Directory Of The City Of Chicago, Illinois, For 1843; Fergus Historical Series, Number Twenty-Eight, Chicago Directory, 1843, by Robert Fergus, Printer; Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1891, by George H. Fergus, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.
THE cordial reception and flattering endorsements given in 1876 to the Directory for 1839, by many of Chicago's oldest, well-known, and best-informed citizens, induced the compiler to undertake and to complete this little volume, begun over twenty years since, with the hope that it may be as well received.
The occupations given herein of many is no criterion as to their ability to follow other vocations. A graduate of Oxford, Eaton, Dublin, or Harvard, a lawyer without acquaintance, a poet, artist, and many similar professions would at that time find it difficult to obtain a livelihood, as all such were of very little use in our then embryo city.
The basis for this work was Chicago's first Directory of 1844, printed and published by Ellis & Fergus, from a careless and indifferent canvass made during 1843—August to December, by James W. Norris, and issued in December of that year.
One of the publishers, William Ellis who did the presswork of that volume, has been dead several years; the other is still here, and as he set the type, he knows how much he did for it and how much worse it would have been had he followed copy; but having been here over four years, he was somewhat acquainted with the business people in and about the business centre and in the vicinity of his home; the others—newcomers and those outside of the central part—he could do nothing for; and, as he later discovered, sailors were made tailors, and tailors sailors, names were spelled at and locations guessed, etc.; in fact, the names of many prominent men were entirely omitted, or as inserted might as well have been, as those for whom they were intended could not recognize them.
Some of the dates of death, as herein given, have been found to conflict with those of interested parties and relatives; but so far, in every instance, on investigation they have been found to be correct. The identity of the dates of many of those known to be dead has been difficult, and several instances have occurred where more than one date applies to the same name, and until identified will not be inserted.
That all errors are now corrected, all omitted names inserted, or that new errors have not been made, is not claimed; but, with the additions and alterations herein made, it is believed to be very much improved; and if those who can will assist in this labor of love by forwarding as early as possible for the next edition any correction or error they may discover or any omission they may know of, they will no doubt have the thanks of posterity, but certainly those of your humble servant, Robert Fergus, Compiler. Chicago, August 4, 1896. (My 81st Birthday.)
/If YOU can supply an omission, correct a name, add a date or a number, please forward same for insertion in a later edition, to ROBERT FERGUS, Compiler, Blanks furnished on application. 185 Illinois St., Chicago./
Resident of Chicago since July 1, 1839.
N.-W. Cor. Illinois St. and Dearborn Ave.
City LIMITS:—North of Twenty-second Street; east of Wood; and south of North Avenue.
Ward Boundaries:
1st—South-Side east of Clark Street and north
of Twenty-second Street;
2d—South-Side west of Clark Street to the River and
north of Twenty-second Street;
3d—South of W.-Randolph Street to
Twenty-second Street, west of the River to Wood Street;
4th—West of the
River to North-Wood Street, north of West-Randolph Street to West-North Ave.;
5th—North-Side, north of the River to North Avenue, west of North-Clark
6th—North-Side, north of the River to North Avenue, east of
North-Clark Street.
Remarks.—It has been the design to include in this Directory the names of all persons and all firms in the City; to arrange them alphabetically; and in every instance to give the correct spelling. There may be cases, however, where names may have been accidentally inserted in the wrong connection, and cases also of incorrect orthography. Abbreviations, which occur only in a very few words, will readily be understood: bet stands for between; res for residence; bds for boards; Rand for Randolph; Mad for Madison; Wash for Washington; etc. The word street in most instances is omitted. The place of business uniformly precedes the residence.
Very few of the buildings were numbered, except Lake Street; the numbers now given are those of the present, (1896).
The deaths in most cases, except as otherwise stated, occurred in Chicago.
Abell, Sidney, attorney at law, bds Lake House [died, San
Francisco, Cal.
Abbott, Thomas L., clerk at Cyrus Mann's, 47 Clark, res same.
Abbott, Windsor, clerk at Ward Rathbone's, 141 Lake, res same.
Benjamin, sailor, [died June 30, 1895, aged 79.
Ackley, Benj. F., (Comstock &
A.,) bds City Refectory, 17 Dearborn [died San Francisco, Cal., May 1, 1853,
aged —.
Adams, Benjamin F. [died July 25, 1886, aged 86 1/2.
Adams, Geo.,
laborer, John L. Gray's, n.e. cor N. Clark and N. Water.
Adams, George,
tailor, at Charles Taylor's, 42 Clark.
Adams, Mrs. Maria, laundress [widow of
George, butcher], N. Clark, bet Water and Kinzie [died March 11, 1884, aged 69
Adams, R. E. W., physician, s.w. cor Clark and Lake, res Clark, op.
Adams, Wm. Hanford, (W. H. A. & Co.) res 121 LaSalle, bet
Washington and Madison [died June 6, 1882, aged 67.
Adams & Co., W. H.
(Edward Bradley of New Canaan, Conn.), boot and shoe dealers, 138 Lake.
Adsit, James M., carpenter, shop and res 108 Monroe near Dearborn [died
September 4, 1894, aged 85-6-29.
Aiken, Samuel, shoemaker, at Wm. Wheeler's,
Clark near Lake.
Albee, Cyrus P., butcher, at Fulton Market, s.-w. cor Lake &
Dearb [died March 25, 1871, aged 68.
Alderman, Henry, shoemaker, at Wm.
David's, 172 Lake, [moved to Lockport, Ill.
Allen, Alfred, tailor.
Edward Richards, druggist, Leroy M. Boyce, [now at Aurora, Ill.
Allen, Geo.
P., shipcarpenter, bds Nelson C. Walton.
Allen, James F., carpenter, res
Illinois bet Pine and Sand.
Allen, James Pierce (J. P A. & Co.) res 9 River
[died, Allen's Grove, McHenry Co., Ill.
Allen, Jas. P., & Co. [Virgil P.
Walter], lumber merchants, n.-w. cor Canal and Fulton, 3d Ward.
Thomas, at Joliet [first conductor of the Galena R. R., opened July 4, 1848.
Allen, Wm., shipcarpenter, res Wolcott, bet N. Water and Kinzie [died May 26,
1855, aged —.
Almendinger, George, laborer, res Cass bet Chicago ave and
Pearsons [died August 28, 1852, aged 50.
Almendinger, John, laborer, res Cass
bet Chicago ave and Pearsons [died June 9, 1875, aged 50.
Alverson, Wm.,
mason, bds Washington Hall.
Ambrose, Robert L., clerk, at Horatio Buell, 121
Ambrose, Ruel, dry goods and groceries, 156 Lake, res Wells bet Lake
and Randolph.
American Temperance House, n.-w. cor Lake and Wabash ave, Cook
& Surdam, props.
Anderson, Andrew, res N. Water near N. Franklin.
Anderson, Cyrus K., clerk, bds Washington Hall.
Anderson, George, wigmaker,
44 Clark [died Oct. 30, 1887, aged 74 1/2.
Anderson, Mrs. Geo., millinery and
straw goods, 44 Clark, res same.
Anderson, Isaac, clerk, [died August 20,
1872, aged 47.
Anderson, John, prop Washington Hall, s.-e. cor N. Clark and
N. Water.
Anderson, W. H. blacksmith, at Ithream Taylor's, 141 Randolph.
Anderton, John F., bds Illinois Exchange, 192 Lake.
Andrews, Collins,
laborer, res North Branch, west side.
Andrus, Loomis, (A. & Doyle,) bds City
Refectory, 17 Dearborn.
Andrus & Doyle, dry goods, groceries, and provisions,
121 S. Water.
Apfel, Henry.
Apfel, Philip, cutlery.
Apley, C. F.,
mason, at Alson S. Sherman's.
Arbuckle, Abner, waiter, at Tremont House.
Arentz, Samuel, tinsmith, Botsford & Beers, res Franklin, nr Lake.
Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner and mantua maker, 153 Lake.
Armstrong, Thomas,
laborer, Kinzie, east of Wolcott [died Starke, Fla., July 9, 1892, aged 81-5.
Arnold, Isaac Newton, (A. & Ogden,) res Ontario n.-w. cor N. Dearb. [died April
24, 1884, aged 70.
Arnold & Ogden, attorneys and counsellors at law, 120
Arnold, J., carpenter, res Fort Dearborn.
Arnold, John M.,
carpenter, res Madison [died before May 5, 1855.
Artes, Isaac, laborer, 2d
Ward, north of Jackson.
Ashton, Samuel, law-student, 38 Clark, bds Dennis S.
Ashton, William, clerk, at Manahan & Jacobus', 10 Clark.
Richard, tailor, at Edward Burton's, res 6th Ward.
Athy, Stephen, laborer,
Washington bet Wells and Franklin.
Atkinson, Henry, painter, [died February
1, 1871, aged 62.
Atkinson, Mrs. Joseph, milliner and dressmaker, 53 Clark,
res same.
Atkinson, Joseph, hatter, at I. C. Stephens', 108 Lake, res 53
Atzel, George, bds Tobias Atzel [harness-maker, died April 10, 1891,
aged 62-10-26.
Atzel, Tobias, carpenter, res Jefferson, bet W. Washington and
Madison, west side street [died Downer's Grove, Ill., Nov. 25, 1893, a. 80.
Austin, Chamberlin, farmer [carpenter], res Illinois bet N. Clark and N.
Averell, Albert J., sailor, bds James Averell's, N. Water east of
Averell, Andrew, shipcarpenter, bds James Averell's.
Averell, James,
shipcarpenter, res N. Water bet Rush and Sand [died June 16, 1863, aged 71.
Ayres, Silas, machinist, bds George Chacksfield's, 18 Clark.
Baer, Adam,
shoemaker, John B. Mitchell [died Dec. 27, 1877, a. —.
Baer, Lorenz,
shoemaker, cor Michigan and Wolcott [died January 11, 1893, aged —.
Bennet, carpenter, Dearborn, bds John Gray [died November 7, 1881, aged 70-11-7.
Bailey, Harlow, laborer, res W. Randolph, 3d ward.
Bailey, Henry, drayman and
house-mover, Wabash ave, near S. Water [died December 15, 1886, aged 73 1/2.
Bailey, Justice, shipcarpenter, N. Water, bet Rush and Pine.
Richard, soap and candle maker, Charles Cleaver.
Baker, Franklin, clerk,
Alanson Follansbee, bds Tremont House [died October 24, 1882, aged 66.
James, clerk.
Baldwin, J., painter, Dimmock & Stow, bds Western Hotel.
Baldwin, Win. Anson, contractor, bds American Temperance House [died December 5,
1890, aged 82-10-15.
Ball, Lebbeus, steamboat-runner, bds Farmers' Exchange
Ball, Silas Rozier, with Joseph Johnston, res North Branch, west side [died Hyde
Park, Ill., December 31, 1891, aged 84-6.
Ballantine, David (B. & Sherman),
N. Dearborn, bet Kinzie & Mich [died Waukegan, Ill., May 10, 1878, aged 76.
Ballantine, Robert, sailor.
Ballantine & Sherman, dry goods and groceries,
122 Lake.
Ballard, Addison, carpenter.
Ballingall, Patrick, attorney
(Smith & B.), bds Illinois Exchange [died November 21, 1858, aged —.
John, cigar maker, Dearborn near Lake, bds Western Hotel [died March 15, 1883,
aged 73.
Baltz, Abram, cooper, Thomas E. Tucker, res Randolph.
John, clerk.
Bandle, Willis, blacksmith, Stow's Foundry, res North Branch, w.
Bannister, T., overseer Wood & Ogden's brickyard, N. Water.
Andrew, teamster, res Randolph, near Franklin.
Barber, Jabez, lumber
merchant, South Water, n.-w. cor Wells [lost on Atlantic-Steamer Pacific,
February, 1856.
Barkenbile, Christian [Uncle Chris], carpenter [d. Sept. 11,
1856, a. —.
Barker, Peleg A., Farmers' Exchange, 35 Lake, s.-w. cor Wabash
ave [died Morris, Ill., September 13, 1871, aged 64.
Barker, William,
Barmm, Charles H., sailor [died August 23, 1895, aged 68-4-19.
Barnard, Frederick S., teacher and daguerro typist, cor Clark and Lake.
Barnes, Allan Tate, tailor, J. H. Hodgson, bds [res Warren, Ill.
Barnes, Miss
Narcissa A., teacher, LaSalle, bet Washington and Madison [died Arlington
Heights, Ill., January 8, 1878, aged 78.
Barnes, Hamilton, carpenter,
Randolph, bet Clark and LaSalle, res 72 W. Madison [d. at hospital, Nashville,
Tenn., Feb. 22, 1862, a. 56-2-4.
Barnes, Seth, editor Better Covenant,
Randolph, bet Wells and Franklin.
Barnet, George, mason, Wm. Worthingham's,
bds Mansion House.
Barnum, Truman, laborer, res N. Dearborn, bet Michigan and
Illinois [died July 25, 1849.
Barr, James, shingle maker, Madison, South
Barrows & Co., D. A., confectionery, etc., 147 Lake, res same [went
to Galena, Ill., and died there.
Barrows, Mrs. Phila A., 147 Lake.
Barrows, James, agent railroad line, bds Tremont House.
Barry, Andrew,
waiter, City Hotel, Clark.
Barry, Edward, laborer, res near North-Branch
Bridge, Chicago ave.
Barry, Samuel Stedman, painter, N. S. Cushing, res
Monroe near Clark [B. & Cushing].
Barry & Cushing, painters, [partnership
formed December, 1843.
Bartlett, -----, res 4th Ward.
Bascom, Rev. Flavel,
1st Presbyterian Church, res n.-e. cor Clark and Washington [died Princeton,
Ill., August 6, 1890, aged 86.
Bascom, Franklin, res 3d Ward.
George, hostler, City Hotel.
Batcheller, Ezra, clerk Nathaniel Sherman, jr.,
res LaSalle near Lake [died Grand Haven, Mich., August 18, 1890, aged 69.
Bates, Augustine Seymour, cabinet-maker (Morgan & B.), res 190 Lake [killed
enroute to California by Indians, near Humboldt, Nov., '51.
Bates, E. D.,
carpenter, Randolph cor Wells.
Bates, jr., John, auctioneer, 174 Lake, prop
Illinois Exchange, res South Water [killed by locomotive, July 14, 1888, aged
Bates, Jacob R., superintendent Lake-Street House [died unmarried.
Baumgarten, Charles, carpenter, res Randolph near LaSalle [died Freeport, Ill.,
October 16, 1882.
Baumgarten, Maurice, Illinois, bet N. Dearborn and Wolcott
[died November 1, 1858, aged 77.
Baumgarten, John, clerk, Arthur G. Burley &
Co., bds M. Baumgarten [died ----- Mich., about 1881.
Baxter, Patrick,
laborer, res Lake.
Bay, Henry B., carpenter, bds Patrick Kelley [died March
10, 1860.
Beach, Charles, bds John Beach [died 1893, aged —.
Beach, [Dr.]
James Sterling, printer, bds John Beach [died May 16, 1885, aged 61.
John, contractor, res 80 Randolph near State [died September 9, 1850, aged 54.
Beach, John Daly, stage-driver, Frink, Walker & Co., bds John Beach [died
August, 1876, aged 54.
Beach, Oscar L., clerk, County Clerk's office, bds
George Davis.
Beach, Samuel Stewart, apprentice printer, bds John Beach [died
March 25, 1884, aged 55 1/2.
Beaman, Abraham, shoemaker, Solomon Taylor.
Beardsley, Hiram Hoyt, physician, 136 Lake, res Dearb. nr Randolph [died
September 28, 1867, aged —.
Bearup, John I., teacher, res North Water.
Beaubien, Gen. Jean Baptiste, [died Naperville, DuPage Co., Ill., Jan. 25, 1873,
aged about 80.
Beaubien, Mark, U.-S. light-house keeper, res River street
[died Kankakee, Ill., April 11, 1881, aged 81.
Beaubien, Henry, [died June
13, 1893, aged 68.
Beaubien, William.
Beaumont, George Anson Oliver (B. &
Skinner), res State, bet Randolph and Washington [died Columbia, Conn., Dec. 18,
1845, a. —.
Beaumont & Skinner, attorneys at law, 92 Lake Bebb, Maurice,
laborer, bds John L. Gray.
Becker, Alexander C, merchant, res N. Clark, cor.
Beecher, George Mather, clerk, Jerome Beecher [died Marysville, Cal., 1861, aged
Beecher, Jerome, boot, shoe, and leather store, 160 Lake, res 13 Lake
[died March 17, 1891, aged 73.
Beecher, Louis, res Franklin, bet Lake and
Beers, Cyrenius (Botsford & B.), res 73 Wabash av, alderman 1st
ward [died February 25, 1878, aged 64 2/3.
Belden, William E., carpenter, W.
Water, res Desplaines, bet W. Van Buren and Harrison [died August 10, 1849, aged
Belkley, -----, bds Sauganash Hotel.
Bell, James, landscape
gardener, 4th Ward.
Bell, John, Stow's Foundry, bds Western Hotel.
Bending, James, carpenter, res Wolcott, bet Kinzie and Michigan.
Abel, saddler and harness maker, James S. Paine.
Bennett, Miss Mary Brownell,
teacher public school 2, district 1, bds S. C. Bennett [died LaSalle, Ill.,
August 26, 1889, aged —-.
Bennett, Henry, whitewashes alley bet Monroe and
Bennett, Samuel Curtis, teacher, res and school, 132 State [died
LaSalle, Ill., 1857, aged —.
Bent, Alphonso, painter, Dearborn [died,
Waynesville, Mo., June 11, 1863, aged 53.
Bently, John (Jeffrey & B.),
shoeing smith and farrier.
Bently, John, laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard.
Berdell, Charles, cabinet maker, Daniel A. & Elisha M. Jones [died June 10,
1890, aged 71 1/2.
Berdell, Nicholas, musician, res Washington, n.-w. and
near Franklin [died Englewood, Ill., February 22, 1883, aged 81.
Berg, Adam,
tavern and grocery, 42 LaSalle [died October 12, 1849.
Berg, Anton, saddler
and harness maker, Charles E. Peck [died May 5, 1895, aged 70.
Berg, John,
drayman, res W. Monroe, bet Clinton and Jefferson.
Berg, Joseph, saddler and
harness maker, Charles E. Peck.
Bernard, Jacob, teamster.
Berry, Joseph,
laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard.
Best, Henry, teamster, N. Canal, bet W. Water and
W. Lake [died February 21, 1892, aged 88.
Best, Mathias, vinegar
manufacturer, lake shore nr 14th st [died October 24, 1874, aged —.
Covenant, Randolph, bet Wells and Franklin, Seth Barnes, editor.
George, mason, bds John L. Gray.
Beygeh, Peter, sausage maker, N. Water, bet
Clark and LaSalle [died December 27, 1875, aged 62.
Bickerdike, George,
carpenter, res Canal, bet Adams and Jackson [died Knaresborough, Eng., November
24, 1880, aged 74.
Bidwell, George W., tin and coppersmith, S. J. Surdam, res
Bigelow, Arnold, clerk, H. O. Stone, res State, bet Washington and
Madison [died February 19, 1868, aged 58.
Bigelow, Henry Winans, dry goods,
132 Lake, res Clark, bet Washington and Madison [died (suicide) February 8,
1873, aged 64.
Biggs, John, sailor, res Market, bet Washington and Madison
[died April 15, 1875, aged —.
Bills, George Ralph, clerk, Horace Norton &
Co., bds Tremont House.
Bird, John Herman, medical student, Dr. D. Brainard,
bds City Hotel.
Bishop, Dardanus, farmer, res cor W. Lake and Jefferson.
Bishop, George, res Dearborn.
Bishop, Jas. E., dry goods and groceries, 131
Lake, bds T. Greenwood [died Omaha, Neb., February 27, 1895, aged 86.
Blackman, Edwin, clerk, H. H Magie & Co., bds Mansion House [died April 12,
1886, aged 70 2/3.
Blaesy, Bernhard, baker, 191 Lake, res same [d. May 16,
1883, a. 72.
Blaikie, Andrew (Ryerson & B.,) bds American Temperance House.
Blair, Mrs. Nancy Ann Newberry [wid. of George, tailor, died Feb. 13, 1842, aged
41], res 260 State [died March 29, 1873, aged 76.
Blair, George Washington,
apprentice, Democrat, bds Mrs. Nancy Ann Blair [died December 23, 1888, aged 55.
Blair, William, hardware, etc., 111 S. Water, s.-e. cor Dearborn, bds Tremont
Blakesley, Harvey A. (Loyd, B. & Co.), bds Mrs. John K. Boyer.
Blakely, John, carpenter, alley bet Clark and LaSalle.
Blanchard, Francis
Gurtrey, capitalist, res 45 Wells [died Brooklyn, N.Y., 1872.
Joseph, blacksmith, bds Charles Follansbee.
Blandly, Christopher, clerk, John
H. Foster, bds same.
Blaney, James VanZant, M.D., prof, chemistry Rush
Medical College [died December 12, 1874, aged 54 1/2.
Blank, William,
currier, cor Griswold and Taylor.
Bliss, Charles Frederick, carpenter, A.
Peck, State, south of Congress [died St, Joseph. Mich., 1880, aged 80.
Chas. Frederick, jr., compositor, Express, bds C. F. Bliss [resides at Racine,
Bliss, Seneca Carpenter, clerk, Charles E. Peck, [now at Morris, Ill.
Blodgett, Henry Williams, law student, Scammon & Jadd.
Boice, John,
machinist, Buffalo.
Boggs, Charles T., carpenter, res and shop, east side
State, south of Van Buren.
Bolles, Nathan Howard, land agent, res Lake, east
of Dearborn [died Philadelphia, Pa., February 14, 1861.
Bond, Harvey,
laborer, res Clark.
Bond, Heman S., clerk, Loyd, Blakesley & Co., res 71
Adams [died August 1, 1851.
Bond, Hiram, laborer, east of Clark.
James, house painter, bds City Refectory, 17 Dearborn.
Boone, Levi Day,
physician, 63 Clark, res 106 State [14th mayor, died January 24, 1882, aged
Boorman, John, wagon maker, Franklin [died, Delavan, O., August 12,
1884, aged —.
Booth, Daniel, carpenter, cor Jefferson and W. Washington [died
Jefferson, Ill., August 22, 1894, aged —.
Boston Market, cor Lake and Wells,
Clybourn & Hovey, props.
Bostwick, George M., bartender, Illinois Exchange.
Botsford, I., tailor, Wells, bet Randolph and Washington.
Botsford, Jabez
Kent (B. & Beers), 109 Lake, res 171 Wabash ave [died June 8, 1887, aged 75.
Botsford & Beers, stoves, hardware, etc., 109 Lake.
Bowas, John, drayman, res
South Water, bet State and Wabash ave.
Bowen, Charles Henry, apprentice,
Democrat, res Henry Bowen [resides Crawfordsville, Ind.
Bowen, Erastus (B. &
Cole), res 40 Michigan ave [died Aurora, Kane Co., Ill.
Bowen, Erastus Selden
[veterinary surgeon] [died Oct. 19, 1883, a. 69.
Bowen, Henry, carriage
maker, res State [died Fulton Co., O., 1883, aged 76.
Bowen & Cole, dry goods
and groceries, 86 Lake.
Bowes, John P., John Gage's mill, res Clinton, bet
Adams & Jackson.
Bowman, Ariel, bookseller and publisher, res 129 Dearborn,
n.-e. cor Madison [died July 3, 1844, aged 58.
Bowman, Henry, druggist, bds
Ariel Bowman [now living in Oakland, California.
Bowmaster, William, cabinet
maker, John B. Weir.
Boyce, Augustus D., druggist, Leroy M. Boyce, bds Daniel
B. Heartt.
Boyce, Leroy Merrick, wholesale and retail druggist and
apothecary, 119 Lake (Peck & B.), bds E. W. Willard [d. July 23, 1849, a. 33
Boyer [Snowhook], Mrs. Elizabeth, [wid. of John K., d. Mch. 12. 1843, a.
52 1/4], boarding house, 153 South Water, 4 doors west of Clark [died June 29,
1870, aged 78.
Boyer, James A., ship-caulker, bds Mrs. Boyer [d. Oct. 9,
1866, a. 41.
Boyer, Dr. Valentine Aurand, justice-of-the-peace, 55 Clark, bds
Mrs. J. K. Boyer [died May 11, 1890, aged 76 1/3.
Boyington, Charles H.,
captain schooner Charlotte, res Indiana, bet Pine and Sand.
Boyland, William,
carpenter, Van Buren, bet Clark and Wells.
Boynton, Samuel, carpenter, res
147 W. Kinzie [d. Aug. 1882. a. —.
Boyrs, John, land-office, W. Washington.
Bracken, John (B. & Tuller), res Wabash ave.
Bracken & Tuller, dry goods and
groceries, 161 Lake.
Brackett, William W., editor and proprietor Chicago
Express, 92 Lake, bds American Temperance House.
Bradley, Asa Foster, city
and county surveyor, res cor Dearborn and Washington [died Maplewood, Ill., Feb.
26, 1892, aged 80-1-17.
Bradley, Bristol, dentist, s.-w. cor Clark and Lake,
bds Mrs Merriam.
Bradley, Cyrus Parker, clerk, Horace Norton & Co., res 218
Madison, bet Wells and Franklin [died March 6, 1865, aged 45 1/2.
David, plow maker, Asahel Pierce, blacksmith.
Bradley, David Morrill,
printer, Democrat office, res 16 Quincy [died September 6, 1857, aged 40.
Bradley, Joseph, clerk, William H. Adams & Co.
Bradley, Timothy Mathew,
check-clerk, Horace Norton & Co., bds -- [died September 30, 1890, aged 64 1/2.
Brady, George, constable, res near N. Clark and N. Water [d. 1860.
Michael, blacksmith, N. Water, res s.-e. cor Indiana and N. LaSalle [murdered,
May 29, 1852, a. —.
Brainard, Daniel, physician, prof. Rush Medical College,
51 Clark, bds City Hotel [died October 10, 1866, aged 54 1/2.
Braise, Mrs.,
dressmaker and tailoress, N. Water near Wolcott.
Brand, Alexander (Murray &
B.), res 35-7 Cass, s.-e. cor Illinois [died Aberdeen, Scotland, March 24, 1876,
aged 65.
Brayton, H. H., physician, res and office, 119 Clark.
John, packer, Arthur G. Burley & Co.
Breese, Robert Bush, clerk, James
Hervey, res N. Clark near Kinzie.
Brewster, Elijah, carpenter, Jefferson.
Bridges, Thomas Ball, carpenter, W. Lake, 4th Ward [died Oak Park, Cook Co.,
Ill., February 17, 1887, aged 75.
Briggs, Benjamin, wagon maker, Adams west
of LaSalle.
Briggs, Jeremiah, mason, res south of Adams, west of Clark.
Brinckerhoff, John, physician, 49 Clark, chequered drug-store, 143 Lake [died
New-York City, April 3, 1867, aged 63.
Bristol & Porter, forwarding and
commission merchants, South Water n.-e. cor State [first warehouse on South
Side, erected fall of 1839].
Bristol, Richard Clark (B. & Porter), res 5
Dearborn pl [died Brooklyn, N.Y., July 10, 1866, aged —.
Bristol, Calvin D.,
sailor, res Michigan ave.
Brock, John A., clerk, James E. Bishop, bds James
T. Durant [died Livermore, Cal., 1887.
Brock, Michael, carpenter, res 211
Brock, Mrs. Mary, straw and tuscan hat milliner, 211 Lake.
Thomas, ex-justice of peace, res s.-e. cor Madison and Clark.
Brocksmidt, J.
W., cooper, J. E. Tucker, res Michigan, bet LaSalle and Wells.
Frederick Wm., florist, bds Samuel Brookes.
Brookes, George, clerk, bds
Samuel Brookes [died Cleaverville, Ill., September 27, 1854, aged 37.
Brookes, Henry, clerk, [died March 3, 1882, aged 61.
Brookes, Joshua, deputy
county-clerk, bds Geo. Davis [left for Galena, Ill., March 23, 1843, returned in
Brookes, Samuel, florist, res Clark, bet Madison and Monroe [died
September 2, 1875, aged 81 2/3.
Brookes, Samuel Marsden, portr. & landsca.
artist, bds Saml. Brookes [died San Francisco, Cal., January 31, 1892, aged 76.
Brooks, Henry E., ship carpenter, res Kinzie, bet Cass and Rush.
Thos., tailor, 10 Clark, res Illinois, bet N. Clark and Dearborn.
Andrew Jesse, attorney at law, bds Henry Brown.
Brown, Asa B.,
assistant-editor Western Citizen, 124 Lake.
Brown, Charles E., laborer on
harbor, bds Samuel Jackson.
Brown, Clement, bds Sauganash Hotel [died Crown
Point, Ind., October 30, 1884, aged 79.
Brown, Francis 0., shoemaker, John B.
Mitchell, res Dearborn, bet Washington and Randolph.
Brown, George,
chairmaker, Wells, bet Randolph and Washington.
Brown, George Elijah,
printer, Express office, bds New-York House.
Brown, Henry, city attorney,
notary, s.-w. cor Lake and Dearborn, res 112-14 Wolcott, near Ontario [author
"History of Illinois"] [died May 10, 1849, aged 60.
Brown, Jeduthan,
attorney, res Sauganash Hotel.
Brown, Joseph, laborer, res W. Madison, bet
Water and Canal [died before December 24, 1850.
Brown, Joseph E., carpenter,
shop and res, 254 Clark [died March 8, 1879, aged 60.
Brown, Lemuel,
blacksmith, boarding house, 142 Lake [died December 29, 1883, aged 99.
Rufus B., warehouse man, John P. Chapin & Co., res 189 Lake [died Burlington,
Wis., September 2, 1872, aged 69.
Brown, Mrs. Rufus B., dress and cloak
maker, 189 Lake, up stairs [died February 2, 1890, aged 73.
Brown, Samuel,
blacksmith, Dearborn.
Brown, Sam'l Lockwood, clerk, A. G. Burley & Co., bds
Wm. H. Brown.
Brown, Simon B., res Ohio, bet Cass and Rush [d. Mar. 19, 1889,
Brown, S. C., clerk, Edwin P. Clark, bds Ruel Ambrose.
Brown, Thomas,
captain schooner Warren, bds John J. Jackson.
Brown, Thomas, drayman, res N.
LaSalle, bet Ohio and Illinois.
Brown, William, grocer, res N. Water, bet
Clark and Dearborn.
Brown, Wm., bds Sauganash [died Nevada City, Cal., Dec.
3, 1850.
Brown, William Hubbard, [cashier], 8 LaSalle, (A. G. Burley & Co.),
res 301 Illinois, n.-w. cor Pine, school agent [died Amsterdam, Holland, June
19, 1867, aged 72.
Browne, Charles Evarts [school-teacher, 1835-8; a resident
of Milwaukee Co., Wis., until 1868; later a real-estate dealer at 41 Clark st;
residing at Glencoe, Ill., died 189-.
Bryan, Alex. Brodie, druggist [died,
Lawtey, Fla., Feb. 1891, aged—.
Bryan, Archibald, teamster, bds --.
Fred'k Augustus, clerk, Clarke & Co., bds Wash'ton Coffee Ho. [died December 17,
1886, aged 67.
Buchanan, Nelson, saddle and harness maker, Charles E. Peck
[died October 1, 1858, aged 38 1/4.
Buckley, Noah, pawnbroker, cor Randolph
and Wells [died before June 22, 1852.
Buckley, Timothy, butcher, Fulton
Market, bds City Restaurant [died July 14, 1854.
Buddington, John, res
Randolph, east of Clark.
Buell, Horatio, auction and commission, dry goods
and groceries, stoves, 121 Lake.
Buell, Norman, printer, Democrat office, bds
David M. Bradley.
Buhl, Charles, hat and cap store, 129 Lake.
Thomas, jr., res Wells, bet Lake and Randolph.
Bunch, Clybourn (col'd),
drayman, res Wells, bet Madison and Wash.
Burch, Isaac Howe, banker (Newberry
& B.), bds City Hotel [died Nice, France, April 9, 1884, aged 68.
Frederick, baker, LaSalle, bet Lake and Randolph.
Burdick, Amos W.,
carpenter, res Randolph near Franklin.
Burdick, E., porter, Mansion House.
Burgess, John, wagon maker, 184 Randolph, res Michigan ave.
Burhans, Henry
J., livery stable keeper, Market.
Burke, John, laborer, south of W. Jackson,
3d Ward.
Burke, Lewis, south of Madison, east of LaSalle.
Burke, Patrick,
tobacconist, Henry Chapman, 40 Clark.
Burley, Arthur Gilman (A. G. B. & Co.),
bds Tremont House.
Burley & Co. (Win. H. Brown), Arthur G., china, glassware,
crockery, 105 Lake.
Burley, Augustus Harris (S. F. Gale & Co.), bds Mrs.
Burley, Charles, clerk, S. F. Gale & Co., bds S. F. Gale.
Edward, carpenter, bds Wm. E. Manley [died February 24, 1892, aged 73.
Burnam, Ambrose, contractor, res Wabash ave near Washington [died October 21,
1870, aged 59.
Burnet, John, drayman, res Kinzie, bet Wolcott and N.
Burton, Edward, merchant tailor, 162 Lake, res same [died
Woodstock, Ill.
Burton, George, sailor.
Burton, Henry, tailor, Edward
Burton, bds same.
Burton, Horace, clerk, Norton & Tuckerman.
Burton, John,
vegetable gardener, N. Clark, s.-e. cor North ave [died May 16, 1852, aged 58.
Burton, Stiles, retired merchant, bds American Temperance House [died January
12, 1875, aged 66-9-6.
Busch, Franz, wagon maker, John Burgess.
John B., blacksmith, 29 Market, res Randolph, bet Wells and Franklin.
Bushnell, Wm. H., draughtsman, Ogden & Jones [story-writer for Eastern papers,
"Sea-Foam," died Washington, D.C., Mar. 1, 1890, a. 66 3/4.
Butler, Horace,
dry goods and groceries, forwarding and commission, South Water, bds Mrs. Seth
Johnson [died New York State.
Butler, John H., carpenter, Alex. Loyd, bds
Clark, bet Madison and Monroe.
Butler, Lorin G. (Gray & B.), res Clark, bet
Adams and Jackson.
Butler, Nathaniel F., clothier, res Monroe.
Richard, laborer, res Ohio, east of Rush [d. before Feb. 3, 1851.
William Harrison, clerk, Horace Butler, bds Mrs. Seth Johnson [died August 16,
1878, aged 61-9-14.
Butler, William Moulton, clerk, Chas. Walker & Co., bds
N. F. Butler [died Hobart, Ind., December 2, 1895, aged 75.
George, bds Tremont House [died September 22, 1854.
Butterfield, Jonas,
captain, res Franklin.
Butterfield, Jonathan Carver, printer, Prairie Farmer,
112 Lake, bds same [died July 7, 1854, aged 43.
Butterfield, Justin (B. &
Collins), U.-S. attorney, res 207 Michigan, n.-w. cor Rush [died October 23,
1855, aged 65.
Butterfield, Justin, jr., attorney, 5 Clark near South Water
[died Washington, D.C., March 5, 1852, aged 33.
Butterfield & Collins,
attorneys at law, 105 Lake.
Butterfield, Lewis, attorney [died October 27,
1845, aged 28.
Butterfield, William, medical student, Dr. Daniel Brainard
[First graduate Rush Medical College, died Jan. 13, 1878, aged 57.
Butterfield, William, carpenter, Clark.
Butterworth, Mrs. Mary Ann, widow,
North Water near Wolcott.
Buxton, O. S., wagon maker, James O. Humphrey.
Buzzard, Solomon, harbor laborer, Samuel Jackson.
Byrnes, Michael, porter,
Tremont House, res 91 Dearborn [died December 18, 1869, aged —.
Dennis Spencer, proprietor Lake-Street House, 135-7 Lake.
Calhoun, Alvin,
carpenter, res 74 Randolph [d. June 28, 1849, a. 45 1/2.
Calhoun, John,
retired printer, res 116 State [the first printer here, died February 20, 1859,
aged 51.
Calighan, Mathew, carpenter, bds Edward Gavin.
Cornelius, res Wells, bet Washington and Madison.
Calson, Charles, house
painter, Alexander White.
Cameron, David, waiter, Tremont House.
Abel, carpenter, bds Illinois Exchange.
Campbell, James, carpenter, res
Madison, bet Clark and Dearborn [died August 4, 1887, aged 78 2/3.
James, printer, res N. Clark, bet N. Water and Kinzie [died St. Louis, Mo.,
November 8, 1875, aged 65.
Campbell, John, laborer, Alonzo C. Wood, res 5th
Ward, w. of Clark [died January 28, 1879, aged 75.
Canada House, north side
of N. Water, west of Dearborn ave.
Canal-agent's office, 173 Lake, Eli S.
Prescott, agent.
Canda, Louis Joseph Florimond, florist, North Wells, near
North ave [died Ravenswood, Ill., February 9, 1886, aged 93.
Canfield, C. A.,
merchant tailor, bds Mrs. Post.
Carney, Arthur, laborer, res Canal, bet
Randolph and Lake.
Carney, James, brewer, 67 S. Water, res same [died March
29, 1856.
Carney, William, sailor, res Michigan, bet Rush and Pine.
Carpenter, George, grocer, South Water.
Carpenter, James H. (Stevens & C.),
bds Mrs. Green [died suicide, Dearborn ave, 187-.
Carpenter, James H., bds
Philo Carpenter.
Carpenter, Job, market gardener, 554 W. Lake [d. Dec. 5,
1876, a. 63.
Carpenter, John D., laborer, res State.
Carpenter, Joseph,
milkman, 570 W. Lake [died Feb. 24, 1875, a. —.
Carpenter, Philo, res W.
Randolph, Carpenter's Addition, bet Sangamon and Morgan [died August 6, 1886,
aged 81 1/2.
Carpenter, Samuel, laborer, res North Water near Wolcott [died
January 24, 1856, aged —.
Carpenter, William, grocer, 578 West Lake.
William, sailor, res Canal, 3d Ward.
Carroll, Owen, laborer, res cor W.
Washington and Jefferson.
Carson, James, carpenter, res State.
William, wagon maker, Randolph, between Wells & Franklin.
Carter, Thomas
Butler (T. B. C. & Co.), res 126 State.
Carter, Thos. B. & Co. (Job Magie,
Elizabeth, N. J.), dry goods and groceries, 118 Lake.
Carthew, Richard,
laborer, bds Water, bet Randolph and Washington [shot December 6, 1856; died
January 18, 1864, aged 71.
Cary, John Marshall, teamster [died May 17, 1895,
aged 76.
Case, Elan, carpenter, Scoville & Gates.
Case, John Roman (Norton
& C.), bds City Refectory, 17 Dearborn [died Elmhurst, Ill., September 4, 1877,
aged 74.
Casey, Edward (E. & Peter C.), bds John Casey [died January 27,
1894, aged 81.
Casey, E. & P., dry goods, groceries, and auction store, 85
Casey, Hugh, tailor, Scott Benedik.
Casey, John, milkman, res
Market, bet Randolph and Washington [died December 8, 1881, aged 91.
Patrick, waiter, Mansion House [died June 15, 1892, aged 73.
Casey, Peter (E.
& P. Casey), clerk, Isaac Strail, bds John Casey.
Casey, Stephen, driver, Eli
S. Prescott's, 35-7 Cass, cor Illinois.
Casey, Thomas, laborer, bds John
Cashan, Stephen, res Michigan, bet Rush and Pine.
Caspar, W. G.,
blacksmith, LaSalle, res Wells, bet Washington & Mad.
Cassiday, James Hugh,
ship carpenter, N. Dearborn.
Cassidy, P. E., clerk, Horatio O. Stone, bds
Caster, Wm. Harvey, millwright [died Niles, Mich., March 7, 1891, aged
Castler, Matthias, laborer, Dutch Settlement.
Caswell, Sidney,
cabinet-maker, John B. Weir [d. Mar. 1, 1889, a. 80.
Caton, John, laborer,
res Lake.
Caton, John Dean, attorney, [died July 30, 1895, aged 88-4-11.
Cavanagh, Martin, laborer, res North Water, near North Franklin.
Jerry, waiter, Illinois Exchange.
Cavanaugh, Michael, carpenter, res State.
Cawker, Mathew, proprietor Clinton Lunch, 11 Clark.
Chacksfield, George,
grocer, etc., 18 Clark [died Oct. 8, 1885, aged 73.
Chalmers, Thomas,
machinist, Scoville & Gates [arrived Dec. 2, 1843.
Chamberlin, [Rev.] Jacob
Sherril (Hamilton & C), bds Starr Foot.
Chandler, Joseph, res Fort Dearborn.
Chapin, John P. & Co. (Thomas Dyer), forwarding and commission merchants, South
Chapin, John Putnam (J. P. C. & Co. and Dyer & C), res Lake, bet State
and Wabash ave [8th mayor, died June 27, 1864, aged 54.
Chapin, Pascal Paoli,
clerk, J. P. Chapin & Co., bds American Temperance House.
Chapin, Richard,
laborer, res Kinzie near Cass.
Chapman, Charles H., res Wells, bet Randolph
and Washington.
Chapman, Henry, tobacconist, 38 Clark, bds Charles H. Chapman
[died August 9, 1851, aged 48.
Chapman, Thomas, res Wolcott, bet Illinois and
Chappel, Marvin, carpenter, bds Amer. Temp. House [d. Jan. 27, 1849.
Chapronne, Augustin, gardener, res North Branch, north end.
Francis, gardener, res North Branch, north end.
Charleston, Charles,
carpenter, Fort Dearborn, res Wolcott [d. 187-.
Chevill, Mathew, shoemaker,
res W. Water, bet Randolph and Lake [died March 16, 1862, aged 61.
Hotel, n.-e. cor W. Lake and N. Canal, Geo. W. Rogers, prop.
Temperance House, 17 and 19 LaSalle, David L. Roberts, prop.
Childs, Shubal
Davis, city sealer, wood and metal engraver, Clark, res 3d Ward [died Evanston,
Ill., January 9, 1870, aged 71.
Choulet, Michel Alexandre, carpenter, res
Dearborn [died 1854, a. 47.
Chovin, Charles, clerk, Tuthill King, bds same
[resides St. Charles, Ill.
Christian, David William, carpenter, bds American
Christian, John, shoemaker, P. P. Robinson.
Christie, James,
laborer, bds Richard Butler.
Christy, Nathan, laborer, res Canal, bet Lake
and N. Water [died July 16, 1855, aged 56.
Christy & Dunham, carpenters, N.
Water near Kinzie.
Christy, Rumsey (C. & Dunham), cor Michigan and Wolcott.
Church, John Coleman, harness-maker, C. E. Peck, bds Chicago Temperance House.
Church, Thomas, dry goods and groceries, 111 Lake, res 55 Lake [died June 25,
1871, aged 70 1/2.
Church, William Linnaeus, clerk, Dyer & Chapin, res 127
State [died Hyde Park, October 22, 1880, aged 64.
Churchill, Jesse, cow herd,
res 175 Lake [died Riverside, Cook Co., Ill., April 5, 1887, aged 90.
Dennis, laborer, res N. Dearborn, bet N. Water and Kinzie.
City Hotel, n.-w.
cor Clark and Randolph, Jacob Russell, prop.
City Refectory, 17 Dearborn, J.
W. Steele, prop.
Clancy, Mark Bailey, house painter, Alex. White, bds James
Clark, Agnitus B., medicine manufacture, N. Halsted.
Clark, C.
B., clerk, Edwin P. Clark, bds Humphrey Clark.
Clark, DeMarcus, clerk, V. S.
Lovell, bds Chicago Temperance House.
Clark, Edwin, grocer, W. Lake.
Clark, Edwin P., dry goods and groceries, 154 Lake, bds Hump Clark.
Elisha, carpenter, res W. Water, bet Washington and Madison [died July 23, 1853,
aged 53.
Clark, Francis (C., Haines & Co.), bds American Temperance House
[died Cleaverville (now Oakland), June 12, 1860, aged —.
Clark, Haines & Co.,
(Francis C., John C. Haines and Edward Parsons,) dry goods and groceries, 168
Clark, Horace, baker, LaSalle.
Clark, Humphrey, boarding house,
Indiana, bet Cass and Wolcott.
Clark, John D., clerk, A. G. Hobbie [printer,
went to Washington, D.C.
Clark, Jonas Coe, exchange broker, 21 Clark [died by
poison in Wis.
Clark, Lewis W., hardware, iron, nails, etc., 128 Lake [died
March 31, 1855, aged 45.
Clark, O. J., painter, res Hastings.
Clarke, Abraham Fuller, druggist, (C. & Co.), [removed to and a
resident of Milwaukee during 1841 to 1870; thence to Marietta, Ga., where he
died, March 2, 1886, aged 71-4-7.
Clarke & Co., druggists, manufacturers of
lard oil and candles, 102 Lake, factory, Indiana, bet Wolcott and Cass.
Clarke, George P., druggist, Clarke & Co.
Clarke, Henry B., farmer, Michigan
ave, n.-e. cor 16th Street [died July 23, 1849, aged 48.
Clarke, Henry
Wilcox, attorney at law, 36 Clark, bds Mrs. Post [died January 25, 1892, aged
Clarke, Samuel Clarke (C. & Co.), bds Tremont House [at Marietta, Ga.,
since Sept., 1871.
Clarke, William Hull (C. & Co.), bds Washington Coffee
House [died August 5, 1878, aged 65-10-10.
Clarkson, James J., printers'
apprentice, bds Robert R. Clarkson.
Clarkson, Robert R., bootmaker, William
H. Adams & Co., res alley bet LaSalle and Wells.
Clary, Stephen K., clerk,
Illinois Exchange.
Claus, Joseph, engineer harbor machine, res Illinois, bet
Dearborn and Wolcott.
Cleaver, Charles, grocer, soap and candle maker, 177
Lake [died October 27, 1893, aged 78.
Cleaver, Joseph Wraigh, cabinet maker,
J. B. Weir [at Portland, Ore.
Cleaver, Thomas Barker, soap and oil maker, bds
Charles Cleaver [died, Dubuque, Ia.
Clement, Stephen, captain steamboat
Champion [died Oconomowoc, Wis., August 7, 1894, aged 81.
Cleveland, Alva,
ornamental painter, alley bet State and Wabash ave. res Madison, bet Clark and
LaSalle [died Deerfield, Kan., February 13, 1891, aged 86.
Clifford, E. M.,
portrait painter, 6 Clark.
Clifford, James, wagonmaker, Scoville & Gates, res
Randolph, bet Franklin and Madison.
Clifford, John, carpenter, N. Water, west
of Clark Street bridge.
Clinton, James, laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard.
Clybourn, Archibald (C. & Hovey), res North Branch, city and county beef and
pork inspector [612 Alston ave, died Aug. 23, 1872, a. 70.
Clybourn & Hovey,
butchers, Clark and Western Markets.
Cobb, Geo. W.. clerk, Marcus C. Stearns,
bds Tremont House [died.
Cobb, Silas Bowman, saddler and harness maker, 171
Lake, res 75 Michigan ave, s.-w. cor Lake.
Coburn, Isaac, carpenter, res
Cochrane, John, waiter, City Hotel [died January 12, 1886, aged 65.
Coe, John S., blacksmith, Asahel-Pierce, bds W. Lake, near N. Canal.
Thomas, cabinet maker, cor Lake and Franklin, bds Sauganash.
Coe, -----,
cabinet maker, Manahan & Jacobus, bds Thos. Manahan.
Coffin, Mrs. [Harriet
Delia Dole (Richards), widow of Joseph Warren Chase], boarding, res Illinois,
bet Pine and Sand [died Crystal Lake, Ill., April 12, 1888, aged 90.
Peter, ready-made clothing, Lake [suicide, Algiers, opposite New Orleans, La.
Coil, Patrick, laborer, cor Kinzie and LaSalle.
Colby House.
William, bds Colby House, Wells, (alderman 4th Ward.) [died Norfolk, Va., summer
of 1864.
Cole, Parker M. (Bowen & C.), county poor master, bds Erastus Bowen
[died June 30, 1877, aged —.
Coleman, Ira, foreman, Daniel Taylor, res 215
Collier, Charles A., clerk, land office, res N. Clark, s.-e. cor
Collins, Ezra, 140 Lake, res S. B. Collins [died 1849, aged 70.
Collins, George (Samuel B. Collins & Co.), res Samuel B. Collins [died Evanston,
Cook County, Ill., October 22, 1856, aged —.
Collins, Isaac, clerk, S. B.
Collins & Co., res S. B. Collins [died 1843, aged —.
Collins, James H.,
attorney (Butterfield & C), res 15 Lake [died Ottawa, Ill., July 14, 1854, aged
Collins, Patrick, waiter, Farmers' Exchange.
Collins, Samuel B. & Co.,
boots, shoes, and leather, 140 Lake.
Collins, Samuel Bassett (Samuel B. C. &
Co.), res 67 Washington [died April 5, 1855, aged 49.
Columbian House, 11 and
13 Wells, Sweet & Doolittle, props.
Comstock & Ackley, dry goods and
groceries, 82 Lake.
Comstock, J. D., clerk and law student, Arnold & Ogden.
Comstock, J. S. (C. & Ackley), bds City Refectory, 17 Dearborn [died San
Francisco, Cal., November 2, 1850.
Comstock, Luke, laborer, Frink, Walker &
Co's stable, res Wabash ave.
Congrave, John, shoemaker, Joseph E. Ware.
Conley, Mathew, steward.
Conley, Peter, boarding-house, North Water.
Conley, Philip, sailor.
Connolly, John, laborer, res Kinzie, bet N. Clark and
N. LaSalle.
Connor, James, laborer, Sylvester Marsh.
Connor, Patrick,
laborer, res W. Lake, near N. Canal.
Connor, Thomas, cabinet maker, cor Lake
and Franklin, bds Sauganash.
Constantine, Patrick, laborer, res bet Michigan
and Illinois, 5th Ward.
Cook, Charles W. (C. & Surdam), bds American
Temperance House [died 1845, aged 44.
Cook, George, bartender, bds American
Temperance House.
Cook, George Churchill, assistant, T. Church [d. April 18,
1884, a. 73.
Cook, Isaac, canal-land agent, res cor Franklin and Randolph
[died Eureka Springs, Ark., June 23, 1886, aged 73.
Cook, John, tailor, res
Jefferson, bet W. Randolph and Washington.
Cook, Josiah P., baker, res
Michigan ave.
Cook & Surdam, proprietors American Temperance House, 36 Lake.
Cook, Thomas, teamster, Desplaines, south of Randolph [died Western Springs,
Cook Co., Ill., Feb. 1, 1885, aged 85.
Cooke, Adreon, grocer, North Water,
bet Dearborn and North State.
Cooke, Horatio Nelson, turner, Franklin, bet
Lake and South Water.
Cooler, James, mason, bds Washington Hall.
Miss, dress and cloak maker, 175 Lake.
Cooper, John Wellington, teamster,
foreman canal, res — Kinzie [died March 15, 1893, aged 67-8-21.
John, cutler and grinder, 197 Randolph, bet Wells and Franklin [died June 1,
1887, aged 68 1/3.
Corbin, D. H., shipcarpenter, res bet State and Clark,
south of Jackson.
Corey, John, procurer, 4th Ward [died April 12, 1849.
Corrigan, Michael, blacksmith [died October 3, 1878, aged 68.
William, drayman, bds S. Water [died July 15, 1879, a. 75.
Couch, Ira Howes,
[1812 veteran], bds Tremont House [died July 25, 1845, aged 82.
Couch, Ira,
proprietor Tremont House, s.-e. cor Lake and Dearborn [died Cuba, February 28,
1857, aged 50 1/4.
Couch, James, superintendent Tremont House, bds same [died
February 10, 1892, aged 92.
Coughlin, Bryan, blacksmith, res Randolph, bet
Franklin and Market.
Counihan, Cornelius, currier, Gurnee & Matteson, bds G.
Counihan [died March 16, 1890, aged 60.
Counihan, Gerald, mason, res s.-w.
cor Union and W. Washington [died June 1849.
Courmayer, Braus, laborer, bds
Canada Home.
Court-House, s.-w. cor Clark and Randolph.
Courtin, Henry,
sailor, res N. Water, bet Dearborn and Wolcott.
Courtney, Capt. Henry, secy
Mariner's Temperance Society.
Covey, Asa.
Covey, John, carpenter.
Cowan, George W., blacksmith, Randolph, bet Clark and LaSalle.
Thomas, laborer, res W. Water, bet Canal and Clinton.
Cowper, Edward,
intelligence-agent [died June 26, 1854, aged 50.
Cox, Andrew Jackson (Jack),
tailor, 21 Clark, bds Mansion House.
Cox, A. J. & Co., tailors, 21 Clark.
Craft, George W., shoemaker, John B. Mitchell.
Cramer, H., professor of
music, Clark, bet Washington and Madison.
Crane, Orson, teamster, bds
Washington Hall.
Crary, Oliver A., teamster, res Wolcott, bet Kinzie and
Crawford, William, drayman, alley bet N. Clark and LaSalle, 5th
Ward, now North Water street [died August 7, 1872, aged 61.
Crissman, John
M., laborer.
Crocker, Josiah Dunton, whitewasher, res 171 Clark [died
December 28, 1888, aged 82.
Croghan, B. W., bartender, Eagle Saloon, 10
Crone, Adams, tailor, res North Water, near Wolcott.
John, sailor, res near Franklin, bet N. Water and Kinzie.
Cross, Antonne,
sailor, res Indiana, bet Dearborn and Wolcott.
Crouse, Anton, tailor, Elijah
Crow, William E., car-driver, res State.
Crowty, Cornelius,
laborer, res N. Water, bet Clark and LaSalle.
Cruver, John (C. & Senser),
carpenter, res N. Clark, s.-w. cor Michigan alderman 5th ward [died California,
Cruver & Senser, builders, N. Clark, bet Kinzie and Michigan.
Cumberland, Charles, operator, Clarke & Co.'s oil factory, Indiana.
Cumberland, William, operator, Clarke & Co.'s oil factory, Indiana.
Cunningham, Henry, constable, N. Water, bet Clark and Dearborn [died May 2,
1879, aged 73.
Cunningham, W. M., clerk, Leroy M. Boyce.
Cure, John,
laborer, res Monroe.
Cure, Peter, grocer, 193 Lake, res same.
Bernard, tailor, Scott Benedik.
Curtis, Charles H., butcher, [died January 3,
1886, aged 74.
Curtis, Jacob S., water borer, bds Michael McDonald.
Curtiss, James, State's attorney, 136 Lake, res W. Randolph, bet May and Ann
[9th mayor, died Joliet, Ill., November 2, 1859, aged 56.
Curtiss, J. W.,
gunsmith, res cor North Water and Wolcott.
Cushing, Nathaniel Sawyer, house
painter, 41 State near Lake, res same [died Lombard, Ill., May 13, 1889, aged
Cutmore, Henry, grocer, West Randolph, bet W. Water and Canal.
Cutter, Amos F., harness and trunk maker, Lake, bet Wells & Franklin.
Daggitt, Joseph, cabinet-maker and joiner, bds Farmer's Exchange [now at
Glencoe, Ill.
Daily, Barry, drayman.
Daily, John R., carpenter, bds
Temperance House, North Water.
Dalton, Michael, laborer, res Wolcott, bet N.
Water and Kinzie.
Daly, Charles, shoemaker, Thomas Melvin, bds Henry
Daly, John, pedler, S. Water, bet Wabash and Mich, ave [d. Mar.
Daly, John, carpenter, n.-w. cor North Water and North Dearborn [died
April 9, 1867, aged 50.
Dana, Lorenza, clerk, Johonnett, Wells & Co.
Patrick, teamster, Alson S. Sherman.
Daniels, Horace, coach driver, res
Wells, alley south of Randolph.
Daniels, James, driver, Dexter Graves' livery
Darling, William, blacksmith, William B. Stevens.
Darrow, Sidney
L., milkman, Michigan ave.
Daus, D., clerk, Horatio O. Stone, bds Michigan.
David, William, boot and shoemaker, 172 Lake.
Davidson, Daniel, clerk, Horace
Norton & Co., bds Am. Temp. House [died insane, Jacksonville, Ill., December 20,
1868, aged 46.
Davidson, Douglas N. (J. Johnson & Co.), bds J. Johnson.
Davis, David M. Parker, agent, Frink, Walker & Co.'s stage-office [died October
6, 1878, aged 67.
Davis, Elisha Webster, clerk, Norton & Tuckerman [died
Memphis, Mo., March 16, 1882, aged 69 3/4.
Davis, George, clerk, county
commiss'rs' court, county-clerk, 107 Lake, res Canal near W. Washington [died
January 4, 1858, aged 50.
Davis, John, tailor, North Water, near Kinzie [d.
Apr. 28, 1883, a. 68.
Davis, Samuel N., lime manufacturer, bds Alson S.
Sherman [died October 7, 1848, aged 34.
Davis, William H., deputy sheriff,
Samuel J. Lowe's office [died January 21, 1861, aged —.
Davisson, Alfred W.,
county physician, 77 Clark, res same [died Atlanta, Ga., July 17, 1895, aged 80.
Davlin, John, auctioneer, State, s.-e. cor Lake [died Waukegan, January 19,
1883, aged about 90.
Day, William, proprietor LaSalle House, 50 LaSalle,
n.-w. cor Randolph.
Dean, James, saddler and harness maker, James S. Paine.
Dean, Philip, teamster, 236 Madison, s.-e. cor Franklin [died November 15, 1861,
aged 57.
Deiden, Jacob, grocer, North Water, bet Clark and Dearborn.
Deinback, Francis, carpenter, res Dutch Settlement.
Delamey, Michael,
laborer, Market, bet Washington and Madison.
Delap, Miss Maria, milliner, 142
Lake, bds E. Brown.
Delingan, John, laborer, Market, bet Randolph and
Dellicker, George, grocer, Lake, bds Tremont House [died
(suicide?) in Lake Michigan, July —, 1849.
Democrat, Chicago, 107 Lake, John
Wentworth, editor and prop. official paper, first number issued Nov. 26, 1833,
by John Calhoun.
DeMout, Cornelius, shoemaker, Samuel J. Grannis.
John, boarding house, 5th Ward [died January 14, 1859.
Dennis, Edward M., bds
Dr. David S. Smith.
Dennis, John.
Dennis, Mrs., bds Dr. David S. Smith.
Dennison, Daniel, butcher, Ridgely Place, nr Lake.
Dennison, William H.,
butcher, Ridgely Place, nr Lake.
Densmore, Eleazer Woodworth, clerk, Elisha
S. & Julius Wadsworth [died November 5, 1888, aged 68.
Deperling, John G.,
basket maker, res N. Water near Wolcott.
Deuel, William C, bartender, Tremont
House, bds same.
DeWolf, Calvin (Freer & DeW), res Buffalo, s. of Jackson, e.
of Clark.
DeWolf, Charles, shoemaker, bds Calvin DeWolf [died Rock Island,
Ill., May 1852, aged 31.
DeWolf, Erastus, bds American Temperance House.
Dexter, Albert Augustus, clerk, E. S. & J. Wadsworth, res Dearborn.
Martin, laborer, res alley near North Water.
Dickerson, ----, farming-mill
maker, James V. Dickey.
Dickey, Hugh Thompson, attorney, 103 1/2 Lake, bds
City Hotel, alderman 1st-ward [died New-York City, June 1892, aged —.
James Varnum, fanning-mill maker, etc., N. Canal nr W. Lake [died October 12,
1873, aged 76.
Dickey, John Butler, son of Jas. V., killed at fire of Oct.
19, 1857, by falling wall at 110 Lake st, aged 24-6-1.
Dickinson, Augustus,
City Eating House, Dearb'n, bet Lake & S. Water [died January 13, 1891, aged 74.
Dietrich, Lawrence, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
Dietrich, Veit, match
maker, res Dutch Settlement.
Dike, Henry Butler (Morey & Dike), bds Isaac
Dike [died June 26, 1880, aged 57.
Dike, Isaac, boot and shoemaker, 9
Dearborn [d. Sept. 8, 1860, a. 55.
Dike, James, groceries and provisions, 11
Dimmock & Stow, house and sign painters, 202 Lake.
Edward (D. & Stow), south of Monroe, west of Clark [died 1860, aged 48.
Dinet, Joseph, restaurant, 48 Clark [died February 2, 1884, aged —.
Michael (Lill & D.), res near St. Clair and Chicago ave [died December 12, 1869,
aged —.
Dixon, John, barber, Clark, res Lake, 1st Ward.
Dixon, William,
carpenter, N. Dearborn, bet N. Water and Kinzie [died July 24, 1867, aged 62.
Dobson, B. E., drover, bds Sauganash Hotel.
Dodge, Darwin D., teamster, res
Dodge, Harry (Dupley).
Dodge, John Cabot (Parker & D.), res
Wolcott n.-w. cor Ontario [died insane near Boston, Mass., February 11, 1889,
aged —.
Dodge, Martin (Goold & D.), bds Nathaniel Goold [died Montague,
Mich., December 31, 1882, aged —.
Dodge, Usel Stillman, carpenter, bds
Morrison's Row, Clark [now at Niles, Mich.
Dodson, Christian Bowman [died
Geneva, Ill., Jan. 3, 1891, a. 81-6-18.
Dodson, Henry, mason, Alonzo C. Wood
[died May 15, 1885, aged 60.
Doggett, Joseph Barker, iron, nails, etc., 62
Lake [died July 20, 1893, aged 70.
Dole, George Washington (Newberry & D.),
Michigan, bet Rush and Pine, alderman 6th ward [died April 13, 1860, aged —.
Dole, J. L., billiard saloon, 20 Clark, bds Isaac L. Milliken.
Dole, Lewis
G., clerk, lottery office, Dearborn, res State.
Dolese, John [left in 1841
for Loraine, France; died there in 1892.
Dolese, Peter [in Peru, Ill., died
February 14, 1862, aged 62-1-14.
Done, J., laborer on harbor, res Fort
Donivan, Dennis, saddler and harness maker, Silas B. Cobb.
Donlin, James, blacksmith, N. Water, bet Dearborn and Clark, res Kinzie, bet
Dearborn and Clark [died 1852, aged 53.
Donlin, John, grocer, cor North Water
and Clark, near bridge.
Donnelly, James Morris, livery, 91 Randolph [d. July
8, 1858, a. 33.
Donohue, Daniel, laborer, North Water near Franklin.
Donohue, James, laborer on harbor.
Dony, Jacob, cabinet maker, Michigan, bet
Wolcott and Dearborn [died January 15, 1879, aged 63 1/2.
Doolittle, Louis A.
(Sweet & D.), res Columbian House.
Doty, Theodorus, hotel, about 12 miles
west [d. June 11, 1885, a. 83 3/4.
Dougherty, Martin, hostler, Mansion House.
Dougherty, Owen, laborer, N. Water near Wells [d. Aug. 9, 1872, a. 51.
William, Stow's foundry.
Dow, John I. (John I. Dow & Co.), res Randolph, bet
LaSalle & Wells.
Dow, John I. & Co., house and sign painters, 40 Clark.
Downing, Thomas, butcher, Archibald Clybourn.
Downs, Abel Sidney, clerk, H. &
E. Smith [d. June 30, 1883, a. 61.
Downs, Augustus Gay, clerk, Thos. B.
Carter, bds Mrs. Seth Johnson [died October 25, 1878, aged 60.
Downs, Myron
Day, grocer, 12 Dearborn [died July 30, 1891, a. 76-6.
Doyle, Michael (Andrus
& D.), bds City Refectory, 17 Dearborn [died November 1851, aged —.
Simon, merchant tailor, 289 Kinzie [d. Sept. 28, 1881, a. 75 1/2.
William E., carpenter, res Indiana, bet N. Clark and Dearborn.
Drake, Jerome
D., laborer, south of Jackson, 3d Ward.
Drew, George C., bookkeeper, James
Peck & Co., [died.
Drew, jr., John, bds Sauganash Hotel.
Drury, Benjamin
C, teamster, John Gage.
Dubois, ----, pattern maker, Scoville & Gates, res
Lake, bet West Water and Canal.
Duffie, John, carpenter, Market, south of
Duffy, Mrs. Margaret, laundress, res N. Water, bet N. Clark and
N. Dearborn [died February 23, 1887, aged 76.
Duffy, Michael, laborer,
Kinzie, bet Clark and LaSalle.
Duffy, Patrick, laborer, Kinzie, bet Clark and
Dearborn [died August 26, 1853.
Dugan, Thomas [died January 3, 1886, aged 72.
Dunham, Julius (Christy & D.).
Dunlap, Wm., clerk, Tarleton Jones'
lumberyard, bds City Refectory.
Dunlop, Hugh, carpenter, Market, south of
Washington [died unmarried, February 3, 1873, aged 64-7-9.
Dunn, William, res
Durand, Charles, attorney at law, 131 Lake, res same.
Durant, James
T., res Clark.
Durrell, William, tin and coppersmith, Samuel J. Surdam.
Dutch Settlement, north of Chicago ave and east of N. Clark.
Dwight, Alanson,
currier, Gurnee & Matteson [died Cleveland, O., August 5, 1895, aged 83-4-10.
Dwyer, Cornelius, laborer, North Water, bet Clark and Dearborn.
Dyer, Charles
Volney, physician, 98 Lake, res 47 State [died April 24, 1878, aged 69 3/4.
Dyer & Chapin, dry goods and groceries, 103 Lake.
Dyer, Thomas (D. & Chapin),
bds City Hotel [10th mayor, died Middletown, Conn., June 6, 1862, aged 57.
Eachus, Virgil H., tailor, Jack Cox, bds Mansion House [died August 18,
1864, aged 46.
Eagle Tavern, 10 Dearborn, E. Vandreuser, prop.
C., tailor, res Washington, bet Wells and Franklin.
Eastman, Zebina, editor
Western Citizen, 124 Lake, res Randolph, bet LaSalle and Wells [d. Maywood, Cook
Co., Ill., June 14, 1883, a. 67 3/4.
Eaton, R. E., clerk, Norton & Tuckerman.
Ebert, George Francis, landscape gardner, Clark, south of VanBuren [died July
1861, aged 57.
Ebert, John, erecting engineer, prop. Independence, building
at foot of Pine, bds Tremont [first engineer of the Galena R.R., driving the
Pioneer—the first engine—and its first master-mechanic.
Eckhoff, John,
laborer, res Jefferson, bet Washington and Madison [died Cerro Gordo, Ia., June
20, 1874, aged 47.
Eckhoff, Nicholas, teamster, res N. Canal, bet W. Lake and
Randolph [died Niles, Cook Co., Ill., February 17, 1873, aged 80.
Eddy & Co.,
hardware, iron, and stoves, 96 Lake.
Eddy, Devotion C. (E. & Co.), res
Michigan ave near Lake.
Eddy, Ira Button (E. & Co.), res 45 Michigan ave [d.
Aug. 10, '91, a. 86.
Edwards, Edwin, grain buyer, bds F. M. Edwards [d. Jan.
1, 1890, a. 71.
Edwards, Francis Myers, carpenter, W. Adams, bet Canal and
Clinton [died Desplaines, Ill., May 13, 1893, aged 77.
Edwards, John,
carpenter, Francis M. Edwards.
Edwards, Thomas, shoemaker, Thomas Whitlock.
Eells, ----, bricklayer, south of Madison, east of Clark.
Egan, Wiley M,
sailor, schooner Charlotte, bds City Refectory.
Egan, Wm. Bradshaw.
physician, recorder, etc., 68 Clark, res Clark [died October 27, 1860, aged 52.
Elderkin, Stephen W., bds Chicago Temperance House.
Eldridge, John Woodworth,
physician, res Randolph, first door west of City Hotel [died January 1, 1884,
aged 75.
Elliott, Joseph, tailor, 185 Lake, res same.
Ellis, James,
laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard [died March 4, 1884, a. 75.
Ellis, Joel, butcher,
Clark Street Market, bds Farmers' Hotel [died Jefferson, Cook Co., Ill., Oct.
30, 1886, aged 69.
Ellis, Peter, shoemaker, William David.
Ellis, Samuel,
farmer, south of Cottage Grove [died Oct. 9, 1853, a. —.
Ellis, Stephen,
butcher, res east of Clark, north of Jackson.
Ellis, William (E. & Fergus),
printer, res 109 Randolph [died May 16, 1873, aged 61.
Ellis & Fergus, book,
directory, and job printers, 37 Clark, 3d floor.
Ellithorpe, Albert Chapman,
Elston, Daniel, patent press-brick maker, res North Branch [died
September 13, 1855, aged 65.
Ely, Thomas, book-keeper, res Michigan, bet Cass
and Wolcott.
Emmonds, J. W., carpenter, Robinson Tripp.
Enos, jr., William
C. Archibald Clybourn.
Espert, George C. ["butcher George"], butcher,
Archibald Clybourn [died January 2, 1886, aged 75.
Evans, Enoch Webster,
attorney [died Sept. 2, 1879, aged 62.
Express, Chicago, 92 Lake, Wm. W.
Brackett, editor; [discontinued April 20, 1844; continued April 22 as the
Chicago Journal
Fairbanks, Peter, shipcarpenter, Lake near Franklin.
Falch, Leonard, soap and candle maker, Mich., bet LaSalle and Wells [died
October 31, 1889, aged 81-10.
Faller, V., watchmaker, Dearborn, near Tremont
Falley, R. S., carpenter, South Canal, 3d Ward.
Farewell, James,
cigar maker, A. B. Wheeler.
Faris, James, sailor, North Water, bet Franklin
and N. Branch bridge.
Farmers' Exchange, s.-w. cor Lake and Wabash, Peleg A.
Barker, prop.
Farnsworth, George, lumber merchant.
Farrell, Thomas,
laborer, Michigan ave [died June 17, 1870, aged 67.
Farwell, Chas. Benjamin
[arrived Jan. 10, 1844, clerk, J. B. F. Russell.
Fearing, George B., captain
Maria Hilliard, bds Washington Hall.
Felker, Samuel R., merchant tailor, 143
Lake, res same [died October 1, 1879, aged 72.
Fellman, J. Francis,
chairmaker, John B. Weir, res North Water.
Fennerty, James, dry goods and
groceries, 100 Lake, res Dearborn.
Fennerty, James, res Lake, bet State and
Wabash ave.
Fennerty, John, dry goods and groceries, 100 Lake.
Peter, auctioneer, h bet Lake and Wabash.
Fennimore, Richard, wheelwright, N.
Water, bet Clark and LaSalle.
Fenton, William (Perkins & F.), bds Chicago
Temperance House.
Fergus, Robert (Ellis & F.), printer, res 179 State, Lot 6,
Block 3, Sec. 15 [born Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 4, 1815; arrived July 1, 1839.
Ferguson, Andrew, drayman, Luther Nichols, boards same [died Geneva Lake, Wis.,
May 14, 1884, aged 84.
Ferguson, William, laborer, North Water, bet Dearborn
and Wolcott.
Ferns, John Porter, sailor, Rush, bet Indiana and Ohio [died
March 5, 1884, aged 68-10-5.
Ferras, ----, laborer, res bet N. Water and
Kinzie, near Franklin.
Ferris, Arthur, tailor, res Washington, bet LaSalle
and Wells.
Fetter, John, blacksmith, Ithream Taylor.
Field, Francis,
teacher public school 1, district 3.
Field, John Anderson, carpenter, res cor
W. Madison and Halsted.
Field, Joseph Benj., carpenter, res s.-w. cor W.
Madison and Halsted [died June 1, 1848, aged 26.
Fillmore, P. P., engineer,
res cor N. Clark and Illinois.
Finey, Uriah, res South Water.
Edward, laborer, res 4th Ward.
Fischbene, Joseph, merchant, bds Washington
Fischer, C., wood turner, Franklin bet Lake and Randolph, bds same.
Fischer, Francis Joseph, Catholic priest, res Wabash ave.
Fischer, Peter H.,
turner, Franklin, bet Lake and Randolph.
Fish, James, carpenter [died August
18, 1881.
Fish, James P., carpenter, res. Kinzie, east of Rush.
Fish, John
P., teamster, West Lake, bet W. Water and Canal.
Fitch, Patrick, laborer,
Gurdon S. Hubbard.
Fittz, Caleb Draper, upholsterer [died Dec. 30, 1890, aged
Fitzgerald, Thomas, laborer, res West Water near Lake.
John, res Michigan ave.
Fitzgibbons, Patrick, drayman, res 40 South Water [d.
1845, a. 45.
Fitzsimmons, James, clerk, recorder's office, bds Dr. William B.
Egan [died Wisconsin.
Fitzsimmons, Michael, drayman, res Adams, west of
Fitzsimmons, John, teamster, res Michigan ave cor VanBuren.
Flahaven, John, brickmaker, Wood & Ogden.
Fleming, William, merchant tailor,
n.-e. cor N. Water and Dearborn [died 1850.
Fletcher, Archibald, auctioneer,
Horatio Buell.
Fletcher, George, carpenter, bds New York House.
Mrs., res West Adams, bet Clinton and Jefferson.
Flood, John, teamster, res
Wabash ave.
Flood, Peter Findley, sailor [died January 7, 1888, aged 72.
Florida, Hughes, brickmaker, Wood & Ogden.
Fogal, Michael, butcher, Absalom
Follansbee, Alanson, dry goods and groceries, 112 Lake, res 139 State
[died Milwaukee, Wis., April 15, 1809, aged 57 1/4.
Follansbee, Charles, dry
goods and groceries, 88 Lake, res 165 State [died June 14, 1887, aged 76 2/3.
Foot, Starr, teamster, 180 Clark, cor Monroe [died June, 1862. a. 62.
David P., blacksmith, res Wabash ave.
Foote, Lucius H., clerk, Tuthill King,
bds same.
Forbes, John, drayman, res State.
Forbes, William, bds Chicago
Temperance House.
Ford, Alexander, blacksmith, Solomon Gowey, bds Wells.
Ford, Christopher, carpenter, bds City Refectory, 17 Dearborn.
Ford, David M.
[foundryman, d. Ishpeming, Mich., Jan. 21, 1891, a. 57.
Ford, Martin Munson,
tanner and currier, Gurnee & Matteson [died 1857.
Fordham, Jared, tanner and
currier, res Randolph.
Forrest, Joseph King Cummins, law student, Scammon &
Judd, "reader" of the New Jerusalem Society, bds City Hotel [the "Old Timer" of
the Daily News; died June 23, 1890, a. 75-6-27.
Forrest, Philip Ryder, clerk
[died Orange, Los Angeles, Cal., March 24, 1888, aged 62.
Forrest, Thos.
Lawrence, clerk, H. Norton & Co., bds City Eating House.
Fort Dearborn, at
junction of Michigan ave and River st, vacated by troops—Cos. A and B. 5th U.-S.
Infty. Capt. St. Clair Denny, comdg—Dec. 29, 1830; now occupied by government
employes at work on the harbor.
Foss & Brothers, planing-mill, Market street,
bet Washington and Madison, on the River.
Foss, John Peaslee, Foss &
Brothers' planing-mill.
Foss, Robert Harris, Foss & Brothers' planing-mill
[died Dover, N.H., July 28, 1893, aged 79.
Foss, Sam'l Titcomb, Foss & Bros.'
planing-mill [d. Mar. 28, 1870, a. 59.
Foss, William Ham, Foss & Brothers'
planing-mill [died Portsmouth, N.H., September —, 1858, aged 50.
Foster, A.
H. (Jennings & F.), bds American Temperance House.
Foster, Edward, laborer,
s.-e. cor Pine and Illinois [died 1458 North Clark St., Lake View, February 28,
1888, aged 80.
Foster, George Franklin (F. & Robb), bds John B. Mitchell
[died August 10, 1877, aged 66.
Foster, Dr. John Herbert, capitalist, 207
Lake, res same [died May 18, 1874, aged 78.
Foster & Robb, ship chandlers and
sail makers, 100 South Water.
Foster, ----, Frink, Walker & Co., bds American
Temperance House.
Fournmer, Bazil, grocery, North Water, bet Dearborn and
Fox, Alvin, wagon maker, E. Granger, res Illinois, bet Clark and
Fox, George, laborer, res Jefferson, bet Washington and Madison.
Force, William, sailor, bds Henry Howard.
Frank, John, cabinet maker, John B.
Frank, Henry, mason, res W. Monroe, bet Canal and Clinton.
A., house painter, Nathaniel S. Cushing, bds same.
Franks, Joseph Wilson,
tailor, 219 1/2 Lake, s. e. cor Franklin [died on farm, Centralia, Nemaha Co.
Kas., May 8, 1876, aged 73.
Franks, jr., Joseph Wilson, printer, Ellis &
Fergus, bds J. W. Franks [now at Peoria, Ill.
Frazier, Alfred B., tailor, res
bet Clark and State.
Frazier, Andrew, tailor, Elmer Tyler, bds same.
G. W., draper and tailor, 139 Lake.
Freeman, Vincent H., brick maker, North
Freer & DeWolf, attorneys at law, 53 Clark.
Freer, Lemuel Covell
Paine (F. & DeWolf), res Monroe, bet Clark and LaSalle [died April 14, 1892,
aged 78-6-26.
Freer, Miss V. C., teacher public-school 2, district 2.
Freestone, Thomas, laborer, near Chicago ave, 5th Ward.
Frey, Philip, drug
clerk, Leroy M. Boyce, bds Daniel B. Heartt.
Frink, John (F., Walker & Co.),
stage proprietor, res 117 Randolph [died Sunday p.m., May 23, 1858, aged 63.
Frink, John S., clerk, bds John Frink.
Frink, Harvey B., clerk, bds John
Frink [died California, Jan. 18, 1850.
Frink, Walker & Co., stage
proprietors, office 95 Lake, s.-w. cor Dearborn, stables and repair-shops, 45-55
Wabash ave
Frisbie, Augustus [died March 7, 1896, aged 78.
Frost, George,
bds Michigan ave.
Fulleger, Samuel, butcher, Fulton Market.
Fuller, Andrew
E., clerk, William Lock & Co., bds William Lock.
Fuller, Asa (F. & Squires),
res N. Water, bet Dearborn and Wolcott.
Fuller, [Judge] Henry, res Dearborn,
bet Randolph and Washington [died June 22, 1879, aged 76.
Fuller, Nelson W.,
printer, Ellis & Fergus.
Fuller & Squires, coopers, South Branch, west side.
Fullerton, Alexander Nathaniel, attorney at law, res 90 Dearborn [died Chester,
Vt., September 23, 1880, aged 76.
Fulton, Henry L., carpenter and millwright,
res State.
Fulton Market, s.-w. cor Lake and Dearborn, C. P. Albee, prop.
Funk, Absalom, butcher, Fulton and Boston Markets, res Wells, bet Washington and
Randolph [died September 4, 1851, aged 63.
Furlong, Michael, bootmaker,
Solomon Taylor, res Randolph, bet Franklin and Market.
Fussey, John, sawyer,
res near North Branch bridge, 5th Ward.
Gaffney, Bernard, leather
dresser, Gurnee & Matteson, res 3d Ward, bet W. Randolph and Washington.
Gage, E. D., daguerrotype artist, 90 Lake.
Gage, Jared, flour dealer, John
Gage, res Madison, bet Clark and LaSalle [died March 31, 1880, aged 75.
John, prop, steam flour-mill, South Branch, west side, res cor Canal and Second
[died Vineland, N.J., Dec. 29, 1890, aged 89.
Gale, Abram, butcher, 22 Clark,
bds 163 Lake [died Oak Park, Ill., April 4, 1889, aged 92.
Gale, Mrs. Abram,
milliner, etc., 163 Lake, res same.
Gale, Stephen F. & Co. (A. H. Burley),
books and stationery, 106 Lake.
Gale, Stephen Francis (S. F. Gale & Co.), 103
Gallagher, Francis, laborer, res Madison, west of Franklin.
Gallagher, Wm. (Hood & G.), res N. Water, bet Clark and Dearborn.
Michael, sailor, res 185 Washington.
Galvin, Mrs., res Washington, bet
Franklin and Market.
Galvin, William, sailor, res Wells, bet Madison and
Ganar, Austin, gardener, res Dutch Settlement.
Garkin, Henry
["Dutch Henry"], laborer, res Kinzie, bet Cass and Rush [died July 14, 1878,
aged 90.
Garrett, Augustus (G. & Seaman), bds Sauganash Hotel, mayor (6th),
president of Board of Health [died Sherman House, November 30, 1848, aged 47.
Garrett & Seaman, merchants and insurance agents, 147 South Water.
Patrick, shoemaker, N. Water, bet N. Clark and Dearborn.
Gart, Peter, brewer,
Lill & Diversey's, bds same [died Bowmanville, Ill., March 30, 1892, aged 75.
Garvey, Tim., brickmaker, Wood & Ogden, res N. Water, near North Branch bridge.
Gates, Edwin L., blacksmith, Frink, Walker & Co., res Randolph, bet State &
Dearborn [died.
Gates, John, carpenter, bds City Refectory, 17 Dearborn.
Gates, Philetus Woodworth (Scoville & G), res W. Randolph nr Canal [died
December 1, 1888, aged 71.
Gates, Ralph, iron founder, Scoville & Gates.
Gauch, Jacob P., brewer, Indiana, bet Pine and Sand, res same [died September 9,
1893, aged 68.
Gaugler, Morris, cabinet maker, res Dutch Settlement.
Gavin, Edward W., carpenter, res Cass near Kinzie.
Gay, John, sailor, res
South Water, bet State and Wabash ave.
Gebel, Peter, laborer, res cor Cass
and Pearson [died June 18, 1887, aged 73 1/2.
Gekler, Henry, blacksmith, res
LaSalle, bet Lake and South Water.
George, Thomas, tin and coppersmith, 197
Gerome, Samuel, sailor.
Getzler, Anton, hats, caps, and furs, 151
Lake, res same, county assessor and treasurer [died Wyandotte, Kas., April 2,
1850, aged 55.
Getzler, Frederick, clerk, Bracken & Tuller, bds Sauganash
Gherkin, Henry [Dutch Henry, first grave-digger of Chicago, died July,
1877, aged 90.
Gibbs, George Augustin [died December 8, 1865, aged 54.
Gilbert & Co., Ashley, dry goods and groceries, South Water.
Gilbert, Ashley
(A. G. & Co.) bds City Hotel [died.
Gilbert, Edw'd A., med. stud't, Dr. Dan'l
Brainard, bds Sam. H. Gilbert.
Gilbert, Sam. H., clerk, Dyer & Chapin, res
Mich., bet Clark and Dearb. [died December 29, 1879, aged 75.
Sherod, drayman, res Ohio, bet Dearborn and Wolcott [died September 25, 1868,
aged 73.
Giles, William, gardener, West Lake, 4th Ward [died before May 24,
Gill, Charles, harness-maker, bds Ed. Gill.
Gill, Edmund, tailor,
212 Indiana, res same [Chicago's first ice-man, died Bowmanville, Ill., August
17, 1867, aged 62 1/2.
Gill, Henry F., teamster, bds Edmund Gill.
Jacob, tailor, res Dutch Settlement.
Gillis, Alexander, carpenter, Alex.
Loyd, res 251 Clark.
Gilmore, William, laborer, res North Branch near river.
Gilson, Hiram L. (Kent & G.) bds City Hotel.
Gilson, P., clerk, Bristol &
Porter, bds City Refectory, 17 Dearborn.
Gilson, Stephen R., lumberman,
George W. Snow.
Gilson, William, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
John, butcher, Western Market, cor N. Water and Clark.
Gleason, Michael,
cooper, alley bet Dearborn and Water.
Godard, H. B., clerk, Ruel Ambrose, bds
Goldan, John, stone mason, North Water, bet Clark and LaSalle.
Goodman, Fred, tailor, res alley bet LaSalle and Wells.
Goodman, Leonard,
shoemaker, Dan. Taylor, res alley bet LaSalle and Wells.
Goodrich, Grant
(Spring & G.) res 269 Illinois near Rush [died March 15, 1889, aged 77 1/3.
Goodrich, Timothy Watson, clerk, T. B. Carter, bds Mrs. Seth Johnson.
Goodrich, Willard, tinsmith, William Wheeler.
Goodsell, L. B., dry goods,
etc., 21 Dearborn, res 42 Randolph.
Goodwin, Francis P., planemaker, res W.
Lake, bet Water and Canal.
Goold, Nathaniel (G. & Dodge) res n.-e. cor N.
Dearborn and Michigan [died February 9, 1887, aged 72.
Goold & Dodge, saloon,
South Water, bet Clark and Dearborn.
Goss, John (S. W. G. & Co.) Sylvester
Marsh, bds City Refectory.
Goss, Samuel W. & Co., dry goods and groceries, 98
Goss, Samuel W. (Sam. W. G. & Co.) bds City Refectory, 17 Dearborn.
Gould, Ambrose B., sailor, res Indiana, bet Pine and St. Clair.
Gabriel, boarding-house and grocery, Canada Home, N. Water.
Govro, John,
cooper, North Water, bet Wolcott and Kinzie.
Gowey, Solomon, blacksmith, res
State [died, Gardner, Ill., February 3, 1893, aged 83.
Graff, Jacob, farmer,
res Kinzie, bet Cass and Rush.
Graff, Peter, carpenter, res Monroe, bet Clark
and State [died March 5, 1884, aged 69.
Graham, Hugh, teamster, North Water,
bet Franklin and Wells.
Graham, W., hostler, Western Hotel.
Elihu, iron founder (G. & VanOsdel), res North Water, bet LaSalle and Wells.
Granger & VanOsdel, iron foundry, N Water, bet LaSalle and Wells.
Amos, carpenter, Edina place.
Grannis, Samuel Johnson, boot and shoemaker,
150 1/2 Lake, bds American Temperance House [died December 14, 1864, aged 79
Grannis, Samuel Willis, hatter, Lucian P. Sanger.
Graves, Dexter,
livery stable, alley 46 State, res 42 State [died April 29, 1845, aged 55.
Graves, Henry, livery stable, alley 46 State, bds Dexter Graves.
Lorin, horse dealer, res "The Cottage," 3 miles south shore [died September 11,
1852, aged 39.
Graves, Peter, butcher, res 6th Ward.
Graves, Sheldon,
woodenware, at H. Norton & Co., bds Tremont [died February 13, 1895, aged 81.
Gray & Butler, livery stable, n.-e. cor Dearborn and Randolph.
Gray, Chas.
McNeill, grain-cradle maker, 80 Dearborn, res 82 Dearborn [12th mayor, died
October 17, 1885, aged 78 1/3.
Gray, Franklin D., clerk, Horace Norton & Co.,
bds Ethan Walter.
Gray, George Morris, with Chas. M. Gray, bds 82 Dearborn [a
resident of Milwaukee from Sept., 1840, to Sept., 1846 [d. June 1, 1895, a. 77.
Gray, John (G. & Butler) res 86 Randolph [died Grayland, Ill., July 6, 1889,
aged 78-7-27.
Gray, John L., grocer, n.-e. cor N. Water and N. Clark [died
December 23, 1856.
Gray, Jos. Henry, groceries & provisions, 83 S. Water, bds
E. Manierre.
Gray, William B. H., clerk, Joseph H. Gray, bds Columbian House
[died August 13, 1885, aged 64 1/2.
Gregg, David R, carpenter, N. Water, bet
Wolcott and Kinzie.
Gregory, Edward M., prop. Western Hotel, W. Randolph,
s.e. cor Canal.
Gregory, William F., printer, bds Western Hotel.
Mark T., clerk, Stevens & Carpenter, bds Mrs. Green.
Green, Mrs. Margaret,
boarding-house, n.-e. cor Clark and Washington.
Green, Russell, clerk, John
M. Underwood [died Geneva Lake, Wis., May 15, 1880, aged 71 3/4.
William, clerk, Charles Buhl, bds Mrs. Green.
Greenwood, John, teamster,
William Lill, res 284 Kinzie, east of Rush.
Greenwood, Theophilus, clerk,
James E. Bishop, res Ontario, bet Wolcott and Dearborn.
Greer, Samuel,
carpenter, res North Water, bet Clark and Franklin, alderman 5th ward.
Greuel, Geo., blacksmith, W. N. Humphrey [died before Feb. 20, 1850.
Charles, laborer, 2d Ward.
Gridley, George W., auction and commission, 85
Griffin, Charles, laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard.
Griffin & Vincent,
brokers, South Water, bet Dearborn and State.
Griswold, Charles E., clerk,
Gurdon S. Hubbard, bds Dan. S. Griswold.
Griswold, Daniel S., attorney, res
249 Kinzie, near Wolcott.
Griswold, David Dunham, writer, bds Daniel S.
Griswold, Henry A., clerk, Augustus Garrett, bds Sauganash Hotel.
Grose, Jacob, teamster, alley bet W. Washington and W. Madison and Jefferson and
Grose, John, miller, John Gage, res Jackson, 2d Ward.
Michael, tanner [died April 6, 1882, aged 69 3/4.
Gross, Sarah, res Madison.
Gruel, George, blacksmith, LaSalle, res Randolph, bet LaSalle and Wells [died
before February 11, 1851.
Guenther, Heinrich Christin Diederich, sailor, res
cor Michigan and Cass [died March 17, 1884, aged 84-11-16.
Guild, Albert H.
(went to St. Louis in 1840).
Gumperston, John, waiter, City Hotel.
Jason, hatter, Lorenzo P. Sanger [died April 19, 1865, a. 58.
Gurnee, Walter
Smith (G. & Matteson) city treas'r, res 47-9 Dearborn 11th mayor.
Gurnee &
Matteson, groceries, hardware, and leather, 116 Lake.
Haas, Louis,
blacksmith, John B. Busch [died July 23, 1888, a. 67.
Haas, William, brewer,
sold out to Lill & Diversey and went to Texas [died Boonville, Mo., September
21, 1862, aged —.
Hadduck, Benjamin F. (Tillotson, Humphrey & Co.) res
Michigan ave, south of Lake [died December 23, 1871, aged 62.
Hadduck, Edward
Hiram, capitalist, res 79 Michigan ave [died May 30, 1881, aged 70.
Mrs. T. G. (Reed), dress and cloak maker, 147 1/2 Lake.
Hadley, [Maj.] Elijah
W., dentist [died March 4, 1865, aged 51.
Hadley, Timothy Gibson (Howard &
H.) res alley bet N. Dearborn and Wolcott.
Haeni, Henry, tailor, Hettinger &
Haffy, Michael, carpenter, bds H. Cunningham [d. Apr. 26, 1884, a.
Hageman, Christoph, grocer, North Water, bet Clark and Dearborn.
Hageman, Christoph, physician, N. Water, bet Dearb. and Wolcott.
Fred. Charles, barber, steamer Madison, bds C. Hageman [died Winfield, DuPage
Co., Ill., September 3, 1869, aged 51-9-7.
Hageman, Joseph, tinsmith, William
Haggard, Samuel B., carpenter, Scoville & Gates.
Hahn, Adam,
teamster, res Dutch Settlement.
Haight, Egbert Hand, carpenter, Cruver &
Senser, bds Mrs. Haight [died Elgin, Ill., August 16, 1878, aged 57.
Mrs. Eliza, boarding-house, Clark, south of Randolph [died April 7, 1876, aged
Haight, Isaac, tanner, Gurnee & Matteson.
Haines, John Charles (Clark,
H. & Co.) bds Sauganash Hotel [17th mayor, died Waukegan, Ill., July 4, 1896,
aged 78.
Hale, Benjamin F., botanic physician, 185 Lake, res Wells, east
side, first door south of Lake.
Hall, Edward, saddler and harness maker,
Silas B. Cobb.
Hall, Elbridge Gerry, clerk, Samuel B. Walker, res same [died
April 13, 1877, aged 62.
Hall, J. B., grocer, N. Water, bet Clark and
Hall, Philip A., merchant [died June 9, 1892, aged 74.
William Mosley, lumber merchant, bds City Hotel [died New-York City, Nov. 8,
1894, aged 83; the originator of the Chicago River-and-Harbor Convention, July
5-7, 1847.
Hallam, Rev. Isaac Williams, rector St. James Parish, res. 38
Hallock, Isaac P., res West Lake.
Hamilton, Polemus Draper,
carpenter, res 126 Clark, bet Madison and Washington [died Fort Worth, Tex.,
March 3, 1891, aged 77-9-3.
Hamilton, Richard Jones (H. & Chamberlin) res 264
Michigan [died December 26, 1860, aged 61 1/4.
Hamilton, Robert Perry (H. &
White), bds Thomas E. Hamilton [died Saratoga, N.Y., October 5, 1894, aged 75.
Hamilton, Thomas, bds Washington Hall.
Hamilton, Thomas E., carpenter, res
164 Madison.
Hamilton, W. J., drug clerk, Sidney Sawyer, bds Charles H.
Hamilton & Chamberlin, attorneys at law, 57 Clark.
Hamilton &
White, dry goods and groceries, 139 Lake.
Hamlin, E. H., Baptist clergyman,
res LaSalle, bet Washington & Mad.
Hanchett, John L., surveyor [died July 6,
1887, aged 80.
Hanks, J. Demming, drug clerk, Sidney Sawyer.
Edward, blacksmith, Frink, Walker & Co., res North Water bet N. Clark and
LaSalle [died July 24, 1891, aged 74.
Hannahs, James Monroe, moulder, Stow's
Foundry, bds Western Hotel.
Hanson, Abraham, Methodist clergyman, res Clark,
bet Washington and Madison.
Hanson, Joseph L., teamster, res Monroe, bet
State and Clark.
Hanson, Knus, laborer, res near North Branch bridge.
Harbarn, Mathias, shoemaker, res Dutch Settlement.
Harding Charles, captain
schooner Gen. Thornton, bds Tremont House [died July 15, 1883, aged 67.
Harman, William, blacksmith, North Water near Wolcott, res same [died The
Dalles, Oregon, May 15, 1890, aged 84.
Harmon, Charles Loomis, dry goods and
groceries, 145 South Water, s.-w. cor Clark, res Dearborn, bet Washington and
Madison [died November 2, 1868, aged 59-4.
Harmon, Edwin Ruthven, clk, Elisha
S. & Julius Wadsworth, bds same [died Rogers Park, Ill., May 20, 1896, aged
Harmon, Elijah Dewey, physician, bds C. L. Harmon [died January 3,
1869, aged 86 1/3.
Harmon, Isaac Newton, with C. L. Harmon [died Nov. 8,
1891, a. —-.
Harmon, Justus (Wooster & H.), bds John Gray.
William, carpenter, res Madison.
Harrington, Daniel, saloon, 10 Dearborn,
near South Water.
Harrington, James, res N. Clark, bet N. Water and Kinzie.
Harrington, Joseph, Unitarian clergyman, res Michigan, n.-w. cor N. Dearborn
[died San Francisco, Cal., November 2, 1852, aged 39 2/3.
Harris, Jacob,
carpenter, res First, bet Clark and State [died September 11, 1877, aged 66.
Harrison, Henry, grocer, South Water, east of Dearborn, res same.
Hiram H., drover, res South Water.
Harrison, Robert, laborer, John Gage, res
West Jackson, 3d Ward.
Harroun, O. A., saddler, Doliver Walker, 79 Lake.
Hart, George W., commission merchant, South Water, res Wabash ave.
Lewis, laborer, res alley near Lake and Franklin.
Harvey, Edward, laborer, N.
Clark, bet North Water and Kinzie.
Haslett, Peter, laborer, res West Water,
bet Randolph and Lake.
Haslett, William, shoemaker, res West Water.
Haslett, ----, laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard.
Hastie, Thomas, shoemaker [died
July 14, 1879, aged 63.
Hastings, Hiram, drover, res Washington, bet LaSalle
and Wells [died Riverside, Ill., July 14, 1880, aged 75 1/2.
Hastings, Thos.,
shoemaker, Dan. Taylor, res W. Madison, w. of Clinton.
Hastings, William,
nursery, Archer ave, south of 25th.
Hatch, David, hardware, etc., 98 Lake,
res Adams nr Dearborn [d. near Parksville, on Missouri River, en route to Cal.,
before May 7, 1850.
Hatch, Heman (H. & Shurr), res South Water near Dearborn
[died September 8, 1858, aged 59.
Hatch & Shurr, saloon.
Hatfield, Isaac
P., collecting agent, bds Mrs. Green [died March 16, 1879, aged 73 1/4.
Hathaway, L. W., clerk, Samuel B. Collins & Co., res Wabash ave.
Mrs., dressmaker, 175 Lake.
Hawkins, William, clerk, Charles G. Wicker, bds
David Jay.
Hawley, John S., clerk, Sherman & Pitkin, bds Sauganash Hotel.
Hayden, Chamberlaine, bds American Temperance House.
Harden, James, drayman,
84 Wabash ave [died.
Hayes, Benjamin F., family grocer, 176 Lake, res Clark
[died March 7, 1858.
Hayward, Alvin, fanning-mill maker, Lake, near Sauganash
Heacock, Reuben B., medical student, bds Russel E. Heacock.
Heacock, Russel Easton [Old Shallow-Cut, Chicago's first attorney at law], res
129 Adams [died Summit, Ill., June 26, 1849, aged 70.
Heacock, Russel E.,
jr., clerk, Charles Walker & Co., bds Russel E.
Heacock Heacock, R. E.,
mason, Alson S. Sherman.
Heacock, Wm. Osburn, res R. E. Heacock [died Dec. 7,
1881, a. 62.
Heald, Alexander Hamilton, mason, bds Daniel Heald, jr. [died
Oak Park, Cook Co., Ill., November 11, 1885, aged 72 1/3.
Heald, jr., Daniel,
mason, Jackson, bet Clark and Pacific ave [died Trenton, N.J., July 12, 1874,
aged 66-9-25.
Heald, Horatio Nelson, bds Daniel Heald, jr. [d. Nov. 23, 1883,
a. 74 1/2.
Heartt, Dan'l Brewster [Pop-Corn], constable, boarding house, 82
Wells [died July 31, 1868, aged 81.
Heartt, Robert, teamster, bds D. B.
Heartt [d. June 10, 1888, a. 72 2/3.
Henderson, Rev. Abner Wells, principal
Chicago Female Seminary, bds Mrs. Green [died October 18, 1872, aged 60-3-16.
Hennings, Thomas, laborer, res W. Randolph, 3d Ward.
Henry, Hugh K., police
constable and joiner, res N. Water nr Dearborn.
Henson, Oliver Cromwell,
(cord) phrenologist, barber, etc., 183 Lake, res same [died New Orleans, La.,
December 10, 1877.
Hequenbourg, G W., clerk, Benjamin F. Sherman, res same.
Herrick, Elijah Ward, contractor, bds Mrs. Haight [died October 12, 1866, aged
53 3/4.
Herrick, Ira N., contractor [d. Park Manor, Ill., Jan. 17, 1890, a.
Hervey, [Sir] James, dry goods and groceries, 119 S. Water, res Indiana,
bet Cass and Rush [died 1845, aged 36.
Hervey, Robert, currier, Gurnee &
Hessey, William, ready-made clothing, 256 Randolph.
(John) & Peterman, tailors, South Water near Clark [died July 7, 1892, aged 81.
Hibbard, Rev. John Randolph, occasional preacher in the New Jerusalem Church,
resides at Canton, Ill. [became a resident Jan. 1, 1850; died June 26, 1894,
aged 84-11-3.
Hickey, Patrick, drayman, bds Charles McDonnell.
Charles D., teamster, res Randolph near Market.
Hickox, Philander, clerk, S.
S. Robinson, bds same.
Higgins, Edward, milk dealer, Canal, 3d Ward.
Higgins, Floyd, milk dealer, Canal, 3d Ward.
Higgins, John, tanner, Gurnee &
Matteson, res N. Water near Franklin.
Higginson, George M. (Tuckerman & Co.)
bds American Temperance House.
High, jr., John (H. H Magie & Co.), 13
Dearborn place [killed by falling wall at fire at 110 Lake, Oct. 19, 1857, aged
Higley, George, house of entertainment, South Water near LaSalle.
Hildebrand, William, glove and mitten maker, 221 Lake, res same [suicided,
New-York City, Nov. 4, 1876, aged 70.
Hill, J. W., tinsmith, Bowen & Cole,
bds Mansion House.
Hill, Lewis P. (Marshall & H.), res New York House.
Hill, William, jeweler, Smith J. Sherwood, bds Daniel B. Heartt.
Laurin Palmer (Charles Walker &, Co.), bds Mrs. J. K. Boyer [killed by cars,
November 2, 1895, aged 81.
Hills, William H., clerk, Horace-Norton & Co., bds
Eli S. Prescott.
Hindes, B. F., saddler and harness maker, Dennison Horton.
Hinkley, Samuel Taylor, fireman, U.-S. dredge [died September 5, 1894, aged
Hitchcock, Ephraim, farmer, res State [died 1849.
Luke, Methodist clergyman, res Parsonage, 115 Clark.
Hixon, Jeremiah, captain
schooner Martin YanBuren, res W. Water, bet Canal and Clinton.
Hoard, Louis
de Villiers, deputy-clerk, Cook-County Court [died Ogdensburg, N.Y., March 4,
1893, aged 68-8-25.
Hoard, Samuel, clerk, Circuit Court, office, 68 Clark,
res West Adams, bet Canal and Clinton [died November 25, 1881, aged 81 1/2.
Hobbie, Albert G., dry goods, groceries, and hardware, 142 Clark, res Wabash
ave, bet Randolph and Washington.
Hobbs, James, sailor, res Kinzie, bet Cass
and Rush.
Hobson, Robert M., printer, Express office, bds City Refectory.
Hodge, Job, laborer, res North Water near Franklin.
Hodgson, Charles Hyatt,
tinsmith, bds John H. Hodgson [died October 5, 1866, aged 40.
Hodgson, Henry
Hyatt, bds John H. Hodgson [now at Detroit, Mich.
Hodgson, John Hyatt,
merchant tailor, 61 Clark, res same [died 1854.
Hoff, Mathias, laborer, res
Dutch Settlement.
Hoffman, Francis A., bookbinder.
Hoffman, Michael,
laborer, res William L. Whiting [died September 5, 1891, aged 78-8.
Charles L. P., dry goods and groceries, 252 Lake, res Franklin near Lake [died
Morris, Ill., about 1855.
Hogan, John Stephen Coates, ex-postmaster, bds
Charles L. P. Hogan [died Boonville, Mo., December 2, 1868, aged 63 2/3.
Hogan, Michael, res Michigan ave.
Hogan, Thomas, laborer, res North Water,
bet Wolcott and Kinzie.
Hoisington, Jasper A., bookbinder, 35 Clark, bds
Ariel Bowman [died Oakland, Cal., March 25, 1895, aged 94.
Hoisington, Jasper
A. 31., bookbinder, Jasper A. Hoisington, bds same [now at Denver. Col.
Holbrooke, John, cooper, North Water, bet Dearborn and Wolcott.
Holden, Albon
Hatch, clerk, Charles N. Holden & Co. [died May 21, 1893, aged 71-8.
Holden &
Co., Chas. N., dry goods and groceries, 143 S. Water, cor Clark.
Chas. Newton (C. N. H. & Co.), res Washington, bet Clark and Dearborn [died
September 29, 1887, aged 71 1/2.
Holden, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, clerk,
Charles Sweet.
Holden, William P. (Chas. N. Holden & Co.), bds Chas. N.
Holland, Carlton (Lawrence & H.), bds Mrs. Green.
Holmes, C. E.,
wagon maker, John Burgess.
Holmes, Isaac, machinist, J. B. Nickerson [died
September 14, 1874, aged 52.
Holmes, John D., clerk, res Randolph, bet Wells
and Franklin.
Holmes, Mrs., res LaSalle, bet Washington and Madison.
Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of Peter, res Kinzie, bet Cass and Rush.
Holt, Thomas,
carpenter, bds Mrs. E. Holt [died 1881, aged 60.
Honeywell, David, teamster,
West Water, bet Canal and Clinton.
Hood, Andrew, butcher, Fulton Market.
Hood, David (H. & Gallagher), res alley bet Wolcott and Dearborn [died Gross
Point, Cook Co., Ill., April 10, 1852, aged 42.
Hood & Gallagher, butchers,
Buffalo Market, N. Water, n.-e. cor Wolcott.
Hooker, James Louis, clerk
[died, Boston, Mass., September 20, 1892, aged 72-7-5.
Hooker, John W., dry
goods and groceries, 152 Lake, res 84 Dearborn [died May 14, 1866, aged 64.
Hoover, John, butcher, res Wolcott, bet North Water and Kinzie.
George, mechanic, 1st Ward.
Horn, John, res 1st Ward.
Horner, Henry,
grocers, etc., cor. West Randolph and Canal [died February 12, 1878, aged 61.
Hortley, Samuel, farmer, res West Water, bet Canal and Clinton.
Bernard, bartender, bds Mrs. John K. Boyer.
Horton, Dennison, saddler and
harness maker, 15 Dearborn, res Wells bet Lake and Randolph [died January 4,
1886, aged 70.
Hotchkiss, Orrin, tinsmith, William Wheeler & Co., res
Washington [moved to Ottawa, Ill.
Houfe, Thomas, teamster, Wm. Lill, bds John
Greenwood [died before July 10, 1851.
Houfe, William, plasterer, res 5th
Ward, 216 Chicago ave [died 1849, aged —.
Hough, Oramel Smith, laborer, bds
Pat. Kelsey [d. Dec. 7, 1876, a. 53.]
Hough, Roselle Marvin, laborer, bds
Pat. Kelsey [d. Mar. 8, 1892, a. —.
Houghton, David, shoemaker, Dan. Taylor.
Hovey, Samuel S. (Clybourn & H.), res N. Clark, bet Ill. and Indiana [died March
2, 1872, aged 70.
Howard, Henry, grocer, Dearborn, bet South Water and Lake.
Howard, John M., druggist, Dr. John Brinkerhoff, 143 Lake.
Howard, William,
shingle maker, bds David Honeywell.
Howard, Wm. H. (H. & Hadley), res W.
Washington, bet Canal & Clinton.
Howard, William H., wagon maker Howard &
Hadley, livery stable, Lake.
Howe, Charles F., clerk, bds Frederick A. Howe.
Howe, Francis, book-keeper, Dyer & Chapin [d. Aug. 23, 1850. a. 40.
Fred'k Augustus, justice of the peace, 22 Dearborn, res Washington, s.-w. cor
Dearborn [d. Englewood, Ill., Oct. 27, 1870, a. 75.
Howe, Fred. A., jr.,
clerk, bds Frederick A. Howe.
Howe, Isaac, bricklayer, res Clark [died April
5, 1870, aged 79.
Howe, James L., City bakery, 285 Kinzie near Rush [died
February 27, 1863, aged 48.
Howe, Samuel, bricklayer, res Clark.
Samuel, clerk, H. H Magie & Co., res State, bet Madison and Washington.
Hoyne, Philip Augustus, clerk, at Galena [d. Nov. 3, 1894, a. 68-11-13.
Hoyne, Thomas, attorney and counsellor at law, 218 Lake [23d mayor, killed,
railroad accident near Carlyon, N.Y., July 27, 1883, aged 66 1/2.
Ahira, book-keeper, Gurdon S. Hubbard, res Indiana, bet Cass and Rush [died
August 15, 1849, aged 70.
Hubbard, Gurdon Saltonstall, forwarding and
commission, South Water, near Clark, res 300 Indiana, near Rush [died September
14, 1886, aged 84.
Hubbard, Henry George, clerk, Circuit Court, res LaSalle,
bet Washington and Madison [died Sandusky, O., Aug 28, 1852, aged 43 1/4.
Hubbard, Moses, dry goods and groceries, South Water near Dearborn.
William F., res Robert J. Woodworth.
Hugunin, James Robert, lake-captain
[died Jan. 19, 1892, aged 74.
Hugunin, Leonard Clark, bds United States Hotel
[died November 6, 1882, aged 79 1/2.
Humphrey, James Oscar, wagon maker, 182
Randolph [died June 14, 1893, aged 83.
Humphrey, Wm. H., wagon maker,
Randolph, res Wells, bet Randolph and Washington.
Humphreys, David (H. &
Winslow), bds City Hotel.
Humphreys & Winslow, forwarding and commission,
130-36 S. Water.
Hunt, Mrs., res West Water, bet Randolph and Lake.
Hunter, T. F., sailor.
Huntington, Alonzo, attorney at law, notary, 98 Lake,
bds Dr. C. V. Dyer [died November 17, 1881, aged 76.
Hurlbert, Eri Baker, dry
goods and groceries, 109 S. Water, res 73 State [died February 3, 1852, aged —.
Husted, Harrison Hoyt, ready-made clothing, 97 1/2 Lake, bds Francis C. Sherman
[died August 29, 1890, aged 77.
Hyde, Z. W., mason, res Illinois, bet Pine
and St. Clair.
Illinois Exchange, n.-w. cor Lake and Wells, John Bates,
jr., prop.
Ingalls, William A., sailor, res North Water, bet Wolcott and
Intelligence office, 38 Clark, James W. Norris.
Irvin, George,
shoemaker, John B. Mitchell.
Irvin & Co., J. B., dry goods and groceries,
Dearborn, bet South Water and Lake.
Jackson, Carding, police constable,
res State.
Jackson, Gideon Mathew, prop. Southern Hotel, State n.-w. cor 12th
[died January 23, 1850, aged 34.
Jackson Hall, 45 LaSalle, erected 1847,
office of Chicago Democrat.
Jackson, John J., sailor, res Indiana, bet Pine
and St. Clair.
Jackson, John Wm., teamster, res Morgan, bet Madison and
Monroe [died March 8, 1892, aged 82-5-13.
Jackson, Samuel Thomas, overseer
Chicago harbor, res Fort Dearborn [died June 17, 1849, aged 49-0-5.
Samuel Ezra, bds Samuel Jackson [died, Bowmanville, Ill., March 18, 1876, aged
Jackson, William, bds Carding Jackson.
Jacobus, Augustus Larue
(Manahan & J.), res 105 Michigan ave near Madison [died July 24, 1850, aged 32.
Jacobus, D. L. & A. L., looking-glasses, 10 Clark.
Jacobus, David Lawrence
(D. L. & A. L. J.), res 119 LaSalle [died October 13, 1884, aged 68 1/2.
Jagger, Oliver, painter, Nath. S. Cushing, res Clark, 4 Morrison's Row.
(County), s.-e. cor Randolph and LaSalle, Wm. Pernor, jailer.
James, Thos.
Christmas, cabinet maker, res cor Mather and Clinton sts [died August 20, 1865,
aged 57.
Jay, David, ladies' boot and shoemaker, Clark near Lake.
----, carpenter, res Clinton, bet Washington and Madison.
Jeffrey, George (J.
& Bentley), shoeing smith and farrier.
Jeffrey & Bently, shoeing smiths and
horse farriers, West Water, bet United States Hotel and John M. Underwood's
lumber yard.
Jeffries, George, warehouseman, res Indiana, bet Cass and Rush.
Jefts, Amasa, water borer, bds Michael McDonald.
Jellerson, Oliver,
blacksmith, res 158 Illinois, bet Clark and LaSalle [went to California in 1850,
and supposed to have died at San Francisco in the fall of 1851.
John Drake, clerk, Asher Rossetter, res Michigan ave, near S. Water [died April
14, 1889, aged 73.
Jennings, S. H. (J. & Foster), res Michigan ave, near S.
Jennings & Foster, dry goods and groceries, S. Water near Dearborn.
Jocelyn, J. H., bartender, Western Hotel, bds same.
Johnson, A. (J. & A.
Johnson, Abram, clerk, Charles Cleaver.
Johnson, Andrew B.,
laborer [died July 11, 1890, aged 67.
Johnson, Benj. G., harness maker,
Dennison Horton, res Wabash ave.
Johnson, H. W., bds Mrs. Seth Johnson.
Johnson, J. & A., grocers, Dearborn, bet Lake and South Water.
Jacob, waiter, Illinois Exchange.
Johnson, Jacob B., ship painter, res cor
Indiana and Cass.
Johnson, James, drayman, res east side of Wabash ave near
and south of Adams.
Johnson & Co. (D. N. Davidson), John, barbers and hair
dressers, 20 Clark.
Johnson, John, carpenter, res near Jackson and State
[died Thornton, Ill., September 4, 1890, aged 82-9.
Johnson, John (J. & A.
Johnson, John (J. J. & Co.) res Dearborn, bet Washington and
Johnson, John B., laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard [died Leland, Ill.,
October 18, 1887, aged 69-7-7.
Johnson, John M., clerk, Bracken & Tuller.
Johnson, Lathrop, cigar maker, A. B. Wheeler [died Ontonagon, Mich., July 2,
1881, aged 79.
Johnson. Peter M., millwright and carpenter [died December 28,
1884, aged 73.
Johnson, Sanford, carpenter, Dearborn, bds John Gray [died
April 10, 1873, aged 65.
Johnson, Capt. Seth, deputy-collector and inspector
Port of Chicago, res s.-w. cor Washington and LaSalle [died.
Johnson, Mrs.
Seth, boarding-house, s.w. cor Washington and LaSalle.
Johnson & Co.,
builders, Dearborn, bet Randolph and Washington.
Johnson, William, mason, 220
Johnson, William, tanner, Gurnee & Matteson.
Johnston, Anthony,
steward, City Hotel [died before May 17, 1851.
Johnston, Joseph, soap and
candle maker, 57-9 Lake [died April 15, 1864, aged 58.
Johonnett, E. S. (J.,
Wells & Co.) res Kinzie, bet LaSalle and Wells.
Johonnett, Wells & Co. (E. S.
Johonnett, A. S. Wells, and Alson S. Sherman), leather dealers, 158 Lake, cor
Jones, Benj. (B. J. & Co.), res 109 Randolph, bet Clark and Dearborn
[died Manitowoc, Wis., August 11, 1881, aged 87.
Jones & Co. (Wm. Jones),
Benjamin, dry goods and groceries, S. Water east of Clark.
Jones, D. A. & E.
M., chair and cabinet makers, 18 Dearborn.
Jones, Daniel Andrus (D. A. & E.
M. J.), res 18 Dearborn [died February 22, 1848, aged 37.
Jones, David,
cooper, John Govro.
Jones, Elisha Morris (D. A. & E. M. J.), res Madison,
centre Dearborn [died before September 28, 1850.
Jones, Fernando, clerk, bds
William Jones.
Jones, Hiram, clerk, Lewis W. Clark, bds William Jones [died
February 5, 1849, aged 27.
Jones, John, carpenter, res south of Jackson, east
of Clark.
Jones, Kiler Kent, periodical depot, 42 Clark, bds William Jones
[died Quincy, Ill., August 20, 1885, aged 62.
Jones, Nathaniel A., clerk,
John W. Hooker, bds same [died March 20, 1883, aged 82.
Jones, Tarleton,
lumber, shingles, n.-w. cor South Water and Clark at bridge, bds Mrs. Green
[died September 10, 1878, aged 65.
Jones, William [Golden], (B. J. & Co.) res
94 Randolph, s.-e. cor Dearborn, member of Board of Health [died Jan. 18, 1868,
aged 77 1/4.
Jones, William Edwin (Ogden & J.) bds William B. Ogden [died
March 9, 1851, aged 34.
Jones, William Harrison, clerk, H. W. Bigelow, bds
William Jones [died Aiken, S.C., April 25, 1850, aged 23.
Jordan, James,
sailor, res Washington, bet Franklin and Market.
Joyce, Thomas, butcher, res
Kinzie, bet LaSalle and Wells.
Judd, Norman Buel (Scammon & J.) notary, bds
City Hotel [died November 11, 1878, aged 64.
Judson, Edwin, dentist, 98 Lake,
res State, bet Madison and Wash [died March 3, 1889, aged 80.
Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines
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