Cook County

1800-2000 Deaths L-Z

Collection of Deaths contributed by Sue Anger, Jeanne Arguelles, Mary Arvidson, Beverly S. Aylor, Vicky Bartlett, Janice Brown Buchanan, Sharon I. Dickson, Joan Cool, Dick Couch, M. Crushshon, athie Groll, Kenneth Gruschow, Anita Heflin, Jane Hunter Hodgson, Carolyn R. Holladay, Kim Lemberg, Colleen Maresca, Vicki Reynolds Mazur, Ejvor Merkley, Lorraine Moore, Tom Mueller, Rita Neumann, Marta Norton, Helen Popp, Kathy Ramirez, Dorothy Rodgers, Joan M. Ross, Carole Shoptaw, Irene Snyder, Vickie Tallent, June E. Tuck, Joyce Vetter, John Weiss, Arlene Welter, Steve and Lila White, Bob, and Bonnie.

Died - March 27, 1888, Thomas F. LALLY, aged 33 years. Funeral Thursday, March 29, 10 a.m., from 3 Iowa-st., near Wood, to St. Columbkill's Church, thence by cars (C. & N.W. R.R.) to Calvary. Milford and Waltham (Mass.) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, March 27, 1888

Died - At Benton, Mont., April 22, of heart disease, William B. LAMB. Remains brought here for interment. Burial private. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Died - At Garfield Park Sanitarium, Jan. 25, W. H. LAMSON of 1552 W. Adams st., aged 42 years. Funeral notice later. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896

Died - LANQUIST, Oct. 30, 1885, beloved daughter of Emma and John, aged 6 years and 1 month. Funeral from parents' residence 119 Coulder-st., at 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 1, by carriages to Rose Hill. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885

Christ LARSEN, born in Norway, died 26 Sep 1912

Thora LARSEN, born in Denmark, died 31 Jan 1889, 500 W 14th St, 24 years old, resided in state six years.

Entered into rest Jan. 31, '95, Jane A. LARZELERE, at the residence of her sister, Mrs. R. A. Johnson, 906 W. Monroe. Services at 3 p.m. Friday at the house. Burial at Wooster, O. Toledo, OH. papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Feb 1895

Died - James H. LAVELLE, native of Parish of Adrigoole, County Mayo, Ireland. Funeral Thursday, Sept. 17, from his late residence, corner Green Bay-av. and 90th-st., South Chicago, by cars to Calvary via Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul R.R. --Chicago Daily Tribune, Wednesday, September 16, 1891

Died - At 631 45th-st., Ellen LAVERY, aged 20. Funeral Sunday, at 10:30, to St. Gabriel's church, thence by Grand Trunk R.R. to Mount Olivet. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

Died - In this city, of spinal meningitis, Edward J. LAWLER, aged 36 years. Native of Quebec, Canada. Funeral from his late residence, 78 Seymour-st., July 7, at 10 a.m., to St. Columbkill's Church. Carriages to Calvary. Quebec and Montreal papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, July 6, 1880

Died - At 8 a.m. Sunday, June 5, Madeleine S. LAWTON, wife of Charles T. Lawton and daughter of Mr. And Mrs. William Cleaver. Funeral services Tuesday, at 2 p.m., at residence, 4737 Kenwood - av, Burial private. --Chicago Tribune, Mon. June 6, 1892 page 6

Entered into rest Jan. 31, '95, Jane A. LARZELERE, at the residence of her sister, Mrs. R. A. Johnson, 906 W. Monroe. Services at 3 p.m. Friday at the house. Burial at Wooster, O. Toledo, OH. papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, 01 February 1895

Died - Ambrose R. LEE of Erie Pa. Sunday Moring Mar 1 in the 58th year of his age. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, March 4, 1896, Page 5 Column 7

Died - April 19, at No. 43 Ashland-av., Georgie S. LEE, aged 30 years and 2 months. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, April 21, 1879

Died - Thursday morning, Jan. 17, Ann LEIGH, beloved wife of Patrick Leigh, aged 54 years. Funeral Saturday, Jan. 19, from residence, 553 West Twelfth St.., to the Jesuit Church, where high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 19 January 1884, page 8

Funeral - Elizabeth LEITH, wife of Malcom Leith, Friday, Sept 8 at 2:30 p.m., from late residence 3548 Forest Av., to Oakwoods--Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 9 Sept 1899

Died - May 19, 1890, Mrs. Ann LEONARD, wife of the late Timothy Leonard, in the 55th year, at her residence, 127 Sedgwick-st. Funeral notice hereafter. Minneapolis, New York, and Cleveland papers please copy. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Died - On Sept. 6, 1888, Caroline LEVY, relict of the late Morris Levy, aged 58 years. Funeral from her late residence, 361 S. Clark-st., on Sunday, Sept. 9, at 11 o'clock a.m., to Waldheim. All Friends invited. Detroit, Milwaukee, Newark (N.J.) and New York papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888

Died - March 26, 1888, Richard LEYDEN, son of Thomas and Mary Leyden, Tullig, County Clare, Ireland; brother of D. P. Leyden and husband of Margaret Leyden, nee Murray. Funeral Wednesday, March 28, from 2114 Purple-st. at 9 a.m. to St. John's Church, thence by carriages to Calvary Cemetery. Following papers please copy: Kilrush, County Calre, Cork (Ireland), Pittsburg, and New York. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, March 27, 1888

Died - Jan. 18, 1884, at his residence, 158 Wilmot av., J. P. LIVENGOOD, aged 59 years. Funeral from his late residence at 12 o'clock Jan. 19. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 19 January 1884, page 8

Died - At Galesburg, Ill. April 9, James LONG, late of Chicago. Burial at Naperville, Tuesday, April 12, at 1 p.m. --Chicago Daily News, April 11, 1892

Died - May 17, 1890, at the Emergency Hospital, Elias O. F. LUNDGREN, aged 35 years and 23 days. Funeral from his late residence, 164 Hamburg-st., Wednesday, May 21, at 2 o'clock, by carriages to Graceland Cemetery. Friends invited. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Died - At Millburn, Lake County, Thursday, July 15, 1880, at 2 o'clock p.m., George E. LUPTON, aged 21 years 15 days; born June 28, 1859. Struck by Lightning. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, July 21, 1880

Died - The funeral of Ellen LYNCH will take place at 10 o'clock a.m., Sunday, from 20 Nebraska st. Carriages to Rock Island depot where special arrangements have been made with the Rock Island railroad to convey the friends of deceased to Joliet and return same day. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday (5 p.m. edition) December 30, 1882, p. 1, col. 1

Died - Angus MACLEAN, at 1557 W Harrison St., Sept. 7; native of North Uist, Scotland, aged 50 years. Funeral Sunday at Scotch church, at 1:30 p.m. by carriages to Rose Hill. Glasgow (Scotland) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 9 Sept 1899

Died - Jan. 17, Ella MacFARLAND, daughter of Frank W. and Lizzie MacFarland, aged 5 years 1 month and 28 days. Massachusetts papers copy. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 19 January 1884, page 8

Died - April 22, Fannie MACK, wife of William Mack aged 25 years. Funeral from late residence, 166 W. Madison-st., at 10 a.m. Friday to Rose Hill. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891

Died - On the 16th inst., Nellie Somsa MACKNESS, twin daughter of Charles and Carrie Mackness, aged 10 months. Gone so soon. Toronto, Ont., and Pentwater, Mich., papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, July 18, 1878

Little Gracie MADDY, daughter of J. C. and Emeline M. Maddy, died Oct 3, aged 2 months and 9 days. "Suffer little children to come unto Me, For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." --Chicago Tribune, Friday, October 4, 1872

Died - Mary MAHER (nee Burke), at her late residence, 109 Seward-st., wife of the late James Maher. Funeral Friday, at 9:30 a.m. to Sacred Heart church, thence by cars to Calvary; member of Sacred Heart court No. 9. Women's C. O. F. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1895

MAHONEY - Mrs. Nelly MAHONEY, nee Barry, beloved wife of Thomas C. Mahoney, at her residence, 179 Wright-st. Funeral notice hereafter. --Chicago Daily Tribune, Dec. 23, 1890

Died - Dec. 27, MALDOON. Funeral from his late residence, 768 Van Buren st., Sunday morning at 9:30 sharp, by carriages to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday (5 p.m. edition) December 30, 1882, p. 1, col. 1

Died - Sept. 30, 1985, Michael MANGAN, beloved husband of Rose Mangan (nee McKenna) and son of the late Thomas and Mary Mangan, aged 28 years. Funeral Thursday, at 9:30 a.m., from residence 48 N. Center-av. to St. Columbkill's church where high mass will be celebrated; thence to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1895

Died - Mary Eva MANGOLD, beloved daughter of Officer John and Barbara Mangold; sister of Charles, William and John, and sister-in-law of Laura Mangold, aged 29 years and 11 months. Funeral from her parents' residence, 1158 Fillmore St., at 9:30 a.m. to Holy Trinity church, thence by carriages to St. Boniface cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 9 Sept 1899

Died - John E. MASON, beloved son of Edward and Mary Mason, brother of Mrs. Geo. Olson, Mrs. Wm. Sloan and Frank Mason, aged 29 years 5 months. Funeral Sunday, at 1 p.m. from his late home, 480 W. Ohio st., to Rose Hill. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Nov 17, 1899

Died - Dec. 6, aged 1 year and 5 days, Johnnie MASQUELET, beloved son of John and Margaret Masquelet. Funeral from parents' residence 4700 Ashland-av., Monday, Dec. 8, at 12 o'clock m., via Grand Trunk R.R., to Mount St. Maria. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890

Died - Jan. 31, 1895, Elinor Hatfield MATHER, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Mather, aged 12 years and 8 months. Funeral Saturday at 2 p.m. from residence, 3518 Vernon-av. Burial private. Friends will please omit flowers.--Chicago Tribune, 01 Feb 1895

Delwyn MAYS, born 11 Jun 1936 El Reno Canedien OK, to Delwin Meyers and Mildred Smith, died Oct 1966

George Herbert McALLISTER, male, white, widower, born 28 Apr 1857 Champagne IL, father Sydney McAllister (born in Vermont), mother Josephine Herbert (born in Urbana IL), died 04 Dec 1925, 640 E Marquette Rd, age 68 yrs 7 mos 7 days, wife: Augusts McAllister, retired fire marshall, buried 07 Dec 1925 Evergreen Cemetery

John J McBRIDE, Jr.

Born: Sept 4, 1871 Chicago, Illinois
Died: Aug 24, 1943 Evergreen Park, Cook County, Illinois
Occupation: Painter and Decorator
Father: John McBride born St. John, Canada
Mother: Ellen Whitfield born Belfast, Ireland

Died - On Sunday, May 18, at Alexian Brothers' Hospital, John J. McCULLOUGH, aged 42 years. Funeral notice hereafter. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Died - Edward McGANN, Thursday, Nov. 16, aged 15 years. Funeral Sunday. Burial private. No Flowers. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Nov 17, 1899

Edward John McGRATH, male, aged 5 years, 4 months, died Feb 9th, 1881, 1:00 pm, born in Chicago, life-long resident of this Illinois, residence at death 2923 Garibaldi, 5th ward, cause of death Pilmonary Consumption, duration of disease about 2 years, buried in Calvary Cemetery, undertaker Stuart, Death Certificate Number 1511

Died - Jan. 24, 1896, Mrs. Christina Milne McLEOD, in her 57th year. At her daughter's residence, 227 S. Paulina st. Funeral Sunday, Jan. 26, 10 a.m. Carriages to Graceland. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896

Died - At his residence, 48 Boston-av., Feb. 15, Capt. Robert L. McLOON, aged 80 years. Funeral Sunday, Feb. 17, by carriages to Rose Hill. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

Died - Feb. 6, at 12 o'clock noon at the residence of his sister, George W. McMELLEN, aged 26 years. Funeral service Feb. 8, at 10 a.m. to St. James Church, Wabash-av., where solemn high mass will be held, thence by carriages to Calvary Cemetery. Milwaukee papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, February 6, 1882

Died - At his residence, No. 90 Center-av., James McMULLEN, aged 64 years. Funeral notice hereafter. --Chicago Tribune, Feb. 22, 1893

The funeral of James McMULLEN took place yesterday morning at St. Patrick's church, West Adams and Desplaines streets. The services were simple in accordance with his wishes. Preceding the ceremony at the church a short service was conducted at the house, Jackson Boulevard and Center avenue, by Rev. Father Henneberry. The remains were then taken to the church, where high mass was said by Dr. Butler, assisted by Dr. McGovern and Rev. Father Henneberry. The sermon was delivered by Rev. D. J. Riordan, and was a touching eulogy of the life of the deceased. After the services the pallbearers, James McMullen, Joseph McMullen, J. McLaoughlin, William McLaughlin and John W Young, who were nephews of the deceased, carried the casket to the hearse. The honorary pallbearers were: W. J. Amberg, Joseph Kenny, John Coughlin, Dr. R.A. Lilly, Z.P. Brosseau, R. Canon, J Beldier, John Adams. The burial was at Calvary, where a short service was held. --Chicago Herald 1893

Died - Peter McNAMEE, May 19, 1890, at the residence of his son, Peter F., 1119 Perry-st., Lake View. Funeral Wednesday, at 10 a.m., to Mount Carmel Church, thence by carriages to Calvery. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Died - Oct 30, 1885, Ann McNEFF, at the residence of her son, Thomas McNeff, 4212 Wentworth-av.. Funeral Sunday, Nov. 1, at 10 o'clock, by carriages to St. Cecelia's Church, thence by cars to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885

Died - Mary McSHANE, beloved wife of the late Barney McShane (nee Hughes); born Cullyhanna parish, County Armagh, Ireland; beloved mother of Mary A., John and Katie B. McShane, sister of Nellie, Kate and Frank Hughes and Mrs. Hugh Gordon. Funeral from her late residence, 164 W. 47th. at Saturday, Nov. 18, at 9 a.m., to St. Elizabeth's church, where high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Mount Olivet cemetery. County Armagh papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Nov 17, 1899

Died - May Ellen McSWEENEY, aged 34 years, beloved wife of James McSweeney. Funeral from residence No. 2714 Dearborn St.., Sunday, Jan. 20.; by carriages to St. James' Church, thence by cars to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 19 January 1884, page 8

The funeral of Timothy MEEHAN will take place from his parents' home, 3667 Archer-av., to-morrow, Wednesday, April 8, at 9 a.m., to St. Agnes church, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, April 7, 1891

Died - Thomas MELDRUM, aged 69 years and 3 months. Funeral from his late residence, 1510 W. Lake-st. Sunday, Feb. 3, at 1 p.m., by carriages to Rosehill. Dundee (Scotland) papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, 02 Feb 1895

Died - Sept. 5, J. C. MERIAM, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Meriam, and husband of Nettie Meriam, aged 33 years. Funeral Friday, Sept. 7, at 1 p.m., at the residence of his parents, 355 Claremont-av., Friends invited. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888

Died - Feb. 6, at 292 W. Washington-st. Henry MESSER, aged 54 years and 5 months. Funeral at 11 O'clock 8th. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, February 6, 1882

Died - Blanche MEYER, beloved daughter of Emil and Grace Meyer (nee Hoar), Friday morning at 8 o'clock. Funeral from parents' residence, Sunday, at 1 o'clock sharp to Rose Hillcemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 9 Sept 1899

Died - At 725 Washington-bd., April 23, Philip MEYERS, Funeral notice hereafter. Wilkes-Barre and Williamsport (Pa.) and Oakaloosa (Iowa) papers will please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891

Died - Mrs. Kathrine MILLER, wife of Samuel Miller. Funeral from late residence, 646 W. Twelfth-st., May 20, at 10 o'clock a.m., by carriages to Calvary Cemetery. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Died - Maggie Wheeler MILLER, at Fairfield, Ill., May 14, wife of Henry B. Miller. Funeral in Chicago. Notice hereafter. --Chicago Tribune, 15 May 1877, page 8

Died - July 27, at 2 a.m., Catherine MITCHELL, mother of Capt. T. Mitchell, aged 55 years. Funeral from the residence of her daughter-in-law Mrs. J. Mitchell, 109 N. Leavitt st., Sunday, July 29, at 11 o'clock, to St. Jarlath's Church, thence by carriages to Calvary Cemetery. May her soul rest in peace. Amen --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 28 July 1883

Died - At his residence, 621, 42d-st., April 10, Andrew MONAHAN, beloved son of Frank Monahan, aged 28 years. Funeral Tuesday, at 10 o'clock, at St. Gabriel church, thence by carriages to 49th and Halsted-st. depot, and by cars to Mount Olivet. --Chicago Daily News, April 11, 1892

Died - Elisha MOORE, Jan. 25, 1896, aged 53 years, a resident of Chicago since 1869. Funeral at his former home, Ancram, N.Y. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896

Died - At her residence 2629 Calumet-av., J. V. MOORE (nee Cullen), beloved wife of John D. Moore. Funeral Saturday, April 25, at 9:30 o'clock, by carriage to St. James' church, thence via C., M. U St. P. railroad to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891

The funeral of Samuel Denison MORGAN will take place Tuesday at 1 o'clock from the Beaurivage, 194 Michigan-av. --Chicago Daily Tribune, Dec. 23, 1890

Died - In Omaha, Neb., Friday, Dec. 5, David R. MORSE of Chicago, aged 32 years. Funeral from No. 3406 Prairie-av., this city, at 1:30 p.m. Monday, thence by carriages to Oakwoods. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890

John MORTELL, male, white, 68 years old, laborer, died 18 Jan 1884 at 11:30 a.m., married, Irish born in Ireland, resident of Illinois for 34 years, residence at death 218 Walnut St., 15 Ward, cause of death Brights disease, complications heart disease, duration of disease 6 years, buried in Calvary Cemetery, undertaker Foley and Carigan --Physician's Certificate of Death, Issued by State Board of Health, dated at Chicago 1884, signed A. H. Tagert M.D., residence 966 W. Lake St.

Died - At his late residence No. 218 Walnut St., John MORTELL, aged 68 years. Funeral Sunday, Jan 20, at 9 o'clock to St. Malachy Church; thence by cars to Calvary. May his soul rest in peace. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 19 January 1884, page 8

Died - At her residence, 157 N. Ada st. at 5:45 p.m., July 27, 1883, Mary MORTELL, beloved wife of Edward Mortell, aged 60 years. Funeral Sunday, July 29, by cars to Calvary. Boston papers please copy. May her soul rest in peace. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 28 July 1883

Funeral - John H. MULDOON, son of the late Patrick and Nellie Muldoon (nee Husshion) at his mother's residence, 3311 Parnell Av., aged 29 years; brother of Annie, William, Thomas, Julia, Edward, Joseph, Nellie and Sarah Muldoon. Funeral Monday, Sept 11, 9 o'clock to Church of Nativity, where high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 9 Sept 1899


Born: 11 Oct 1868 in Sweden
Died: 26 Nov 1935 in Edward Hines Hospital, Hines, Proviso Township
Residence: 1 E. Third St., Downers Grove, DuPage county, Illinois
Occupation: retired machinist
Father: Carl Muller
Mother: Fredericka Peters
Burial: Elmwood Cemetery, River Grove


Born: 08 Apr 1857 in Baden, Germany
Died: 28 Dec 1927 at home, age 48
Residence: 3531 N Hamilton Ave., Chicago
Father: Christ Gasser
Burial: Waldheim(?) Cemetery, Forest Park
Informanat: Adelia Kressling

Died - Jan. 25, 1896, Mary MURPHY, beloved daughter of Denis and the late Catherine Murphy (nee O'Connor), aged 23 years. Funeral on Monday, Jan. 27, from parent's residence, 3407 Emerald av., at 9 a.m., to Church of Nativity, where requiem high mass will be celebrated, and thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896

Died - Dec. 30, at 10 o'clock, a.m., Daniel MURRAY, beloved husband of Ellen Murray, aged 73 years. Funeral from his late residence, 142 Lytle st., Monday, Jan. 1, 1883 by carriages to Jesuit church, thence by cars to Calvary cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday (5 p.m. edition) December 30, 1882, p. 1, col. 1

Died - Jan. 19, Elizabeth MURRAY, beloved wife of the late Hugh Murray, mother of Mrs. A. Lavin and sister of Margaret McQuaid, Mary Scully and George Fields, aged 56 years; native of parish of Donagh, County Monaghan, Ireland. Funeral Sunday, Jan. 22, at 9:30 a.m. from her late residence 889 Blue Island-av., to St. Pius church, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893

Died - At his home, 121 W. Kinzie-st., H. A. MURRAY, aged 52 years and 1 month. Funeral services at his late home, at 10:30, April 12, thence by carriages to Graceland. --Chicago Daily News, April 11, 1892

Died - Oct 4, of Consumption, Maria NAUGH, youngest daughter of John Naugh, aged 14 years, 4 months, and 4 days. Funeral from her residence, 484 West Indiana street, on Sunday, Oct 6, at 12 m..(midday). to Calvary by carriages. Friends invited without further notice. Boston and Toronto papers copy. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, October 5, 1872

Died - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1893, Mrs. Edward NEALE, aged 52 years. Funeral Saturday, at 10 a.m. from her late residence, 491 W. Kinzie-st., to St. Columbkill's church, thence by N. W. R.R. to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893

Died - At 528 Root-st., Maggie NEWSOM, beloved wife of Nicholas Newsom, aged 24 years. Funeral Wednesday at 9 a.m. to St. Gabriel's Church, thence to N.W. Depot, by cars to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Feb. 22, 1893

William NIEMEYER, SSN 337-01-5945, born 11 Oct 1913, wife Dorothea Ransom, died 31 Oct 1971 in Chicago

William F NIEMEYER, born 31 Jul 1883 Chicago, died 07 Nov 1918 Chicago, single, father was William H Niemeyer

William Henry NIEMEYER, born 13 Feb 1857, died 21 Jul 1936, son of Frederick Niemeyer (Hanover, Germany) and Wilhelmine Gietz (Mikkelburg, Germany), wife Mary

Died - Hermann NIEMOTH, born Oct. 29, 1862, died Jan. 18, 1893. Funeral Saturday at 10 a.m. from his late residence 3641 Roby-st. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893

Died - at her residence, 103 W. 19th st., Mary NORTEN, formerly of Canalport av., born in County Clare, Ireland. Funeral Sunday, 31st inst., at 11 a.m., to Sacred Heart church, thence by cars to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday (5 p.m. edition) December 30, 1882, p. 1, col. 1

[A coroner's inquest was held] - At Cooperstown, N.Y., on the 30th of November, Annie R. NORTON, wife of Henry L. Norton, of Chicago, Ill. --Chicago Tribune, 02 Dec 1870

Died - Benjamin S. NORTON, Jan. 25, aged 71 years. Funeral on Monday, Jan.27 at 9:30 a.m., from his late residence, 47 S. Sheldon st., by carriages to Calvary. Newport R. I. and New Bedford, Mass., papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896

Died - Bridget NORTON, Sept 9, beloved wife of the late Dennis Norton (nee Roche) and mother of Mrs. Spielmann, James, Michael, Martin, Margaret, Kittie, Dennis and Thomas Norton, aged 62 years. Funeral Monday, Sept. 11 at 9 a.m., from her late residence, 1077 N Lincoln St. to Annunciation church, where solemn high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 9 Sept 1899

Funeral of Mr. J. S. NORTON will be held May 15 from the residence of his daughter, 407 Butterfield street, at 10 a.m., sharp, the body to be taken to Joliet, Ill. --Chicago Tribune, 15 May 1877, page 8

Died - At 2934 Poplar-av., March 26, Margaret Hannah NUGENT, twin daughter of James and Ellen Nugent, aged 3 months and 6 days. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, March 27, 1888

Died - Cecelia OADES, wife of John Oades and mother of Fergus Oades, daughter, Ellen Brackenbury, Nov. 15, 1899, aged 83 years and 6 months. Funeral Saturday, Nov. 18, at 1 o'clock p.m. from residence of her son, Fergus Oades, 22 York-st., by carriages to Rose Hill. Detroit (Mich.) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Nov 17, 1899

Died - Dec. 4., D. O'BRIEN, aged 49 years. Funeral from late residence 435 S. Leavitt-st., at 1 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7, to forest Home. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890

Died - At the residence of his niece, Miss Maggie O'BRIEN, 255 South Morgan st., Terrence O'Brien, aged 69 years. Funeral Monday, Jan. 27, at 9:30 a.m. to St. Patrick's Church, thence by C., M. and St. P. Ry. to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896

Died - At the residence of his parents, 407 S. Clinton-st. Feb. 5, Michael Joseph O'BRIEN, aged four months and 25 days. Funeral from residence, 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb 7, by carriages to Calvary. Friends of the family invited. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, February 6, 1882

The remains of the late Timothy O'BRIEN will be interred from the vault at Calvary cemetery, Saturday, April 25, Train leaves C. & N.W. depot at 11 a.m. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891

Died - At his parents' residence, 3741 Wallace-st., William O'BRIEN, aged 2 years and 8 months. Funeral from the above residence Sept 6, at 10 o'clock, by carriages to Mount Olivet Cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888

Died - At his residence, 2307 Wentworth-av., Edward O'CONNOR, born in the County Limerick, Ireland, aged 60 years. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888

Died - Mrs. Mary O'CONNOR, mother of the Rev. P. J. O'Connor and Mrs. Henry Kakelage, Feb. 1, Funeral Monday, Feb. 4, 10:30 a.m., from 447 Wells St. to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, 02 Feb 1895

Died - Feb. 16, at his residence, 8846 Houston-av., South Chicago, Patrick O'CONNOR, beloved husband of Mary O'Connell, aged 38 years. Funeral Sunday, Feb. 17, to St. Patrick's church, thence via C. M. & St. P. Ry to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

Died - Oct. 29, 1885, aged 10 years 9 months and 9 days, Dennis O'DONNELL, son of Patrick and Mary O'Donnell. Funeral Sunday, Nov. 1, from parents' residence, 122 Townsend-st., by cars to Calvary Cemetery. The lonely hour has come, dear one, The hour when we must part; The echo came from Heaven -From Jesus' sacred heart. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885

Died - Honora O'DONNELL, wife of James Moran. July 17, of asthma. Funeral will take place from late residence, No. 96 13th place, Friday, 19th, by cars to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, July 18, 1878

Died - Bridget O'HARA, Sept. 7, 1899 at her residence, 531 W 13th St., beloved mother of Addie Hannan. Member of Married Ladies' sodality, Holy Family Parish. Funeral Sunday, Sept. 10, at 9:30 to Holy Family church, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 9 Sept 1899

Died - O'LAUGHLIN, Oct. 29, 1885, beloved son of John and Mary A. O'Laughlin, aged 7 months and 11 days. Notice of funeral hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885

Died - Jan. 23, Henry OLSON, second son of H. and Minnie C. Olson, aged 29 years 8 months. Funeral Sunday, Jan. 26, at 12:30 p.m. from parents' residence, 142 N. Curtis st., to Rosehill. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896

Died - Timothy Patrick O'MAHONY, infant son of Thomas and Hannah O'Mahony, nee Collins, aged 7 months and 21 days. Funeral on Sunday, the 17th inst., at 2 p.m., from parents' residence, Gibbs-st., Evanston, by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

Died - Mrs. O'MALLEY, beloved wife of late James O'Malley Nee Pickham and mother of Thomas and James O'Malley and Mrs. Dooley. March 3. Funeral Thursday at 10 a.m. from her late residence 210 Sedgwick St., to the Holy Name Church, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, March 4, 1896, Page 5 Column 7

Died - In this city, April 19, Margaret O'NEIL. Funeral from her late residence, 1056 Wentworth-av., by cars to Calvary. "A light is from our household gone, A voice we loved is stilled; A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled." --Chicago Daily News, Monday, April 21, 1879

Died - Sept. 5, John O'NEILL, aged 50 years, native of County Kerry, Ireland. Funeral notice hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888

Died - At his residence, 595 25th-st., Feb. 15, John O'NEILL. Funeral Sunday, Feb. 17, to All-Saints' church, by carriages to C. M. & St. P. depot, thence by cars to Calvary. Cleveland (O.) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

Died - Sept. 15, John O'NEIL, 433 Morgan-st., beloved husband of Hannah O'Neil, aged 57 years. Funeral notice hereafter. --Chicago Daily Tribune, Wednesday, September 16, 1891

Died - At his residence, 2322 Archer-av., April 10, 1892, John O'NEIL, beloved husband of Mary O'Neil (nee McNally). Funeral notice hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, April 11, 1892

The funeral of the late Judge J. H. O'NEILL will take place Monday, Dec. 8, at 11 o'clock a.m., from his late residence at 557 Orchard-st., by carriages to St. Vincent's Church, thence by Northwestern railroad to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890

Died - Mary O'NEILL, daughter of John O'Neill, native of Derawiling, County Limerick, Ireland, aged 32 years. Funeral will take place Wednesday, Nov. 26, at 9:30 a.m., from the residence of her uncle, James O'Neill, 138 West Eighteenth-St.., to Sacred Heart Church where solemn high mass will be celebrated, thence to C. & N.W. depot, and by cars to Calvary Cemetery. Kansas City papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Wed., Nov. 26, 1884

Died - Feb. 1, 1895, Frank C. OSBORN, son of the late Henry Osborn. Funeral from his late residence 4737 Kimbark-av., Sunday, Feb. 3, at 1:15. Burial private. Kindly omit flowers. --Chicago Tribune, 02 Feb 1895

Died - At residence, 2827 Wentworth av., July 27, Edward O'SHAUGHNESSY, aged 64 years, native of County Limerick, Ireland, and father-in-law of John H. Best and Edward Petesch. Funeral will take place from his late residence, 2827 Wentworth av., Sunday, July 29, at 10 o'clock a.m., to St. James Church, thence by cars to Calvary. Friends of the family are cordially invited to attend. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 28 July 1883

Died - July 20, at his residence, 118 W. 13th-st., James O'SULLIVAN, aged 55 years. Funeral takes place Thursday, July 22, at 10:30 o'clock, to Jesuit Church thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, July 21, 1880

Died - At Milwaukee, Wis., June 4, Martha Rogers PAGE, wife of George H. Page. Interment at Palmyra, NY. --Chicago Tribune, June 7, 1884

Died - Wallace Albert PAGE, beloved son of Mr. Fred and Eliza Page, July 5, at 1 a.m. aged 15 months, after four days suffering, caused by inflammation of the brain. Funeral service will take place at residence, 996 North Wood-st., and will proceed from thence to Rosehill Cemetery at 2 o'clock to-day. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, July 6, 1880

Died - At Dubuque, Jan. 21, Mrs. Chauncey PALMER, aged 86, mother of Mrs. C. Marion Hotchkin and E. B. Palmer of this city. Burial at Utica, N.Y. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896

Died - At Washington, Feb. 17, Joie B. PALMER, wife of Frank W. Palmer, Public Printer. Funeral services this morning (Feb. 22) at 627 Dearborn-av., at 11 a.m. Friends are invited to services. Interment private. --Chicago Tribune, Feb. 22, 1893

Died - At 343 N. Clark-st., April 23, Lilly Alice PAUL, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. P. D. Paul, aged 4 years and 2 months. Funeral services at the house, Saturday April 25, at 2 o'clock by carriages to Graceland. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891

Died - Celia PAULSEN, beloved wife of N.C. Paulsen and mother of John, Elizabeth, Christian, and Anna Paulsen. Sept. 8 at 5:30 a.m. aged 58 years and 14 days. Funeral from late residence, 1364 N. Artesian Av., Monday, Sept., 11, at 1 p.m. to Mount Olive cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 9 Sept 1899

Died - Martin PAULSEN at his late residence, 704 Wells street, at 8 a.m., May 14, 1877. Funeral at 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 16, by carriages to Rosehill. Friends of the family are invited. --Chicago Tribune, 15 May 1877, page 8

Died - Chaney M. PAYNE, Dec. 5, at the residence of his son, Leroy Payne, 2322 Indiana-av., aged 73 years. Funeral Dec. 8 at Kankakee, Ill. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890

Died - Samuel A. PEDRO, aged 22 years and 6 months. Funeral Thursday at 9:30 a.m., from residence, 1155 73d-st., near South Chicago-av., Thursday, at 2 p.m. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1895

Died - At Boston, Mass., Jan 5, 1884, suddenly of heart disease, Thomas Wells PERRY, M.D. of Providence, R.I., son of the late Dr. George Hazard Perry, and a near kinsman of the Rev. Henry G. Perry, of this city. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 19 January 1884, page 8

Died - At 1140 Seminary-av., Lake View, Feb. 14, William PETERS, beloved husband of Alberlina Peters, aged 38 years. Funeral Sunday, Feb. 17, at 12 m.; burial at Waldheim. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

Jesse Baker PHILLIPS, born 18 May 1899, Morristown, TN; died 09 Sep 1943 at his residence, 3536 Cermak Road, Chicago, Illinois; buried at Mt. Auburn Cemetery.

Died - Oct. 29, 1885, Michael PICKHAM, beloved son of Thomas and Hanora Pickham, native of Cappamore, County Limerick, Ireland, age 18 years. Funeral Sunday, Nov. 1, from parents' residence, 626 40th court, to St. James's Church, thence by cars to Calvary. Limerick (Wis.) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885

Died - At the residence of his son-in-law, A. J. Geizler, 595 Sedgwick-st., Thomas PORTER, aged 68 years. Funeral Saturday April 25, at 1 p.m. by carriages to Rose Hill. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891

Died - Oscar S. PRATT, beloved husband of Mary Pratt and son of Mrs. T. J. Pratt, aged 27. Will be buried from Mrs. Mary A. Newman's residence 1020 W. Harrison St. Funeral Notice hereafter. Springfield (Ill) please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892

Died - On April 22, 1891, the infant son PRENTICE of A. M. and Mary Prentice, aged 2 weeks and 3 days. Funeral to-day, April 24. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891

Died - In the Town of Leydon, Cook County, Ill., on Friday, Feb. 5th, of typhoid fever, Isaac PRESTON, aged thirty-seven years. --The Chicago Daily Tribune, Monday, February 8, 1864

Died - At her home, 172 E. Indiana-st., Feb. 15, 1889, Mrs. Lucy E. RAMSAY, aged 50 years 10 months and 15 days. Funeral to Elburn, Kane County, Ill., via C. & N. W. Ry., Feb. 18, 8:30 a.m. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

Died - In this city, July 5, at 3 p.m., of cholera infantum, Gertie E. RAUTH, only daughter of William and Bee A. Rauth, aged 1 year and 21 days. Funeral from residence of parents, 307 South Western-av., Wednesday, July 7, at 11 a.m. by carriages to Calvary. Friends are invited without further notice. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, July 6, 1880

Died - Feb. 15, 1889, John REILLY, aged 68 years, beloved father of George Reilly. funeral from the residence of his son, 520 N. Wood-st., Sunday at 11:30, to St. Columbkill's church, by carriages to Calvary cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

Died - At 245 W. Jackson-st., Oct. 29, Margaret J. REYNOLDS, aged 29 years. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885

A coroner's inquest was held at No. 183 W. Randolph street on CONRAD RHEDERS, who died suddenly on Sunday night. Verdict of Jury was that death resulted from degeneration of the heart. Deceased was a German and unmarried. --Chicago Tribune, 19 Jul 1870

Died - John Heinerich RICE, infant son of John C. and Annie Rice, aged 8 months. Funeral private. New York, Philadelphia and Albany papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891

Died - Hemlet C. RIDGEWAY, beloved husband of May C. Ridgeway nee Meinhart. Funeral Thursday at 1 p.m. from residence, 1402 W. Harrison St. by Carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, March 4, 1896, Page 5 Column 7

Died - Jan 27, 1892, at Pittsburg, Pa., Mrs. Sarah RIGGLE, aged 76 Years, mother of O. A. Riggle, Mrs. Kesler, and Mrs G. W. Morris. Funeral service at residence of her daughter Mrs. Kesler, 321 61st st., Englewood, Friday 29th at 3 p.m. to Oakwoods. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892

Died - Patrick RILEY, beloved husband of Rose Riley and father of Mrs Harvey Cox and John and Delia Riley, aged 78 years. Funeral Sunday, Sept. 10, 9 a.m. from his late residence, 4737 Princeton Av., to St. Cecelia's church, thence by carriages to Mount Olivet. Aurora papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 9 Sept 1899

Died - At Blackberry, Ill., Oct. 29, 1885, Sarah A. RIORDAN, daughter of D. W. and H. Riordan, aged 3 months and 23 days. Funeral Oct. 31, by cars to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885

Died - Sophy Lou RIX, beloved wife of Robert D., 1104 Hayes-st. Funeral notice hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Nov 17, 1899

Died - Jan. 25, 1896, Sarah B. ROBBINS, beloved wife of Andrew J. Robbins, and mother of Mrs. Sam E. Thrall and Mrs. W. H. Clarris, aged 58 years. Funeral Monday from her late residence, 4600 Lake Av. City papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896

Died - Mary ROBINSON of Chicago, beloved daughter of John and Lavinia Robinson, at Denver, Feb. 18. Funeral from parents' residence, Feb. 23, at 10 o'clock to Rosehill. --Chicago Tribune, Feb. 22, 1893

Died - Oct. 30, 1885, Frank RODES, aged 48 years.

Henry ROHWEDER, 1847 Ashland Ave, died 12 Oct 1925, wife Nellie, parents Henry and Anna (Smith) Rohweder

Richard ROHWEDER, 2505 Cullom, died 01 Dec 1923, wife Bertha, father Johann Rohwedder

Died - Jan. 19, 1893, John A. ROMAN, 23 Rees-st., aged 71 years and 9 months. Funeral Sunday, Jan. 22, at 2 p.m., by carriages to Graceland. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Jan 21, 1893

Died - Joseph B. ROSS, March at his residence 78 Waller St., Aged 41 years. Funeral March 5 at 9:30 to Jesuit Church, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, March 4, 1896, Page 5 Column 7

Died - Feb. 15, 1889, Charles T. ROUSWELL, beloved husband of Kittle Rouswell, nee Butler. Funeral Sunday, Feb. 17, from his late residence, 215 W. 40th-st., at 9 a.m., to the Northwestern depot, by cars to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

Died - Jan 28, 1982, Elizabeth ROWAN, at her residence 541 Washburne av., aged 35 years and 28 days. Funeral Saturday at 10 a.m. at St Charles Borromeo Church; thence by carriages to Calvary Cemetery. Austin and Galveston (Tx.) Papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892

Died - David ROWELL, aged 44, at his residence. No. 231 East Van Buren St. The funeral today at 1 o'clock, by cars to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, October 3, 1872

Died - At her residence, 3526 Honore-st., Jan. 20., Katie ROWLAND, beloved wife of Robert Rowland, aged 38 years. Funeral from above number, Monday, Jan. 23, at 1 p.m. by carriages to Oakwoods. Centralia (Ill.) and Evansville (Ind.) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Jan 21, 1893

Died - April 19, 1879, Mrs. Annie RYAN, at her mother's residence, No. 227 E. 21st-st. Funeral Monday, April 21, High Mass at St. John's Church at 10:30 a.m.; thence by cars to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, April 21, 1879

The remains of Daniel J. RYAN will be taken from the vault at Calvary and interred Saturday, April 25, 1891. Train leaves from C. & N. W. R.R. at 10 o'clock a.m. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891

Margaret Mulcahy RYAN, married, female, white, born in Ireland, age 25 years 9 months, housewife; died 10 Nov 1892 at 5139 Armour Ave, resident in this State 6 months, Cause - Pulmonary Tuberculosis, 1 1/2 years; buried at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Undertaker Sullivan --Death Certificate, on the very top of the certificate #15775, and #3794 on the certificate itself

Died - Jan. 25, 1896, at 701 Root st., Michael RYAN, beloved husband of Mary Ann Ryan and father of John Ryan and brother of John Ryan, aged 46 years. Funeral Tuesday at 9 a.m. to St. Gabriel's Church, where solemn high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Mount Olivet. Member of Rising Star Lodge No. 3004 Knights of Honor, and Court Victory No. 136, I.O.T. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896

Died - In this city, Oct 2, 1872, William Edwin SALTER, eldest son of G . R. and Rhoda Salter, aged 16 years, 10 months and 14 days. Funeral from No 95 South Green street, Friday, the 4th inst. at 10 o'clock a.m. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, October 3, 1872

Died - Oct, 30, 1885, Charles SANDERS, aged 26 years and 4 months. The funeral will take place on Sunday, Nov. 1, 1885, from the late residence 329 W. Division-st., at 1 o'clock p.m. Carriages to Forest Home. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885

Died - Dec. 6, Thomas Emmitt SCANLAN, beloved son of Capt. Thomas Scanlan and Mary Scanlan (nee Kilcourse) aged 10 months. Funeral Monday at 10 a.m. from 90 N. Franklin street by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890

Died - At 435 25th-st., Oct. 29, Ludwig SCHAFER, aged 47 years. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885

Died - July 20, Henry N. SCHANK, aged 10 years and 4 months, youngest son of J. Schank and Carolina Schank. Funeral takes place on Thursday at residence, 2837 S. Dearborn-st., at 2 p.m. to Oakwoods Cemetery. Friends are invited. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, July 21, 1880

Died - At his residence, 6701 State-st., John SCHERM, the beloved husband of Pauline Scherm, father of John and Charlie Scherm, Mrs. Empey and Mrs. W. J. Kelley, aged 59 years 11 months and 21 days. Funeral notice later. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893

Died - At his residence, 6701 State-st., John SCHERM, the beloved husband of Pauline Scherm, father of John and Charlie Scherm, Mrs. Empey and Mrs. W. J. Kelley, aged 59 years 11 months and 21 days. Members of Garden City lodge, No. 40, A.O.U.W., are cordially invited to attend funeral at 12 m., from late residence, to St. Mariah (sic) cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Jan 21, 1893

The funeral of John SCHERM will take place on Sunday, 23d from his late residence, 6701 State-st., to St. Maria cemetery by carriages. All friends invited; member of A.O.U.W. No. 40 lodge. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Jan 21, 1893

Died - Wed., Oct. 28, 1885, at 5 p.m., Lizzie SCHIMMELS, beloved wife of Capt. C. Schimmels, of Fire Engine No. 25, and mother of Lena and Jacob, aged 39 years. Funeral from her late residence, 571 S. Halstead-st., Saturday, Oct 31, at 9 a.m., to St. Boniface Cemetery. Friends invited without further notice. O Blessed thought; thou art gone before; We hope in God to meet once more. -Beloved Husband --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885

Died - June 5, 1884, J. F. SCHMIDT, aged 64 years, 7 months, 26 days. Notice of Funeral hereafter. --Chicago Tribune, June 7, 1884

Died - At 1031 Van Horn-st., Oct. 29, John SCHULTZ, aged 67 years. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885

Died - Esther SCHWARZ, beloved wife of Joseph and mother of Rosa Weiskopf, Martha Steiner, Gertrude Goodman, Henrietta Schwarz, and David Schwarz of Portland, Me., at her residence, 3757 Forest av., aged 62 years. Funeral notice hereafter. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896

Died - At his residence, 967 N. California-av., Edward P. SCOWN, aged 22 years, member of Cosmopolitan Lodge No. 6, K. of P. Notice of funeral hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888

Died - Oct. 30, 1885, Louis Christian SEAVERS, beloved son of Ole and Lizzie Seavers, aged 1 year, 11 months and 18 days. Funeral will take place Sunday, Nov. 1, from his parents' residence, 251 N. Green-st., by carriages to Rose Hill, 1 p.m. Rest in peace, loved one. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885

Died - Dr. Townsend SEELY, in Kendall County, on Friday, May 11, aged 83 years and 4 months. --Chicago Tribune, 15 May 1877, page 8

Died - Of pneumonia, Margaret SEIBERT, dearly beloved daughter of Matthew and Jessie Seibert, aged 2 years 3 months and 19 days. Funeral Jan., 26, at 11 a.m., from parents' residence, 1043 Clifton Park av., by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896

Died - Oct. 4, after a lingering illness, Ellen A. SEXTON, relict of the late Sylvester Sexton, in the 44th year of her age. Funeral from 661 Walbash avenue, Monday, Oct. 7, at half-past 10 a.m. to Graceland. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, Oct 5, 1872

Died - Nov. 24, Thomas Joseph SHANNON, 2 years __ months 12 days, beloved son of Thomas and Mary Shannon. Funeral from residence, 579 West Fourteenth-St.., Wednesday, Nov. 26, by cars to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Wed., Nov. 26, 1884

Died - At 6515 Bishop-ct., Jan. 20, 1893, Nora SHARKEY (nee Hickey), beloved wife of James A. Sharkey, aged 30 years. Funeral Sunday, Jan. 22, at 9 a.m., by carriages to Mount Olivet. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Jan 21, 1893

Died - The funeral of Mrs. John SHIELDS will take place Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 10 a.m. from 288 N. Franklin-st. to the Church of the Holy Name, thence by carriages to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, February 6, 1882

The remains of Joseph SHORT will be buried __ the vault at Calvary cemetery Saturday, April 25. Trains leave union depot, Canal and Adams-sts., at 9 o'clock a.m. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891

Died - Oct. 1, 1895, 7 p.m., Walter SHOTT, at the residence of his mother, 9 N. Morgan-st. Notice of funeral will be published later. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1895

Died - Annie SHRUM, beloved wife of Perrin Shrum and mother of Mrs. Nettie Bomberg, aged 51 years. Funeral Sunday, at 1 p.m. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Nov 17, 1899

Died - April 23, 1891, at South Evanston, Ill., Harriette Elizabetha SICKELS, aged 35 years. Funeral from the residence of her brother, William A. Sickels, 226 Forest-av., 3 p.m. Sunday, April 26, Interment at Albion, N. Y. Newark (N.Y.) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891

Died - At his sister's residence, Nellie Sibley, 3910 Western-av., Jan. 19, 1893, Richard SIBLEY. Funeral Sunday, Jan. 22, to St. Agnes' church, thence to Mount Olivet. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893

Died - Frances M. SIMM, wife of James C. Simm, Feb. 1, 1895 aged 53 years. Funeral Monday, Feb 4, at 10 a.m. from residence, 3805 Forest-av. --Chicago Tribune, 02 February 1895

Died - Mrs. Sahra SINCERE, aged 77 years. Funeral May 20, at 11 a.m., from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Johanna Scheuer, 3216 South Park-av., to Rosehill. No flowers. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Died - July 19, at Pensaukee, Wis., R. H. SINCLAIR, aged 46 years and 6 months. Funeral from his late residence 1165 W. Taylor-st., Wednesday, July 21, at 1 o'clock, by carriages to Rose Hill. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, July 21, 1880

Died - Frances M. SIMM, wife of James C. Simm. Feb. 1, 1895 aged 53 years. Funeral Monday, Feb 4, at 10 a.m. from residence, 3805 Forest-av. --Chicago Tribune, Feb 1895

Died - October 4, of neurasthma, James F. SINCLAIR, oldest son of Archibald and Ann Sinclair, aged 2 years. Funeral from 301 Hubbard street, Saturday, 5th (October), at half past 11 o'clock. Boston papers, Please Copy. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, October 5, 1872

Johanna SINDEWALD, 27 Oct 1943

Died - At her residence, 134 30th-st., Sept. 6, 1888, Catherine SMIDDY, beloved wife of Pierce Smiddy, aged 54 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888

Died - Dec. 5, at Litchfield, Ill., where she had gone to attend to the reinterment of her husband's remains, Mrs. J. Dunlop SMITH, relict of the late Dr. J. D. Smith of Lawtey. Fla., formerly of Chicago. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890

Died - At Denver, Colo., Jan. 22, Harry J. SMITH, aged 30. Burial at Rosehill. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896

Died - Feb. 5, Johnnie SMITH, the beloved son of Robert and Bridget Smith. Funeral from residence, 16 Lisle-st., Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 10 a.m., by carriages to Calvary. Gone to meet his grandma. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, February 6, 1882

The funeral of Mrs. William A. SMITH, 543 S. Prairie Av., Austin, Ill., will take place at 9 a.m. Sunday. Mrs. Smith was the mother of J.C., D.A., W, S., Agnes, Louisa, Catherine and Mrs Edward Mullen. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 9 Sept 1899

DIED - In Pine Bluffs, Arkansas, Dec. 14th, Walter Newell SNOW, only child of Wm. D. Snow, formerly of Chicago, aged 8 years. --The Chicago Daily Tribune, Tuesday, January 5, 1864

Frank SNYDER, born 23 Jan 1898 Polk PA, son of Charles Augustus Snyder and Sarah Jeanette Bump, died Jul 1970

William Howard SNYDER, born 12 Sep 1895 Shamokin PA, son of Isaac Snyder and Sarah Helt, died Sep 1962

Joseph SODO, born 18 Mar 1895 in Kielce, Poland, son of Andrew Sodo (born in Kielce, Poland) and Catherine Sodo, last residence 1905 Walton in Ohio, died 12 Aug 1939 in Ohio, buried in Calvary on 16 Aug 1939

Died - Jan. 19, 1893, at parents' residence 3108 5th-av., Elmer W. SPATE, infant son of Willard and Lizzie Spate. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893

Died - Feb. 5, at 11 o'clock, Thomas SPENCE, son of Thomas Spence, deceased, and Elizabeth Spence, aged 15 years and 5 months. Funeral Tuesday, the 7th, at 10 o'clock, from his parents' residence, 276 Blue Island-av., to the Church of the Holy Name, where a solemn high mass will be celebrated thence by carriages to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, February 6, 1882

Died - Monday, May 19, at 1151 W. Congress-st., James SPRIGGS, aged 14 years and 11 months. Funeral Wednesday, at 2 o'clock, by carriages to Forest Home Cemetery. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Died - In this city, at the residence of his guardian, Hon. J. H. Woodworth, on Jan. 2d, 1864, of injuries received from being thrown from a carriage, on Christmas Day, Giles Henry SPRING, son of the late Hon. Judge Giles Spring, aged 29 years, 2 months and 24 days. Funeral from the First Baptist Church, on Monday, January 4th, at 2 o'clock P.M. --The Chicago Daily Tribune, Monday, January 4, 1864

Died - Frank STACK, the beloved son of Patrick and Ellen Stack (nee McAvey) and brother of James, William and the later George Stack. Funeral from his late residence, 354 24th-st., Jan. 22, at 10:15 a.m., to All-Saints' church, thence by cars to Mount Olivet cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Jan 21, 1893

Died - At his residence, 168 N. Morgan-st., Feb. 15, 1889, Col. J. A. STAFFORD. Funeral from his late residence Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Members of Godfrey Weitzel Post No. 425 and the relief corps are requested to attend. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

Died - At 6440 Bishop-st., Jan. 19 at 2:30 a.m. Mrs. Jennie STAGG, aged 27 years. Funeral by carriages from late residence to Oakwoods cemetery, at 10 a.m. Saturday. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893

Died - Albert A. STEINER, beloved husband of Dorothes Steiner (nee Utesch), Sept 7, aged 26 years, 4818 Ashland av, to Graceland cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 9 Sept 1899

Died - At his residence, 1076 S. Western-av., corner Moore-st., Peter Joseph STICH, beloved husband of Christina Stich (nee Schroeder) and father of Joseph, Math. Casper, Ben, Frank and Maggie Stich, aged 64 years and 8 months. Funeral Sunday, Jan. 22, at 12 m., by carriages. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Jan 21, 1893

Died - At the residence of his son, William T. Stockwell, Hunting-av. station, Jan 19, 1863, Enos STOCKWELL, father of DeWitt C. and John R. Stockwell and Mrs. Mary Atkins and Mrs. Sarah Thacker, aged 88 years. Native of Brattleboro. Vt. Funeral Notice hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893

The funeral of the late Enos STOCKWELL, will take place on Sunday, Jan. 22, at 1 p.m., from the congregational church at Jefferson Park. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Jan 21, 1893

Died - Fannie L. STODDARD, aged 12 years, daughter of W.M. and Frances D. Stoddard. Funeral Sunday by carriages to Rosehill from 1156 Taylor St. Lockport (NY) papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, June 7, 1884

Died - Dec. 21, 1890, at parents' residence, No 5314 Atlantic street, Ida Victoria STONE, daughter of Ralph P. and Victoria Stone, aged 14 months. Funeral Tuesday, Dec. 23, at 2 p.m., by carriages to Oakwoods. --Chicago Daily Tribune, Dec. 23, 1890

Died - Howard Hunter STORM, son of John and Hattie, brother of Mamie, Vallie and Harry Storm, Nov. 15, 1899, 6:30 a.m., aged 10 years 9 months 1 day. Funeral Nov. 16, 9 a.m., from 54 Burling-st. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Nov 17, 1899

Died - Nicholas STRAHAN, beloved son of Simon and Teresa Strahan, aged 23 years. Funeral from his late residence, 6548 Wabash-av., at 9 a.m., to St. Bernard's church, thence by carriages to Mount Olivet. Portland (Oregon) and San Francisco (Cal.) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Jan 21, 1893

Died - Susan Hallam STREAT, in this city, May 13, of heart disease, wife of Julian S. Streat, aged 25 years. Funeral to-day (Tuesday) from Coventry Street Baptist Church, at 10:30 a.m. by carriages to Rosehill Cemetery. Friends of the family are invited. Galesburg (Ill.) papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, 15 May 1877, page 8

Died - Jan 29, at his home, 244 Sheffield Av. Thomas H. STUART, aged 61 years. Funeral Private. Friday at 1 o'clock, to Rosehill Cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892

Died - Dec. 4, Theodore J. STUMPF, beloved son of Louis J. and Charlotte A. Stumpf, aged 2 years. Funeral from parents' residence, 50 Jay-st., Sunday at 2 p.m., to Graceland. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890

Died - SULLIVAN - At her residence, 683 W. 19th-st., aged 55 years. Funeral Wednesday, march 28, at 9:30, by carriages to Northwestern Depot, thence by cars to Calvary. Thy hands are clasped upon thy breast, We have kissed thy lovely brow, And in our aching hearts we know We have no darling now. -from her children. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, March 27, 1888

Died - Jan. 28, 1893, Hannah SULLIVAN, relict of James Sullivan, aged 50 years. Funeral Monday, Jan. 23, at 9 a.m., from her late residence, 1529 W. Taylor-st., to Our Lady of Sorrows church, thence by carriages to Calvary cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Jan 21, 1893

Died - Oct. 2, 1895, at 5320 Carpenter-st., Hanora SULLIVAN (nee Hayes) beloved wife of Dennis Sullivan; native of Duneen County Limerick, Ireland, aged 61 years. Funeral Friday at 9:30 a.m. to Church of Visitation, where high mass will be celebrated, thence to 49th and Halsted-sts. depot, by cars to Mount Olivet. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1895

Died - At 1529 W. Taylor-st., Jan. 18, Mrs. Hanorah SULLIVAN. Funeral notice hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893

Died - Feb. 5, Hattie SULLIVAN, beloved wife of Jeremiah Sullivan, aged 21 years. Funeral leaves her late residence, 124 Front-st., at 10:30 a.m. to St. Stephen's church, where high mass will be celebrated, thence by cars to Calvary Cemetery. May she rest in peace. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, February 6, 1882

Died - At Miles Iehan's 172 West Twenty-second-st., July 4, James SULLIVAN. Funeral do-day by cars to Calvary, at 1 o'clock p.m. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, July 6, 1880

Died - At his residence, 15 N. Morgan-st., James SULLIVAN, beloved husband Margaret Sullivan, aged 33 years. Funeral Nov. 18, at 10 o'clock, to C. & N. W. depot; burial at Milwaukee, Wis. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Nov 17, 1899

Died - At her son's residence, 504 W. Indiana-st., Oct. 30, 1885, Johanna SULLIVAN, aged 82 years. Funeral Nov. 1, at 10:30 a.m., to St. Columbkill's Church, by cars to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885

Died - Dec. 21, at No. 31 Cherry avenue, Nellie A. SULLIVAN, daughter of the late Daniel and Margaret Sullivan. Funeral Wednesday, Dec. 24, at 9 a.m., to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, by carriages to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Daily Tribune, Dec. 23, 1890

Died - April 23, 1891, Nellie SULLIVAN beloved wife of Patrick Sullivan, daughter of Mrs. Mary McKenna, and sister of Minnie and Patrick McKenna, aged 28 years. Funeral Saturday, at 9 o'clock, from late residence, 1102 Clybourn-av., to St. Vincent's church, thence by carriages to Calvary cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891

Died - Nora SULLIVAN, beloved wife of Dennis Sullivan, native of the parish of Drumcliffe, County Sligo, Ireland. Funeral from her late residence, 139 Milton-av., Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, to the Church of the Holy Name, thence by cars over the Northwestern road to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, April 7, 1891

Died - Thomas C. SULLIVAN, late of New York City, died Monday morning at the residence of Nahum D. Sullivan, 324 West Van Buren street. Funeral from the residence at 1 p.m. to-morrow by carriages to Rosehill Cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, 15 May 1877, page 8

Died - At 193 Austin-av., April 22, Ernest SUNNIG, beloved husband of Lizzie Sunnig (nee King). Funeral notice hereafter. Marshall (Mich.) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891

Died - Frank SUTHERLAND, aged 73 years. Funeral from 361 Oakwood blvd., at 10 o'clock Monday, Jan 27. Interment at Graceland. Friends invited. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896

Died - Feb. 21, 1893, at the residence of her daughter, 554 1/2 Fulton-st., Mrs. Rosanna SWARTOUT, aged 75 years. Funeral Wednesday, 2:30 p.m. Will be buried at Mount Clemens, Mich. Mount Clemens and Port Huron papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Feb. 22, 1893

Died - At her home 50 Scott st., Emma A. SWAYER, beloved wife of S. Edmund Swayer. Funeral notice later. Toledo and Cleveland (O.) papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, 01 Feb 1895

Died - Miles SWEENEY, Sept. 9, beloved husband of Mary E. Sweeney and father of Edward M., John L., Patrick H., Jennie, Daniel J., Cornelius E., Miles B., Eleanor T., Thomas J. and the late Mary Ellen Sweeney, aged 78 years. Funeral Tuesday, Sept. 12, from his late residence, 2825 Cologne St., to St. Bridget's church, by carriages to 23rd St. depot, C. & A. R. R., by car to Sag cemetery. Leave residence 7:45 a.m. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 9 Sept 1899

Died - At his residence, 3100 Wabash-av., June 6, William W. TABOR, aged 34 years, 1 month, 26 days. Funeral from the residence of his mother, 3342 Wabash-av., Sunday, the 8th, at 2:30 p.m., by carriages to Oakwoods. Friends invited. --Chicago Tribune, June 7, 1884

Died - Clara TAKEN, beloved wife of Bernard Taken, aged 42 years 11 months. Funeral from her late residence, 794 N. Irving-av., Saturday, Nov. 18, 1899, at 9:30 a.m., to St. Aloysius' church, from there to St. Boniface cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Nov 17, 1899

Died - Alice M. TATE, daughter of George C. and Alice Tate, granddaughter of the late James and Esther Hughes; teacher at Von Humboldt school. Funeral from her late residence, 347 Hudson-av., Saturday, at 10 a.m., to Church of Immaculate Conception, where requiem high mass will be celebrated, carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Nov 17, 1899

Died - Jan 28, 1 o'clock a.m. Mary O. TAYLER, widow of the late Reuben Tayler, Funeral at St Andrew's Church at 1:30 p.m. Friday to Rosehill. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892

Died - July 20, at 11:35 a.m., at 49 Walnut-st.. Mrs. Ann TAYLOR, wife of Dr. Jos. Taylor, aged 77 years. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, July 21, 1880

Died - At Decatur, Mich., May 16, of catarrhal pneumonia, Marian TAYLOR, only daughter of Charles I. and Nora Boyne Taylor, aged 9 months. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

[A coroner's inquest was] on the body of PATRICK TAYLOR, a moulder who died at No. 75 Carroll-st., on Sunday night, from the effects of being sunstruck. --Chicago Tribune, 19 Jul 1870

Died - Jan. 19, 1893, Thomas TAYLOR, beloved husband of Margaret Taylor, aged 52 years. Funeral from his late residence, 668 W. Ohio-st., Sunday, Jan. 22 at 10 a.m. to St. Columbkill's church, thence by cars to Calvary cemetery via C. & N.W. R.R. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Jan 21, 1893

Died - Feb. 16, 1889, at 927 North-av., Adolph TENWICK, son of Christine Tenwick, aged 4 years. Funeral Sunday at 1 o'clock by carriages to Mt. Olivet cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889

Died - At 178 and 180 Wabash-av., at 10:10 o'clock Thursday morning, G. W. TERRY, aged 62 years. Burial at Rose Hill cemetery. Funeral notice hereafter. Cincinnati O. papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893

Died - Oct. 2, 1895, Edward Benjamin THOMPSON, beloved son of Ole and Lottie Thompson and husband of Annie Thompson (nee Douglass), aged 26 years and 4 months. Funeral Friday, Oct. 4, from 105 E. Superior-st. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1895

Died - Sept. 6, at 1 a.m., Emily THOMPSON, daughter of Ole and Lottie Thompson, aged 8 years 7 months and 24 days. Funeral from 92 E. Superior-st. to-morrow at 1 o'clock p.m. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888

Died - Feb 1, John B. TOOHY, aged 59 years. Funeral from his late residence, 312 Campbell-av., Sunday, Feb. 3, at 1 o'clock, by carriage to Graceland. --Chicago Tribune, 02 Feb 1895

Died - Sunday, Feb. 5, Dannie TRACY, beloved child of John and Annie Tracy, aged 5 months and 25 days. Funeral from the residence of parents, 2937 Aarnold-st. Tuesday, Feb. 7, by carriages to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, February 6, 1882

Died - On the 29th inst., Annie TRAINOR, beloved daughter of Peter and Mary Trainor, aged 12 years. Funeral from her late residence, 294 N. Franklin st., Sunday, 31st inst., at 11 a.m. to Church of the Holy Name; thence by carriages to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday (5 p.m. edition) December 30, 1882, p. 1, col. 1

Died - April 23, 1891, Maud A. TRASK, youngest daughter of Samuel E. and Nettie M. Trask (nee Raber) aged 19 Months and 25 days. Funeral from parents' residence, 491 N. Clark-st. Saturday, April 25, by cars to Rose Hill cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891

Died - On the 17th inst., Mrs. Mary TREACY, aged 80 years. Funeral from the residence of her son, Patrick 255 West 18th st., on Friday, by cars to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, July 18, 1878

Died - May 19, Addison J. TRUNKEY. Funeral from his residence, 2230 Wabash-av., Wednesday at 2 o'clock, by carriages to Graceland. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Died - Israel TUCKER, at his residence, 327 Humboldt Park-bd., husband of Mary Tucker, father of R. W. Tucker, Mrs. Henry Brown, Mrs. Thomas Rodger, Mary H. Tucker. Funeral notice hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1895

Died - At his residence, 650 W. Adams-st., Jan. 28, 1893, Edward TWITTY, aged 68 years and 11 months. Funeral Saturday, at 1:30 p.m., burial private. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893

Died - Jan. 19, Margaret TYNE, beloved wife of Thomas Tyne, sister-in-law of Mrs. T. Drugan and Edward Tyne of Rock Falls, aged 48 years. Funeral from late residence, 5533 Bishop-st., at 9 a.m. to Father McGuire church and Peoria-sts., where high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Calvary. Interment private. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893

Died - At his residence, 30_ Sedgwick-st., John USELDING, beloved husband of Anna Os_ing, aged 70 years. Funeral Sunday at 2 p.m. to St. Boniface cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893

Died - Jan. 19, 1893, Matilda VAN VATKENBURG, wife of Othello VanVatkenburg, aged 54 years and 2 months. Funeral from late residence, 441 59th-st., Sunday, 1:30 p.m. to Oakwoods cemetery. Sharon Springs and Syracuse (N.Y.) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Jan 21, 1893

Died - At her home, 51 e. 24th-st., Feb. 1, Elizabeth VAN VLYCK, aged 72 years. Funeral services at Immanuel Baptist Church, Monday, 1 p.m. Burial at Oakwoods. --Chicago Tribune, 02 Feb 1895

Died - At Janesville, Wis., May 19, James VANETTA, formerly of Chicago. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Died - Monday, May 19, 1890, William VICKERS, aged 52 years and 8 months. Funeral at 123 Third-av. at 1 o'clock May 21. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Died - At 3 a.m., July 5, of cholera infamtum, Katie Bell VOGELL, only daughter of C.J. and Sophia H. Vogell, aged 7 months. Funeral from residence, 170 Chestnut-st., at 1 p.m., July 6. Waukegan papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, July 6, 1880

Died - Frederick VOLTZ, beloved father of Minnie, Fred and Lydia Voltz. Thursday, Nov. 16, 1899. Funeral 1 o'clock Sunday, from late residence, 642 Claremont-av., thence by carriages to Rose Hill. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Nov 17, 1899

Died - Philip WALDORF, beloved husband of Elizabeth Waldorf, aged 53 years. Funeral Monday, 9 a.m., from his late residence, 316 24th-st., to St. Anthony's church, thence to St. Boniface cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893

Died - Philip WALDORF, beloved husband of Elizabeth Waldorf, aged 53 years. Funeral Monday, 9 a.m., from his late residence, 316 24th-st., to St. Anthony's church, thence to St. Boniface cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Jan 21, 1893

Died - Tommy WALDRON, infant son of Thomas J. and Nellie Waldron, aged 6 months and 20 days. Funeral Sunday from residence, 4345 Wentworth av., to Northwestern depot, thence by cars to Calvary. Friends Invited. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 28 July 1883

Died - Worcester, Mass., Jan 26 James H. WALL, father of J. H. Wall, Jr. of this city. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892

Died - Andrew WALSH, beloved husband of the late Bridget Walsh, father of Mrs. Logan, Patrick and Andrew Walsh. Funeral Saturday, at 12 o'clock, from daughter's residence, 170 N. Franklin St., by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Nov 17, 1899

Died - At Northampton, Mass., Jan. 30, Jessie Clara WARD, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Ward. Services at residence, 1725 Hinman-av., Evanston, st 2:30 o'clock, Saturday, Feb. 2. --Chicago Tribune, 01 Feb 1895

Died - Dec. 5, William Christie WARD, aged 57 years 3 months 18 days. Funeral from his late residence, 242 31st-st., Sunday at 2 p.m. to Oakwoods Cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890

Died - Frank WARDS, son of Richard and Margaret Wards, aged 16 years and 6 months. Funeral Sunday, from his late residence, 63 Elizabeth street, by cars to Oakwoods. Train leaves I.C. R.R. depot at 2 p.m. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890

Died - At the residence of his sister, Mrs. W. H. Traver, 385 Hermitage-Ave., Fred WARDWELL, aged 33 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. Burlington (Vt.) papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Wed., Nov. 26, 1884

Died - March 25, Abbie L. WATERMAN, widow of the late James S. Waterman, aged 60 years. Funeral from St. Peter's Church Wednesday, at 12:30 p.m., the Rt. Rev. Bishop McLaren officiating. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, March 27, 1888

Died - Anna WEBER, beloved wife of Michael Weber and mother of Anna, Frank and Jennie, nov. 16, 1899, at her residence, 2841 5th-av. Funeral leaves house at 10 a.m., to St. Mary's cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Nov 17, 1899

Died - Florence Johannia WEIL, beloved daughter of August and Maria Weil (nee Nittel), aged 5 months and 7 days. Funeral Thursday, Oct. 3, at 1 p.m., from her parents' residence, 408 W. Fullerton-av., by carriages to Concordia. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1895

Died - March 26, 1888, John WELCH, only son of John and Mary Welch, nee Kennedy, aged 8 months and 14 days. Funeral March 28 at 10 o'clock, from parents' residence, 1167 W. Van Buren-st., by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, March 27, 1888

Died - At 600 Racine-av., Sept. 5, 1888, Albert WELDON, son of John Weldon, aged 2 years and 7 months, Funeral Sept. 7 at 1 p.m., from late residence, by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888

Died - Dec. 5, Sarah WERTHEIM, widow of Jacob Wertheim, aged 77 years. Funeral today at 2 o'clock, from residence of her son Henry Wertheim, No. 60 Lincoln-av. No flowers. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890

George E. WEST Died May 28/1995, Age 13 years - months and 27 days.

Letitia WEST Died 6th of August 1867. After a short sickness at 409 S. Canal St. Chicago, Illinois - aged 2 1/2 years - She died as one falling asleep with an angel countenance. Her last words pa-pa pa-pa pa-pa - three times in succession. She was loved by her papa and will be until the Lord is pleased to prepare him to follow and meet her with the angels above. Source: Family bible. Written on the fly leaf is "Charles West, New York - United States of America - 1861," "Sarah J. L. West" and "Mrs. J. B. Moore"

Died - Jan 27 at his home 225 La Salle av., Albert WEYL, aged 64 years. Funeral Friday, 29th 1 p.m. no flowers. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892

Died - Samuel C. WHEADON, aged 54 years 4 months and 27 days. Funeral from late residence Wednesday, at 12:30 p.m. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, March 27, 1888

Died - Sunday, May 18, 1890, Charles Louis WHITE, youngest son of Addie and Louis White, aged 14 months and 24 days. Funeral at 1 o'clock Tuesday, at parents' residence, 237 S. Sangamon-st., by carriages to Rosehill. -- Chicago Tribune, 20 May 1890

Died - In this city, Feb. 21st., Lizzie B. WHITNEY, infant daughter of William and Margaret Whitney, aged 4 months. --The Chicago Daily Tribune, Monday, February 22, 1864

Died - Thursday, Jan. 19, 1893, Katie WILBUR, born April 16, 1875. Funeral from the residence, 20 Almond-st., Sunday, Jan. 22, at 9:30 o'clock a.m. to St. Boniface cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893

Died - At her residence, Chicago, Ill. May 14, suddenly, of neuralgia of the heart. Sarah Eleanor WINANS, widow of Chauncey C. Winans. Funeral services at St. Martin's Church, President St., between Court and Smith Sts., Brooklyn, May 17, at 10:30 a.m. --New York Times; 16 May 1893; page 5.

Died - At Cambridge, Mass., June 5, Charles Archibald WINTHROP, aged 71? years. --Chicago Tribune, June 7, 1884

Died - Our beloved son, George W. WIRSCHING, April 21, 1891. Funeral Sunday, April 26, at 11 a.m. from parents' residence, 683 Hoyne-av., corner 14th-st. Milwaukee papers please copy. Herman and Mollie Wirsching. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891

Died - Dec. 6, Frederick C. WISE, aged 25 years. Funeral from his late residence, 113 N. Sheldon-st., Monday, Dec. 8, at 9:30 a.m., to St. Columbkill's Church, thence by cars to Calvary via O. & N. W. R.R. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890

Died - Jan 27, Mr. WOOD, aged 61 years. Funeral from his late residence 301 W. Erie St. Saturday at 10:30 a.m. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892

Isabella V. WOOD Born March 2, 1904, in Chicago IL; Died 14 Sep 1924 7:50 am, 20y 6m 12d, Single; Worked Pacific Southwest Bank, Los Angeles, Calif; Cause of death Lumbar Pnumonia; Father: William G Wood, b. 01 Jan 1864, Boston, Mass; Mother: Annie Bruce b. 03 Apr 1867, Cambridge, Mass; Buried 17 Sep 1924, St Joseph's Cemetery, River Grove, Illinois

Died - In this city, Oct. 3, Rachel WORLEY, wife of Thomas Worley, of England. Funeral from 549 Canal St. at 1 p.m., Friday, to Graceland. Friends are invited to attend. --Chicago Tribune, Friday, October 4, 1872

Died - Thursday evening, Jan 17, 1884, at her residence, No. 4 Henry St.., Mrs. Louisa J. WRENN, widow of the late Benjamin Wrenn of Virginia. Funeral services at her late residence at 11 a.m. Friday. Carriages to Rosehill Cemetery. Friends of the family cordially invited. Richmond (Va.) and Baltimore papers please copy, God, who loved her best, has taken her home to rest. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 19 January 1884, page 8

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