NAGLE, James J., died April 5, age 56 years, beloved husband of Ida Nagle (nee Krueger), father of Mrs. Rose Ryan and Mrs. Katherine Dowse. Member of Locomotive Engineers' division No. 790; Central Lodge No. 1181, L. O. O. M.; Logan Square chapter No. 238, R. A. M., and Ben Hur lodge No. 818, A. F. & A. M. Funeral Sunday, April 8, at 2 p.m., from late residence, 854 N. Lockwood av., by autos to Elmwood. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 7 April 1917, page 12, col. 7
NASH, Eileen, beloved wife of the late Orvin D. Nash, mother of C. J. and J. C. Nash, at residence, Feb. 16. Funeral Sunday, Feb. 18th, at 326 W. 115th-pl., at 2:30 p.m., to Oakwood cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, February 18, 1917
Died - Oct 4, of Consumption, Maria NAUGH, youngest daughter of John Naugh, aged 14 years, 4 months, and 4 days. Funeral from her residence, 484 West Indiana street, on Sunday, Oct 6, at 12 m..(midday). to Calvary by carriages. Friends invited without further notice. Boston and Toronto papers copy. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, October 5, 1872
NEAL, James, beloved husband of Katharine Butler Neal, 4060 Michigan-terrace, died suddenly, Dec. 3. Funeral at Boyd?ton Bros.' chapel 4227 Cottage Grove-av., 2 p.m. Thursday. Interment private. Kindly omit flowers. --Chicago Tribune, December 4, 1912
Died - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1893, Mrs. Edward NEALE, aged 52 years. Funeral Saturday, at 10 a.m. from her late residence, 491 W. Kinzie-st., to St. Columbkill's church, thence by N. W. R.R. to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893
NEBEL, Anna - In memory of our beloved mother, who entered rest one year to-day, July 15, 1901. Gone but not forgotten. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, July 15, 1902
NEEL, Marguerite E., beloved wife of William R. Neel, fond mother of Laura and grandmother of Marguerite Neel. Funeral from late residence, 5306 Magnolia-av., Wednesday, 1 p.m. Dixon Ill., papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, February 14, 1917
NELSON, Emma G., died Aug. 2, late of 1220 Pleasant-st., aged 71 years, wife of the late John A. Nelson, fond mother of Oscar, Jennie and the late Herman Nelson, sister of Mrs. Beda Carlson, grandmother of Edith, Jennie, Elsie, Herman and Irene. Funeral Sunday, 2 p.m. from chapel, 3419 N. Clark, by autos to Graceland. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, August 4, 1916
NELSON, Gustava, widow of the late John Nelson, beloved mother of Charles J. and Capt. Theodore Nelson, Mrs. Gus Johnson, Mrs. Edward Nelson, Mrs. E. W. Lindeen and Mrs. Emil Holmberg, Sunday, July 13, aged 75 years. Funeral Wednesday, at 1:30 p.m., from her daughter's residence, 216 Sedgwick-st., to the Swedish Emanuel Lutheran church, thence to Graceland. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, July 15, 1902
NELSON, John, died aged 81 years, beloved father of Charles, William, John, Frank F., and Mrs. Truman A. Lockwood. Funeral from late residence, 4050 West Park-av., Saturday, Dec. 7, at 1 p.m., by automobiles to Graceland. --Chicago Tribune, Dec. 6, 1912, p.23
NELSON, Laurence, died March 28, 1900, beloved husband of Nellie Nelson (nee Gee), aged 37 years. Funeral Sunday at 1 p.m. from residence, 293 Lincoln-av., carriages to Rosehill cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, March 31, 1900
NELSON, Mary, nee McInerney, beloved wife of David Nelson, fond mother of Mrs. Cora Holzef, aunt of Elmer and William Marshall, sister of the late William McInerney. Funeral Wednesday, Feb. 18, 1914, at 10 a.m. from her later home 3318 W. Harrison-st. to Our Lady of Sorrows church, where solomn requiem high mass will be celebrated. Carriages to Mount Carmel. Member of St. Michael's court, W.C.O.F. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, February 17, 1914
NENDOME, Louisa, 68; 2988 State-st., Aug. 7. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department
NERLAND, Harold, beloved son of Petra and the late Hans Nerland, brother of Thorvald, Roy, and Howard Nerland. Funeral from late residence, 526 La Vergne-av., Thursday, Feb. 15, at 2 p.m., by automobiles to Forest Home. Member of Austin lodge No. 850, A.F. & A.M., Cicero chapter, and Oak Park council. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, February 14, 1917
NEULANDER, Sarah, widow of Sigfried Neulander, beloved mother of George and Richard Neulander. Funeral Sunday from chapel, 356 E 35th st., at 1:30 p.m., by autos to Free Sons cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, 10 Sept 1917
NEWBERRY, Helen Handy, died peacefully at her home, 483 Jefferson-av., Detroit, Mich., Dec. 17, 1912, widow of the late John S. Newberry and mother of Truman H., John S., and Helen Newberry Joy. Funeral Thursday afternoon. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, December 19, 1912
Died - At 528 Root-st., Maggie NEWSOM, beloved wife of Nicholas Newsom, aged 24 years. Funeral Wednesday at 9 a.m. to St. Gabriel's Church, thence to N.W. Depot, by cars to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Feb. 22, 1893
NICELY, George W., husband of Susan Horn Nicely, Sunday, Jan 19. Funeral Wednesday, 1 p.m., from late residence, 6358 Parnell-av., To Mt. Hope cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, January 21, 1913
NICHOLS, John, 32; 200 N. Franklin-st., April 5. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904
NIEMANN, John A., died Nov. 30, aged 54 years, beloved husband of Louise Niemann, nee Kracht: son of Myra, and brother of Ernest and Henry Niemann. Funeral Tuesday, Dec. 3, at ? p.m., from his late residence, 1?42 ( 3 or 8) Bissellst., to Graceland cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, December 2, 1912. page 19
William NIEMEYER, SSN 337-01-5945, born 11 Oct 1913, wife Dorothea Ransom, died 31 Oct 1971 in Chicago
William F NIEMEYER, born 31 Jul 1883 Chicago, died 07 Nov 1918 Chicago, single, father was William H Niemeyer
William Henry NIEMEYER, born 13 Feb 1857, died 21 Jul 1936, son of Frederick Niemeyer (Hanover, Germany) and Wilhelmine Gietz (Mikkelburg, Germany), wife Mary
Died - Hermann NIEMOTH, born Oct. 29, 1862, died Jan. 18, 1893. Funeral Saturday at 10 a.m. from his late residence 3641 Roby-st. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, January 20, 1893
NIEVERGELDER, Ernestine, dearly beloved mother of Mrs. George C. Blish of Chicago and Mrs. Joseph Pinteaux of St. Louis. Funeral Tuesday a.m. at 9. Burial at Calvary cemetery, St. Louis. --Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1915
NIHILL, Michael, Officer, beloved husband of Janette (nee Williamson), fond father of Elinor and Alice Nihill, brother of John, Thomas and Simon Nihill. Funeral Sept. 16, at 9 a.m. from his late residence, 40 Ruble-st., to Sacred Heart church, where requiem high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Calvary. Member of Policeman's Benevolent association, Lily of the West lodge No. 343, A. O. U. W., and Liberty council No. 251, Yeoman of America. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, September 15, 1905
NIHILL, Simon, beloved son of the late Simon and Ellen, brother of John and Thomas and the late Michael, Bridget, William, and Timothy. Funeral Friday at 9 a.m. from his brother's residence, 4182 W. Harrison-st., to St. Mel's church, where high mass will be celebrated, by autos to Mt. Carmel. --Chicago Tribune, Sept. 16, 1915
NITT, Theresa (nee Ereberger), daughter of Julius Wilhelm and the late Natlola (?), beloved wife of Charles Nitt, found mother of Harry, Frank, Charles, Arthur Nitt, Mrs. Emma Huhn, Mrs. Bertha Keelin, Mrs. Theresa Sirtsems (?), Mrs. Louise Nielsen, sister of Charles and Otto Kryberger, Julius Wilhelm, Mrs. Emma Dendt, Mrs. Louise Bauer. Funeral Sunday, Aug. 6, at 2 p.m., from her late residence 6817 S. Racine-av., by autos to Mount Greenwood. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, August 4, 1916
NIXON, Grace, died July 31, only daughter of Pauline and Charels E. Nixon, aged 7 months 29 days. 618 Adams st. --Chicago Daily News, Tues., 31 July 1900
NOLAN, Ellen (nee Peters), beloved wife of the late John, fond mother of John J. Funeral Sunday, April 8, at 9 a.m., from residence of sister, Mrs. Daniel Galvin, 4917 Congress st., to St. Mel's church, by limousines to Mount Carmel. For seats or limousines phone Garfield 5637. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 7 April 1917, page 12, col. 7
NOLAN, Michael, beloved husband of Mary Nolan, nee Sullivan, father of William and Gerald, son of William and Mary Nolan, nee O'Connor, brother of Patrick, Charles, Mis. B. Lewis, Mollie, John and the late William Nolan. Funeral Monday at 9 a.m., from his late residence, 3047 Cortland-st., to St. Sylvester's church, where high mass will be celebrated. Carriages to Mount Carmel. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, November 10, 1912
NOONAN, William, died Jan. 23, 1902, aged 23 years, beloved brother of Mrs. Charles Kellar, Edward, George, and Margarette Noonan. Funeral Saturday, Jan. 25, 1902, at 1 a.m., to All Saints' church, where high mass will be celebrated, by carriages to mount Olivet cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Jan 24, 1902
Died - at her residence, 103 W. 19th st., Mary NORTEN, formerly of Canalport av., born in County Clare, Ireland. Funeral Sunday, 31st inst., at 11 a.m., to Sacred Heart church, thence by cars to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday (5 p.m. edition) December 30, 1882, p. 1, col. 1
[A coroner's inquest was held] - At Cooperstown, N.Y., on the 30th of November, Annie R. NORTON, wife of Henry L. Norton, of Chicago, Ill. --Chicago Tribune, 02 Dec 1870
Died - Benjamin S. NORTON, Jan. 25, aged 71 years. Funeral on Monday, Jan.27 at 9:30 a.m., from his late residence, 47 S. Sheldon st., by carriages to Calvary. Newport R. I. and New Bedford, Mass., papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896
Died - Bridget NORTON, Sept 9, beloved wife of the late Dennis Norton (nee Roche) and mother of Mrs. Spielmann, James, Michael, Martin, Margaret, Kittie, Dennis and Thomas Norton, aged 62 years. Funeral Monday, Sept. 11 at 9 a.m., from her late residence, 1077 N Lincoln St. to Annunciation church, where solemn high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 9 Sept 1899
NORTON, Bridget, died at her late residence, 566 Elston-av., beloved wife of the late Peter Norton and mother of Mrs. M. Flahie and Patrick Norton; native of County Clare, Ireland, Funeral notice hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Jan 24, 1902
NORTON, Edwin C., died aged 9 months and 12 days, infant son of Dennis and Rose Norton (nee PRAIS). Funeral Wednesday, Aug. 1, at 10:39 o'clock, from 1077 N. Lincoln st., to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Tues., 31 July 1900
Funeral of Mr. J. S. NORTON will be held May 15 from the residence of his daughter, 407 Butterfield street, at 10 a.m., sharp, the body to be taken to Joliet, Ill. --Chicago Tribune, 15 May 1877, page 8
NORTON, Thomas F., fond father of Gordon, Myrtle, Isabelle and Katherine. Funeral from late residence, 1916 N. Lincoln st., Tuesday, Sept. 11, at 9 a.m. sharp, to Annunciation church, high mass; autos to Calvary cemetery. Member of North American Union, Liberty council 42. --Chicago Daily News, 10 Sept 1917
NOTHHELFER, Mary, died Jan. 25, beloved wife of Frank Nothhelfer, aged 30 years. Funeral from her late residence, 3210 Prairie-av., Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 10 a.m., to Forest Home cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, January 27, 1902
Died - At 2934 Poplar-av., March 26, Margaret Hannah NUGENT, twin daughter of James and Ellen Nugent, aged 3 months and 6 days. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, March 27, 1888
NYLER, Bernadetta, beloved daughter of Joseph and Ann Nyler (nee Henry). Funeral from late residence, 523 W. Lake-st., at 10 a.m. Thursday, July 17, by cars to Mount Olivet cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, July 15, 1902
Died - Cecelia OADES, wife of John Oades and mother of Fergus Oades, daughter, Ellen Brackenbury, Nov. 15, 1899, aged 83 years and 6 months. Funeral Saturday, Nov. 18, at 1 o'clock p.m. from residence of her son, Fergus Oades, 22 York-st., by carriages to Rose Hill. Detroit (Mich.) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Nov 17, 1899
O'BRIEN, Catherine, 73; 3616 Wallace-st., April 11. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904
Died - Dec. 4., D. O'BRIEN, aged 49 years. Funeral from late residence 435 S. Leavitt-st., at 1 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7, to forest Home. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890
O'BRIEN, Emily, died July 14, beloved wife of John O'Brien, aged 33 years. Funeral Wednesday, July 16, 10 a.m., from her late residence, 341 W. Congress-st., to Forest Home. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, July 15, 1902
O'BRIEN, Frank C., beloved husband of Minnie O'Brien, brother of Mrs. Eva Clark and Mrs. Belle Pool. Funeral Monday at 1:30 p.m. from Hochspeier's chapel, 2410 North-av., by autos to Oak Ridge. Member of Painter's union, Local 101. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, December 20, 1914
Died - At the residence of his niece, Miss Maggie O'BRIEN, 255 South Morgan st., Terrence O'Brien, aged 69 years. Funeral Monday, Jan. 27, at 9:30 a.m. to St. Patrick's Church, thence by C., M. and St. P. Ry. to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896
O'BRIEN, Michael, husband of Lizzie O'Brien. Funeral Oct. 3 at 9:30 a.m. from 97 Hastings-st. to Holy Family church, thence by carriage to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, October 3, 1903
Died - At the residence of his parents, 407 S. Clinton-st. Feb. 5, Michael Joseph O'BRIEN, aged four months and 25 days. Funeral from residence, 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb 7, by carriages to Calvary. Friends of the family invited. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, February 6, 1882
O'BRIEN, Thomas, died Dec. 3, 1912, at his residence, 511 W. Division-st. Beloved brother of Mrs. Mary Flynn of Morristown, N. J.; John O'Brien of Tipperary, Ireland, and the late Ella Clifford and Johanna Lonergan and Bridget Scanlon. Funeral from his late residence Friday, Dec. 6, at 9:30 a.m., to St. Dominick's church, where high mass will be celebrated, thence by Illinos Central train to Mount Carmel. --Chicago Tribune, December 5, 1912, p.20
The remains of the late Timothy O'BRIEN will be interred from the vault at Calvary cemetery, Saturday, April 25, Train leaves C. & N.W. depot at 11 a.m. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891
Died - At his parents' residence, 3741 Wallace-st., William O'BRIEN, aged 2 years and 8 months. Funeral from the above residence Sept 6, at 10 o'clock, by carriages to Mount Olivet Cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888
O'CONNELL, Thomas, son of John C. and Mamie A. O'Connell (nee Dolan). Funeral from parents' residence, 1660 Jackson-bd., Sunday, 10 a.m., by carriages to Calvary. Burial private. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, March 31, 1900
O'CONNOR, Anna, died April 18th, 1916, beloved daughter of Catherine and the late Lawrence O'Connor, sister of Lawrence, Burt, Phillip O'Connor, and Mrs. V.D. Berry, at her residence, 4118 Kenmore-av. Funeral Thursday, 10 a.m., St. Mary's of the Lake church, to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, April 19, 1916
Died - At his residence, 2307 Wentworth-av., Edward O'CONNOR, born in the County Limerick, Ireland, aged 60 years. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888
O'CONNOR, Lucy, nee Kennedy, died Dec. 10, 1914, beloved wife of Charles E. O'Connor, daughter of Ellen Kennedy, and sister of Ann O'Toole, Mary Maginn, Nellie Smith, and Julia Kennedy. Funeral from late residence, 1825 Bernice-av., Tuesday. Dec. 22, 1914, at 9:30 a.m., to St. Andrew's church, where solemn high mass will be celebrated. Automobiles to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, December 20, 1914
Died - Mrs. Mary O'CONNOR, mother of the Rev. P. J. O'Connor and Mrs. Henry Kakelage, Feb. 1, Funeral Monday, Feb. 4, 10:30 a.m., from 447 Wells St. to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, 02 Feb 1895
Died - Feb. 16, at his residence, 8846 Houston-av., South Chicago, Patrick O'CONNOR, beloved husband of Mary O'Connell, aged 38 years. Funeral Sunday, Feb. 17, to St. Patrick's church, thence via C. M. & St. P. Ry to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889
Died - Oct. 29, 1885, aged 10 years 9 months and 9 days, Dennis O'DONNELL, son of Patrick and Mary O'Donnell. Funeral Sunday, Nov. 1, from parents' residence, 122 Townsend-st., by cars to Calvary Cemetery. The lonely hour has come, dear one, The hour when we must part; The echo came from Heaven -From Jesus' sacred heart. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885
Died - Honora O'DONNELL, wife of James Moran. July 17, of asthma. Funeral will take place from late residence, No. 96 13th place, Friday, 19th, by cars to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, July 18, 1878
O'DONNELL, Patrick P., died Aug. 15, 1914, beloved husband of the late Louise M., father of Frances M., Richard P., Louise M., Helen F., Janette C., and the late John J. O'Donnell. Funeral from his late residence 4629 Woodlawn-av., Tuesday, Aug. 18, at 9:30, to St. Ambrose's church, where solemn high mass will be celebrated; by autos to Calvary. Springfield, Ill., papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, August 16, 1914
O'DONOHUE, Mortimer, aged 50 years, died at Mercy hospital, March 29, husband of Margaret and father of Mary, John O'Donohue; member of St. Ignatius' court, No. 18, C.O.F. Funeral from his late residence, 185 W. 21st-st., Sunday, 10 a.m. to Sacred Heart church, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, March 31, 1900
Died - Bridget O'HARA, Sept. 7, 1899 at her residence, 531 W 13th St., beloved mother of Addie Hannan. Member of Married Ladies' sodality, Holy Family Parish. Funeral Sunday, Sept. 10, at 9:30 to Holy Family church, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 9 Sept 1899
O'HARA, Elizabeth, wife of the late Peter O'Hara, mother of David, Mrs. A. J. Breen, Mrs. E. Sullivan, Jenie, Agnes, Irene, and Grace O'Hara. Funeral Thursday, 9:30 a.m., at her residence, 3347 Congress-st., to Our Lady of Sorrows' church, by carriages to Mt. Carmel. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, January 15, 1913
O'HARROW, John W., died aged 62 years, father of John and Laurenne, suddenly of pneumonia. Services at chapel, 4227 Cottage Grove-av., Thursday at 10 a.m Burial of Racine, Wis. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, April 19, 1916
O'HEARNE, John, Officer, late of 1018 W. 53d-st. Will be buried from vault at Mount Olivet, Oct. 3, at 1 p.m. --Chicago Tribune, October 3, 1903
OHLHEISER, Joseph T., died at Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 15, beloved husband of Frances Rigney Ohlheiser and father of George R. and Joseph T. Funeral Monday, Aug 17 from the residence of his parents, 20 Franklin-st., Auburn, N. Y. Interment St. Joseph's cemetery, Auburn. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, August 16, 1914
OHNSTEIN, Johanna, beloved wife of the late Isidor Ohnstein, fond mother of Sam Ohnstein of New Orleans, Mrs. I. Van Ronkel, Ida and Harry Ohnstein. Funeral Thursday, 9 a.m., chapel, 856 E. 35th-st. New Orleans papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, April 19, 1916
O'KEEFE, Catherine, 65; 742 37th-st., Aug. 7. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900, Burial permit issued yesterday [8 Aug 1900] by the Health department
O'KEEFE, Joseph James, died aged 5 mos., beloved son of James P. and the late Loretta, nee Townsend; Dec. 4. Burial from his grandparents residence, 524 W. 33d-st. By carriages to Calvary, Dec. 6. --Chicago Tribune, December 5, 1912, p.20
Died - O'LAUGHLIN, Oct. 29, 1885, beloved son of John and Mary A. O'Laughlin, aged 7 months and 11 days. Notice of funeral hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885
O'LEARY, Daniel, Mrs. - The remains of Mrs. Daniel O'Leary, formerly of 924 35th-pl., were buried from the vault at Mount Olivet, Wednesday, Sept. 13, 1905. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, September 15, 1905
OLIS, Mary (nee Windhauser), died at residence, 4023 W. 18th-st., beloved wife of William H. Olis, daughter of Mary and the late James Windhauser; sister of Thomas, John, James, Della and the late Anna and Mrs. Kate Prochnow. Funeral notice later. Detroit papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, November 25, 1912
OLSON, Alex., aged 45 years. Funeral Tuesday at 11 a.m. from 1544 52nd-st to Mount Greenwood cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, 26 August 1902
Died - Jan. 23, Henry OLSON, second son of H. and Minnie C. Olson, aged 29 years 8 months. Funeral Sunday, Jan. 26, at 12:30 p.m. from parents' residence, 142 N. Curtis st., to Rosehill. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896
OLSON, Marie, died March 30, at 473 Grand-av., beloved wife of Andrew Olson, and sister of Mrs. Bessie Curreil, (or Currell) Peter and John Nelson, aged 36 years. Funeral from late residence Tuesday, April 2, at 1 p.m., to Graceland. --Chicago Tribune, Monday, April 1, 1901
Died - Timothy Patrick O'MAHONY, infant son of Thomas and Hannah O'Mahony, nee Collins, aged 7 months and 21 days. Funeral on Sunday, the 17th inst., at 2 p.m., from parents' residence, Gibbs-st., Evanston, by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889
Died - Mrs. James O'MALLEY, beloved wife of late James O'Malley nee Pickham and mother of Thomas and James O'Malley and Mrs. Dooley. March 3. Funeral Thursday at 10 a.m. from her late residence 210 Sedgwick St., to the Holy Name Church, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, March 4, 1896, Page 5 Column 7
O'MALLEY, John, died Nov. 24, 1913, at his residence, 2212 Racine-av., beloved son of Mary O'Malley, brother of Nora and Annie O'Malley and Mrs. Mary Tipton. Funeral notice later. Native of Kellsallagh, Westport, County Mayo, Ireland. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, November 25, 1912
O'MALLEY, Mary A., at residence, 646 Wellington-av., beloved daughter of Mary and the late Thomas F., sister of Mrs. D. J. Ghiselli, Mrs. Louis Cox, Mrs. John Cosgrove, Jr., George F., Joseph, and John. Funeral Tuesday, may 28, 9:30 a.m. to Mount Carmel church, where high mass will be celebrated; autos to Calvary. --Chicago Tribune, Monday May 27, 1918
O'MEARA, John - In loving memory of my husband, who died one year ago to-morrow, Sept. 16, 1904. There will be requiem high mass celebrated at the Church of the Nativity, at 9 o'clock. From his loving wife, JOHANNA O'MEARA, 3716 Emerald-av. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, September 15, 1905
O'NEAL, Eliza (nee McKeon), beloved wife of John O'Neal, mother of John, Arthur, and Mrs. Mary Shields, sister of Mrs. Christy, Mrs. Looby, Mrs. Keaveny, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. McFadden and the late Mrs. Devine. Funeral Monday, April 2, from her late residence, 5217 Emerald-av., to Visitation church, where requiem high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Calvary; member of Visitation court, No. 55, W.C.O.F. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, March 31, 1900
Died - Sept. 15, John O'NEIL, 433 Morgan-st., beloved husband of Hannah O'Neil, aged 57 years. Funeral notice hereafter. --Chicago Daily Tribune, Wednesday, September 16, 1891
Died - At his residence, 2322 Archer-av., April 10, 1892, John O'NEIL, beloved husband of Mary O'Neil (nee McNally). Funeral notice hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, April 11, 1892
Died - In this city, April 19, Margaret O'NEIL. Funeral from her late residence, 1056 Wentworth-av., by cars to Calvary. "A light is from our household gone, A voice we loved is stilled; A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled." --Chicago Daily News, Monday, April 21, 1879
O'NEIL, Richard J., Mrs., died Nov. 8, 1912, beloved wife of the late Richard J. O'Neil and mother of Mrs. M. A. Dean, Mrs. H. E. Moore, Mrs. A. G. Moore and Mrs. O. W. Smith, Arthur E. and Edward O'Neil. Funeral Sunday Nov. 10, 12 m., from residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. G. Moore, 3315 W. Madison-st., to Our Lady of Sorrows church. Interment Mt. Carmel. Oakville and Kearney, Ont., papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, November 10, 1912
O'NEILL, Frank, died Nov. 25, at 519 Root-st., beloved son of the late Michael and Mary O'Neill (ne McNamara), brother of Patrick O'Neill and Mrs. Mary McGuire and the late Nick and Eddie O'Neill and Mrs. Kate Thompson. Funeral Wednesday at 9 a.m., to St. Gabriel's church where high mass will be celebrated, thence to 47th-st. depot by trains to Mount Olivet. Member of local 705, Truck Drivers' union, I.B. of T. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, November 25, 1912
Died - Sept. 5, John O'NEILL, aged 50 years, native of County Kerry, Ireland. Funeral notice hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, Thursday, Sept 6, 1888
The funeral of the late Judge J. H. O'NEILL will take place Monday, Dec. 8, at 11 o'clock a.m., from his late residence at 557 Orchard-st., by carriages to St. Vincent's Church, thence by Northwestern railroad to Calvary Cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890
Died - At his residence, 595 25th-st., Feb. 15, John O'NEILL. Funeral Sunday, Feb. 17, to All-Saints' church, by carriages to C. M. & St. P. depot, thence by cars to Calvary. Cleveland (O.) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889
O'NEILL, Josephine, (nee Collister), died Sept. 14, 1905, beloved wife of James O'Neill, daughter of Robert and Johanna Collister, sister of Robert J. Dower, Mrs. Margaret Grady, Mrs. Madge Fuerst, Mrs. Lillie Pierce, William and Charles Collister, at her residence, 3501 Wabash-av., flat 210; member of Lady Milligan hive No. 54, F.O.T.M.; members are requested to attend. Funeral notice later. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, September 15, 1905
O'NEILL, Katherine V., died Feb. 16, 1817, wife of the late William H., daughter of Mrs. Delia O'Neill, sister of Mary E., Anna J., and the late Thomas S., at her residence, 5450 Jackson-blvd. Funeral Sunday, at 10 a.m., to Resurrection church, thence by automobiles to Calvary. Milwaukee papers please copy. For information call Austin 1137. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, February 18, 1917
Died - Mary O'NEILL, daughter of John O'Neill, native of Derawiling, County Limerick, Ireland, aged 32 years. Funeral will take place Wednesday, Nov. 26, at 9:30 a.m., from the residence of her uncle, James O'Neill, 138 West Eighteenth-St.., to Sacred Heart Church where solemn high mass will be celebrated, thence to C. & N.W. depot, and by cars to Calvary Cemetery. Kansas City papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Wed., Nov. 26, 1884
O'NEILL, William J., died Jan. 26, 1902, at 737 43-st., beloved son of John and Johanna O"Neill (nee Phelan), aged 16 years. Funeral Tuesday, 9 a.m., to St. Gabriel's church, where high mass will be celebrated, thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, January 27, 1902
ORNE, Gustave I., aged 64. Funeral to-morrow, at 2 p.m., from late residence, 1849 95th-st., burial at Oakwoods. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, March 31, 1900
O'ROURKE, Mamie, died aged 9 years 8 months, beloved daughter of Charles and Mary E. O'Rourke (nee cook). Funeral Monday, April 2, at 9 a.m., from residence of parents, 4225 Princeton-av., by train from 49th and Halsted-st. to Mount Olivet. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, March 31, 1900
ORR, Willard T., died Monday, Nov. 11, 1912. Funeral services at his late residence, 911 Ainslie-st., Thursday morning, Nov. 14, at 10 o'clock, by automobile to Illinois Central. Burial at Kankakee, Ill. --Chicago Tribune, Nov. 13, 1912
Died - Feb. 1, 1895, Frank C. OSBORN, son of the late Henry Osborn. Funeral from his late residence 4737 Kimbark-av., Sunday, Feb. 3, at 1:15. Burial private. Kindly omit flowers. --Chicago Tribune, 02 Feb 1895
Died - At residence, 2827 Wentworth av., July 27, Edward O'SHAUGHNESSY, aged 64 years, native of County Limerick, Ireland, and father-in-law of John H. Best and Edward Petesch. Funeral will take place from his late residence, 2827 Wentworth av., Sunday, July 29, at 10 o'clock a.m., to St. James Church, thence by cars to Calvary. Friends of the family are cordially invited to attend. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 28 July 1883
OSTRAND, Alberth, died July 29, 1900, aged 19 years 10 months. Funeral Aug. 1, from residence 2835 Southport av., North Edgewater, at 2 p.m. by carriages to Rosehill. --Chicago Daily News, Tues., 31 July 1900
OSTRANDER, Margaret, beloved daughter of R. E. and Ellen Ostrander, sister of Vinita and Gladys. Funeral Tuesday at 1 p.m., from parents' residence, 2510 N. Francisco-av., carriages to Mount Olive. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, November 25, 1912
Died - July 20, at his residence, 118 W. 13th-st., James O'SULLIVAN, aged 55 years. Funeral takes place Thursday, July 22, at 10:30 o'clock, to Jesuit Church thence by carriages to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, July 21, 1880
OSVALD, Frank, 7 months; 1319 W. 22d-st., April 11. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904
OUDIN, Fred, 35; 547 Armitage-ave., April 10. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904
Died - At Milwaukee, Wis., June 4, Martha Rogers PAGE, wife of George H. Page. Interment at Palmyra, NY. --Chicago Tribune, June 7, 1884
Died - Wallace Albert PAGE, beloved son of Mr. Fred and Eliza Page, July 5, at 1 a.m. aged 15 months, after four days suffering, caused by inflammation of the brain. Funeral service will take place at residence, 996 North Wood-st., and will proceed from thence to Rosehill Cemetery at 2 o'clock to-day. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, July 6, 1880
PACHE, Laura, 10 months; 455 W. 19th-st., April 11. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904
PALM, Reuben F., beloved husband of Mrs. Rebecca H. Palm, father of Irving F. Palm, Mrs. W. R. Marshall, Mrs. A. G. Olson, aged 66 years. Funeral from 381 W. Harrison-st. Interment at Naperville. He died as he lived--a Christian. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, January 27, 1902
Died - At Dubuque, Jan. 21, Mrs. Chauncey PALMER, aged 86, mother of Mrs. C. Marion Hotchkin and E. B. Palmer of this city. Burial at Utica, N.Y. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, 26 January 1896
Died - At Washington, Feb. 17, Joie B. PALMER, wife of Frank W. Palmer, Public Printer. Funeral services this morning (Feb. 22) at 627 Dearborn-av., at 11 a.m. Friends are invited to services. Interment private. --Chicago Tribune, Feb. 22, 1893
PARELIUS, Alvida C., died Nov. 14. Funeral from cousin's residence, Mrs. A. B. CLANEY, 921 E. Wood av., Tuesday, Nov. 16, at 1 p.m. Interment at Mount Olive. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, November 15, 1909
PARIS, Nellie, beloved wife of Frank PARIS. Funeral Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1909, from O'Hara & Kehoe's, 1009 Madison st., 10:30 a.m.; burial Forest Home cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, November 15, 1909
PARKE, Angronia C., died Sept. 14, 1905, aged 80 years. Funeral from late residence, 881 Colorado-av., Sunday, 2 p.m., to Forest Home. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, September 15, 1905
PASCOE, Fred, beloved husband of Jennie, nee Ahll, father of Elsie Pascoe and Mrs. E. Miller. Funeral from late residence, 6454 Lincoln-st., Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 2 p.m.; thence by autos to Mount Hope cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, January 21, 1913
PATATING, Louis, died at the Chicago State hospital on Dec. 3, 1912. Unless interested friends make burial arrangements within five days the body will be disposed of. --Chicago Tribune, December 4, 1912, p. 22
PATT, Elizabeth, beloved sister of Annie, Michael, Margaret, Mary and the late Thomas. Funeral from her late residence, 133 N. Long av., Tuesday, Sept. 11, at 9 a.m. to St. Thomas Acquinas' church, thence by autos to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, 10 Sept 1917
PATTERSON, Raymond A., died at Washington D.C., Nov. 18. Interment in Chicago; notice hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, November 15, 1909
Died - At 343 N. Clark-st., April 23, Lilly Alice PAUL, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. P. D. Paul, aged 4 years and 2 months. Funeral services at the house, Saturday April 25, at 2 o'clock by carriages to Graceland. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891
Died - Celia PAULSEN, beloved wife of N.C. Paulsen and mother of John, Elizabeth, Christian, and Anna Paulsen. Sept. 8 at 5:30 a.m. aged 58 years and 14 days. Funeral from late residence, 1364 N. Artesian Av., Monday, Sept., 11, at 1 p.m. to Mount Olive cemetery. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, 9 Sept 1899
Died - Martin PAULSEN at his late residence, 704 Wells street, at 8 a.m., May 14, 1877. Funeral at 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 16, by carriages to Rosehill. Friends of the family are invited. --Chicago Tribune, 15 May 1877, page 8
Died - Chaney M. PAYNE, Dec. 5, at the residence of his son, Leroy Payne, 2322 Indiana-av., aged 73 years. Funeral Dec. 8 at Kankakee, Ill. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1890
PEAKS, George Franklin, died at Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Feb. 16, in his 81st year, husband of Mary Sherburne Peaks, father of George H. Peaks of Evanston, Ill., and Mary B. Peaks of New York City. Interment, Troy, N. Y. Muskegon, Mich., and Menominee, Mich., papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, February 18, 1917
PEASE, Mollie, at Omaha, beloved wife of A. W. Pease, mother of Raymond, daughter of Mrs. Mary Flood, sister of James, Andrew, and Thomas, Funeral Tuesday, 9:30 a.m. from chapel, 1158 N. Clark-st., to Holy Name cathedral, where high mass will be celebrated; autos to Calvary. Member of St. Ita's branch, L.C.B.A. No 953. --Chicago Tribune, Monday May 27, 1918
Died - Samuel A. PEDRO, aged 22 years and 6 months. Funeral Thursday at 9:30 a.m., from residence, 1155 73d-st., near South Chicago-av., Thursday, at 2 p.m. --Chicago Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1895
PEIFFER, R. S., Mrs., died Dec. 10, 1914, at Downers Grove, Ill., aged 91. Funeral Monday, Dec. 21, 11 a.m., at Baptist church. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, December 20, 1914
PEIL, Leonard, aged 73, husband of the late Maria Peil. Funeral from 661 N. Humboldt-st., Sunday, 1:30 p.m., to Rosehill. --Chicago Tribune, October 3, 1903
PELLIGRINI, Joseph, died July 12, aged 58 years; member tent 246, K. O. T. M. Funeral from Dunstan's 796 W. Madison-st., to Oak Ridge. --Chicago Daily News, Tuesday, July 15, 1902
PERELES, Louis, died age 65 years, beloved husband of Sophia, father of Isador. Funeral from late residence, 750 S. 41st-ct., Wednesday at 11 o'clock to Rosehill cemetery. Member of George H. Thomas post No. 5, G. A. R. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, November 12, 1912
PERKINS, Henry C., died April 18, beloved husband of Margaret Fisher, father of Bert F. Services at late residence, 2850 Warren-av., Thursday, April 20, at 2 pm.; interment at Graceland cemetery private. Member of Julius S. White post, G.A.R. D.C., Cregier lodge No. 643, A.F. & A. M., and Washington chapter No. 43, R.A.M. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, April 19, 1916
Died - At Boston, Mass., Jan 5, 1884, suddenly of heart disease, Thomas Wells PERRY, M.D. of Providence, R.I., son of the late Dr. George Hazard Perry, and a near kinsman of the Rev. Henry G. Perry, of this city. --Chicago Tribune, Saturday, 19 January 1884, page 8
PETERS, Henry, died Dec. 2, 1912, aged 64 years, beloved husband of Lizzie, fond father of Charles, Walter, Louis, William, Henry, and Arthur Peters,and beloved brother of Louis Peters. Funeral Thursday, Dec. 5, at 1:30 p.m. from his late residence, 2725 hampden-ct. Interment at Rosehill cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, December 5, 1912, p.20
Died - At 1140 Seminary-av., Lake View, Feb. 14, William PETERS, beloved husband of Alberlina Peters, aged 38 years. Funeral Sunday, Feb. 17, at 12 m.; burial at Waldheim. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Feb. 16, 1889
PETERSEN, Arthur H., died Feb. 14, 1914, aged 17 years 2 months, beloved son of Martin C. and Minnie Petersen, nee Wolf; brother of Emma R. Petersen. Funeral from his parents' residence 5536 Laflin-st. Tuesday at 1 p.m., to the English Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer, Rev. G. Schuessler. Interment Mount Hope, by automobiles. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, February 17, 1914
PETERSON, Carter, 8 months; 203 W. 12th pl., April 12. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904
PETERSON, Mrs. P. W. (nee Morbeck), died April 25, 1913, beloved wife of Capt. Peterson and fond mother of Gustave W., Alma, George, Reuben and Harry, sister of Mrs. William Goodman, Mrs. Thea Brown, and Otto Morbeck, age 62 years and 7 months. Funeral Tuesday at 1 p.m. from late residence 2447 Kimball-av., thence by carriages to Mount Olive cemetery. Manitowoc papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, April 27, 1913
PETERSON, Swan A., died aged 34 years, born in Blekinge, Sweden. Funeral from late residence, 1342 N. Artesian-av., Sunday, April 1, at 1:30 p.m. by carriages to Mount Olive. lodge NO. 4, I.O. S. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, March 31, 1900
PHELAN, John, 3 months; 1006 Wilcox-av., April 11. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904
PHILBRICK, Charles C., of Grand Rapids, Mich., died suddenly in this city Monday, Remains will be taken to Grand Rapids. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, February 17, 1914
PHILIPS, Peter, 64; 742 N. Halsted-st., April 10. --Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1904
PHILLIPS, Alfred, of 2343 Wentworth av., died Sept 8, 1917, aged 34 years, beloved husband of Elizabeth, father of Mary, George and the late John Phillips; member of the Mutual Aid Benevolent Retired Firemen Ass'n. Funeral Tuesday, Sept 11, at 9:30 a.m. from late residence, to St. John's church, by autos to Calvary. --Chicago Daily News, 10 Sept 1917
PHILLIPS, George H., beloved husband of Bertha L. Phillips, nee Schubart, and fond father of Nellie, George and Thomas, died at his residence, 4642 Magnolia-av. Funeral services at Rosehill chapel Thursday, April 20, at 3 p.m., under auspcies of St. Bernard's commandery No. 35, Knights Templar. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, April 19, 1916
Jesse Baker PHILLIPS, born 18 May 1899, Morristown, TN; died 09 Sep 1943 at his residence, 3536 Cermak Road, Chicago, Illinois; buried at Mt. Auburn Cemetery.
Died - Oct. 29, 1885, Michael PICKHAM, beloved son of Thomas and Hanora Pickham, native of Cappamore, County Limerick, Ireland, age 18 years. Funeral Sunday, Nov. 1, from parents' residence, 626 40th court, to St. James's Church, thence by cars to Calvary. Limerick (Wis.) papers please copy. --Chicago Daily News, Saturday, Oct 31, 1885
PIEPHO, George, aged 65 years. Funeral Tuesday at 2 p.m. from 855 Racine-av. to Graceland cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, 26 August 1902
PIPER, Marie G., died age 22 years and 17 days, daughter of Alfred Piper. Funeral Feb. 18, at 2 o'clock, from 3143 Carol-av., Berwyn. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, February 18, 1917
PLAYER, John, died on Aug. 14, beloved husband of Charlotte, aged 67 years, Funeral private Sunday, Aug. 16, at residence 319 Franklin-av., River Forest. Masonic services at Elmwood cemetery at 3:30 p.m. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, August 16, 1914
PLOTKE, Emily, aged 72, who died on Tuesday at the Columbus hospital, was the widow of Joseph Plotke. She was a sister-in-law to the late Ald. Nathan Plotke, father of an ordinance passed some years ago to have women remove their hats in theaters. She was born in Germany and came to this country sixty years ago. She leaves a family of six children, twelve grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. --Chicago Tribune, Sept. 16, 1915
PLOTKE, Emily, died Sept. 14, 1915, at Columbus hospital, aged 72 years, mother of Charles and Isaac Plotke, Mrs. Hannah Marx, Mrs. Minnie Rector, Mrs. Libbie Greenberg, and Sadie Plotke. She will be buried from chapel, 356 E. ?5th-st., Friday at 9 o'clock a.m., to Graceland cemetery. St. Louis papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Sept. 16, 1915
POND, Henry Harrison - Oriental Consistory, S. P. R. S. The funeral of the late Henry Harrison Pond, 83d degree, past commander in chief, will be held from the residence, 4243 Langley-av., Friday, Sept. 17, at 1 o'clock p.m. George W. M Fatrich, 83d degree, Com. in Chief. C. S. Gurney, 83d degree, Secretary. --Chicago Tribune, Sept. 16, 1915
POPPE, Henriette, died Jan. 19, daughter of Werner Poppe and Sister of William C. Poppe, at her residence, 5648 Wabash-av. Funeral Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 1 p.m., to Graceland by autos. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, January 21, 1913
Died - At the residence of his son-in-law, A. J. Geizler, 595 Sedgwick-st., Thomas PORTER, aged 68 years. Funeral Saturday April 25, at 1 p.m. by carriages to Rose Hill. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891
POWELL, John M., dearly beloved husband of Margaret Powell (nee Byrnes), Catherine Schrey, and Mrs. Willam Hughes. Funeral from his late residence, 4704 Artesian-av., Tuesday, May 28, to Queen of Angels church at 9 a.m., where requiem hgin mass will be celebrated; thence by autos to Mount Carmel. --Chicago Tribune, Monday May 27, 1918
POZNER, Abraham, died aged 72, beloved husband of Rica Pozner, and father of Julius, Isaac, Alex, Mrs. Russell Bell, and Mrs. Benjamin Nussbaum, at the residence of his daughter, 781 W. Taylor-st. Funeral Friday, 1 o'clock, to Graceland. New York and Cleveland papers please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Thursday, August 9, 1900
PRAJS, Ambrose F., 50 years old, beloved husband of Elizabeth (nee DUNDA), father of John, Joseph K., Mrs. Katherine SCHULTZ, Mrs. Rosie NORTON, Frances, Bernard, Julius, Nettie and Frank. Funeral Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1909, 10 a.m., from late residence, 1749 Girard st., to St Mary of the Angels church, thence by carriages to St. Adelbert's cemetery, Norwood Park. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, November 15, 1909
Died - Oscar S. PRATT, beloved husband of Mary Pratt and son of Mrs. T. J. Pratt, aged 27. Will be buried from Mrs. Mary A. Newman's residence 1020 W. Harrison St. Funeral Notice hereafter. Springfield (Ill) please copy. --Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 1892
Died - On April 22, 1891, the infant son PRENTICE of A. M. and Mary Prentice, aged 2 weeks and 3 days. Funeral to-day, April 24. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, April 24, 1891
Died - In the Town of Leydon, Cook County, Ill., on Friday, Feb. 5th, of typhoid fever, Isaac PRESTON, aged thirty-seven years. --The Chicago Daily Tribune, Monday, February 8, 1864
PROCTER, Henry, Rev., died Nov. 15, aged 33 years, beloved husband of Elizabeth ARCHIBALD PROCTER, residence 2534 W. Adams st. Notice of funeral later. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, November 15, 1909
PROUDFOOT, Alexander M. D., died Jan. 17, 1913, suddenly, at Los Angeles, Cal. --Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, January 21, 1913
PURCELL, Michael, beloved brother of Thorpe, Pat and James; native of County Clare, Ireland. Funeral from his brothers' residence, ? (unreadable) Miller-st. Notice of funeral hereafter. --Chicago Daily News, Friday, Jan 24, 1902
PURKEY, Jay F., beloved husband of Lillian F. Purkey, Funeral from his late residence, 4212 Greenwood-sv., at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Burial at Oakwoods. --Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1915
QUIGLEY, Mary, died April 17, 1916, widow of Joseph Quigley, mother of George Charles, and Alice at her residence, 409 S. Homan-av., Funeral Wednesday, April 13, at Lake Geneva, Wis., by train from C. & N. W., depot at 8 a.m. --Chicago Tribune, Wednesday, April 19, 1916
QUIMDY, Martha A., died Friday, Nov. 8, 1912. Funeral at 6916 Eggleston-av., Sunday, Nov. 10, at 1:30 p.m., thence to Mount Hope cemetery. --Chicago Tribune, Sunday, November 10, 1912
QUINLAN, Catherine, beloved daughter of John and the late Bridget Quinlan (nee White), sister of Mary, Edward and John Quinlan, age 16? years. Funeral Tuesday, Nov. 26, at 9 a.m. from her late residence, 305 Poplar-av., to St. Bridget's church, where high mass will be celebrated, by carriages to Mount Olivet, Gone to meet her mother. --Chicago Daily News, Monday, November 25, 1912
QUITMAN, Leon H., Dr., died Sept. 8, beloved husband of Bertha (nee Schroeder), fond father of Helen, son of Dr. P. Quitman, brother of Dr. E. L. Quitman, Mrs. Julia Harris, Mrs Rose Stern, Mrs Florence Hyaes, Walter Quitman and Mrs. E. Johnson. Funeral from late residence, 1904 North av., Tuesday, Sept. 11, at 2 p.m., by autos to Graceland cemetery. Member of Ben Franklin lodge No. 952, A. F. and A. M. --Chicago Daily News, 10 Sept 1917
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