Cook County

1843 Chicago Directory K-Z

Kane, Patrick, drayman, res Kinzie, bet Clark and LaSalle [died August —, 1885, aged —.
Kapahn, Godfrey, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
Karle, Carl, laborer, res North Water near Franklin.
Kaster, John, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
Kastler, Nicholas, shoemaker, res Dutch Settlement [died January 4, 1888, aged 70.
Kautenburger, Peter, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
Kay, Abel, farmer, res cor Franklin and Madison.
Keating, Owen, blacksmith, bds Charles McDonnell.
Keef, James, laborer, res Chicago ave, 5th Ward.
Keef, Michael, carpenter, Cruver & Sensor [died before Sept. 5, 1850.
Keef, Owen, res Chicago ave, 5th Ward.
Kehoe, Michael, laborer [died May 5, 1890, aged 83 1/8.
Keilman, Henry, draper and tailor, Clark near South Water.
Kelley, Edward, apprentice, Ellis & Fergus, bds Thomas Kelley.
Kelley, John, blacksmith, North Water, bet Wolcott and Kinzie.
Kelley, Patrick, provisions, Lake, near Sauganash Hotel.
Kelley, Thomas, gardener, res North Branch, 4th Ward [died July 1867, aged —.
Kellogg, B. C., cooper, Norton & Tuckerman, res North Water.
Kellogg, Chauncy P., stage-coach agent, Tillotson, Humphrey & Co., bds Tremont House.
Kelly, Jas., printer, Western Citizen, res State, bet Lake and S. Water [died Winnetka, Ill., May 5, 1895, aged 80.
Kelly, John, laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard.
Kelsey, Patrick, boarding-house, Wolcott, bet Kinzie and Michigan.
Kemper, Wm., laborer, Wolcott, w. s., bet Oak and Bellevue, till 1852.
Kennedy, James, millwright and engineer, Stow's foundry.
Kennedy, John, saddler, Dennison Horton, res N. Water, bet Clark and Dearborn.
Kennedy, Michael, laborer, res North Water, bet Wells and Franklin.
Kennicott, William Henry [the pioneer] dentist, 183 Lake, res same [died at "The Grove," Cook Co., Ill., Oct. 22, 1862, aged 54-8-6.
Kernikerbacker, Samuel R., shoemaker, res south of First.
Kernikerbacker, Mrs. S. R., dressmaker, res south of First.
Kenny, Patrick, laborer, res Wolcott, bet North Water and Kinzie.
Kent, B. H. (K. & Gilson) bds Tremont House.
Kent, Daniel W., turner, Trumbull Kent.
Kent, Lawrence, cabinet maker, Lake, near Tremont House, res Lake.
Kent, Trumbull, turner, Randolph, bet LaSalle and Wells.
Kent & Gilson, livery stable, Lake.
Keough, Michael, laborer, res W. Water, bet Washington and Madison [died 1886, aged -.
Kercheval, Gholson, real estate dealer, bds Mrs. Post [died California.
Kercheval, Lewis Cass, justice of the peace, 5 Clark, bds City Hotel [died December 8, 1852, aged 64.
Kesson, A., bds Mahlon D. Ogden.
Kettlestring, Joseph, teamster, res Morgan, bet Randolph and Lake [died November 17, 1883, aged 75.
Kiest, Henry, laborer, res cor North Wells and Chicago ave [died Northfield, Ill., 1882, aged 75.
Killey, Michael, laborer, res North Clark, bet Water and Kinzie.
Killick, James Evans, soap and candle maker, res Michigan ave [died January 27, 1887, aged 83.
Kimball, Harlow, res 71 Monroe near State [died Oakland, Cal., August 25, 1881, aged 78.
Kimball, Mark, bookkeeper, Botsford & Beers, bds Jabez K. Botsford [died May 29, 1891, aged 70.
Kimball, Walter [died August 17, 1882, aged 72.
Kimbell, Martin Nelson, farmer [died Feb. 13, 1895, aged 83-0-20.
Kimberly, Edmund Stoughten, physician, 101 Lake, res 77 State [died Barrington, Ill., October 25, 1874, aged 72.
King, J., carpenter, bds Samuel Jackson, Fort Dearborn.
King, John, jr., fancy dry goods, 28 Dearborn, bds Mrs. Haight [died January 18, 1891, aged 85-9-13.
King, Nathaniel, clerk, Tuthill King, res 12 Lake [died St. Charles, Ill., February 21, 1894, aged 88.
King, Solomon, hostler, Illinois Exchange, bds same.
King, Thomas, shipcarpenter, res bet State and Clark.
King, Tuthill, ready-made clothing, dry goods, etc., 115 Lake, res 198 Clark [died Thomasville, Ga., March 16, 1886, aged 82.
King, Wendell R., clerk, Gurnee & Matteson, bds Tremont House [died March 30, 1884, aged 60.
King, Willis, lumber salesman, Geo. W. Snow, res Clark [d. Dec. 4, '53.
Kingswell, William, teamster, res Wabash ave, bet Jackson and Fifth.
Kinney, Joel, tanner, Gurnee & Matteson, res 43 Franklin near Lake [died Wilmette, Ill., April 8, 1888, aged 86.
Kinyon, Anson, harness maker, Dennison Horton.
Kinzie, John Harris, register U.S. land office, 82 Lake, res 243 Michigan [died on cars near Pittsburg, Pa., June 19, 1865, aged 62.
Kinzie, John Harris, jr., killed, Ft. St. Charles, Ark., June 18, 1862, a. 33
Kinzie, Robert Allen [died December 13, 1873, aged 63.
Kirk, George, foundryman, bds LaSalle House.
Kirk, William, laborer, res cor Dearborn and North Water.
Kisling, John, furrier, Anton Getzler, bds same.
Kittel, Michael, cooper, Clark, res Franklin.
Klaffy, Thomas, laborer, res N. Clark, bet N. Water and Kinzie.
Klear, Francis A., res State.
Klien, Matthias, baker, North Water, res same.
Knapp, M. L., physician, professor Rush Medical College, bds Dr. Daniel Brainard.
Knapp, Nicholas, wheelwright, Perkins & Fenton.
Knickerbocker, Abraham Velie, groceries and provisions, South Water, bet State and Dearborn [died Aug. 20, 1847, aged 33.
Knight, Henry, (col'd) barber, hairdresser, baths, 54 Clark.
Knights, Darius, carpenter, Alex. Loyd [died Oct. 22, 1882, aged 68.
Knopp, Henry, laborer, res Dutch Settlement [Wolcott, e. s., bet Oak and Bellevue pl] [died Oak Park, Ill., 1890, aged 94.
Knox, James H., tanner, Wells, cor Polk [died July 31, 1849.
Knutson, Nelson, laborer, res N. Wells, bet N. Water and Kinzie.
Knutson, Olla, laborer, res North Water near North Branch bridge.
Kober, Charles, butcher, south side Randolph, near Franklin, res same [died May 18, 1852, aged 47-4-20.
Kornmeyer, Bernhard, tailor, Clark, bet Lake and South Water [resides at Lockport, Ill.
Krafft, Joseph W., shoemaker, Dan. Taylor, res Clark near Randolph.
Kreinbill, John, cabinet maker, res rear 224 Randolph.
Kreyenbeihl, John, cabinet maker, Caleb Morgan.
Krinbill, Martin, clerk, Albert G. Hobbie.
Kroger, Arnold, cabinet maker, res Lake [died Nov. 13, 1878, aged 74.

Labinbridge, Nicholas, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
Lacey, John, baker, res North Water, bet Dearborn and Wolcott.
LaCroix, Joseph, cook, Canada Home, bds same.
Ladd, Timothy H., auctioneer, res Clark.
Ladtshaw, Joseph, clerk, Newberry & Dole, bds Tremont House.
Laflin, George H., clerk, Dyer & Chapin, bds Mathew Laflin.
Laflin, Lycurgus, clerk, bds Mathew Laflin.
Laflin, Mathew, capitalist, res 7 Washington.
LaForrest, A., bds Sauganash Hotel.
Lahy, Sylvester, laborer, North Water near Franklin.
Laister, Henry, clerk, George Chacksfield.
Lake House, the largest in the city, occupying w. half of block fronting on Rush, Michigan, and Kinzie, erected in 1836.
Lake-Street House (late Farmers' Exchange), 135-7 Lake, Dennis Spencer Cady, prop.
Lamb, Artemus, shipcarpenter, res 96 Michigan ave.
Lamb, E. S., laborer, bds Samuel Jackson.
Lamb, Larkin, clerk, Sherman & Pitkin, bds City Refectory.
Lambert, Mrs. (E.) Luke, res South Water, bet LaSalle and Wells.
Lancaster, Dennis, brickmaker, res 5th Ward.
Landrakin, Cornelius, laborer, res N. Water, bet Wolcott and Kinzie.
Lane, Elisha Bachellor, carpenter, res Clark [died Feb. 6, 1884, a. 68 3/4.
Lane, George W., clerk, bds Tremont House [died Morris, Ill., July 26, 1887, aged 70.
Lane, James, boarding-house, N. Dearborn, bet N. Water and Kinzie.
Lang, John L., carriage maker, cor N. LaSalle and Michigan [died April 12, 1877, aged 76 1/2.
Lange, Oscar Godfrey, drug-clerk, 46 Clark street [died July 13, 1893, aged 82-0-9.
Lansing, Cornelius, dry goods and groceries, Clark, res Michigan ave.
Lansing, Samuel, clerk, Cornelius Lansing.
Lantry, Michael, drayman, res Wolcott, bet North Water and Kinzie.
Lappin, Richard, teamster, res cor Wolcott and Chicago ave [died Morrison, Ill., October 30, 1884, aged 76.
Lardin, Dennis, laborer, res 2d Ward.
Lardner, Bostwick, straw milliner, Clark.
Larkin, Timothy, mason, res Kinzie, bet N. Franklin and Wells.
Larrabee, Charles Rollin, librarian Young Men's Association, res Wm. M. Larrabee.
Larrabee, Wm. Morse, book-keeper, Ogden & Jones, res 239 Indiana, bet Wolcott and Dearborn [died Geneva, Ill., Sept. 28, 1879, a. 70.
Larson, Andrew, teamster, res Dutch Settlement [d. Apr. 2, 1873, a. 83.
LaSalle House, n.-w. cor Randolph and LaSalle, Wm. Day, prop.
Lathrop, Isaac, shoemaker, John B. Mitchell.
Latwick, Simon, cooper, res Dutch Settlement.
Launder, James, wagon maker, south of Monroe, west of Clark [died August 8, 1880, aged 66.
Laux, Matthias, laborer, res Dutch Settlement [d. Feb. 25, 1893, a. 67-9.
Laux, Peter, blacksmith, res Dutch Settlement.
Law, Robert, tailor, J. H. Hodgson, bds Mrs. Susan Wagner [died December 12, 1895, aged 73.
Lawler, Patrick, laborer, res bet LaSalle and Wells, north of Michigan.
Lawless, F. H., Stow's foundry, bds Western Hotel.
Lawrence, Edward, waiter, Farmers' Exchange.
Lawrence, G. W. Lawrence, J. I., mason.
Lawrence, Leander (L. & Holland).
Lawrence, Patrick, waiter, Farmers' Exchange.
Lawrence, William L., carpenter, res LaSalle, bet Randolph and Wash.
Lawrence & Holland, managers Illinois State Lottery, 19 Clark.
Lawson, Canute, laborer, res 240 Superior [died Oct. 29, 1869, a. 50 3/4.
Lawson, Iver, laborer, bds 240 Superior [died Oct. 3, 1872, aged 51 3/4.
Leach, Patrick, laborer, res North Water, bet Dearborn and Wolcott.
Leach, Robert, butcher, Archibald Clybourn.
Leary, Albert Greene, attorney, 53 Clark, res same [died New Orleans, La., August, 1853, aged —.
Leavett, C. B., carpenter, res Kinzie, bet Wolcott and Cass.
Lee, Benj. Tyler, clerk, Illinois Exchange [d. Apr. 25, 1879, a. 68-1-5.
Lee, Daniel, farmer, res Randolph, bet State and Dearborn.
Lee, David Stewart, attorney, Lake, bds Mrs. Haight [died Northampton, Mass., November 15, 1860.
Lee, John, tobacconist, Henry Chapman [died before Oct. 27, 1858.
Lee, Thomas, laborer, res near North Branch bridge, 5th Ward.
Lees, James, res 6th Ward.
Legg, Mathew, tailor, Edward Manierre, bds same.
Leonard, Hugh, waiter, Chicago Temperance House.
Leonard, J. W., clerk, Clark, Haines & Co.
Leslie, John, painter, res Kinzie, bet Wolcott and Cass.
Leslie, Mrs., res North Water.
Lesser, John, res 2d Ward, south of First.
Lessey & Co. (Samuel Winegar), John F., billiard saloon, s.-w. cor S. Water and Dearborn.
Letz, Frederick, locksmith, 53 LaSalle [died Sept. 22, 1886, aged 76.
Letz, Jacob, shoemaker, Michigan, bet Wolcott and Dearborn [died February 18, 1857, aged 42.
Liendeivener, Joseph, tailor, Scott Benedik.
Liffingwell, A., carpenter, bds Illinois Exchange.
Lill, William (L. & Diversey), res Chicago ave near St. Clair [died Denver, Colo., August 11, 1875, aged 67 1/4.
Lind, Sylvester, lumber merchant, 255 Randolph, bds Sauganash [died Lake Forest, Ill., February 6, 1892, aged 84.
Lindebner, Joseph, tailor, Edward Manierre, bds same.
Littlefield, J. C., carriage and sleigh maker, Randolph near Wells.
Lobeke, William, laborer, res 5th Ward.
Lock, William (William L. & Co.), res Washington near State [died August 10, 1883, aged 70 3/4.
Lock & Co., William, ready-made clothing, 125 Lake, s.-e. cor Clark.
Lockhart, M., carpenter, res Franklin, bet Lake and Randolph.
Lockwood, John B., tailor, res North Water, bet Wolcott and Kinzie.
Lohn, Christopher, tailor, Scott Benedik.
Long, James, proprietor hydraulic mill, n.-e. cor Lake and Mich ave [died Paris, France, April 10, 1876, aged 74.
Loomis, Henry, lumber merchant, cor West Water and Randolph [died Burlington, Vt., December 18, 1886, aged 68.
Loomis, Horatio Gates, at C. L. Harmon's, res s.-w. cor State and Wash.
Loring, L. D., clerk, Ward Rathbone.
Love, James, carpenter, res Randolph, bet Franklin and Market.
Lovell, Vincent S., leather, etc., Clark near Lake, bds Chicago Temp.
Lovett, Michael (Melvin & L.), res N. Clark, bet N. Water and Kinzie.
Lowe, James M., city clerk, office s.-w. cor Clark and Randolph, bds Sam. J. Lowe.
Lowe, Oscar, clerk, Elisha S. & Julius Wadsworth, bds Sam'l J. Lowe.
Lowe, Samuel A., clerk, Scammon & Judd, bds Samuel J. Lowe [died Alaska Territory, 188-.
Lowe, Samuel James, sheriff Cook County, res Jail, s.-e. cor Randolph and LaSalle [died September 16, 1851, aged 52 1/2.
Lower, John, laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard [Jacob, died St. Louis, Mo., May 8, 1849.
Lowry, James, laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard.
Lowry, John, laborer, res Fort Dearborn.
Loyd, Alexander, carpenter and builder (L., Blakesley & Co.) res 52 Wells [4th mayor, died, Lyons, Cook Co., Ill., April 11, 1871, a. 69 1/2.
Loyd, Blakesley & Co. (A. Loyd, H. A. Blakesley, and Henry Norton), dry goods and groceries, 101 Lake.
Lubke, Ferdinand, mason, res south of Jackson and west of Clark.
Ludby, John, soap and candle maker, South Branch, 3 miles south [died January 24, 1872, aged 78.
Lunt, Orrington, commission merchant, S. Water, bds John B. Mitchell.
Luther, John, chairmaker, D. A.. & E. M. Jones.
Lyman, Benjamin, cook, Illinois Exchange.
Lyman, Daniel, miller [died at Hyde Park, April 19, 1882, aged 92.
Lynch, Patrick, laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard.
Lyons, Robert, looking-glasses, frames, etc., 83 Lake, bds Tremont.
Lytle, William J., clerk, Hamilton & White.

McAuley, Patrick, laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard.
McBean, ----, laborer, res Dearborn.
McBride, Thomas, teamster, cor Franklin and Madison.
McCabe, John, tanner, Gurnee & Matteson.
McCade, Patrick, porter, Tremont House.
McCann, Francis, cooper, res VanBuren near Market.
McCann, Patrick, laborer, res North Water, bet Clark and Wells.
McCanner, Mrs., res west of Market, south of Washington.
McCanny, ----, clerk, Henry M. Stow.
McCarthy, Owen, grocery and boarding, North Water near Wolcott.
McCarthy, Patrick, laborer, n.-e. cor Dearborn and Washington [died March 15, 1858, aged —.
McCarty, Timothy, laborer, res near North Branch bridge, 5th Ward.
McCarty, William, Stow's foundry, bds Western Hotel.
McCauly, Patrick, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
McClellan, John, general supt. of public works, on Lake Michigan.
McClelland, Hugh, wagonmaker, James Clifford, res 5th Ward [died Lake Forest, Lake Co., Ill., January 1, 1885, aged 79.
McClure, A. M., baker, James L. Howe.
McClure, Sam'l, lottery ag't, Carlton Holland, bds Farmers' Exchange [died 1843.
McClusker, Patrick, mason, res near North Branch bridge.
McComas, Samuel, tailor, res West Water, bet Randolph and Lake.
McComas, Samuel J., teacher, school and res near Sauganash Hotel.
McComas, S. H., tailor, res LaSalle, bet Lake and South Water.
McComber, Miss, milliner, etc., 155 Lake, up stairs, res same.
McConnell, Edward, gardener, res S. Branch, 2 miles south, west side [died May 11, 1878, aged 72 1/2.
McConnell, John, book-keeper, Seth T. Otis, bds City Refectory [died August 18, 1855, aged 55.
McCord, Jason (Moseley & McC), bds D. B. Heartt, alderman 2d ward, county commissioner [died November 28, 1870, aged 61.
McCormack, Mrs., res North Water, bet Wells and Franklin.
McCorristen, Wm., prop. American Hotel, North Water [died St. Louis, Mo., October 25, 1862, aged 67.
McCowan, James, res bet Market and South Branch.
McCue, Patrick, laborer, res Randolph [died before Jan. 13, 1852.
McCuen, Michael, warehouseman, Newberry & Dole.
McCullough, David, mason, bds Illinois Exchange.
McDermott, ----, hatter, Lorenzo P. Sanger, bds Mansion House.
McDonald, Dennis, sailor, res Dutch Settlement.
McDonald, Michael, grocer, North Water near Wolcott [died April 4, 1857.
McDonnell, Charles, grocery and boarding house, 33 Market [died April 16, 1885, aged 81.
McDonnell, James [died 1870.
McDonnough, Matthias, laborer, alley near N. Clark and N. Water.
McDonnough, Michael, carpenter, alley near N. Clark and N. Water.
McDonnough, P. H., captain schooner Charlotte.
McDonnough, Thos., drayman, res W. Water, bet Randolph and Lake.
McGilorey, John, cabinet maker, Manahan & Jacobus.
McGlashan, John, gardener, res Archer ave, 2 miles south [died August 11, 1873, aged 58.
McGlin, Michael, laborer.
McGovern, John, laborer, res Franklin, bet Washington and Madison [died July 21, 1883, aged 82.
McGraw, Edward, laborer, res North Water, bet Clark and Dearborn [died Pecatonica, Ill., July 14, 1890, aged —.
McGraw, James, mason, A. S. Sherman.
McGraw, Mrs., res S. Clinton, bet Randolph and Washington.
McGraw, Patrick, clerk, James Hervey, bds Canada House.
McGraw, Volney, laborer, Sylvester Marsh.
McGuire, Michael, laborer, res North Water, bet Clark and Dearborn [died Pecatonica, Ill., July 14, 1890, aged —.
McHale, John, laborer, res North Water, bet Clark and Dearborn [died March 17, 1854, aged —.
McHenry, Peter (col'd) [Black Pete] cook, City Hotel, res Clark near Jackson.
McIlwaine, Mathew, physician, bds Sauganash Hotel.
Mcintosh, David, sailor, res Ohio, bet Pine and St. Clair.
Mcintosh, Wm., capt. schooner Victory, res Michigan, bet Dearborn and Wolcott [lost on Schr. Victory, March, 1844, on Lake Michigan.
McIntyre, Francis A., clerk, Asher Rossetter, bds same.
McIntyre, John, grocer, cor West Water and Randolph.
McIntyre, Morgan, res south of Jackson, 3d Ward.
McIntyre, William, Scoville & Gates.
McKay, Patrick, saloon, res North Water near Kinzie.
McKay, Samuel, groceries and provisions, junction North Water and Kinzie, res same [died February 5, 1871, aged 58.
McKinney, Joseph, pedler, bds American Temperance House.
McKnight, John, natter, Lorenzo P. Sanger & Co., bds Jas. A. Smith.
McLaren, Henry, laborer, res Market.
McLean, Thomas, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
McLeoud, R., Stow's foundry, bds Western Hotel.
McMahon, Patrick, porter, City Hotel.
McMahon, Patrick T., tailor, Lake.
McManniman, Jacob, laborer, res Madison near Franklin.
McMillen, A., carpenter, bds Illinois Exchange.
McMullen, William, drayman, res Canal, bet Randolph and Lake.
McNeil, James, laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard.
McNeil, Joseph, laborer, res North Water near North Branch bridge.
McNeil, Malcolm, shipcarpenter, North Branch near Chicago ave.
McNeil, Michael, laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard.
McQuin, John, laborer, res Washington, bet Wells and Franklin [died October 26, 1855.
McQuin, Michael, laborer, res North Water, bet Clark and Dearborn.
McShea, Michael, laborer, res North Water near Franklin.
McWilliams, James, chair maker, 40 Franklin, res same [died Oak Park, Ill., 1893, aged 75.
Mack, Firman, clerk, Win. H. Adams & Co., res LaSalle, bet Madison and Washington [drowned in Chicago River.
Madden, William, grocer, South Water.
Magee, Henry, lawyer [died June 21, 1855, aged 57 3/4.
Magee, William J., laborer, res W. Lake, bet Water and Canal.
Magie, Haines H. (H. H. M. & Co.) res 279 Ohio [died Washington, D.C., January 16, 1879, aged 75.
Magie & Co., H. H., dry goods and groceries, 130 Lake.
Magill, Alexander W., clerk, Theron Pardee, bds Arthur W. Magill.
Magill, Arthur W., clerk, U. S. land office, res Mich., bet Rush and Pine.
Magill, Julian (Whiting, M. & Co.), bds Arthur W. Magill.
Maguire, Bernard, cooper, Charles Walker & Co.
Mahan, Owen, laborer, res Kinzie, bet Franklin and Wells.
Mahan, Thomas, sailor, steamer Champion.
Maher, Hugh, cooper, Eri Reynolds' packing-house, South Branch [died Hyde Park, January 22, 1884, aged 66.
Mahoney, Jeremiah, laborer, res N. Dearborn, bet Water and Kinzie.
Malcolm, Robert, mason builder, res Clark near Washington [died October 9, 1871, aged 68.
Mallady, John, laborer, res North Water, bet Clark and Dearborn.
Malzacher, Louis, groceries and provisions, 167 Lake, res same [died April 24, 1868, aged 68.
Manahan, Owen, carpenter, bds John Ryan [died Highland Park, Ill., October 11, 1883, aged —.
Manahan, Thomas (M. & Jacobus), res Clark [died Norwood Park, Cook Co., Ill., March 31, 1884, aged 71 1/2.
Manahan & Jacobus, cabinet makers, 10 Clark.
Manierre, Edward, tailor, 43 Clark, bds Elisha Clark, 1st Ward [died New London, Conn., July 26, 1890, aged 78.
Manierre, George (M. & Meeker), res 49 State, school commissioner [died May 21, 1863, aged 46.
Manierre & Meeker, attorneys, 118 Lake.
Manley, William E., Universalist clergyman, res Clark.
Mann, Cyrus, family groceries, 47 Clark, res same [died in California, 1851.
Mann, J., hatter, Israel Cyrus Stephens.
Mann, Tielman, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
Mansion House, 84-6 Lake, Skinner (Chas.) & Smith (Jos. Flint) props.
Marback, Joseph, farmer, cor Chicago av and Rush, alderman 6th ward.
Mariam, James, cooper, Charles Walker & Co.
Markesen, Ole, carpenter, res Dutch Settlement.
Markle, Abram A., laborer, North Branch, 4th Ward [died November 30, 1845, aged 48.
Mars, Samuel, pump pedler, res LaSalle, bet Washington and Madison.
Marsallani, Louis, stone quarrier, bds Charles McDonnell.
Marsh, Alexander, with Luther Marsh, bds same [d. Oct. 9, 1874, a, 53.
Marsh, Elisha Azro, with Luther Marsh, bds same [died Sitka, Alaska, April 10, 1880, aged 63.
Marsh, Joshua Leonard, law student, Spring & Goodrich, bds L. Marsh [died July 23, 1890, aged 64.
Marsh, Luther, lumber merchant, res Madison, bet Wells and Franklin [died November 14, 1859, aged 77.
Marsh, Sylvester, 98 Lake, packing-house, 304-6 North Water [died Concord, N. H., December 30, 1884, aged 81.
Marshall, Francis, auctioneer, bds New York House.
Marshall, Henry, Scoville & Gates' foundry.
Marshall [M.D.], James Augustus, auctioneer, Parker & Dodge [died March 31, 1891, aged 81-9-22.
Martel, Thomas, carpenter, bds Washington Hall.
Martin, John, laborer, res West Water.
Martin, Joseph Hopkins, manager, Western Hotel, West Randolph [died March, 1895, aged 83.
Martindale, John, clerk, Bristol & Porter, bds City Refectory.
Martling, James A., printer, Ellis & Fergus, bds William Ellis.
Mathews, James, ship-carpenter [arrived September 6, 1843.
Mathewson, Artemas J., draughtsman, Ogden & Jones.
Mattes, Mathias, laborer, res east side of State south of VanBuren [died April 4, 1877, aged —.
Mattern, Frederick, tailor.
Matteson, Jos. (Gurnee & M.), res State, bet Washington and Randolph [died January 8, 1852, aged 36.
Mattson, D., clerk, Sylvester Marsh.
Maurer, David, teamster, res cor Madison and Desplaines.
Maurer, Jacob [Water Jake], waterman [died Dec. 22, 1885, aged 80.
Maxson, David, tin and coppersmith, Samuel J. Surdam.
Maxwell, Philip, physician, s.-w. cor Clark and Lake, res 79 Clark [died Geneva, Wis., November 5, 1859, aged 60 1/2.
Maxwell, Thomas, laborer, res Illinois, bet LaSalle and Wells [died 1872, aged 54.
Maynard, H. E., lawyer, Smith & Ballingall.
Mayo, Samuel, carpenter, bds New York House.
Meacham, H. T., hostler, New York House.
Meacham, Silas, lighthouse keeper, res 2 River [died Maine, Cook Co., Ill., July 21, 1852, aged 63.
Mead, Enos L., carpenter, res N. Water, bet Dearborn and Wolcott.
Medeweller, Henry, shoemaker, North Water, bet Clark and Dearborn.
Meeker, George W. (Manierre & M.) bds 165 Clark [died April 2, 1856, aged 37.
Meeker, Joseph, carpenter and builder, res 165 Clark [died January 4, 1872, aged 66 1/4.
Melody, Michael, res Washington, bet Franklin and Market.
Melvin, Thomas, shoemaker, South Water, bet Clark and Dearborn [died July 31, 1883, aged 73.
Melvin & Levett, boot and shoe makers, South Water east of Clark.
Melvin, Thomas J., res State.
Merriam, Mrs. Mary, boarding-house Lake, bet State and Wabash ave.
Merrifield, Edward, clerk, Ballentine & Sherman [died January 27, 1889, aged 79 1/2.
Merrill, George W., provisions, etc., 157 Lake, s.-e. cor LaSalle.
Merrill, Winthrop.
Merritt, Jacob DeWitt, commission merchant, 116 So. Water, res State [died Winona, Minn., July 24, 1881, aged 76.
Mess, George, canal contractor, res 46 Michigan ave [died near Lockport, Ill.
Metz, Christopher, tinsmith, William Wheeler & Co. [died December 10, 1886, aged 64.
Meville, Peter Dominique, carpenter, bds Canada House [died March 8, 1884, aged 68-5.
Meyer, Ferdinand, butcher, bds Morris Meyer.
Meyer, Matthias, res Michigan, bet N. Clark and LaSalle.
Meyer, Morris, baker, Michigan, east of Clark.
Migely, Rudolph, grocer, 182 Randolph, res same [died December 30, 1885, aged 74.
Miles, ----, carpenter, bds City Refectory, 17 Dearborn.
Millar, Robert M., ship carpenter, Fort Dearborn [died March 13, 1881, aged 65 1/4.
Miller, Chas. [Andrew J.], barber and hairdresser, 19 Market, res Canal [died Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 2, 1864.
Miller, David, machinist, Elihu Granger's foundry.
Miller, H., tobacconist, 85 Lake.
Miller, Henry, mason, res s. e. cor Wells and Madison.
Miller, Jacob, blacksmith, res Indiana, bet Wolcott and N. Dearborn [died March 16, 1890, aged 79.
Miller, Peter, shoemaker, Thomas Whitlock.
Milliken, Isaac Lawrence, foreman blacksmith, Frink, Walker & Co. res -- [13th mayor, died December 2, 1889, aged 76.
Mills, John Rodney, produce dealer, bds American Temperance House.
Mills, Royal Alex. Blaine, bds [died Jan. 25, 1882, aged 60 1/4.
Mills, Samuel, grocer, res Clark.
Miltimore, Ira, millwright and machinist, res S. Canal, 3d Ward [died Janesville, Wis., June 8, 1879, aged 66.
Misener, Henry, blacksmith, hydraulic works, res Franklin [died August 9, 1851, aged 52.
Misener, Mortimer C., printer, Ellis & Fergus, bds H. Misener [died February 5, 1891, aged 65.
Mitchell, George, Stow's foundry, bds Western Hotel.
Mitchell, George, cooper, Gurdon S. Hubbard.
Mitchell, John Berry, boots and shoes, 22 Clark, res cor Clark and Kinzie [died March 17, 1878, aged 69 1/2.
Mitchell, Joseph, carpenter, res North Branch [died September 13, 1856, aged —.
Mitchell, Mark, carpenter, res North Water near North Branch.
Mitchell, William, carpenter, res W. Madison, bet Canal and Clinton.
Mitchell, ----, carpenter, bds Chicago Temperance House.
Moeng, Diederic, cabinet maker, Caleb Morgan [died April 18, 1894, aged 82.
Moffet, James, Scoville & Gates.
Molloy, John, carpenter, bds Charles McDonnell.
Monaghan, Hugh, blacksmith [died Jan. 1, 1884, aged 64.
Mongeon, Felix, grocer, cor North Water and Wolcott.
Montgomery, G. B. S., shoemaker, Samuel J. Grannis.
Montgomery, J. H., shipcarpenter, Fort Dearborn.
Montgomery, Loton W., shoemaker, Jerome Beecher, res Market [died September 20, 1866, aged 60 1/2.
Moody, Daniel, sailor, res North Water near Rush.
Moody, Orin C., hatter, Israel C. Stephens [died Oct. 15, 1881, a. 65 1/4.
Mooney, Michael, blacksmith, res Michigan ave.
Mooney, Peter, blacksmith, bds M. Mooney [d. Jan. 22, 1893, a. 75.
Moore, Richard, tailor, South Water, bet State and Wabash ave.
Morey, Davenport, lard-oil factory, 51-3 South Water.
Morey, Davenport, jr., warehouseman, Horace Butler.
Morey, Edward, treasurer Young Men's Lyceum.
Morey, George (M. & Dike), bds Isaac Dike [died Oct. 3, 1893, a. 74.
Morey, Henry C. [died March 14, 1889, aged 57.
Morey, Richard H., law student, Spring & Goodrich.
Morey & Dike, family grocers, 8 Dearborn.
Morgan, Caleb, cabinet maker, 199 Lake [died Nov. 23, 1871, a. 75.
Morgan, Hector N., painter, Nathan. S. Cushing [died Aug. 30, 1852.
Morgan, Patrick Richard [veterinary surgeon], carriage-driver [died September 5, 1891, aged 68-6.
Morris, Buckner Smith, attorney, 59 Clark, res Indiana, bet Cass and Rush [Chicago's 2d mayor, died December 16, 1879, aged 79 1/4.
Morris, Mrs., res N. Dearborn, bet North Water and Kinzie.
Morrison, Daniel, teamster [died November 8, 1880, aged 60.
Morrison, Ephraim, hat-and-cap factory, Dearborn, bet Lake and South Water [died Sept. 22, 1851, aged 70.
Morrison, Ephraim, jr., teamster, res 111 Madison [died June 16, 1880, aged 65.
Morrison, Ezekiel, carpenter, res 123 Clark [died Feb. 26, 1895, a. 84.
Morrison, James M., carpenter, res 131 Clark [died Dec. 28, 1868, a. 62.
Morrison, Michael, laborer, res near West Water and Lake.
Morrison, Mrs., res Wells, bet Washington and Randolph.
Morrison, Orsemus, carpenter, res 153 Clark [died Jan. 4, 1864, a. 58 1/4.
Morrison's Row, 139-57 Clark.
Moseley, Flavel (M. & McCord), bds Daniel B. Heartt [died Williamsburg, N.Y., September 29, 1865, aged 67.
Moseley & McCord, dry goods and groceries, 130 Lake.
Moses, Hiram P., machinist, bds Sabin Wight.
Mower, Geo. W., wheat buyer, Jno. P. Chapin & Co., bds City Refectory.
Mudge, Colby, blacksmith, Asahel Pierce.
Mueller, Jacob, blacksmith, res Indiana, bet Dearborn and Wolcott.
Mukant, P., clerk, John B. Busch.
Mullen, John, farmer, res near W. Washington, 3d Ward.
Muller, Matthias, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
Munson, F. A., res Illinois Exchange, 192 Lake.
Munzer, David, laborer, res W. Monroe, bet Clinton and Jefferson.
Murphy, Edward, coroner, teacher in 1837 [died Rogers Park, Ill., January 25, 1875, aged 70.
Murphy, James K., tinsmith, bds Peter Fennerty.
Murphy, John, prop. United States Hotel, n.-w. cor W. Water and W. Randolph, alderman 4th ward [died August 14, 1850, aged 47.
Murphy, John, laborer, res North Water near Pine.
Murphy, Mrs., res Michigan ave, bet Adams and Jackson.
Murphy, Timothy, res Washington, s.-w. cor Market.
Murray, George, tailor, 204 Lake, res same.
Murray, James (M. & Brand) bds City Hotel.
Murray, John, laborer, res West Water, bet Canal and Clinton.
Murray & Brand, bankers and exchange brokers, 125 Lake, s.-w. cor Clark.
Musham, William, drayman, res Indiana, bet Dearborn and Wolcott [died August, 1844, aged 44.
Myers, Frederick F., laborer, res North Water, bet Clark and Wells.
Myers, Matthias, res Michigan st.
Myers, Owen, drayman, res Kinzie, bet LaSalle and Wells.
Myers, Peter, laborer, res Chicago ave, Dutch Settlement.
Myrick, Willard Franklin, hotel-keeper, Cottage Grove ave, bet 29th and 30th [died January 27, 1889, aged 79.

Nauberger, Hugh, baker, Pfund & Co.
Nelson, Andrew, porter, Tremont House [suicide, March 15, 1856.
Nelson, Andrew, laborer, res North Water near Market [died July 29, 1887, aged 69 1/2.
Nelson, Claudius B., book-keeper, William Blair & Co. [died Hyde Park, Cook Co., Ill., March 29, 1885, aged 65 3/4.
Nelson, Peter, sashmaker, res North Water near Dearborn [died before July 13, 1850.
Neudorf, Nicholas, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
Newberry, Walter Loomis (N. & Burch), res Illinois, bet Rush and Pine, member board of health [died on French steamer Periere, en route to France, Nov. 6, 1868, aged 64.
Newberry & Burch, bankers and exchange brokers, 97 Lake.
Newberry (Oliver, of Detroit) & Dole, forwarding and commission merchants, 146-52 S. Water and N. Water, s.e. cor Rush.
Newburg, Philip, tailor and ready-made clothing, 153 Lake [res Cincinnati, O.
New Buffalo, north of Chicago ave and east of North Clark—synonomous with Dutch Settlement.
Newcomb, ----, tailor, J. Elliott.
Newcome, J. C., timber sawyer, and grocery, North Water near Clark.
Newhall, Harrison, fruit and groceries, 123 Lake, bds J. D. Jennings.
Nw-York House, 178-80 Lake.
Niblo, Alex. Ramsey, printer, res State [killed by railroad accident, Mount Washington, Ohio, June 25, 1858, aged 50.
Nichols, D. M. C., bds D. T. Nichols.
Nichols, Luther, drayman, 48 Dearborn [died May 2, 1881, aged 75 3/4.
Nichols, D. T., saddler, res cor Randolph and Wells.
Nicholson, Edward, merchant, S. Water, res 97 Rush near Ontario [died September 15, 1849.
Nickalls, Patteson, livery-stable keeper, 230 Kinzie near Wolcott [returned to England and died there.
Nickerson, J. B., machinist, Randolph, res South Water.
Nickerson, John, captain schooner Wave, res Dutch Settlement.
Noble, Aaron, grocer, res North Water, bet Dearborn and Wolcott.
Noble, George Alexander, M.D., school-teacher, Lake, res s.-e. cor Washington and Franklin.
Noble, George W., carpenter, Clinton bet. Randolph and Washington [died November 1, 1885, aged 66.
Noble, Samuel John, res George A. Noble.
Norris, Henry, bds Mansion House.
Norris, James, carpenter, bds A. H. Palmer.
Norris, James Wellington, attorney, directory canvasser, 38 Clark [died Ottumwa, Iowa, March 3, 1882, aged 67.
Northam, Robert Robbins, clerk, John W. Hooker, bds same [died January 20, 1893, aged 73.
Norton, Cyprian Collins (N. & Case), res State, bet Mad. and Monroe.
Norton, George W., botanic physician, bds Illinois Exchange.
Norton, Henry (Loyd, Blakesley & Co.), res 81 State, bet Randolph and Washington [died on the Isthmus of Panama, en route to California, 1849.
Norton, Hiram (N. & Tuckerman), bds Seth Johnson.
Norton, John, gunsmith, Peacock & Thatcher.
Norton, Theron, dry goods and groceries, 117 Lake [died April 24, 1844, aged 40-4-3.
Norton & Case, dry goods and groceries, 80 Lake.
Norton & Co., Horace (H. Norton and J. C. Walter), dry goods and groceries, 137 South Water.
Norton & Co., Horace (H. Norton, J. C. Walter, and E. K. Rogers), forwarding and commission merchants, n.-e. cor River and Dock.
Norton & Tuckerman, dry goods and groceries, 134 Lake, warehouse.
North Water, west of north end of Clark-street bridge.

O'Brien, Dennis, tailor, res North Water, bet Dearborn and Wolcott.
O'Brien, Michael, blacksmith, Frink, Walker & Co., res South Water [died August 14, 1852, aged —.
O'Bryan, George, grocer, North Water, bet Wolcott and Kinzie [died August —, 1849, aged —.
O'Connor, Jeremiah, blacksmith, N. Water, bet Clark and LaSalle.
O'Donoghue, Peter, auctioneer, 170 Lake, res LaSalle [died August 1, 1851, aged —.
O'Leary, Dr. J. E., bds Dr. William B. Egan [died 1849, a. —.
O'Malley, Charles, cobbler, shoemaker, constable, J.P., lawyer, North Water near Dearborn [died March 11, 1887, aged 75.
O'Meara, Timothy, ex-Catholic priest, bds James Carney, S. Water.
O'Neil, Michael, carpenter, res Dearborn, bet N. Water and Kinzie [died December 9, 1863, aged 48.
O'Sullivan, David, res Kinzie, bet N. Franklin and Wells.
Oakes, Noyes, house-mover, res State, bet Adams and Jackson [died September 12, 1854, aged 40.
Ogden, Mahlon Dickerson (Arnold & 0.), res Ontario, bet Dearborn and Wolcott, probate judge [died Elmhurst, Feb. 13, 1880, a. 68 1/2.
Ogden, William Butler (O. & Jones), res Ontario, bet Cass and Rush [died Aug. 3, 1877, aged 72, at Boscobel—his residence, near High Bridge, on the Harlem River, New York.; Chicago's 1st mayor.
Ogden & Jones, land-agents, Kinzie, bet Wolcott and Dearborn ave.
Olin, Henry W., boarding-house, North Water, bet Rush and Pine.
Oliver, John Alfred, house painter, North Water, res Michigan [died January 16, 1887, aged 72.
Olliver, Rev. Warren, pastor Canal-st Methodist Church.
Osborn, William, shoe dealer, Jerome Beecher, res 145 Madison [died January 2, 1884, aged 71.
Ost, William, tailor, Randolph, bet LaSalle and Wells.
Otis, Edwin, clerk, Seth T. Otis, and librarian Young Men's Assoc.
Otis, Seth T., hardware, stoves, etc., 126 Lake, res 166 State [died Ann Arbor, Mich., January 23, 1882, aged 71.
Otis, Seth, county poor-house keeper [died April 27, 1847, aged 70.
Ottaway, Charles, family grocer, 175 Lake, res same.
Otto, August F., watchmaker and jeweler, 173 Lake, res Wells [died January 4, 1890, aged 86.
Ousterhoudt, Levi M., prop. Sauganash, Market, 100 ft south of s.-e. cor Lake [died Norwood Park, November 15, 1881, aged 73 1/2.
Outhet, John C, wagon maker, 191 Randolph, res 244 Madison [died November 27, 1866, aged 55.

Packard, Robert, teamster, res Randolph, bet State and Dearborn.
Page, Francis, carpenter, Sturges & Stubbs, bds City Refectory.
Page, Peter, mason builder, bds William L. Church [died August 1, 1880, aged 66.
Page, Thomas, clerk, Chicago Post-Office.
Paine, James Sparks, saddler and harness maker, 13 Dearborn [died Linn Co., Kan., October 22, 1866, aged 65-8-23.
Paine, Seth, dry goods merchant [died June 6, 1872, aged 56.
Paintor, Jos., tailor, Scott Benedik, res Chapman's bldg, s.-w. cor Wells.
Paintor, Mathias, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
Palm, John, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
Palmer, A. H., painter, North Clark, cor Illinois, res same.
Palmeter, David, res South Water.
Pardee, Theron, commission merchant, North Water s.-e. cor Kinzie [died August 19, 1888, aged 72 1/2.
Parker, John (P. & Dodge), res 113 Dearborn [died 1890.
Parker & Dodge, auctioneers and commission merchants, 6 Clark.
Parry, Samuel (Johnson & P.), res cor Ohio and Cass.
Parsons, Edward (Clark, Haines & Co.), bds Daniel B. Heartt [died January 18, 1875, aged 65.
Parsons, Samuel M., book-keeper, John B. F. Russell, bds Farmers' Exchange.
Pattee, David, provision packer, Sylvester Marsh.
Patten, James, carpenter, res alley bet Wells and Franklin.
Pattent, ----, bds Mrs. Green.
Patterson, John, porter, Mansion House.
Patterson, John Gibson, clerk, Horace Butler [died Libertyville, Ill., October 3, 1887, aged 70.
Patterson, Robert Wilson, Presby. minister, res State near Randolph [died Evanston, Ill., March 28, 1894, aged 7-.
Peacoard, Joseph, cooper, res N. Water, bet Wolcott and Dearborn.
Peacock, Elijah, watchmaker and jeweler, 195 Lake, res Madison near Wells [died August 25, 1889, aged 71.
Peacock, Joseph (P. & Thatcher), res Madison, bet Clark and Wells [died May 13, 1886, aged 72 3/4.
Peacock & Thatcher, gunsmiths, 155 1/2 Lake.
Pearson, George Tiffany [died Springfield, Ill., June 21, 1862, a. 33.
Pearson, Parker H., clerk, Ruel Ambrose, bds same.
Pearsons, Hiram, speculator, bds Tremont House [died Almeda, Cal., August 11, 1868, aged 57.
Pease, Simeon, butcher, Fulton Market.
Peck, Azel, carpenter and builder, res S. Clinton, bet Washington and Madison, alderman 3d ward [died Delavan, Wis., Oct. 1, 1849, a. 51.
Peck, Charles Edwin, saddler & harness maker, 164 Lake, res LaSalle., n.-w. cor Washington.
Peck, David, medical student, Dr. Daniel Brainard, bds Mrs. Post.
Peck, David, bds Mrs. Waggoner, Lake, west of Wells.
Peck, Philip Ferdinand Wheeler, capitalist, res 248 Clark, n.-w. cor Jackson [died October 23, 1871, aged 62 3/4.
Peck, Sheldon Whittlesey (P. & Boyce), bds Cyrenius Beers [resides at Beloit, Ill.
Peck & Boyce, linseed-oil factory, 286-8 Madison.
Pelton, Elias S., mason, bds Washington Hall, North Clark.
Penny, Arthur John, brick maker, bds John Penny [died unmarried, August 12, 1849, aged 26-0-8.
Penny, George William, brick maker, bds John Penny [died September 11, 1868, aged 43-11-7.
Penny, John, brick maker, near North Branch, 5th Ward [died August 11, 1851, aged 58-10-29.
Penton, David Russel, clerk, Dr. John Brinckerhoff, bds same [died Melbourne, Australia, 1854, aged 29.
Penton, Thomas B., clerk, Clarke & Co., bds Dr. John Brinckerhoff.
Periolat, Clemens, grocer, 223 Lake, res same.
Periolat, F. A., soap and candle maker, N. Franklin near Indiana.
Perkins, A., clerk, Sherman & Pitkin, bds Orin Sherman.
Perkins, Daniel (P. & Fenton), bds Chicago Temperance House.
Perkins & Fenton, blacksmiths and wagon makers, 141 Randolph.
Pernor, William, jailer, Jail, Randolph, s.-e. cor LaSalle [died before May 4, 1852.
Perry, Abijah S., barber, ex-justice of peace, res Government Reservation [died September 9, 1849.
Peterman, John (John Hettinger & Co.), res North Water.
Peterson, George, captain schooner St. Joseph, res Canal, bet W. Washington and Madison.
Petitt, William, harness maker, C. E. Peck [died.
Petrie, Philip, blacksmith, Ithraem Taylor, res N. Dearborn, 6th Ward [died November 30, 1890, aged 76.
Pfeifer, Kasper, shoemaker, Thomas Melvin, bds same.
Pfund, John (Pfund & Co.), res 14 Clark [died Feb. 14, 1872, a. 65.
Pfund & Co. (Frederick Weiss), bread and cracker bakers, 14 Clark.
Phelps, Pallas, attorney, Dearborn, res cor Dearborn and Washington.
Philipp, Solomon, merchant, bds Washington Hall.
Phillips, John, wood turner, 27 Franklin, n.-e. cor Lake, res same [died December 11, 1869, aged 75.
Phillips, John, jr., wood turner, bds John Phillips [died November 10, 1880, aged 53.
Phillips, William, wood turner, bds John Phillips [died May 20, 1876, aged 54 3/4.
Pierce, Asahel, blacksmith, 20 Market, bet Lake and Randolph, res West Lake [died December 13, 1887, aged 75 1/2.
Pierce (Asahel) & Witbeck (Henry), blacksmiths, Market, bet Lake and Randolph.
Pierce, John, sailor, res Dearborn, 1st Ward.
Pierce, Royal, cooper.
Pierce, Smith Dyer.
Pike, Daniel, laborer, res North Water near Franklin.
Pike, jr., Thomas, clerk, Sherman & Pitkin, bds William L. Church.
Pinkerton, Allan, cooper, res Jackson near Pacific ave [died July 1, 1884, aged 65.
Pitkin, Nathaniel (Sherman & P.), res 77 Clark near Randolph.
Pitney, Aaron, homoeopathic physician, 106 Lake, res Kinzie near Clark [died January 7, 1865, aged 72.
Pitt, William, sawyer, West Water, bet Lake and Randolph.
Plagge, George, shoemaker, North Water, res same [died December 28, 1872, aged —.
Poole, Jasper W., sailor [died January 24, 1883, aged 78 1/2.
Pomeroy, T. S., bds City Hotel.
Pope, John, butcher, Eri Reynolds, res State.
Porter, Augustine, lumber [d. Oak Park, Ill., Apr. 10, 1880, a. 82-7-20.
Porter, Hibbard (Bristol & P.), res 208 Clark, n.-w. cor Adams [died May 30, 1879, aged 72.
Post, E. J., clerk, Bowen & Cole, bds Mrs. Post.
Post, Frederick L., bds Mrs. Post.
Post, Mrs., boarding-house, 79 Clark, bet Randolph and Washington.
Post-office, 37 Clark, near Lake, William Stuart, postmaster.
Pottgieser, Giesbert [died August 17, 1887, aged 73.
Poussard, Joseph, shipcarpenter, res North Branch, 4th Ward.
Powell, I. N., editor and publisher Northwestern Baptist, 124 Lake.
Powell, John P., cabinet maker, John B. Weir.
Power, Richard, stonemason, bds Charles McDonnell.
Powless, John, shoemaker, Joseph E. Ware.
Prairie Farmer, John S. Wright, prop., John S. Wright, J. A. Wight, and John Gage, editors, 112 Lake.
Praler, Adam, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
Pratt, John, ass't-foreman, Foss Bros., planing-mill, res Market.
Pratt, Moses Griswold, carpenter, res W. Water, cor Kinzie, 4th Ward [died October 20, 1887, aged 83-4.
Pratt, Wm., foreman Foss Bros., planing-mill, res Market near Rand.
Prescott, Eli Sherburne, canal-agent, 35-7 Cass, n.-e. cor Illinois [died Waukegan, January 3, 1879, aged 69.
Preston, John B., clerk, Ogden & Jones.
Price, Abner, bricklayer, bds Cornelius Price.
Price, Cornelius, bricklayer [died Libertyville, Ill.
Price, Cornelius, jr., bricklayer, Alson S. Sherman.
Price, Jeremiah, res South Water, bet LaSalle and Wells, member board of health [died July 12, 1854, aged —.
Price, John Maloy, bricklayer [died, Libertyville, Ill., January 4, 1879, aged 64.
Price, William, bricklayer [died December 31, 1884, aged 63-2.
Price, William, sash factory, South Water, west of Clark [died Isthmus of Panama, en route to California, 1849, aged 45.
Prindiville, John, sailor, bds Maurice Prindiville.
Prindiville, Maurice, laborer, res Chicago ave, n.-w. cor. Wolcott.
Prindiville, Redmond, sailor, bds Maurice Prindiville.
Prindiville, Thos. J., bds Maurice Prindiville [died Jan. 18, 1870, a. 38.
Protine, Francis, cooper, res N. Clark, bet North Water and Kinzie.

Quarters, Walter, Catholic priest, bds 114 Michigan ave.
Quarters, William, first Catholic bishop of Chicago, 114 Michigan ave, n.-w. cor Madison [died April 10, 1848, aged 42.
Quick, John, shoemaker, Samuel J. Grannis.

Raber, John, harness maker, S. B. Cobb, bds same.
Raber, Philip, laborer, 338 State, opp. Congress [died January 27, 1865, aged 71.
Ransom, J. W., dry goods merchant, res 179 Clark, s.-e. cor Monroe.
Rantz, Henry, laborer, res Michigan, bet LaSalle and Wells.
Rappee, P., laborer, res Lake Shore, 1st Ward.
Raskupp, John, laborer, Silas B. Cobb.
Rathbone, Ward, groceries, fruits, etc., 141 Lake [died Geneva, Ill.
Rattle & Co. (Sam. Rattle), Francis, boots, shoes, and leather, 133 Lake.
Rattle, Francis (R. & Co.) [died August 19, 1859.
Rattle, Samuel (F. R. & Co.) bds Tremont.
Ravencraft, William, bds Henry Howard.
Ray, Thomas, mason, res South Branch near Washington.
Raymond & Co., Benjamin W., staple dry goods and groceries, 81 South Water, s.-w. cor State, office, 122 Lake, upstairs.
Raymond, Benjamin Wright (B. W. R. & Co.), res 120 Washington [Chicago's 3d mayor, died April 5, 1883, aged 82.
Raymond, George Wright, clerk, B. W. R. & Co., 122 Lake [died Barfield, Ark., November 1, 1871, aged 54.
Reading-Room (Y. M. A.) 37 Clark, 2d story, C. R. Larrabee, librarian.
Receiver's office, U.-S., 98 Lake, upstairs, Geo. L. Ward, receiver.
Recorder's office, Court-House, s.-w. cor Clark and Randolph.
Reed, Frederick, porter, City Hotel.
Reed, Robert, mason, res Wells, bet Lake and Randolph.
Reed, Stilman O., laborer, bds John Davlin.
Reed, William, carpenter, res W. Monroe, bet Clinton and Jefferson [died January 9, 1891, aged 83-8-15.
Rees, James Hollingshead, surveyor, Ogden & Jones, bds Mrs. Haight [died September 20, 1880, aged 67 1/4.
Rees, Thomas, house painter, Alex. White.
Register's office, U.-S., 92 Lake, upstairs, John H. Kinzie, register.
Rehm, Jacob, laborer, res n.-e. cor Hinsdale and Rush [died January 28, 1870, aged 69.
Rehm, Jacob, jr., teamster, res Jacob Rehm.
Reis, Jacob Nicholas, harness maker, bds 175 State [died Frankfort, Tenn., April 3, 1896, aged 70.
Reis, John Mathias, shoemaker, bds 175 State [d. May 8, 1884, a. 62.
Reis, John Peter, retired, 175 State.
Reis, John Peter, jr., shoemaker, Samuel J. Grannis, bds 175 State [died January 2, 1881, aged 50.
Reis, Nicholas, water carrier, bds 175 State [died April 13, 1874, a. —.
Reis, Peter, water carrier, res 171 State [d. March 2, 1870, aged 54.
Render, Daniel, tailor, res Ohio, bet Cass and Rush.
Revenue office, 38 Clark, Seth Johnson, deputy-collector.
Rew, Norman (R. & Russell), res State.
Rew & Russell, grocery and ball-alley, 77 South Water.
Reynolds, Eri, butcher and packer, South Branch, res Dearborn [died April 15, 1851, aged —.
Reynolds, E. G., clerk, bds 145 Clark.
Reynolds, George W., clerk, Eri Reynolds.
Rhines, Henry, carpenter, deputy sheriff, police constable, res 46 LaSalle [died August 20, 1852, aged 45.
Rice, Joseph, Stow's foundry, bds Western Hotel.
Rich, Michael, mason, west of Clark and south of First.
Richards, John James, clerk, Ashley Gilbert, res Mrs. Coffin [died Kankakee, Ill., January 29, 1891, aged 65.
Rider, Eli A., clerk, Charles L. P. Hogan [went to Aurora, Ill.
Riley, John, laborer, Michigan, bet Rush and Pine.
Ritchie, Alexander, blacksmith, Asahel Pierce.
Robb, George Augustus (Foster & R.), bds John B. Mitchell [died Havana, Cuba, 1857, aged —.
Robb, Thomas Patten, clerk, bds John B. Mitchell [died near Glenwood, Cal., April 19, 1895, aged 67.
Roberts, Alexander, butcher, res N. Water, bet Dearborn and Wolcott [died September 3, 1876, aged 70.
Roberts, David Lewis, Chicago Temperance House, 17-19 LaSalle [died Jefferson, Ill., December 30, 1864, aged 63.
Roberts, Henry Lewis, shoemaker, South Water, res North Water.
Roberts, James S., chair painter, John B. Weir.
Roberts, John T., drover, res Clark, bet Washington and Madison.
Robertson, Cyrus C., clerk, Horace H. Yates.
Robertson, David, Sauganash Hotel.
Robertson, James, ship carpenter, res cor North Water and Rush.
Robinson, Alexander, farmer, res South Branch, 3d Ward [died April 23, 1872, aged —.
Robinson, George, printer, Ellis & Fergus.
Robinson, James, carpenter, res West Monroe, 3d ward.
Robinson, John, housemover, res Adams, bet Clark and State.
Robinson, P. P., bootmaker, 139 Lake Robinson, S. S., grocer, 184 Lake, res same.
Rochester, James H., commission merchant.
Rockwell, James, boarding-house, Clark, bet Washington and Madison.
Roden, James, laborer, bds Charles McDonnell.
Roder, John, blacksmith, James O. Humphrey.
Rodgers, John, forwarding and storage, North Water, east of N. State.
Rofinot, Peter Francois.
Rogers, Edward Kendall (Horace Norton & Co.), res Indiana, bet Cass and Rush [died Eastman, Ga., May 2, 1883, aged 70.
Rogers, George A., book-keeper, Horace Norton & Co.
Rogers, George W.. prop. Chicago Hotel, West Lake, n.-e. cor Canal [died February 4, 1867, aged 63.
Rogers, John, lard-oil maker, res North Water [died April 3, 1849.
Rooney, O., laborer, res South Canal, bet Lake and Randolph.
Rooney, William, blacksmith [died May 5, 1885, aged 71 1/8.
Root, Josiah Sackett, carpenter, res Dearborn, bet Madison and Monroe [died Buffalo, N.Y., April 28, 1884, aged —.
Rose, Freeman, wagon-maker, res Wells, bet Randolph and Washington.
Rose, John, clerk, Murray & Brand.
Rose, Russell.
Ross, George, blacksmith, William Otis Snell.
Rossetter, Asher, dry goods and groceries, 92 Lake, bds Cyprian C. Norton [died before May 14, 1858, aged —.
Rossiter, Gilbert, clerk, Norton & Case, bds Cyprian C. Norton.
Rossiter, Luther, lumber merchant, res Newton Rossiter [died Lake Forest, Ill., October 3, 1888, aged 74-8-14.
Rossiter, Newton, lumber merchant, office S. Water, res 15 Franklin, yard, west side of Franklin, bet Lake and South Water [died May 24, 1850, aged 62-1-5.
Row, Jonathan, sawyer, res near North Branch bridge, 5th Ward.
Rowlatt, William, Bethel clergyman, bds Henry Smith.
Rowlatt, Mrs. William A., teacher of French, bds Henry Smith.
Rowley, Aldrich, shoemaker, res Market.
Rowley, Thomas E., teamster, Absolom Funk.
Rucker, Edward A., law student, H. L. Rucker [d. June 19, 1872, a. 61.
Rucker, Henry L., justice of the peace, 41 Clark, res same [died January 7, 1867, aged 57-0-28.
Rue, John Campbell, carpenter, 156 Clark, res same [died Elgin, Ill., June 11, 1892, aged 83.
Rumsey, Geo. Frederick, clerk, Newberry & Dole, bds Geo. W. Dole [died June 17, 1881, aged 60 1/2.
Rumsey, Julian Sidney, clerk, Newberry & Dole, res Geo. W. Dole [18th mayor, died April 20, 1886, aged 63-0-17.
Russ, John, teamster and vet. surgeon, res cor S. Clinton and Madison.
Russell, Chester G. (Rew & R.), bds City Refectory, 17 Dearborn.
Russell, Francis C., bds Mrs. Green.
Russell, Jacob, proprietor City Hotel, 58-66 Clark, n.-w. cor Randolph [died April 4, 1860, aged 60 1/2.
Russell, Col. John Benj. Frazier, land and insurance agent, notary, 38 Clark, res 261 Indiana, near Wolcott [died Jan. 3, 1861, aged —.
Russell, Martin, sailor, res Wolcott, bet North Water and Kinzie [lost in Lake Michigan, November, 1845.
Rutledge, Thomas, laborer, res West Lake, bet Water and Canal.
Ryan, Edward, laborer, res Franklin, bet Randolph and Washington.
Ryan, John, boarding-house, 42 South Water.
Ryer, George (George R. & Co.), bds City Hotel.
Ryer & Co., George, merchant tailors, 48 Clark.
Ryerson, Joseph Turner (R. & Blaikie), bds Tremont House [died March 9, 1883, aged 70.
Ryerson & Blaikie, iron, nails, etc., dry goods and groceries, 74 Lake.

Salisbury, T. W., dry goods and groceries, South Water near Clark.
Saltonstall, Francis G., clerk, Parker & Dodge, res Wm. W. Saltonstall.
Saltonstall, Wm., fish dealer, res W. Madison, bet Clinton and Jefferson [died August 13, 1886, aged 77 3/4.
Saltonstall, Wm. Wanton, assignee in bankruptcy, res 238 Madison [died March 18, 1862, aged 69.
Sammons, Benjamin, cooper, bds Frederick Sammons.
Sammons, E. W., cooper, res Adams.
Sammons, Frederick, cooper, res Canal, bet Adams and Jackson [frozen to death at Calumet, December, 1848.
Sammons, Joel, cooper, Adams near Clark.
Sammons, Joseph H., cooper, res Canal, bet Adams and Jackson.
Samuel, William, laborer, res near North Branch bridge, 5th Ward.
Sandusky, Michael, chairmaker, res Washington, bet Wells and Franklin.
Sanger, James Young (L. P. Sanger & Co.), bds Mrs. Green [died July 3, 1867, aged 53 1/4.
Sanger, Lorenzo P. (L. P. S. & Co.) [died March 23, 1875, aged —.
Sanger, Lucian P., contractor [died Ottawa, Ill.
Sanger & Co. (J. Y. Sanger), Lorenzo P., hats, caps, and furs, 110 Lake.
Satterlee, Merrit Lawrence, dry goods and groceries, South Water, bds Tremont House [died January 27, 1894, aged 79.
Sauganash Hotel, east side Market, north of alley, s.-e. cor Lake, Levi M. Ousterhoudt, prop. [The Republican Wigwam, where Lincoln was nominated in 1860, occupied its site.
Sauter, Charles (Charles & Jacob S.), res 212 Lake, alderman 2d ward [died Blue Island, Ill., May 18, 1877, aged 66 1/2.
Sauter, Jacob (Charles & Jacob S.), res 212 Lake [died March 10, 1865, aged 48.
Sauter, Charles & Jacob, boot and shoemakers, 212 Lake.
Savage, Maurice.
Sawyer, Nathaniel, clerk, Sidney Sawyer [died Lake Forest, Ill., November 13, 1890, aged 67.
Sawyer, Sidney, drugs, medicines, groceries, etc., 124 Lake, bds City Hotel [died July 12, 1894, aged 83.
Sawyer, Wm. Henry, butcher [died May 7, 1888, aged 66-10.
Scales, Charles Rich, clerk, Ward Rathbone, bds same.
Scammon, Jonathan Young (S. & Judd), reporter supreme court, res 91 Michigan ave [died March 17, 1890, aged 77 1/2.
Scammon & Judd, attorneys, 123 Lake.
Schall, Andre, boarding-house and saloon, 207-9 Randolph [died May 5, 1872, aged —.
Schaller, Andrew, family grocery, 209 Lake, res same [died Elgin, Ill., September 7, 1863, aged 49-8-1.
Schank, Lewis G., currier, Johonnett, Wells & Co.
Schenk, Henry, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
Schernerman, Michael, baker, Pfund & Co.
Schlatter, Charles L., U.-S. government agent, res Fort Dearborn.
Schmidt, Mathias, camenter, res Dutch Settlement.
Schular, Mathias, blacksmith, Ithraem Taylor.
Schuttler, Christian, laborer, res Illinois, bet Pine and St. Clair.
Schuttler, Peter, wagonmaker, 224 Randolph, s.-e. cor Franklin, res Illinois, bet Pine and St. Clair [died January 16, 1865, aged 53.
Scorgie, William, lumber merchant, 204 Lake.
Scott, James Howie, sashmaker, s.-e. cor W. Madison and Canal, res Jefferson, nr 12th [died Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov. 23, 1880, a. 76.
Scott, John, carpenter, res South Canal, 3d Ward [died Oswego, N.Y., 1870, aged 68.
Scott, Dr. Robert [died Oswego, N.Y., April 5, 1882, aged 67-9-22.
Scott, Stephen J. [died en route to California, Sept., 1852, aged —, buried on the Peninsula; his wid. died Naperville, Ill., Sept., 1859.
Scott, William, shoemaker, bds Jacob S. Curtis.
Scougale, A., wagonmaker, near cor State and Lake.
Scoville, Charles Foot.
Scoville, Hiram Henry, apprentice, Scoville & Gates, bds H. H. Scoville.
Scoville, Hiram Huff (S. & Gates), res s. w. cor Randolph and West Water [died March 26, 1879, aged 84.
Scoville, Ives, blacksmith, Scoville & Gates, bds H. H. Scoville.
Scoville, Jas. Addison, bookkeeper, Scoville & Gates, bds H. H. Scoville.
Scoville, William H., machinist [died May 24, 1884, aged 61.
Scoville & Gates, machinists, millwrights, blacksmiths, and founders, s.-w. cor West Washington and West Water.
Scranton, Abner R., with N. Scranton [died Lake Bluff, Ill., August 5, 1885, aged 56.
Scranton, Noah, block, pump, and spar maker, Wolcott, s.-e. cor North Water [died April, 1860.
Scranton, Noah, jr., with N. Scranton [died July 8, 1875, aged 53.
Scruder, Marcus, tanner, Gurnee & Matteson.
Sealey, George, grocer, South Water, west of State.
Seaman, jr., Willett, clerk, Bracken & Tuller, bds Sauganash Hotel.
Searles, Samuel V., machinist.
Seaton, Israel, carpenter, Washington, bet Wells and Franklin.
Seebor, Christopher, agent Kelley's patent pump, Theron Pardee's warehouse.
Seeley, Rufus R., hats and caps, 225 Lake.
Seger, Joseph, water carrier, res Dutch Settlement.
Sensor, John Washington (Cruver & S.), res s.-w. cor North Clark and Michigan [died Hawkeye, Ia., November 27, 1885, aged 78.
Sergeant, S. H., bartender, New York House.
Serry, Edward P., blacksmith, William Otis.
Snell, res Kinzie, bet Cass and Rush.
Sexton, Stephen, carpenter, res Kinzie, bet Cass and Rush [died April 7, 1861, aged 51.
Seybold, F. E., blacksmith, Randolph near Wells.
Shaddle, Miss Ellen, teacher, 120 Clark.
Shaddle, Peter, upholsterer, 45 Clark, res south of First [died Evanston, Ill., February 1, 1883, aged 84.
Shapley, Morgan L., ship-carpenter, res Government Reservation.
Sharer, George, tailor, John H. Hodgson, res Wells, bet Washington and Madison.
Shaw, Isaiah, clerk, Charles Follansbee.
Shaw, John O. (Clarke & Co.), bds City Hotel.
Shaw, Joseph, carpenter, res cor Jefferson and West Washington.
Shay, John, laborer, John Dennis.
Shay, Michael, res N. Wells, bet North Water and Kinzie [died "from neglect," August 23, 1850.
Shelby, Daniel, sailor captain, res 47 Adams [died Dec. 3, 1852, a. 40.
Sheldon, C. P., clerk, Philo C. Sheldon.
Sheldon, Philo C, groceries and provisions, 254 Lake, junction of S. Water and Lake, res Franklin.
Shepherd, Hiram, mason, res Market, bet Randolph and Washington.
Shepherd, Rob't, carpenter and builder, res Cass, bet Indiana and Ohio [died February 4, 1872, aged 64 2/3.
Shepherd, Thomas J., mason, res Market.
Shergold, Thomas, house and sign painter, bds H. H. Husted [died May 5, 1870, aged 56.
Sheriff, John, book-keeper, Jas. P. Allen, cor W. Canal and W. Water.
Sherman, Alson Smith, builder, (Johonnett, Wells & Co.), res Washington near Clinton [7th mayor.
Sherman, Benj. F., dry goods and groceries, cor Lake and Clark [died Buffalo, N.Y., April 19, 1885, aged 70.
Sherman, Ezra Lewis (Ballentine & S.), bds City Hotel [died Riverside, Cook Co., Ill., Feb. 14, 1881, aged 63.
Sherman, Francis Cornwall, brickmaker and builder, res Michigan ave, county commissioner [5th mayor, died November 7, 1870, aged 65.
Sherman, Francis Trowbridge, clerk, H. H. Husted, bds F. C. Sherman.
Sherman, jr., Nathaniel, dry goods and groceries, 158 Lake, res LaSalle near Lake [died September 25, 1852, aged 34 1/2.
Sherman, Oren (S. & Pitkin), res 79 Clark.
Sherman, Robert D., agent, Benj. F. Sherman, res Clark, bet Madison and Monroe.
Sherman, Silas Wooster [elected sheriff Cook County in 1834 and 1836 died, Chocolate Bayou, Texas, August 15, 1852, aged 61.
Sherman, Wm. George, clerk, Sherman & Pitkin, bds Oren Sherman [died September 7, 1867, aged 41 1/2.
Sherman [Oren] & Pitkin [Nath'l], dry goods and groceries, 107 Lake.
Sherry, Thomas, clerk, Ira B. Eddy & Bro. [died Bloomington, Ill., October 17, 1860.
Sherwood, R. W., teacher of penmanship, bds Mrs. Post.
Sherwood, Smith Jones, jeweler and watchmaker, 144 Lake, res LaSalle, bet Washington and Madison.
Sherwood, jr., William, jeweler, Smith J. Sherwood, bds same.
Shinnager, Joseph, res cor N. LaSalle and Ohio.
Shitz, Peter, wagonmaker.
Shoemaker, Conrad, sailor, res near N. Water, bet Dearb. and Wolcott.
Shoemaker, Joseph, mason, res 5th Ward.
Short, Jacob, farmer, res near Franklin and South Water.
Short, Mrs., res Washington, bet LaSalle and Wells.
Shrigley, John.
Shubart (Scott), Benedict, merchant tailor, 183 Lake, res same [died April 1, 1854, aged 42.
Shurr, William (Hatch & S.), res South Water near Dearborn.
Sicar & Co., groceries and boarding-house, N. Water near Dearborn.
Simons, Edward, butcher, res Jefferson [died Aug. 30, 1876, a. 60 1/2.
Simpson, Andrew, mason, res W. Monroe, bet Clinton and Jefferson.
Simpson, John, mason, res S. Canal, bet Adams and Jackson [died before May 12, 1851.
Sinclair, Lewis George, painter, 47 LaSalle [died St. Charles, Ill., September 26, 1860, aged 60.
Skinner, Charles (S. & Smith), Mansion House.
Skinner, Mark (Beaumont & S.), master-in-chancery, res Illinois, bet Dearborn and Wolcott [died Manchester, N.H., Sept. 16, 1887, a. 74.
Skinner & Smith, proprietors Mansion House, 86-8 Lake.
Slater, J. E., warehouseman, Newberry & Dole [murdered by Indians, Rogue River, Cal., August 27, 1851.
Slaton, John L., farmer, res --, bet Wells and Franklin.
Sleuman, W. H., shoemaker, Charles & Jacob Sauter.
Sloan, Edward, soap-maker, at J. Johnston's [died Oct. 31, 1889, a. 85.
Slocum, Edward L., druggist, bds Henry B. Clarke.
Smale, William, carpenter, res W. Monroe, 3d Ward.
Small, William, blacksmith, North Water.
Smith, Abial, printer, Democrat office, bds Lake Street House [died Lockport, Ill., January 25, 1889, aged 80.
Smith, Andrew, lumber merchant, Market near Lake, res Clark, bet Monroe and Adams [died October 28, 1851.
Smith, Barney, butcher, res Michigan ave, rear n.-w. cor of Madison [died at sea off Ireland before 1860.
Smith, Benjamin, tailor, cor Clark and Lake, res 145 Clark [died January 10, 1891, aged 76.
Smith, Charles A., clerk, Benjamin F. Sherman.
Smith, Charles Billings, Baptist clergyman, bds Mrs. Merriam [died Grand Rapids, Mich., September 17, 1890, aged 76.
Smith, Christie, teamster, cowherd, res Adams, west of Clark [died October 14, 1893, aged 85.
Smith, C. D., clerk, Gurdon S. Hubbard, res Dearborn.
Smith, David Sheppard, homeopathist, office Clark, res 118 LaSalle [died April 29, 1891, aged 75-0-9.
Smith, Elijah (Henry & Elijah S.), res Ohio, bet Dearb. and Wolcott [died July 15, 1879, aged 70.
Smith, George (George Smith & Co.) bds City Hotel.
Smith & Co., George, bankers and exchange brokers, 1 LaSalle.
Smith, Henry (Henry & Elijah S.), res Ohio, bet Dearb. and Wolcott [died December 26, 1866, aged 69.
Smith, Henry & Elijah, dry goods and groceries, 146 Lake.
Smith, Hiram B., tinsmith, Wm. Wheeler & Co., res cor Lake and Wells.
Smith, James, shoemaker, David Jay.
Smith, James Ayer, clerk, L. P. Sanger & Co., res Lake [died July 22, 1875, aged 68.
Smith, John E., clerk, Benjamin F. Sherman.
Smith, John L., clerk, Humphreys & Winslow.
Smith, John M., hatter, L. P. Sanger & Co., res Clark.
Smith, John T., auctioneer, John Bates, jr., bds same.
Smith, Joseph Flint (Skinner & S.), Mansion House.
Smith, ----, shoemaker, John B. Mitchell.
Smith, Michael, laborer, west of Clark, south of VanBuren.
Smith, Michael, harness maker, Silas B. Cobb.
Smith, Miss M., teacher public school 3, district 4.
Smith, Mcholas, laborer, res 2d Ward.
Smith, Orson, city collector, marshal, street commissioner, and health officer, res 181 Wabash ave [died January 29, 1863, aged 61 3/4.
Smith, Samuel Lisle, attorney at law, 268 Michigan, s.-w. cor Rush [died July 30, 1854, aged 37.
Smith, Samuel P., clerk, Gurnee & Matteson, bds Mrs. Haight [died Bureau Co., Ill., October 2, 1862, aged 46.
Smith, Theophilus Washington, attorney (S. & Ballingall), 6 Clark [died May 6, 1846, aged 60.
Smith, Thomas, teamster, res Wells, bet Randolph and Washington [died before August 27, 1856, aged —.
Smith, Waldo Wait, clerk, Samuel J. Surdam [died, Jefferson, Ill., May 25, 1882, aged 63.
Smith, William, carpenter, bds Mrs. Post [died 1853.
Smith & Ballingall, attorneys at law, 6 Clark.
Snell, William Otis, blacksmith, North Water near Wolcott [died September 3, 1865, aged 53.
Snider, Jacob, currier, Gurnee & Matteson.
Snook, Samuel, carpenter, res Dearborn, 1st Ward.
Snow, George Washington, lumber merchant, S. Water, res 244-6 State, s.-w. cor Jackson [died en route to Philadelphia, at Altoona, Pa., July 29, 1870, aged 72-10-13.
Snow, Ira, teamster.
Snowhook, William Bergen [Snow's O'Hook], grocer, 10 Clark, Tes Kinzie, 6th Ward [died May 5, 1882, aged 80.
Soden, Dr. Wm. Hill, res s.-w. cor LaSalle and Ontario [died July 12, 1850, aged 41.
Sofftje, Charles, music teacher, bds John H. Kinzie.
Sollitt, John, carpenter and builder, res W. Adams near Jefferson [died April 5, 1895, aged 81-4-16.
Soper, Palmer, sawyer, res Wells, bet Randolph and Washington.
Soraghan, John, teamster, res Michigan, bet N. Clark and LaSalle.
Southern Hotel, n.-w. cor State and 12th, G. M. Jackson, prop.
Spahn, William, shoemaker, [died April —, 1890, aged —.
Spar, Andrew, stonemason, res near Rush and Chicago ave.
Spaulding, C., carpenter, res Wells, bet Washington and Madison.
Spear, Hugh S., caterer, Washington Coffee House, 89 Lake [died Kenosha, Wis., January 22, 1886, aged 74.
Speer, Isaac, watch and clockmaker, 36 Dearborn, res Monroe, opp. Dearborn [died September 20, 1879, aged 69 3/4.
Speer, Thomas, tailor, Elijah Smith, res Wells, bet Washington and Madison [died June 6, 1887, aged 72.
Spence, John C., hatter, Israel Cyrus Stephens.
Spencer, A. P., printer, Better Covenant office, Randolph.
Sperry, Anson, law student, Beaumont & Skinner [died Marengo, Ill., August 24, 1889, aged 65.
Spring, Giles (S. & Goodrich), res 62 Adams near State [died May 14, 1851, aged 41 3/4.
Spring & Goodrich, attorneys, 124 Lake
Spry, John, laborer [died February 5, 1891, aged 62-5-22.
Squires, Nathan (Fuller & S.), res N. Water, bet Dearborn and Wolcott.
St. Palais, James Mary Maurice d'Hassac, Catholic priest, res 114 Michigan ave, n.-w. cor Madison [died St. Mary's, near Terre Haute, Ind., June 28, 1877, aged 66.
Staffen, Nicholas, laborer, res Dutch Settlement.
Stage-Office, 95 Lake, s.-w. cor Dearborn, Ephraim C. Stowell, agent.
Stains, William F., barber, Henry Knight.
Stanton, Charles T., auctioneer, bds United States Hotel [killed and eaten by his companions, en route to California, 1849.
Stanton, Daniel D., merchant, Ashley Gilbert, bds Mrs John K. Boyer [died Mystic, Conn., April 23, 1887, aged 71.
Starkweather, Charles Robert, assistant postmaster, res 120 State [died August 27, 1867, aged 51 1/4.
Stead, Francis, city drug store, 76 Lake [absconded.
Stearns, L., clerk, L. B. Goodsell.
Stearns, Marcus [Tullius] Cicero, dry goods and groceries, 136 Lake [suicide, April 8, 1890, aged 73 3/4.
Stearns, William, mate, propeller Independence.
Steel, J. H., res West Lake, bet West Water and Canal.
Steele, Jonathan William, proprietor City Refectory, 17 Dearborn [died November 13, 1881, aged 74.
Stein, Charles (Strausel & S,), res LaSalle near Lake [died Blue Island, Ill., May 9, 1882, aged —.
Stephens, Israel Cyrus, hats, caps, and furs, 108 Lake, bds -- [died Henry, Ill., September 6, 1854, aged —.
Steth, Joseph, blacksmith, Ithraem Taylor, bds same.
Steven, Christian S., tailor, Clark, north of Lake.
Stevens, E. C.
Stevens, Geo. E., clerk, A. Garrett, bds Sauganash [res Rushford, Minn.
Stevens, Geo, F., warehouseman, Bristol & Porter, bds Wm. Stevens.
Stevens, George G., clerk, Stevens & Carpenter.
Stevens, Henry (S. & Carpenter), bds Sauganash [res Winona, Minn.
Stevens, S., tailor, Clark, 4 doors north of Lake.
Stevens, William, late lighthouse keeper, res 2 River, U.S. light-house.
Stevens, William B., blacksmith, Randolph near Clark, res same.
Stevens & Carpenter, dry goods and groceries, 166 Lake.
Stewart, E. A., watchmaker, South Water, bet Clark and Dearborn.
Stewart, Ephraim T., dry goods and groceries, 85 Lake [died Decatur, Ill., February 22, 1855, aged —.
Stewart, Hart L., dry goods, res State, bet Randolph and Washington [died May 23, 1883, aged 79 2/3.
Stoce, Clemens, family grocer, 149 Lake, res same [died San Francisco, Cal., October 18, 1881, 83d year.
Stockton, John, carpenter, res Illinois, bet Pine and St. Clair.
Stone, Horatio Odel, dry goods and groceries, 114 Lake, res Michigan, bet Dearborn and Wolcott [died July 20, 1877, aged 66 1/2.
Stone, Ira (S. & Doolittle), res Columbian House.
Stow, Alfred (Dirnmock & S.) res Randolph, 2d ward.
Stow, Henry M., iron foundry, North Canal, store 11 Clark.
Stow, William H., iron foundry, North Canal, bds Western Hotel [died August 18, 1881, aged 72.
Stowell, Ephraim C., clerk, stage-coach office, 95 Lake, res Adams near State.
Strail, Isaac, dry goods and groceries, Clark, bet S. Water and Lake.
Strang, G., shoemaker, res West Lake, 4th Ward.
Strausel, Martin (S. & Stein), res 40 LaSalle [d., Elgin, Ill., Jan. 6, 1880.
Strausel & Stein, bootmakers, 40 LaSalle, bet Lake and Randolph.
Strode, James M., attorney, 37 Clark, res 84 Randolph [died Crystal Lake, Ill.
Stuart, Alexander, clerk, post-office, bds William Stuart [died Binghamton, N.Y., November 1, 1884, aged 68.
Stuart, John Jay, physician, 59 Clark, res Indiana near Wolcott [died August 15, 1850, aged 40.
Stuart, William, postmaster, res Ontario, bet Cass and Wolcott [died Binghamton, N.Y., June 20, 1878, aged 67 1/2.
Stubbs, T. R., carpenter.
Sturges, B. R., carpenter, bds Western Hotel.
Sturtevant, Austin Dwight, school teacher, dist. 2, bds J. M. Underwood.
Sturtevant, Noah, painter, John I. Dow, res Market [died July 20, 1862, aged 42.
Sullivan, Anthony, laborer, res North Water, bet Wolcott and Kinzie.
Sullivan, Eugene, sailor [died May 10, 1885, aged 73.
Sullivan, Jeremiah H., constable, res N. Water, bet Clark and Dearb. [died January 19, 1855, aged 71.
Sullivan, Martin, laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard.
Sullivan, Michael, laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard [d. Oct. 7, 1871, a. 82.
Sullivan, Patrick, laborer, North Water near Franklin.
Sulzer, Conrad, brewer [died December 24, 1873, aged —.
Summers, James, laborer, res Kinzie, bet Clark and Dearborn.
Sunriker, Peter, tailor, P. Newburgh.
Surdam, Duane (Cook & S.) res American Temperance House.
Surdam, Samuel Johnson, tinware, stoves, etc., 132 Lake [died September 16, 1893, aged 76.
Swain, Philip, tinsmith, William Wheeler.
Sweet, Charles, family grocer, North Water near Wolcott.
Sweet, ---- (S. & Doolittle).
Sweet & Doolittle, props. Columbian House, 11-3 Wells, near s.-e. cor. South Water.
Swenser, Even, laborer, John B. Weir.
Swift, Elijah, pawnbroker, 102 Lake, res Dearborn near Lake.
Swift, Richard Kellogg, pawnbroker, 102 Lake, res 195 Wabash ave [died Lawrence County, Mo., September 28, 1883, aged 70.
Swinson, Edwin, laborer, res North Water near Franklin.

Tague, Edward, laborer, first st, near Michigan ave.
Talley, Alfred Maurice, printer, Democrat office, res 224 State, s.w. cor Quincy [died South Bend, Ind., Nov. 28, 1870, aged 64 3/4.
Tallmadge, Samuel Wires, shoemaker, W. H. Adams & Co., res Clark [died August 18, 1845, aged 32-2.
Taplin, Michael L., [died March 25, 1891, aged 82.
Tarbox, C. F., clerk, Orrington Lunt, bds John B. Mitchell.
Taylor, Augustine Deodat, carpenter and builder, res Michigan ave, bet Lake and Randolph [died March 31, 1891, aged 94-11-3.
Taylor, Charles, merchant tailor, 42 Clark, res Canal, bet Wash, and Mad., alderman 3d ward [d. Indianola, Tex., Sept. 28, 1867, a. 65 5/8.
Taylor, Charles H., currier, Johonnett, Wells & Co.
Taylor, Daniel, boots and shoes, 120 Lake.
Taylor, [Col.] Ezra, coffee-house, South Water, west of Clark [died Oct. 25, 1885, aged 71.
Taylor, Francis Horace, tailor, res South Canal, 3d Ward [died Niles, Mich., March 5, 1889, aged 92.
Taylor, jr., Francis H., tailor, bds Francis H. Taylor.
Taylor, H., saddler and harness maker, Silas B. Cobb.
Taylor, Ithraem, blacksmith, 141 Randolph, res Wells, bet Lake and Randolph [died June 7, 1868, aged 55.
Taylor, John O., clerk, Gurnee & Matteson, res Monroe near Clark.
Taylor, Matthias, tailor, 131 Lake, res cor Lake and Dearborn.
Taylor, Reuben, teamster, West Lake near Randolph [died May 7, 1884, aged 86.
Taylor, Solomon, boot and shoemaker, 152 1/2 Lake, res West Water, bet Randolph and Washington.
Taylor, William Hartt, agent, Dan. Taylor, 120 Lake.
Temple, John Taylor, physician, 218 Lake [died St. Louis, Mo., February 24, 1877, aged 73.
Teshner, Charles, saddler and harness maker, Charles E. Peck.
Tew, George C., prof, phrenology, res rear of n.-w. cor Cass and Illinois.
Thatcher, David Cunningham (Peacock & T.), res cor Lake and Franklin [died Thatcher, Cook Co., Ill., March 22, 1869, aged 55.
Thirds, Wm., carpenter and builder, S. Water [died Jan. 12, 1870, a. 60.
Thomas, Benj. Walden, clerk, Loyd, Blakesley & Co., bds Alex. Loyd.
Thomas, Elihu B., printer, Ellis & Fergus [now at St. Louis, Mo., an M.D.
Thomas, Gerhard Henri (H. & G. H.), res N. Dearborn and Division [died Palatine, Ill., April 17, 1888, aged 83 1/8.
Thomas, Henry (H. & G. H.), res N. Dearborn and Division [died aged 50.
Thomas, Henry & Gerhard Henri, botanical and vegetable gardeners, n.-e. cor North Dearborn and Division.
Thomas, Hiram J., printer, Western Citizen office.
Thomas, Jerry (T. & Wheelock), Washington Coffee House.
Thomas & Wheelock, proprietors Washington Coffee House, 87 Lake.
Thompson, George C., Stow's foundry, bds Western Hotel.
Thompson, Joseph, caulker, res Adams, bet Clark and LaSalle.
Thompson, Leonard W., carpenter, res 3d Ward, south of Jackson.
Thompson, Thos. C., ship carpenter, res Monroe, bet Clark and LaSalle.
Thompson, W. G., clerk, Nelson & Fred'k Tuttle, bds Tremont House.
Thompson, William, laborer, res North Water, west of N. Clark.
Thrall, E. L., clerk, Charles Walker & Co.
Throop, Amos Gager, lumber merchant, cor Washington and Market [died Pasadena, Cal., March 22, 1894, aged 82.
Tiernan, Hugh, waiter, Mansion House.
Tilden, Joel, bds Mrs. Luke Lambert.
Tillotson, Humphrey & Co. (B. F. Hadduck, agent), stage-coach proprietors, 43 Dearborn.
Timoney, Patrick, brewer, James Carney.
Tingley, Michael, teamster, Alson S. Sherman.
Tinkham, Edward Ilslay, teller, George Smith & Co., bds City Hotel [died December 2, 1873.
Tinkham, Richard H., salesman, Willis King, bds Washington Hall.
Tisdel, Guttorm Rolandson, laborer [died Lincoln, Winneshiek Co., Iowa, Feb. 24, 1885, aged 78.
Todd, Lewis H., carpenter, Cruyer & Senser.
Toner, John [died July 18, 1885, aged 80.
Toohy, Dennis, laborer, res North Water, bet Dearborn and Wolcott.
Towner, Norman Kellogg, clerk, Ballentine & Sherman.
Townsend, E. H., clerk, Benjamin F. Sherman.
Tracy, Elisha Winslow, attorney, 123 Lake, bds Lake House [died Hampshire, Kane Co., February 6, 1860.
Tremont House, s.-e. cor Lake and Dearborn, Ira Couch, prop.
Tripp, [Dr.] Robinson, carpenter, res 119 Clark.
Truesdell, George W., clothier, res Cass, bet Illinois and Indiana.
Tucker, Henry, book-keeper [died September 21, 1871, aged 56.
Tucker, Philo, stage driver, Frink, Walker & Co.
Tucker, Thomas E., cooper, 149 S. Water, res Madison, end of Franklin.
Tuckerman, Lucius (Norton & T.).
Tuckerman & Co. (Geo. M. Higginson), lumber, successors to Norton & Tuckerman.
Tuley, Murray Floyd, law-student, bds Rich. J. Hamilton.
Tuller, William G. (Bracken & T.) bds Sauganash Hotel.
Tupper, Chester, housemover, res 88 Washington [died Brooklin, Almeda Co., Cal., Jan. 4, 1861, aged 64.
Turner, Charles (R. L. & C. Turner), res Wolcott.
Turner, John (J. & L. T.), res Wolcott, n.-w. cor Kinzie [died February 17, 1892, aged 76-7-7.
Turner, John Bice, contractor, bds Tremont House [died February 26, 1871, aged 72.
Turner, John & Leighton, livery stable, 16 Wolcott near North Water.
Turner, John McLeod, capt. propeller Independence, res Franklin [died November 27, 1884, aged 77.
Turner, Leighton (J. & L. Turner), res Wolcott near Kinzie [died Evanston, Ill., February 11, 1895, aged 80.
Turner, Robert Leigh (R. L. & C), res 12 North State, near Kinzie.
Turner, R. L. & C., wheelwrights, 4 and 6 Wolcott near North Water.
Turner, Voluntine C., bds J. B. Turner.
Turner, William, butcher, Sylvester Marsh, res 28 North State [died suddenly en route to McHenry Co., Ill., May 4, 1875, age 68.
Tuttle, Frederick (N. & F. T.), bds Amer. Temp. House [died November 10, 1890, aged 82.
Tuttle, Lucius Griswold, clerk, post-office, bds Mrs. Green [died July 5, 1879, aged 56.
Tuttle, Nelson (N. & F.), bds Tremont House [died April 21, 1877, aged 63.
Tuttle, N. & F., dry goods and groceries, 68 Lake.
Tyler, Elmer, draper and tailor, s.-w. cor Lake and State [died February 11, 1877, aged 63 1/2.

Underbill, E. R., wagon maker, Perkins & Fenton.
Underwood, John Milton, lumber, cor Lake and W. Water, res Canal, bet Wash and Madison [died Danvers, Mass., Feb. 16, 1888, a. 76.
United-States Hotel, n.-w. corner W. Water and W. Randolph, John Murphy, prop.
Updike, Peter Lewis, carpenter and builder, res and shop, 104 Randolph [died Philadelphia, Pa., December 19, 1850, aged 45 1/2.

Vandercook, Charles Raney, clerk, Botsford & Beers, bds City Hotel.
Vandreuzer, E., Eagle Saloon, 10 Dearborn.
Vangaasbeck, T. L., clerk, Horatio O. Stone.
Vanosdel, Jesse Redifer, carpenter, John M. Vanosdel [died May 20, 1887, aged 69.
Vanosdel, John Mills, carpenter (Granger & V.), res Indiana, bet N. Dearborn and Wolcott [died December 21, 1891, aged 80 1/3.
Vanosdel, William C., carpenter, res N. Water, bet Wolcott and Kinzie [died December 17, 1867, aged 53.
Vansickle, James H., tailor, Scott Benedik.
Vanvlack, Egbert B., carpenter, res Wells, bet Randolph and Wash'gton.
Vanwattenwylle, C. A. F., physician, 210 Lake, res same.
Vaughn, Edward, laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard.
Velvershet, Irton, cabinet maker, 1st Ward.
Vette, John Diedrich, blacksmith, M. Mooney, bds same [resides Ottawa, Ill.
Vial, Samuel, laborer, Sylvester Marsh.
Vincent, Aiken (Griffin & V.), res Randolph, bet Dearborn and State [died October 11, 1881, aged 63.

Waddington, John, laborer, Gurnee & Matteson.
Wadhams, Seth, clerk, Ryerson & Blaikie, bds Tremont House [died San Diego, Cal., February 6, 1888, aged 75.
Wadsworth, Elisha Strong (E. S. & J.), res 36 Washington [died Clifton Springs, N.Y., November 25, 1890, aged 77 1/2.
Wadsworth, Julius (E. S. & J.), bds City Hotel [died Middletown, Conn., May 28, 1887, aged 74.
Wadsworth, Elisha S. & Julius, dry goods and groceries, 103 Lake.
Waggoner, Harmon, carriage painter, res Michigan, bet Dearborn and Wolcott.
Wagner, Mrs. Susan, res cor Wells and Randolph.
Wahl, Frederick, clergyman, German Evangelical Church, Wabash ave.
Wait, John, blacksmith, H. Chapman, bds New York House.
Wait, George Washington, laborer, Ephraim A. Stewart.
Waldie, William, carpenter, North Water near Franklin.
Waldron, Hiram, wagon maker, William H. Howard.
Walker, Almon (Charles Walker & Co.) [died Feb. 23, 1854, a. 46.
Walker, Amos E., watchmaker [died Aug. 7, 1886, aged 67-4.
Walker, Charles (C. W. & Co.) [died June 28, 1869, aged 67 1/3.
Walker, Curran (Frink, Walker & Co.) [died Nov. 21, 1862, a. 51 1/4.
Walker, Doliver, saddler and harness maker, 79 Lake, res State nr Lake [died May 12, 1862, aged —.
Walker & Co., Charles, dry goods, groceries, leather, etc., 69 S. Water.
Walker, Martin Otis (Frink, W. & Co.), res 97 State, n.-e. cor Washington [died May 28, 1874, aged 65.
Walker, Samuel Bent, dry goods and groceries, 148 Lake, res west side Wabash ave, bet Madison and Monroe [died Feb. 26, 1887, aged 80.
Walker, William Frederick, rector St. James Church, bds City Hotel.
Wallace, Edward Q., carpenter, bds Horatio N. Cooke.
Walter, Ethan, merchant, res 41 Monroe, east of State [d. July 13, 1854, a. 51; d., W. Northfield, Ill., Aug. 8, 1867. a. 94.
Walter, Casper, grocer, Clark, bet Lake and South Water, res same.
Walter, Joel Clarke (Horace Norton & Co.) bds Ethan Walter [died March 14, 1891, aged 80.
Walter & Keilman, tailors, Clark.
Walters, ----, clerk, Thomas Church.
Walton, Nelson C., merchant, South Water, res Kinzie, bet Dearborn and Wolcott [died California.
Walton, J. W., dry goods and groceries, South Water.
Wandall, John, baker, res State.
Ward, B. C., clerk, Moseley & McCord.
Ward, Mrs. Bernard [nee Ruth H. Marshall], Chicago ave, n. of and near North-Branch bridge.
Ward, Geo. L., receiver U.S. land office, 98 1/2 Lake, bds City Hotel [died 1888, aged —.
Ward, Hugh, mason [died January 30, 1859, aged —.
Ward, James, mason, res West Randolph, bet Peoria and Sangamon [died July 6, 1881, aged 67.
Ward, James M., harness maker, Dennison Horton.
Ware, Joseph E., boot and shoemaker, 40 Clark.
Wariner, Wells, clerk, John Gage, flour store.
Warner, George, blacksmith, res Wolcott, bet N. Water and Kinzie.
Warner, Herman, dry goods and groceries, cor Lake and Wells.
Warner, Mrs. Mary E., teacher public school 2, district 4, basement St. James' Episcopal Church, 32 Cass.
Warner, Samuel M., carpenter, res Kinzie, bet Cass and Rush.
Warner, Seth Porter, blacksmith, 42 Randolph near State [died June 12, 1892, aged 81.
Warner, Spencer, carpenter, s.-w. cor Wabash ave and Adams [died January 1, 1882, aged 85.
Warner, Wm. S., fanning-mill maker, N. Canal, bet W. Lake and Water.
Warren, ----, shoemaker, bds Henry Howard.
Warring, Elias, teamster, res bet Wells and Franklin.
Warrington, Henry, machinist, Scoville & Gates, res cor Jeffer. & Mad.
Washington Coffee-House, 87 Lake, Thomas & Wheelock (Chas.), props.
Washington Hall, s.-e. cor N. Clark and N. Water, John Anderson, prop.
Waters, Benjamin, carpenter, 179 Wabash ave [died Palatine, Ill., May 27, 1881, aged 67.
Watson, Alanson, carpenter and builder, res W. Adams, bet Canal and Clinton [died April 29, 1879, aged 69 1/2.
Watson, Elias Doughty, teamster [died April 1, 1883, aged 61 3/4.
Watson, Nathan Whitney, mason builder, 54th and East-End ave [died September 17, 1849, aged 58-0-12.
Wayman, James B., painter, res 56 Franklin, south of Lake.
Wayman, Samuel, painter [died March 25, 1891, aged 79-7-24.
Wayman William, wagon maker, 253 Randolph [died April 23, 1892, aged 74-10-6.
Waughop, John Wesley, tailor, Benjamin Smith, bds James Rockwell.
Weber, Henry, teamster, res Dutch Settlement.
Weber, Ignace, clerk, John B. Busch, 18 Clark.
Webster, Hugh, carpenter, res Clark, 1st ward.
Webster, [Gen.] Joseph Dana, captain U.-S. army, bds Mrs. S. Johnson [died March 12, 1876, aged 64 1/2.
Webster, Thomas, carpenter, res State near Jackson.
Weeks, John, chemist, res 207 1/2 Lake.
Weeks, John S., brickmaker, Wood & Ogden.
Wehrli, Rudolph, butcher [died Sept, 13, 1889, aged 70 3/4.
Weir, John Brinkley, cabinet maker, 186 Lake, res same [died New York, May 11, 1874, aged 63.
Weiss, Fred'k (John Pfund & Co.), res Kinzie, bet LaSalle and Wells.
Welch, John, res south of Jackson, 1st ward.
Welch, Thomas, laborer [died February 11, 1891, aged 70.
Welch, William, laborer, res N. Clark, bet North Water and Kinzie.
Weller, George, butcher, res north of Dutch Settlement.
Weller, George, teamster, res Dutch Settlement.
Weller, John, teamster, res Dutch Settlement [died September, 1890, aged 76-11.
Weller, John J., res north of Dutch Settlement, Hiram Pearsons' house.
Welles, Henry Woolsey, ag't, Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank of Detroit, 122 Lake, bds City Hotel [d. Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 21, 1860, a. 42.
Wells, Andrew S. (Johonnett, W. & Co.), res Randolph, bet LaSalle and Wells.
Wells, Elisha, carpenter, cor Wolcott and Kinzie, res Illinois.
Wells, Henry Gould, clerk, Wm. Wheeler & Co., res Lake, bet Franklin and Market [died December 2, 1876, aged 65.
Wentworth, Geo. Wallingford, M.D., assist, editor Chicago Democrat, bds United States Hotel [died August 14, 1850, aged 30.
Wentworth, John, editor, prop., and publisher Chicago Democrat, member of congress, 107 Lake, 3d floor, bds City Hotel [16th mayor, died Sherman House, October 16, 1888, aged 73 1/2.
Wescott, (W. & Steele), bds Western Coffee House.
Wescott & Steele, Western Coffee House, s.-w. cor Dearborn and 113 South Water.
Wesencraft, Charles, carpenter and wagon maker, cor S. Clinton and W. Monroe [died March 28, 1855, aged 63.
Wesencraft, William, painter, police constable, cor S. Clinton and W. Monroe [died April 22, 1862, aged 47.
Western Hotel, s.-e. cor W. Randolph and Canal, Edward M. Gregory, prop. [torn down, May, 1889.
Western Citizen, 124 Lake, Z. Eastman and Asa B. Brown, editors.
Western Coffee-House, s.-w. cor S. Water and Dearborn, Wescott & Steele, props.
Wheeler, Andrew Beach, tobacconist and cigarmaker, Dearborn nr Lake [died July 2, 1874, aged 68.
Wheeler, John E., printer, Ellis & Fergus.
Wheeler, William (William Wheeler & Co.), res 147 Lake [died November 10, 1878, aged 69.
Wheeler, William, boot and shoemaker, Clark near n.-w. cor Lake.
Wheeler & Co. [Edward Jackson, Toronto, Canada], William, hardware, tinsmith, stoves, 145 Lake.
Wheelock, Charles (Thomas & W.), Washington Coff. Ho., res 77 Lake.
White, Alex., house and sign painter, 165 Lake, res 83 Wells [died Lake Forest, Ill., March 18, 1872, aged 57.
White, "Black George," city-cryer.
White, Christopher, hostler, Turners' livery stable.
White, Isaac, butcher, Eri Reynolds.
White, Marcus L., grocery, (Hamilton & W.).
White, Michael, coachman, J. B. F. Russell.
White, Patrick, laborer, res Randolph.
Whiting, J. Tallman (Whiting, Magill & Co.), bds Wm. L. Whiting [died Detroit, Mich., February 22, 1893, aged 73.
Whiting, William L. (Whiting, Magill & Co.), res Ontario, bet Cass and Rush [died August 17, 1850, aged 55.
Whiting, Magill & Co., forwarding and commission merchants, North Water, cor Kinzie.
Whitlock, Thomas, boots and shoes, 104 Lake, res n.-e. cor Wells and Madison [died October 13, 1853, aged 53.
Whitmarsh, Thomas Cranmer, compositor, Western Citizen, 124 Lake [died Hyde Park, October 10, 1885, aged 63.
Whitmore, Jacob, printer, Western Citizen, res State.
Wicker, Charles Gustavus (Charles G. Wicker & Co.), bds Tremont [died Tallahassee, Fla., December 26, 1889, aged 69 2/3.
Wicker, Joel Hoxie (Charles G. Wicker & Co.), res Dearborn, bet Washington and Madison [died St. Joseph, Mich., April 21, 1888, aged 78.
Wicker & Co., C. G., dry goods and groceries, 94 Lake.
Wiggins, William, carpenter, res North Water, bet Wolcott and Kinzie.
Wight, (Rev.) Jay Ambrose, assistant-editor Prairie Farmer, bds Mrs. John
Wright [died Bay City, Mich., Nov. 12, 1889, a. 78.
Wight, Sabin, shoemaker, res Kinzie, bet Cass and Rush.
Wilcox, Aaron S., dentist.
Wilcox, Cyrus S., carpenter, P. L. Updike [d. Apr. 22, 1890, a. 73 2/3.
Wilcox, Erastus, carpenter [d. Highland Park, Ill., Apr. 24, 1890, a. 91.
Wilcox, Franklin, res E. Wilcox [d. Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1849, a. —.
Wilcox, Sextus N., lumber merchant, res E. Wilcox [drowned in Lake Superior, June 15, 1881, aged 55.
Wilcox, Theodore B., book-keeper, res E. Wilcox.
Wild, Joseph, carpenter, res cor West Monroe and Desplaines.
Wilder, Alden G., teacher public school 1, district 4 [died December 13, 1871, aged —.
Wilder, Benjamin, contractor, Clark near and south of Twelfth [died Rockford, Ill., March 13, 1877, aged 82.
Wilder, John, clerk, res State.
Wilder, Nathaniel Patten, clerk, John King, jr., bds Mrs. Green.
Willard, Alonzo Joseph, general utility, City Refectory, 17 Dearborn.
Willard, Elisha Wheeler, clerk U.-S. receiver's office, res 90 Michigan ave.
Willard, Dr. Silvester [died Auburn, N.Y., Mch. 12, 1886, aged 88.
Willemin, Joseph, teamster, res n.-w. cor Green Bay and Hinsdale [died Ahnapee, Wis., February 8, 1885, aged 84.
Williams, Charles, cooper, North Water, bet Dearborn and Wolcott.
Williams, Charles, laborer, res West Water, bet Canal and Clinton.
Williams, Eli B., merchant, res Washington, bet State and Dearborn [died Paris, France, March 24, 1881, 83d year.
Williams, [Judge] Erastus Smith, law-student, Butterfield & Collins [died February 24, 1884, aged 63.
Williams, John C., clerk, Benjamin W. Raymond, South Water [died December 12,
1865, aged —.
Willis, Joseph, blacksmith, William Otis Snell.
Willis, Samuel, hatter, res Clark, 1st ward.
Wills, Solomon, Circuit Court clerk's office, res 187 State.
Wilson, jr., Adam, blacksmith, South Branch, W. Jackson, 3d ward.
Wilson, Benjamin, laborer, Gurdon S. Hubbard.
Wilson, Daniel T., cook, Samuel Jackson, res Fort Dearborn.
Wilson, John Lush, merchant, 174 Lake, bds Tremont House [died April 13, 1888, aged 75 1/2.
Wilson, John C., carpenter, res North Water near Franklin.
Wilson, Joseph, milk dealer, res West Lake near Union Park [died March 19, 1893, aged 83.
Wilson, James D., bds Mrs. Seth Johnson [died June 8, 1863, a. 60.
Wilson, Matthew, ship carpenter, res Washingt'n, bet Wells and Franklin.
Wilson, Thomas, millwright, S. Branch, south of Jackson, 3d ward.
Winegar, Samuel (John F. Lessey & Co.) bds City Refectory.
Winship, James, baker, bds Joseph Winship [died Englewood, Ill., November 28, 1888, aged 63-7-3.
Winship, Joseph, bread and cracker baker, 71 South Water [died Norwood Park, Cook Co., Ill., January 18, 1871, aged 76 1/2.
Winship, Moses Day, clerk, Sidney Sawyer, bds Joseph Winship.
Winslow, Hezekiah J. (Humphreys & W.) bds City Hotel.
Wischemeyer, Henry, lumberman, John M. Underwood.
Wischemeyer, William, lumberman, John M. Underwood.
Witbeck, Henry, (Pierce & W.), res West Water [died April 12, 1891, aged 77-6-12.
Wolcott, Alex., surveyor, bds H. Wolcott [died Aug. 11, 1884, a. 69.
Wolcott, Edward, clerk, Leroy M. Boyce, bds Henry Wolcott [died Nice, France, February 12, 1884, aged 62.
Wolcott, Henry, clerk, post-office, res n.-e. cor Wolcott and Kinzie [died April 5, 1846, aged 58.
Wolcott, Henry Huntington, clerk, Humphreys & Winslow, bds City Hotel [died Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept. 28, 1890, aged 74.
Wolfinger, Thomas [one of the John Stone jury.
Wood, Alonzo Church, mason builder, res Cass, bet Indiana and Ohio [died March 18, 1892, aged 80-8-14.
Wood (Alonzo C.) & Ogden's (Wm. B.) brickyard.
Wood, Daniel T., lumber salesman [died May 28, 1883, aged 73 1/2.
Wood, James, carpenter, res S. Clinton, bet Washington and Madison.
Wood, James L., cabinet maker, Caleb Morgan.
Wood, Lawrence D., cabinet maker, Lake.
Woods, Charles, groceries, 81 South Water.
Woodbury, Adoniram Judson, clerk, Bristol & Porter, bds Monroe.
Woodbury, Hiram, clerk, T. W. Salisbury, bds Mrs. C. Woodbury [died Kimball,
Dak., April 2, 1887, aged 59.
Woodbury, Mrs. C., res Clark, bet Harrison and Polk.
Woodruff, Joseph, shingle maker, 5th ward.
Woodville, Nelson Delevan, printer, bds Western Hotel.
Woodworth, Hiram P., contractor [d. Hennepin, Ill., 1851, a. 57.
Woodworth, James Hutchinson, merchant [10th mayor, died Highland Park, Ill.,
March 26, 1869, aged 64 1/4.
Woodworth, Robert J., merchant, res Clark near Randolph.
Wooster, David N. (W. & Harmon), res 185 Wabash ave [died Avon, Mo., 1854,
aged 43.
Wooster & Harmon, dry goods and groceries, 111 South Water.
Worcester, D. L., clerk, Horace Norton & Co., res Wabash ave.
Worthingham, William, mason, res 99 Adams, near Clark [removed about 1850 to
St. Paul, Minn., and died there.
Wraight, Thomas, gardener, near West Washington, 3d ward.
Wright, Edward, law-student, bds Mrs. Hulda Wright, Michigan ave [suicide,
December 24, 1873, aged 47.
Wright, John Stephen, editor and proprietor Prairie Farmer [died Philadelphia,
Pa., Sept. 26, 1874, aged 59.
Wright, Mrs. Hulda, wid. of John, 116 Michigan ave, s.-w. cor Madison [died
April 13, 1854, aged 67.
Wright, P. R., carpenter, res W. Water, bet Randolph and Washington.
Wright, Timothy, bds Mrs. John Wright [lives New York City.
Wright, Walter, attorney at law, 112 Lake, bds Mrs. John Wright [died October
25, 1876, aged 57.
Wurts, Alfred Pettit, res Michigan ave [died Beloit, Wis., August 5, 1879,
aged 68 1/4.
Wurts, Maurice (M. & M. A. W.), bds A. P. Wurts.
Wurts, Maurice A. (M. & M. A. W.), bds A. P. Wurts.
Wurts, M. & M. A., dry goods and groceries, 99 Lake.

Yard, Archibald Pierson, tailor, Chas. Taylor, bds Samuel H. Gilbert [resides
Waukegan, Ill.
Yarno, John, ship carpenter, res Dearborn, south of Madison [died Sauk City,
Minn., December 24, 1881, aged 70.
Yates, Horace Harris, family grocer, 39 Clark, res Clark, bet Madison and
Yoe, Peter Lynch, book-keeper, Gurnee & Matteson.
Yook, Peter, laborer, res south of Jackson.
Young, A. W., medical student, Dr. Daniel Brainard.
Young, Elisha (William & Elisha Y.), res South Water.
Young, Hugh, carpenter, res Washington, bet Wells and Franklin.
Young Men's Association, library and reading-room, 37 Clark, 2d floor C. R.
Larrabee, librarian.
Young, William (William & Elisha Y.).
Young, William & Elisha, South Water.

Ziegler, Isaac, pedler, bds Washington Hall [died Oct. 10, 1893, a. 80.

Contributed 25 Jan 2013 by Deb Haines

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