loss of our beloved husband, father, and brother. Mrs. C. E. Bledsoe, Miss Dora Bledsoe, Mrs. L. H. Stockwell, and Mrs. Anna Darragh. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, February 18, 1917

Died - Sept 4, Gustave BLUM, served in Co. D. 57th Ill. inf., member of Gen. Geo. A. Custer Post, No. 40, G. A. R. Funeral from late residence, 379 W. 22d-st., (near Center-av.) at 10 o'clock a.m., Thursday, Sept. 6, to Wunder's near Graceland, Comrades of the G.A. R. invited. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888

Minnie BOCK, died 30 Apr 1918, Chicago

Died - May 19, at 7 a.m., Mrs. Catharine BOGERT, widow of the late Dow Bogert, in the 70th year of her age. Funeral from 5722 Monroe-ave., Wednesday, at 2 p.m. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Died - On April 6, 1891, at 7 o'clock, at parents' residence 907 N. Hoyne-av., Mattie Catherine BONFIELD, beloved daughter of Christian and Catherine Bonfield, aged 9 years and 2 months. Funeral Wednesday, at 2 o'clock, by carriages to Rose Hill cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, April 7, 1891

Died - In this city, on the 4th inst., Edward BONNY, aged 56 years. --The Chicago Daily Tribune, Monday, February 8, 1864

Died - Miss Agnes E. BOOMER, at North Evanston, May 18. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Isabelle V BOORMAN, wife of James Boorman, also deceased; born 08 Oct 1878, Cambridge, Mass.; died 14 Jan 1960; buried in Town of Maine Cemetery, Cook county, Illinois, by Sax-Tiedeman Funeral Home, 9565 Belmont Ave., Franklin Park, Illinois

Died - On Friday, Oct 4, at his residence, corner Wabash avenue and Eighteenth street, H. D. BOOTH, aged 53 years. Notice of funeral in tomorrow's paper. Albany, N.Y., papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, October 5, 1872

George F. BORMAN, Death Certificate #193, Blue Island; born 30 Aug 1867 in Illinois; died 22 Jan 1918, age 60y 5m 11d; father: George Borman born in Germany; mother: Louise Schaeffer, born in Germany; occupation: lawyer

BORMAN, George F. - Sex M; Color or Race W; Married; Date of Birth August 30, 1857; Age 60y 5m 11d; Occupation Lawyer; Birthplace Illinois; Name of Father George Borman (Germany); Name of Mother: Louise Schaeffer (Germany); Date of Death Jan 11, 1918; Cause of Death Diabetes. --State of Illinois Death Certificate # 193, Cook County, Blue Island

BOSCAMP, Ella, daughter of Charles and Lena Boscamp, aged 4 months and 20 days. Funeral Wednesday at 1 p.m. from 703 Jefferson-st to Waldheim. --Chicago Tribune, 26 August 1902

BOSTROM, Sven Gustas, beloved husband of Anna Bostrom, nee Skjernquisk, father of Carl, Ethel, and Earl, aged 43 years, died Feb. 14, Funeral Wednesday, Feb. 18, from late residence, 6237 Carpenter-st., at 12:30 p.m., thence to Swedish Lutheren church, 62d and Peoria-sts., thence to Oakhill cemetery by automobiles. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, February 17, 1914

BOTTO, Cecelia, 30; 318 West Monroe-st., March 30. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, April 1, 1901

BOTTO, Celia, wife of the late Dominick Botto. Funeral from her late residence, 318 W. Monroe-st., Tuesday, April 2, at 10 o'clock, to St. Patrick's Church, thence by carriages to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, April 1, 1901

Died - Jan 28 1892, Hydson Weber BOTTUM, infant son of Henry D. and Emma K. Bottum aged 7 months and 14 days. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892

Died - April 6, 1891, at his residence, 427 W. 14th-st., Frank BOYLE, beloved brother of Annie, Maggie, and Michael Boyle, aged 26 years and 6 months. Funeral Thursday, April 9 at 9 a.m. to Jesuit church where high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Calvary cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, April 7, 1891

Died - Mrs. Katie BOYNE, at her residence, 2727 Indiana-av., Feb. 21, aged 55 years; beloved mother of Mrs. L. Waters, Miss Maggie and Kittie Boyne. Funeral Thursday, at 10 o'clock sharp to St. James' Church, where solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Feb. 22, 1893

BRAHM, Valentine C., died Nov. 12, 1912, beloved husband of Emma, nee Schmitt, father of Valentine, Frank, Verna, and Clarence. Funeral services will be held at his late residence, 646 North Homan-av., Nov. 15, 12:30 p.m., and at Central Park hall, Francisco and Lake-st., 1 p.m., thence by carriages to Montrose cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, November 14, 1912

Died - In this city on the 6th inst., Carry S. BRAINARD, youngest daughter of Owen and Almina Brainard aged 19 years and 16 days. Funeral will take place at 72 West Madison street today at 2 o'clock p.m. Friends of the family are invited to attend. --The Chicago Daily Tribune, Monday, February 8, 1864

BRANDT, Herman C. W., belove husband of Clara Brandt, nee Holbeck, son of Sophie Riehm and brother of Henry E. Brandt, died at residence, 4822 N. Ashland-av. Service Thursday, Feb. 19, 1914, at 2 p.m., Graceland chapel, under the auspices of Ravenswood lodge No. 777, A. F. & A. M. Member of Court Magnolia No. 3537, I.O.F. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, February 17, 1914

Died - Katherine BREDE, beloved wife of Frank B. Brede, Sunday, Feb. 19, aged 26 years. Funeral from her late residence, No. 3521 Wabash-av., Wednesday, at 10 o'clock, by carriages to Rosehill. --Chicago Tribune, Feb. 22, 1893

BRICKNOR, Eva, 72; 236 Hudson-av., Aug. 7. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

Died - At her residence No. 3216 Wabash av., at 10 o'clock a.m., Jan. 17, Sarah J. Wray BRIGGS, wife of Clinton Briggs, aged 44 years. Funeral from the residence Saturday at 2 o'clock p.m. Friends requested not to send flowers. Auburn (N.Y.) and Pittsburg (Pa.) papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 19 January 1884, page 8

BRITT, Elizabeth, nee Carey, died at residence, 2811 Flournoy-st., beloved wife of Bryan J. Britt, fond mother of Mrs. M. Hennessey, Lillian, Bert, Stasia, Elzabeth Britt, grandma of Marie Hennessey. Funeral Thursday, Dec. 5, at 9:30 to Our Lady of Sorrows' church; high mass; carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, December 4, 1912

BRITTAIN, James, brother of Mrs. S. F. Heskett. Funeral Sunday, Feb. 18, at Lanyon's chapel, 415 W. 63d-st., at 5 p.m. Burial at Delaware, O. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, February 17, 1914

BROOKS, Eva, 14 days; 3125 Wentworth-av., April 11. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

Died - April 15, Silas N. BROOKS, in his 72d year. Funeral services at 10 a.m. at his late residence, 271 Warren-av. Burial at Bernardston, Mass. --Chicago Tribune, 18 April 1897

Died - At his residence, 126 35th-st., Jan. 30, George L. BROWN, aged 60 years. Funeral Friday, Feb. 1, 11 a.m. Interment Debuque (Ia.) Iowa papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, 1 Feb 1895

BROWN, Harriet, died Feb. 14, 1914, beloved wife of Charles E. Brown, loving mother of Albert and Sarah Brown. Funeral from late residence, 2911 E. 78th-place, Tuesday, at 2 p.m. Interment Oakwoods. Pittsburgh (Pa.) papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, February 17, 1914

Died - Helen BROWN, Jan. 31, age 16, at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, 4140 Prairie-av. Funeral Saturday morning, Feb. 2, 10 o'clock, from residence. Springfield, ILL, papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, 1 Feb 1895

Died - July 20, at his residence, 3112 Wabash-av., James BROWN, General Western Passenger Agent New York Central & Hudson River Railway. Remains will be taken East for interment at 3:30 p.m. to-day. Funeral services at the house at 1 p.m. Friends invited. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, July 21, 1880

BRUCKS, Katharine, nee Schaefer, beloved wife of Louis A., fond mother of John N., Louis M., Tillie Bennett, Anna Rottgen, and Elizabeth Husch, died Feb 12. Funeral from late residence, 8047 Sangamon-st., Thursday, Feb. 15, to St. Leo's church, 78th and Halsted-st., 9:30 a.m. by autos to St. Marie. For seats call Wentworth 704. Member of Court 1012, W. C.O.F. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, February 14, 1917

BRYAN, Carrie V., wife of C. H. Bryan, M. D., mother of Cora, Nellie and Helen, died at her residence, 5816 Woodlawn-av., Funeral Tuesday, at 2 p.m. Burial at Oakwoods. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, February 17, 1914

BUCK, Azariah, 87 years old, president of the First National bank of Kankakee and delegate to the convention that nominated Rutherford B. Hayes and also a member of the Thirty-first Illinois general assembly, died yesterday at Herscher, Ill., of paralysis. --Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1915

Died - Johanna BUNYAN, Sept 6, 1888, beloved wife of Michael Bunyan, 3428 Dashiel-st., aged 34 years. Funeral Sunday, Sept. 9, from late residence at 9 a.m., to Nativity Church, thence to Calvary Cemetery by Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul R.R. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888

BURGAN, Henry, 50; 501 E. 47th -st., Aug. 7. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

BURKE, Henry, died May 10, husband of Mary O'Brien, Funeral Monday at 9 a.m. to church Corpus Christi, Train to Mount Olivet. --Chicago Daily Tribune, 21 May, 1905

Died - At the family residence in Austin, Ill., William BURKHART, aged 63 years and 2 months. Funeral Friday at 1:30 p.m. from the late residence by carriages to Forest Home. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892

Died - November 8, at 7 o'clock p.m., at her residence, No. 101 Sibley-st., Mrs. A. R. BURLEY, aged 46 years 3 months and 5 days. Funeral from residence Sunday at 2 o'clock p.m. Rochester (NY) papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, 11 November 1888

Died - Feb. 14, 1889, Elizabeth BURNS, wife of the late William Burns and mother of Mrs. William Landsbait, Mrs. Dr. G. A. Nelson, and John Burns. At her residence, 30 Otis-st. Funeral Sunday, at 1 o'clock, to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, thence by carriages to Calvery Cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

Charles M BURVILLE, 2600 Commerical Ave., born: 09 Feb 1880 in Illinois; father: Lorenzo D Burville born in Ohio; mother: Harriet Cool born in Illinois; occupation: farmer died: 13 Mar 1921, age 41y 1m 4d; buried at Mt. Greenwood

Ida Belle BURVILLE, Death Certificate #108, Chicago Heights; born 14 Jun 1888 in Illinois; father: James Clark born in Indiana; mother: Louise born in Illinois; died 20 May 1920; buried in Crete Cemetery

BURZYNSKI, Mary - Age 43 in 1917; Born in Poland; Dod 4-19-1917 in Chicago, Cook, Ill; Husband Andrew Burzynski; Father Mike Kostecki; Her address was 2252 S. Whipple St.; cause of death Fracture of the skull, Hemmorhage laceration of the brain. She was struck by a U.S. Mail Auto; Buried on 4-23-1917 at St. Adelberts Cemetery. --Death Certificate

BUTLER, Richard P. Funeral Wednesday at 9 a.m. from 113 Forquer-st. to Jesuits' church, thence to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, 26 August 1902

BYOR, Swan, 83; 4539 Cottage Grove-av., April 12. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

BYRNE, Matthew F., died Nov. 13, beloved husband of Cecelia, brother of John P., Luke, Jane, Mary and William D. Byrne, at his residence, 3655 N. 42-ct. Funeral notice later. --Chicago Tribune, November 14, 1912

Died - Burton Ewing CADOW, infant son of Samuel B. and Mary B. Cadow, Friday, Dec. 5. Buried privately Saturday, Dec. 6. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890

CAMERON, Adele, wife of Angus, mother of Clyde Cameron and Mrs. Clifton Fish, died in Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 12, 1917. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, February 14, 1917

CANTLON, Margaret Davis, died aged 29 years, daughter of Mary Davis, niece of William and Lydia Cantlon, fond sister of Mrs. Mattie Kerwer, Mrs. Ella Templeman, Harry, Fred, and Pearl Davis. Funeral Wednesday, 1 p.m., from late residence, 5// N. Troy-st., by autos to Rosehill. --Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1915

CANTY, James, 60; 55 Canalport-av., Aug. 6. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

Died - Feb. 5, at 83 E. Ontario-st., Mrs. Catherine CARBINE, aged 56 years. Funeral Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 10:30 o'clock to church of the Holy Name, thence by cars to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, February 6, 1882

Died - At his residence, 136 Lincoln-av., Feb 15, William H. CARLISLE, beloved husband of May Carlisle, aged 41 years, 7 months and 12 days. Boston and Springfield (Mass.) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

Died - In this city on the 7th inst., of cancer Ellen CARMAN, formerly of New Jersey, aged 37 years, 8 months, and 7 days. Funeral to take place at 65 White street on Tuesday at 10 o'clock a.m. New York and New Jersey papers please copy. --The Chicago Daily Tribune, Monday, February 8, 1864

Died - In this city, Oct. 4, 1872, Bryan CARNEY, father of Als Carney, aged 82 years. The funeral will take place Sunday next, from the residence of his son, Cor. Market and Illinois streets, at 12 o'clock by carriages to Calvary Cemetery. The friends of the family are requested to attend. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, October 5, 1872

CARR, Laura V., Mrs. Funeral Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. from 356 Marshfield-av. --Chicago Tribune, 26 August 1902

Died - Julia CASEY, beloved mother of Frank, Rosey and Julia Casey, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Jackson, 19 N. Sacramento-av. Funeral notice hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1895

Robert Emmet CASEY, 1314 Thorndale Ave., Chicago IL (Ward 3), died 02 Dec 1947, buried at All Saints in DesPlaines, born 18 Jun 1858 in Oshkosh WI, son of John Casey of Ireland and Mary Sullivan of Cleveland, Ohio. Name of wife: Villaree G. and she was 78 years of age at the time of Robert's death. Informant: John G. Casey of 1314 Thorndale Ave., Chicago IL

CAVANNAUGH, Joseph B., beloved husband of Mary Shea Cavannaugh, father of Mary J. Cavannaugh, son of Bernard Cavannaugh. Funeral notice later. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 3, 1913

CAVANAUGH, Joseph B., died Dec. 2, 1912, beloved husband of Mary Shea Cavanaugh, brother of Mary J. and son of Bernard Cavanough. Funeral Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 9:30 a.m. from late residence, 523 Stratford-pl., to St. Mary's of the Lake church, Sheridan-rd, near Edgecomb-pl., where solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated. By automobiles to Calvary. Please omit flowers. --Chicago Tribune, December 4, 1912

Died - Thursday Jan. 28, John CAWSE, aged 79 years 11 months. Funeral will take place Saturday Jan 30 at 1:30 p.m., at residence of his son, No. 345 S. California Av. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892

CELLA - Dec. 22, at 4 a.m., Rosa, beloved wife of Joseph Cella, aged 24 years and 4 months. Funeral today at 10 a.m. from 79 W. Madison-st. to the Church of the Assumption, thence via the C. & N.W. R.R. to Calvary. --Chicago Daily Tribune, Dec. 23, 1890

CHANDLER, Mary, 43; 56 S. Wood-st., April 11. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

CHAPMAN, Daniel, beloved husband of Kate Chapman. Funeral from his late residence, 1722 Dewey-ct., Aug. 9, at 2 p.m. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900

Died - John CHARLTON, at residence of his father, Lawrence Charlton, 5 Utica-st, Oct. 2. Member of Court Shepherd No. 1401 O.F. Funeral Friday at 9 o'clock to St. Agatha's church, thence by carriages to Mount Olivet. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1895

CHARMOSTA, Josephine, 3 months; 1351 Turner-av., April 10. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

Died - At Riverside, Aug. 21, 1891, Elizabeth Mary CHASE (nee Cleaver), wife of Harry Gr. Chase, aged 32 years. Funeral at Riverside, Sunday. Aug. 23, at 11 a.m. Funeral train at 1 p.m. via N. W. Ry. to Rosehill. --Chicago Tribune Sat. Aug 22, 1891 page 3

CHOITZ, Ulia Martha, nee Johnson, died Nov. 13, 1915, age 39 years, beloved wife of Herman L. Choitz, mother of Mildred and the late Hazel, daughter of John N. Johnson, sister of Hattie Choitz. Funeral services at the late residence, 14?8 N. Ridgeway-av., at 1 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 16, automobiles to Concordia cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1915

Adelina Beatrice CHORENGEL, female, white, born in Chicago, age 5 months 15 days, lived in Illinois during life; died 7 Aug 1897 about 4:18 pm, at 565 W. Chicago Ave. Ward 14; buried at Forest Home Cemetery 8 Aug 1897, Undertaker Fred H. Drake, 440 W. Chicago Ave.; Cause of Death - Cholera Infantum, secondary - Meningitis, duration 1 month 12 days; witness 8 Aug 1897 Norman Kerr, MD, 239 N. State St -- City of Chicago Department of Health

George F. CHORENGEL - Sex: Male; Color: White; Age: 4 months; Date of death: 22 Feb 1890, 2 am.; Nationality: Swedish Ancestry; Place of birth: Chicago, Ill; Place of death: 143 Fry St., Ward 16; Cause of Death: Capillary Bronchitis; Duration: Six days; Place of burial: (left blank); Undertaker: Forest Home; Dated at Chicago, 22 Feb 1890 by Wm. Eurnick, MD --Cook County Death Certificate

Martha Amelia CHORENGEL, female, white, born in Chicago, age 5 months, lived in Illinois during life, died 21 Jul 1898 about 1 am, at 565 W. Chicago Ave. Ward 13; buried at Forest Home Cemetery 22 July 1898, Undertaker: James Carey - 1846 Milwaukee Ave.; Cause of Death - Cholera Infantum, duration 3 days; witness 21 Jul 1898 Norman Kerr, MD, 239 W. State --Death Certificate #13197, Department of Health, City of Chicago

Rudolph C. CHORENGEL, male, white, born in Chicago; died 30 Jul 1899 about 5 pm, at 761 W. Chicago Ave. Ward 14, age 5 months; Cause of Death - Marasmus, secondary cause - Cholera Infantum, duration 5 months; buried 1 Aug 1899 at Forest Home Cemetery, Undertaker James Carey, 1846 Milwaukee Ave.; witness 31 Jul 1899 Norman Kerr, MD, 295 LaSalle Ave --Death Certificate, Department of Health, City of Chicago

CHRISTENSEN, Genneva, beloved wife of Edward Christensen, beloved mother of Anton, Thorwald, Gilbert, George, Emma, Lillie, and Annie Christensen on May 20 at 5:15 a. m. (Balance unreadable on my copy.) --Chicago Daily Tribune, 21 May, 1905

CHRISTOPHER, Johanna, 80; 3979 Bonaparte-st., Aug 7. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

CIUCCI, Louisa (nee Ratto), beloved wife of the late Michael Ciucci, mother of Louis, Irene, and Roy Ciucci and Mrs. Anita McMahill, sister of Mrs. Anna Castagnino. Funeral Thursday, Feb. 16, from late residence, 103 W. 73d-st., at 10 a.m. to St. Leo's church, where high mass will be celebrated. Thence by autos to Calvary. For autos call Superior 1256. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, February 14, 1917

Died - Jan 28,1982, James Edward CLARK, beloved husband of Nary S. Clark (Nee Buckingham) of 3409 Marshfield av., aged 45 years. Funeral Sunday the 31st Inst at 1 p.m. from his late residence by carriages to Oakwoods. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892

Died - Mrs. Susan C. CLARKE, wife of Clinton C. Clarke. Funeral from 1242 Wabash-av., Sunday, Nov. 11, at 2 o'clock. Interment private. --Chicago Tribune, 11 November 1888

Died - Sept. 23, John CLARY, of typhoid fever. His remains will be taken in carriages to Calvary Cemetary at 10 1/2 o'clock, Oct 1 His friends are respectfully invited to attend. 253 W. Polk St. --Chicago Tribune, October 1, 1872

Died - Friday, Oct. 27, Charles CLEAVER, at the residence of his son, 4741 Kenwood - av. Funeral at St. John's Church, corner of Langley av. and 37th st., at 2 O'clock Sunday, Oct 29. --Chicago Tribune Sat. Oct. 28, 1893 page 4

The funeral of Charles CLEAVER was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at St. John's Reformed Episcopal Church, 37th st and Langley ave. The Rev. Henry F. Milligan officiated. White and yellow chrysanthemums rested at the foot of the casket, while at the head was placed a large "gates ajar" made of roses. The casket was plain black broadcloth and was carried to the hearse by the following pall bearers; J. Silvey, W.P. Sidley, S. O. Blair, Thomas Caliger, and J. H. Martin. The remains were interred in the family lot at Oakwoods. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, 30 Oct 1893

CLEAVER, Edward, 74; 3830 Lake-av., April 11. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

CLEAVER, Edward C. died April 11, 1904, aged 74 years. Funeral at late residence, 3830 Lake-av., Thursday, April 14, at 1 o'clock. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

Funeral - William CLEAVER, an old resident of Chicago, and a California '49er, was buried yesterday afternoon from his late home, No. 20 Forty-sixth street. Many of the older residents of the city attended the funeral. The Rev. JENKIN LLOYD JONES preached the funeral sermon. Interment was in Oakwoods. --Chicago Tribune, 16 Nov 1896

CLOSMAN, John C., died Nov 13, aged 66 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Edith Closman, and fond father of Louis J. Harry P. Closman, Mrs. Mary M. Shimmin, and Mrs. Helen E. Watte. Funeral from late residence, 4512 Magnolia-av., Wednesday, Nov. 17. Services at Rosehill chapel, 2 p.m. --Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1915

Died - Monday morning, at her residence, 307 Ashland-blvd., Nellie COCHRANE, beloved wife of William Cochrane. Funeral from St. Jarlath's Church, Wednesday, the 21st Inst., at 10 o'clock. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

COFFMAN, Cora E., died at 2425 N. Kimball-av., Feb. 15, 1914, beloved daughter of Mrs. J. E. Coffman. Member of Humboldt Park chapter No. 472, O.E.R. Funeral services Tuesday, Feb. 17, at 8 p.m., at Hechapler's chapel, North and Western-avs. Burial at Rock Island, Ill. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, February 17, 1914

Died - Sibyl E. COLE, aged 57 years. Funeral from late residence 244 Bowery, at 1 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 17, to Oakwoods cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

COLLCUTT, Sophy Jane, died March 31, 12:15 a.m., beloved mother of William, Harry, Frank, Sophie, and Edith Collcutt. Funeral Wednesday, April 3, at 1 p.m., Forest Home Cemetery, from late residence, 877 W. Division-st, New York and Detroit papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, April 1, 1901

COLLINS, Aggie Loraine, died March 30, 1901, beloved wife of Sidney H. Collins. Funeral from residence, 2945 Wabash-av., Tuesday, April 2, at 9:30 sharp, to St. James' Church, where solemn high mass will be celebrated. Carriages to Calvary. Funeral private. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, April 1, 1901

COLLINS, Mary, 79; 4211 Vincennes-av., April 10. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

COLLINS, Michael. Funeral Tuesday at 9 a.m. from 2032 W. Lake-st. to St. Mel's church, thence to Mount Carmel. --Chicago Tribune, 26 August 1902

Died - In this city, Fub. 16th, Charles W. COLSON, aged 35 years, formerly of Buffalo, N.Y. The funeral will take place to-day (Sunday) at 2 o'clock P.M. from his residence on Warren street, between Wood and Lincoln. --The Chicago Daily Tribune, Monday, February 22, 1864

Died - John COMOLLY, son of Thomas and Mary Comolly, aged 15 months. Funeral from parents' residence, 3224 Fox-st., Wednesday, April 18, (sic) at 9:30 a.m. to Calvary by carriages. Dublin (Ireland) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, April 7, 1891

COMPTON, James H., born Sept. 27, 1868, died Dec. 3, 1912, at Denison, Tex., brother of Mrs. Jessie C. Moore and Walter H. Compton. Services private at Boylston's chapel, 4227 Cottage Grove-av., Saturday, at 2 p.m. Interment Rosehill cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 6, 1912, p.23

CONLEY, Patrick, beloved husband of Elizabeth, nee Farrell, father of Ella. Funeral Friday at 9 a.m., from late residence, 5439 Aberdeen-st., to Visitation church, where high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Greenwood cemetery, Hammond, Ind. --Chicago Tribune, November 14, 1912

CONLON, Patrick, 43; 2979 State-st., March 29. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, April 1, 1901

George E CONNELL, born 01 Oct 1895, died 24 Mar 1993 at Silver Cross Hospital, Joliet IL, last residence in Lockport IL, son of Owen and Catherine (Kolar) Connell. Guardian: Elmer or Elwin Rowley.

CONNOLLY, John, 40; 2950 Loomis-st., Aug. 5. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

CONRAD, Annie, 37; 650 N. Springfield-av., March 29. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, April 1, 1901

COOK, Lena M., May 25, 1918, dearly beloved wife of August, fond mother of Querin, Henry, and grandmother of Querin Hughes and daughter of Hannah M. Miller, at her residence, 2225 W. Chicago-av. Funeral Tuesday, May 28, at 9 a.m., to St. Aloysius church, where solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated. By autos to St. Boniface cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Monday May 27, 1918

COOL Family
George F BORMAN Born 30 Aug 1857; Died 11 Jan 1918 Blue Island IL
Harriet Elizabeth (COOL) BORMAN Born 10 May 1879 Blue Island IL; Died 27 Jan 1938 Blue Island IL
Benjamin COOL Born 06 Oct 1884 Brennen IL; Died 01 Jan 1896 Blue Island IL
Edwin W COOL Born 15 Jul 1853 IL; Died 23 Mar 1922 Oak Park IL
Elizabeth J COOL Born 03 Nov 1865 IL; Died 13 Apr 1925 Oak Park IL
Grace King COOL Born 04 Nov 1865 MI; Died 16 Apr 1930 Chicago IL
Josephine COOL Died 01 Jul 1891 Blue Island IL; City Board of Health Certificate #3106
Mary COOL Died 04 May 1901 Blue Island IL
Frederick FERRERS Died 11 Aug 1921 Blue Island IL
Edwin McGINNIS Died 30 Jun 1933 Chicago IL

COOL, Mary, died May 4, 1901 in Blue Island, IL, --Dept of Health, City of Chicago, Bureau of Vital Statistics

Died - at Desplaines, Oct 3, of Typhoid fever, Miss Kate E. COONS, aged 26 years, 7 months, and 18 days. Troy, N.Y., papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, October 5, 1872

CORBLEY, James, husband of the late Alice Corbley, father of Mrs. Catherine Diamond, Mrs. Margaret Crowley, Mrs. R. J. Peck, Mrs. Harry Sheeler, and Patrick Corbley. Funeral Tuesday, 9 a.m., from home of his daughter, Mrs. R. J. Peck, 4208 Park-av., to St. Mel's church, where requiem high mass will be celebrated. By autos to Mount Carmel. --Chicago Tribune, Monday May 27, 1918

CORNELIUS, William E., died Feb. 14, 1914, beloved husband of Julia C. Cornelius, and father of Mrs. John M. McKinley. Funeral services at his late residence, 6641 Normal-blvd., Tuesday, Feb. 17, at 2 p.m. Interment at Mount Hope. Indianapolis papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, February 17, 1914

Died - Jan. 18, Mrs. Hamnora Anne COSGROVE, age 48 years. Native of Ballinrobe, County Mayo, Ireland. Funeral Sunday from her late residence, 311 Hubbard St.., at 10:30 o'clock, to St. Columbkill's Church, thence by cars to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 19 January 1884, page 8

CORRIGAN, Ann, nee Langan, beloved mother or Phillip and James Corrigan, died at residence, 1839 Otto-st., formerly of 1922 Maud-av., native of Westport, County Mayo, Ireland. Funeral Saturday at 9:30 a.m., from residence to St. Andrew's church, where high mass will be celebrated. Interment Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 6, 1912, p.23

COTEY, John D. (Officer), husband of Marguerite Cotey. Funeral April 14, at 9 a.m., from 767 Kedzie-av., to St. Agatha church, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

Died - Feb. 5, at 8 a.m., at the residence of his mother, 119 Throop-st., William COWPER, aged 44 years, eldest son of Mrs. Elizabeth Cowper. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, February 6, 1882

CRAIG, James E., Rev. died suddenly, Feb. 10. Remains in state at Church of the Ascension, LaSalle-av. and Elm-st., Wednesday morning from 7 to 10 o'clock; requiem high mass at 11 o'clock. Interment at Rosehill. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, February 14, 1917

Died - In this city, on the evening of the 21st inst., Geo. Hamilton CRANE, infant son of R. T. and Mary Josephine Crane, aged 14 months and 10 days. Funeral at 2 o'clock P.M. to-day, from residence 297 South Clark street. Friends are invited to attend. Newark, N. J. papers please copy. --The Chicago Daily Tribune, Monday, February 22, 1864

CREEVY, John B., beloved husband of Magdelena (nee Grabinger), fond father of the late George Creevy, brother of Mrs. J. Sweeney and Mrs. J. Fitzgerald, died at residence, 2532 N. Robey-st. Funeral notice later. Member of Rutledge camp, Modern Woodmen of America. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, February 14, 1917

Cora Belle CRUSHSHON, 5245 Michigan Blvd.; wife of J W Crushshon; born 01 Aug 1868; Father: Richard Taylor born Boonville, Missouri; Mother: Mary Taylor born in Boonville, Missouri; Died 02 Jun 1927, age 58y 9m 26d; buried in Lincoln Cemetery; informant: Rev JW Crushshon

CUDDY, Mary, 75; 302 N. Franklin-st., Aug 7. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

CUDDY, Mary, died Aug. 7, wife of the late John Cuddy. Funeral Thursday, Aug. 9, at 10 o'clock, from her late residence, 302 N. Franklin-st., to Cathedral of Holy Name, thence by carriages to Calvary. Please omit flowers. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900

CUDNEY, Gertrude E., died Dec. 1, at the residence of her son, Dewitt Cudney, Grand L?dge, Mich. Interment at Oakwoods cemetery, Tuesday, Dec. 3. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 3, 1913

CUNNINGHAM - At the residence of her daughter, 247 East Superior-st., Mrs. Ann CUNNINGHAM, widow of the late Henry Cunningham, aged 78 years. Funeral Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1890, at 10:30 a.m. to the Church of the Holy Name; thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily Tribune, Dec. 23, 1890

Died - John D. CUNNINGHAM, only son of John and Mary Cunningham, on July 27. Funeral Sunday, at 9:30 o'clock a.m. from residence 2459 Cottage Grove av., by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 28 July 1883

Died - After a lingering illness, Ellen M. DALTON, aged 36 years. Funeral Sunday morning at 10 o'clock from the residence of her brother-in-law, C.V. Snell, 640 West Lake street, to Calvary by carriages. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, October 5, 1872

DAN, Mrs. I., beloved wife of Mr. I. Dan, beloved mother of Lewis, Benjamin, Hannah, and Charles. Funeral Monday at 12 m., from late residence, 5141 Prairie-av. No flowers. Autos to Oakwoods. --Chicago Tribune, Monday May 27, 1918

Died - May 18, 1890, at his residence, 442 Sixty-fourth-st., of pneumonia, Lee H. DANIELS, aged 29 years. Funeral Wednesday at 1 o'clock p.m. at Universalist church, 63d-st. and Stewart-av., Englewood. New Haven (Conn.) papers please copy. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

DANS, Fred, 15; 10815 Av. H., Aug. 6--Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

Louise DARLINGTON, born 19 Aug 1882 Troy NY, died 20 Sep 1944 Chicago IL, husband: George H Darlington, father: Charles Mesick (born NY), mother: Alice MacLaughlin (born NY), death certificate #34430

DARNSTADT, Charles, died age 39 years and 7 months, son of Mrs. Adolph Darnstadt, brother of Fred Darnstadt and Mrs. Emma Wiler. Funeral from late residence at Summit, Ill., Thursday, Feb. 15, at 2 o'clock. Burial at Bethany cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, February 14, 1917

DAVIS, Dorothy, 18 days; 558 W. Harrison-st., April 9. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

DAVIS, George T., died on Dec. 2, 1912, beloved husband of Carrie Davis, aged 48 years, at residence, 1735 W. Harrison-st. Funeral Wednesday at 10 a.m., from St. Jarlath's church. Burial at Mount Carmel, by automobiles. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 3, 1913

DAVIS, George T., died on Dec. 2, 1912, beloved husband of Carrie Davis, aged 48 years at residence, 1735 W. Harrison-st. Funeral Wednesday at 10 a.m. from St. Jarlath's church. Burial at Mount Carmel, by automobiles. --Chicago Tribune, December 4, 1912

DAVIS, John, aged 67, died March 31. Funeral from residence, 4850 Woodlawn-av., Tuesday, April 2, at 3 p.m., to Oakwoods. Burial private. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, April 1, 1901

Died - At the residence of her parents, 212 Center-av., Monday, March 26, 1888, Maggie DAVIS, only daughter of David and Julia Davis, aged 19 years 7 months and 24 days. Notice of funeral hereafter. God in His mercy to me has been kind, Is all that I will say, When my reason did not forsake me As I watched her fade away. -MA. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, March 27, 1888

DAWNEY, Harriet C., May 26, beloved wife of Scott H. Dawney, house 7046 Eberhardt. Funeral Tuesday, May 28, 2 p.m. from late residence. Interment Mount Hope. For information phone Stewart 77. --Chicago Tribune, Monday May 27, 1918

DAWSON, Josephine, died Nov. 29, 1912, aged 52 years. Funeral Monday, Dec 2, at 11:30 a.m., from Sheldon's funeral chapel, 912 Madison-st.; private. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, December 2, 1912. page 19

DAY, Sullivan M., 79; 29 Wisconsin-st., Aug. 7. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

Died - April 20, 1879, at No. Waller-st., of heart disease, Patrick DEEGAN, native of Rathangan, County Kildare, Ireland, aged 62 years. Funeral to-morrow by cars to Calvary. Lockport (N.Y.) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, April 21, 1879

Died - Jan. 17, at the residence of James Cleary DELLIT, 2987 Bonapart St.., Willie, beloved son of Nora and the late Neil Dellit, aged 8 years and 6 months. The funeral will take place Jan. 20 at 10 a.m. to St. Bridget's Church, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 19 January 1884, page 8

Died - Dora Lena DENKER, aged 3 years and 5 months, daughter of William F. and Maggie Denker. Funeral Thursday at 1 p.m., from residence, 186 Fulton-st. --Chicago Tribune, Feb. 22, 1893

DEWEY, George B., age 58, husband of Belle Pigman Dewey, at his residence, 4301 Oakenwald-av., died April 12. Funeral notice later. Cincinnati papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

The funeral of Wirt DEXTER will take place this afternoon (Tuesday, May 20) at 3 o'clock from his late residence, No. 1721 Prairie-av. Burial private. Friends are requested not to send flowers. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

DIANO, Lucia, 18; 134 W. Taylor-st., Aug. 8. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

DIBB, Margaret J., beloved wife of the late William H., mother of Harry A. and the late Mabel M. Aughinbaugh. Funeral Friday, Sept. 17, form late residence, ?41 (341 or 841) W. Garfield-blvd.; high mass at St. Ann's church at 10 a.m.; by autos to Mount Olivet. --Chicago Tribune, Sept. 16, 1915

Died - Louie DIEZ, beloved son of Adolf and Mary Diez, aged 24 years and 9 months. Funeral from his late residence, 136 East Fourteenth-st., Monday, November 12, 1 p.m., by carriages to Graceland. Friends are requested to attend. --Chicago Tribune, 11 November 1888

DILLON, William S., died Nov. 14, 1915, beloved husband of the late Mary E., nee Quigley, father of Thomas J., Joseph, and Margaret Dillon, Mrs. Millie A. Prendergast, Mrs. Anna Fash, and Mrs. Rose Pugh. Funeral Wednesday, Nov. 17, at 9 a.m., from his late home, 4013 Grenshaw-st., to Presentation church, where high mass will be celebrated. Automobiles to Calvary. Member of Father Setter's council No. 1278, K. of C. New York papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1915

Died - MARY DONOHUE, wife of Martin Donohue, to be buried from vault, Calvary Cemetery, Wednesday, March 28. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, March 27, 1888

Died - On Monday, April 6, 1891, Mary C. J. DONOGHUE, aged 19, at the residence of her uncle, M. F. Donogue, 398 W. Adams-st. Funeral Thursday at 10 o'clock to St. Patrick's church, thence by cars to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, April 7, 1891

DORAN, Hugo, died age 69, beloved husband of Elizabeth Leonard Doran, brother of John Doran and the late Mrs. Julia Layden of Aurora, Father of Mrs. Julia Kilts, Mrs. Jennie Crotty, Frank, Hugh, Jr., and Robert and of the later James and Fred. Funeral from late residence, 4351 W. Monroe-st., Friday, Feb. 16, 9 a.m., from St. Mel's church to Mount Carmel. Aurora papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, February 14, 1917

Died - July 21, Eugene DOREMUS, of the Millers' National Insurance Company, at his residence, Englewood, aged 36 years. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, July 21, 1880

John DOSKOCZ, died 30 Aug 1917 in Cook County Hospital, born 1862 in Austria, occupation: general laborer

DOSKOCZ, John; male; white; married; Date of Death 30 Aug 1917, City of Chicago, Cook Co. Hospital; Date of Birth...1862; Birthplace: Austria; Age: 55 years; Occupation: General Laborer; Cause of Death: Chronic valvular heat disease Nephritis. --State of Illinois, Cook County, City of Chicago; Registration #3104; Registered #26647

Died - Cherry Amy DOUGLAS, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Douglas, suddenly, Jan. 31. 1895, at 8:30 p.m., aged 11 years and 10 months. Funeral Saturday, Feb. 2, 10 o'clock, 48 N. Shelden-st. --Chicago Tribune, 1 Feb 1895

Died - At El Paso, Tex,. March 20, 1888, after long suffering, John W. DOWLING, beloved husband of Evaline V. Dowling (nee Willden), aged 27 years and 1 month. Funeral from his mother's residence, 3609 Indiana-av., Tuesday, at 10 o'clock, to Oakwoods. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, March 27, 1888

DOWNS, Katherine, nee Connors, died Dec 5, 1912, at her residence 2858 Wallace-st., beloved wife of the late John Downs, mother of William, Mary, John, James, Frank, Walter, and Mrs. J. W. Pattison, and the late Thomas Downs. Funeral notice later. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 6, 1912, p.23

DUFFY, Thomas, infant son of Robert and Mary Duffy. Funeral from 3161 LaSalle st., Wednesday, at 10 a.m., to Mount Olivet. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

DUNAVEN, George F., 52; 6026 S. Halsted-st., Aug. 6. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

Died - Nov. 5, at his residence, 74 West Van Buren-st., Robert DUNCAN, aged 48 years, beloved husband of Kate Duncan, nee Healy. Glasgow and Edinburg papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, 11 November 1888

Died - Rose Ann DUNN, beloved daughter of William and Mary Dunn, aged 8 years and 9 months. Funeral from parents' residence, 1201 Sacramento- av., Thursday. April 9, by carriages to Union depot, thence by C., M. & St. P. to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, April 7, 1891

DUPRE, Frederick ?. (C or O), beloved husband of Kittie, nee Hoffman, father of Louis, Val., Harry, and Leroy. Funeral Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2 p.m., from late home 8054 (or 3954) Jackson-blvd., autos to Forest Home. Utica and Rome [N. Y.] papers copy. Friends wishing seats call 1061 West. --Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1915

Died - Harold DURAND, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Durand, Dec. 6, aged 4 months, 16 days, Funeral Sunday at 11 o'clock from 99 S. Canal street. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890

Died - March 3, Allan C. DURBOROW Sr., aged 76 years. Funeral Services at his late residence 543 W. Adams St., Wednesday afternoon at 1 p.m. interment at Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, March 4, 1896, Page 5 Column 7

Died - In this city, on Friday, Feb. 5th at 4 o'clock P.M., of congestion of the brain, Emaline Elizabeth DWEN, youngest child of James G. and Nellie L. Dwen, aged 11 months and 2 weeks. --The Chicago Daily Tribune, Monday, February 8, 1864

DWYER, Edward, Dec 2, age 62 years. Funeral from the chapel of the Western Casket and Undertaking company, Michigan-blvd. and Randolph-st. Burial in Mt. Carmel cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, December 4, 1912

Died - Mary Madonna DWYER, beloved daughter of Janes and Margaret Dwyer (nee O'Donnell) aged 15 months and 1 week. burial Thursday, 10 a.m. from their residence, 200 E. 55th-st., by carriages to Mount Olivet. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1895

Died - June 4, 1884, George Frederic EARHUFF, second son of John G. and Mary Earhuff, aged 11 years, 11 months, 12 days. Funeral from the residence, 321 Webster ave., Sunday at 2 o'clock, to Graceland. Welland (ONT) and Providence (RI) papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, June 7, 1884

EBERSOLD, Louis F., aged 29 years and 3 months, son of Peter and Margaret Ebersold. Funeral Wednesday at 1 p.m. from 39 Hastings-st. to Rosehill. --Chicago Tribune, 26 August 1902

Died - May 13, at the home of her parents, Gaines, Mich., Mrs. H. M. EDMONSON. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

EDWARDS, Beatrice, nee Clark, died Feb. 12, 1917. Funeral notice later. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, February 14, 1917

Died - At Desplaines, Ill., Thursday morning, June 5, Caroline Amelia EDWARDS, daughter of Francis Edwards. Funeral Saturday, June 7, at 1 p.m., at the residence in Desplaines. --Chicago Tribune, June 7, 1884

EDWARDS, E. E., Dr., died on Nov. 10 at La Belle, Fla. He was well known many years ago in Illinois, having lived in this state from the year 1871 to the year 1885, during which time he was professor at the McKendree college at Lebanon, Ill., and supertendent of the public schools at Olney, Ill. Four sons and one daughter survive him. --Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1915

Died - At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. D. Jones, 591 Harrison-st., Sept. 14, Susan Louisa EDWARDS, aged 63 years. Funeral 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 16. --Chicago Daily Tribune, Wednesday, September 16, 1891

EGAN, Cornelia Ford, died Aug. 8, 1900. Funeral at Church Home, 4325 Ellis-av., Thursday, 10 a.m. Interment Lake Geneva, Wis. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900

EGAN, Cornelia F., 76; 4323 Ellis-av., Aug. 7. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

Died - Mrs. Rachel ELAM, from her late residence, 3249 Calumet-av., Thursday, Oct. 3, 1895, thence by carriages to Graceland. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1895

ELLICKSON, Charles. Funeral Tuesday at 2 p.m. from 1877 Grand-av., to Mount Olive cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, 26 August 1902

ELLIS - At his residence, No. 9 Bryant-av., Dec. 20, Dr. J. Ward ELLIS, aged 62 years. Funeral from First Baptist Church, corner South Park-av. and Thirty-first-st., at 1 o'clock p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 23. Interment at Oakwoods. No flowers. Members of the I.O.O.F. desiring to attend the funeral of Dr. J. Ward Ellis will meet at the rooms of Excelsior Lodge, No. 22, Clark and Washington-sts., at 11:30 a.m. --Chicago Daily Tribune, Dec. 23, 1890

ELWELL, Frances Hall, beloved wife of William S. Elwell and mother of Hector H. Elwell, Mrs. Charles F. Carpenter, and Mrs. Charles O. Berg. Monday at 6638 Kimbark-av. Funeral from the late residence Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Burial in Oakwoods. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, February 14, 1917

The funeral of the late John ELWELL will take place from the family residence, 6454 Grove-pl., Thursday, 23d inst., at 3 p.m. --Chicago Tribune, Feb. 22, 1893

EMMERICH, Adam, 30; 102 Menominee-st., Aug. 7. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department

Died - Feb. 1, Amalie EPPENSTEINE, wife of Jacob Eppenstein, aged 71 years. Funeral Sunday, at 10 a.m., from residence, 2440 Wabash-av. --Chicago Tribune, 02 Feb 1895

EPSTEIN, Joseph, 59 years 6 months, beloved husband of Carrie, nee Rosenfeld, father of Max J., Maurice and Helen Epstein, Mrs. Isidor Mendle, Mrs. Henry Hasterlik, Mrs. Clarence Adler, and Mrs. Juilus Daniels, died Dec. 1, 1912, at 11 p.m. Funeral from late residence, 4646 Prairie-av., Wednesday, Dec 4, at 1 p.m.; by automobile to Waldheim [Wetern Star cemetery]. Member of Fort Dearborn council, Royal Arcanum, and independent Western Star Order. St. Louis and New York papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 3, 1913

EPSTEIN, Joseph, 59 years 6 months, beloved husband of Carrie, nee Rosenfeld, father of Max J., Maurice and Helen Epstein, Mrs. Isidor Mendle, Mrs. Henry Hasterlik, Mrs. Clarence Adler, and Mrs. Julius Daniels, Dec. 1, 1912, at 11 p.m. Funeral from late residence, 4646 Prairie-av., Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 1 p.m.; by automobile to Waldheim [Western Star cemetery]. Member of Fort Dearborn council, Royal League; Douglas Park council, Royal Arcanum, and Independent Western Star Order. St. Louis and New York papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, December 4, 1912

ERICKSON, Marguerite Lorraine, died March 30, 1901, at parents' residence, 352 E. 24th-st., infant daughter of Louis and Elizabeth Erickson, Mrs. O'Brien. Funeral private Monday, April 1. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, April 1, 1901

Selma H. ERICKSON; Certificate of Death 8369 Registration Dist. No. 3104; Address: 7916 So. Laflin St., Chicago; Date of death: March 18, 1943; Time of death: 10:53 A.M.; Female, white, married; Husbands name: Charles O. age of husband 73; Birth date of deceased: Sept. 10, 1873; Age at death: 69 yrs. 6 months and 8 days; Birthplace: Sweden; Occupation: Housewife; Father's name: unknown, Birthplace: Sweden; Mother's name: Hannah Holst, Birthplace: Sweden; Informant: Elise E. Erickson; Place of Burial: Evergreen Cemetery, Evergreen Park, Cook County, Illinois. Note: I called Evergreen and they have not record of Selma H. Erickson being buried at that cemetery.

Died - George ERNST, late of 183 West Harrison-st., aged 63 years; member Volunteer Firemen's Association. Funeral from residence, 971 Odgen-av., at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 21, by carriages to Rosehill. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Died - July 4, Maggie Ward EVENS, aged 6 years and 8 months, beloved daughter of Owen and Mary Evens. Funeral from residence of parents, 286 Fifth-av., to-day at 1 p.m. Friends of the family are invited to attend. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, July 6, 1880

FABBRI, Mrs., died in Venice, Cal. Sept. 10, 1915, widow of the late Charles Fabbri of Chicago. Funeral Friday, Sept. 17, at 2 p.m., at Rosehill cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Sept. 16, 1915

Died - Nov. 25, Louis J. FAESSLER, of Bright's disease. Funeral Thursday, Nov. 27, at 9:30 a.m., from the residence of his sister, Mrs. Charles Halls, 592 La Salle-Ave.., to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, thence by carriages to Calvary. New York City, St. Louis, Hot Springs (Ark.), and Kansas City papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Wed., Nov. 26, 1884

Died - Feb. 1, Therese FALKENAU, aged 62 years. Funeral from residence, 1923 Indiana-av., to Graceland, Sunday 1:30. New York and San Francisco papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, 02 Feb 1895

Died - Harry FARRAR, only son of William R. and Kittie C. Farrar, died May 19, of diphtheria, aged 3 years and 9 months. Funeral at residence, 3840 Cottage Grove-av., Tuesday, May 20, at 2 o'clock p.m. Carriages to Oakwood Cemetery. Peoria and Elmwood papers please copy. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Died - Jan 27, 1982, Edward FARRELL, aged 38 years, brother of Martin Farrell. Funeral from his late residence No. 2727 Cottage Grove av., Saturday, Jan 30, at 9:30 a.m. to St. James Church: Thence by C. and G. T. R. R. To Mount Olivet Cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892

FARRELL, Edward J. - Sex M; Color W; Marital Status Single; Birthplace Chicago; Date of Birth Mar 31, 1862; Age 51 years, 2 months, 8 days; Died on 29th day of March 1913 at about 12:15 a.m.; Last occupation Clerk for Sweeny (?) From the year 1890 to 1900; Place of Death Park Ave. Hospital; How long at Place of Death 4 hrs; Usual residence 2223 S. 41st St.; How long resident in city Since birth; Name of father David Farrell; Birthplace of father Ireland; Maiden name of mother Margaret Power; Birthplace of mother Ireland; Informant Leonard Farrell; Address of informant 2223 S. 41st St; Place of Burial Mt. Carmel; Date of Burial April 1-1913 10 a.m.; Undertaker P.J. Hansen, 2346 W. Madison St., license no. 15; Coroner's Certificate Cause of Death From the evidence obtained by said Inquest find that said deceased came to his death on the day and at about the hour stated above, and from the cause hereunder written. Cause of death Injuries, due to being struck by street car on March 28, 1913.

FAVA, Natle, husband of the late Anna Fava, 2500 LaSalle-st., died Oct 1. Funeral Oct. 4, at 8:30 a.m., to Church of Maria Incoronata, 20th-st., thence to Mount Carmel cemetery, 12 m (the rest unreadable) --Chicago Tribune, October 3, 1903

FELSENTHAL, Joseph and Fannie, beloved father and mother of Mrs. G. Felsenthal, Chicago, Mrs. H. C. Oppenheimer, Memphis, Tenn., and Jonas B. Felsenthal. Funeral at Brownsville, Tenn., Dec 2. Louisville and Philadelphia papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, December 2, 1912. page 19

FICKLER, Anna, 20; 6502 Carpenter-st., April 11. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

FICKLER, Anna, died April 12, 1904, wife of Robert Fickler, aged 20 years. Funeral April 13, at 2 p.m., from 6502 Carpenter-st. to Oakwoods. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

FILLMORE, Frank, 45 years, from the chapel of the Western Casket and Undertaking Co., Michigan-blvd. and Randolph-st. Burial in Elmwood. --Chicago Tribune, December 4, 1912

Died - In the 55th year of his age, Asher FINEGOLD, at residence, 576 W. Lake-st., May 19, 9 p.m., beloved father of Mrs. Bertha Pollack and Joseph Jacob Finegold. Funeral notice hereafter. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

FINKELSTEIN, Sarah, mother of Louis, David, Mandel, Mrs. H. Mendelson and Mrs. N. M. Kiawans (or Klawans). Funeral Thursday, 2 p.m., from late residence, 630 S. Marshfield-av. Please omit flowers. --Chicago Tribune, Sept. 16, 1915

FINNEGAN, Johanna, nee Culbane (not sure could be Culnane, Culhane), beloved wife of Michael, fond mother of Mrs. Frank Kasbohm, Mrs. Thomas E. Moran, Dave and Harold Finnegan. Funeral Saturday, Sept. 18, at 9:30 a.m., from late residence, 3210 Flournoy-st., to Our Lady of Sorrows church; autos to Mt. Carmel, member of Birmingham court No. 166, W. C. O. F., and Married Ladies' Sodality of Lady of Sorrows parish. --Chicago Tribune, Sept. 16, 1915

Died - Dec. 29, 1882, at his residence, Jefferson, Ill., Michael FINNEGAN. Funeral from the house, Sunday at 1 o'clock, to Niles Center for interment. Friends are invited to attend. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday (5 p.m. edition) December 30, 1882, p. 1, col. 1

FISCHER, Florence, 1; 3617 Wentworth-av., April 12. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

FISH, James H., died April 12, 1904, husband of the late Sarah Fish. Funeral from 664 E. 63d st. to Holy Cross church, at 9 o'clock, April 14, by street cars to Mount Olivet. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

Died - Jan. 30, in the City of Mexico, Arthur P. FITZGERALD, aged 26 years, son of John P. and Pauline A. Fitzgerald of this city. St Louis papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, 1 Feb 1895

Died - Feb. 16, 1889, Edward FITZGERALD, youngest son of James and Kate Fitzgerald, aged 20 months and 20 days. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

Died - At her residence, 214 Wells-st., April 10, 1892, Hanora FLANAGAN, beloved mother of Annie, Patrick, James and Thomas Flanagan, native of County Limerick, Ireland, aged 68 years. Funeral notice hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, April 11, 1892

Died - Sept 5, 1888, at his residence, 232 Sherman-st., John FLANNERY, son of the late William and Alice Flannery, aged 22 years. Funeral Friday, Sept. 7, at 10 o'clock, by carriages to St. Mary's Church, and by cars from Northwestern Depot to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888

FLEMING, Thomas F., died Sept. 13, 1915, at his residence, 6549 Emerald-av., beloved husband of Mary and father of Thomas F., Mrs. Frank Kreger, Bessie, James, Mrs. E. Norman, Joseph, John, and Annie. Member of Palace council No. 39, Royal League. Funeral Thursday, Sept. 16, 2 p.m. Interment at Mount Greenwood. --Chicago Tribune, Sept. 16, 1915

FLETCHER, Bertah M. - In loving memory of Bertah M. Fletcher, who passed away Dec. 3, 1911. From Her Devoted Husband. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 3, 1913

Gen. F. F. FLINT, U.S. Army, died suddenly at his home in Highland Park, Sept. 15, in his 71st year. Funeral notice hereafter. San Francisco, Louisville, Cincinnati, and Fall River (Mass.) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily Tribune, Wednesday, September 16, 1891

FLYNN, B., wife of Edward Flynn, died aged 2? (26 or 28) years. Funeral from 637 W. Erie-st., notice later. --Chicago Tribune, October 3, 1903

FOGARTY, William, husband of Susan Fogarty, died aged 47 years. Funeral from 425 W. Ohio-st., Oct. 4, at 9:30 a.m., to St. Columbkill's church, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, October 3, 1903

Died - At his residence, No. 1634 Prairie-av., Monday, Feb. 20, Erastus FOOTE, aged 71 years. Funeral services at Second Presbyterian Church, Wednesday morning, Feb. 22, at 11 o'clock. --Chicago Tribune, Feb. 22, 1893

Died - Jan. 31, Joseph Chester FORD, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilkes Ford. funeral Sunday, Feb. 3 at 10 o'clock from residence at Waukegan, Ill., to St. Mary's Church, thence by cars to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, 02 Feb 1895

Rose FORNEK, born 17 Sep 1893 in Poland, daughter of Michael and Maryann (Marik) Haracz, died 06 Aug 1976 in Chicago IL, buried 09 Aug 1976 at Resurrection Cemetery

Died - Friday, Nov. 9, Elizabeth Dickinson FORREST, infant daughter of John and Mary Dickinson Forrest, aged 3 months 28 days. --Chicago Tribune, 11 November 1888

Died - March 27, 1888, at his residence, 693 Larrabee-st., John FORREST, aged 77 years, Funeral Wednesday, at 2 p.m., to Graceland. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, March 27, 1888

Died - Friday, Jan. 18, R. H. FORRESTER, aged 67 years. Funeral Sunday at 1 p.m. at his late residence, 3623 Ellis Park, by carriages to Graceland. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 19 January 1884, page 8

Died - At his residence, 277 -- Halsted-st., April 9, George A. FOSTER, beloved husband of Annie Foster, aged 31 years. Funeral Tuesday, at 9:30 to St. Patrick's church, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, April 11, 1892

Died - In Laramie City, Wyoming, Jan. 16, James FOSTER, aged 23. Funeral Sunday, Jan. 20, from the residence of his uncle, William Joyce, corner Ashland and Douglas avs., by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 19 January 1884, page 8

FOSTER, Mary C., died aged 68, wife of Orrington Crews Foster. Funeral at 2 p.m., Saturday, 1401 Dearborn-av. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 6, 1912, p.23

FOSTER, Sarah Zearing, mother of Gen. D. Jack Foster, died yesterday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Philp, 5618 Kenwood avenue. Mrs. Foster was born in Harrisburg, Pa., in 1831, and came to Princeton, Ill., a few years later. She was one of the pioneer settlers of that part of the state. --Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1915

FOURNIER, Della, daughter of August and Marie Fournier. Funeral Tuesday at 9 a.m. from 651 S. Spaulding-av. to St. Agatha's church, thence to Mount Carmel cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, 26 August 1902

FRANKA, Katie, 29; 35 Ruble-st., March 30. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, April 1, 1901

FRANZ, Augusta, 35; 1088 W. 19th-st., April 10. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

FRASER, James G., died April 10, 1904, 45 years, husband of Margaret Fraser, father of Alexander, Mrs. George Unger, Mrs. James Martin, and brother of William G. and John C. Fraser of Denver, Colo. Funeral from residence of daughter, Mrs. Unger, 639 Austin-av., Wednesday, April 13th, by carriages to Graceland. Glascow, Scotland papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

Died - Nov. 10, 1888, Augustus FREDERICKS, aged 44 years 2 months. Funeral from Rogerson & Son's undertaking establishment, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock to Forest Home. --Chicago Tribune, 11 November 1888

FREUDENTHAL, Bertha, nee New, beloved wife of Sam Freudenthal, died Thursday, Dec. 5, 11 a.m. Funeral from Furth chapel, 35th-st. and Grand-blvd., Sunday, Dec. 8, 1 p.m. Automobiles to Rosehill. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 6, 1912, p.23

FRIEDLANDER, Edward D. of Friedlander-Brady company, aged 58, died suddenly, Nov. 15. Funeral notice later. --Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1915

FRIEDLANDER, Edward D., chief figure in the Friedlander-Brady company 501 South Green street, manufacturers of knit goods, died last night at 4814 Forrestville avenue. He was born in Hungary fifty-eight years ago. Thirty-five years ago, he came to Chicago and founded the Friedlander-Brady comopany, of which he was president until this year, when he partly retired and became treasurer. he is survived by his widow, Mrs. Gertrude Wegener Friedlander. --Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1915

FRIELITZ, Edward, beloved son of William and Ernestine Frielitz, brother of Mrs. A.J. Eberhard, died April 12, 1904. Funeral Friday, April 15, from late residence, 370 W. Lake-st., at 1 p.m., to Fourth German M.E. church, 415 Augusta-st., 1:30 p.m. Interment at Rosehill. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904

Died - At 46 Marion place, Feb. 12, John D. FROST, aged 56 years. Funeral Sunday, at 1 p.m., by carriages to Graceland. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

Died - After an illness of only two days with pneumonia, Lott FROST, Esq. Friends are invited to attend his funeral from his late residence, No. 123 Calumet-av., Tuesday, April 22, at 1:30 o'clock. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, April 21, 1879

FRYE, J. W., beloved husband of Jennie Frye, father of Etta, Jason, William, Jennie, Viola. Funeral Monday, Dec. 2, 2 p.m. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, December 2, 1912. page 19

FUCHS, Clara, beloved daughter of Joseph and Emily Fuchs, aged 7 years old and 10 months. Interment at Waldheim Wednesday, Aug. 27, at 1 o'clock from residence, 1609 Lincoln-av. --Chicago Tribune, 26 August 1902

FULDE, Hedwig, died Dec. 1, aged 25 years, beloved wife of Randolph A. Fulde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Burkhardt, sister of Mrs. G. V. Domorus Jr., Louise and Ellen Burkhardt. Funeral Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 11:30 a.m. from parents' residence, 3633 N. Hoyne-av., to Waldheim cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 3, 1913

FURRY, Ida S., 61?1 (6111 or 6141) Kimbark-av., wife of the late Albert Ross Furry and mother of Cora Furry Miller, Harley E. and Fred C. Furry. Born Oct. 22, 1857; died Dec. 1, 1912. Interment at Alden, Ia. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 3, 1913

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