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South Congregational Church

The middle four squares of the quilt contain a picture of the church along with:

South Congregational Church
Dedicated Feby 19th 1888
Nov 20th 1889
Sept 9th 1890

The following list of names is from the quilt.

?Donald, Everett (Can't tell if last name is Macmillan or Donald)
Abbott, Elizabeth
Abbott, G. E.
Adarns, Will P.
Barker, Ellen M.
Barker, Julia M.
Barrett, Emma C.
Bird, Mabel E.
Bird, Mabel E.
Blackwell, Sarah
Bliss, Fannie
Bogue, Orwell A. (Deacons)
Bond, E. P.
Bond, Juliette G.
Bond, Laurence C.
Bond, Rachel E.
Bond, S. F.
Bond, W. A.
Bond, W. S.
Bond, Will S.
Bourne (Boume?), W. C.
Boyd, T. A.
Boyd, Willard W.
Bristol, G. S.
Brooks, A. F.
Brooks, Bessie B.
Brooks, Carrie L.
Brooks, Ellen T.
Brooks, Fannie M.
Brooks, Merle T.
Brown, Hattie E.
Brown, Jessie
Brown, Jessie T.
Brown, Sarah C.
Browning, Emily A.
Browning, Wm. H.
Buckley, Helen E.
Buckley, Louis
Buckley, M. A.
Buckley, Ralph L.
Case, Carrie
Case, Harry
Case, Ralph
Cassell, Jennie S.
Cassell, Robert D.
Chadwick, Kate
Chaffin, Charles C.
Cherry, Matilday
Childs, Harry K.
Childs, Zaida
Clark, Mary B.
Clark, N. Josephine
Clark, W. D.
Coe, Alfred Hiatt
Coe, Dr. M. F.
Coe, Jessie Hiatt
Collins, James R.
Collins, Laurence
Collins, Margaret
Collins, Melville
Collins, Stella
Collins, Violet
Cook, Carrie F.
Cook, Geo. M.
Cook, Lucy
Cook, M. Josie
Cook, Mary A.
Cook, Minnie A.
Cook, Will M.
Cook, William
Cooke, Juliette Montague
Cooper, Charles J.
Cooper, Chas. A.
Cooper, Grace
Cooper, Helena
Cooper, Helena
Cooper, Jennie
Cooper, Lizzie
Cooper, Louisa
Cooper, Martha
Cram, Helen M.
Crocker, Annette (Choir)
Crocker, Chas. H.
Crocker, Lillie
Cronkrite, Archie L.
Cronkrite, B. Frank
Cronkrite, Carlon VanW
Cronkrite, Cora
Cronkrite, Frank
Cronkrite, Meda C.
Cronkrite, Phoebe W.
Cushing, Ellen
Davies, Georgie C. (Will T. and Georgie C. Davies)
Davies, Will T. (Will T. and Georgie C. Davies)
Deane, A. Daisy
Deane, Charlie J.
Deane, Davies J.
Deane, Edith S.
Deane, Ellen J.
Deane, Georgie D.
Deane, May A.
Deane, Nellie A.
Denton, Ada F.
Denton, Elizabeth
Dinnum (Dinneen?), Nora (Chicago )
Durham, Janette W.
Dutton, Fannie H. (Choir)
Dutton, Fannie Hiatt
Dutton, Llewellyn B.
Eckley, Alice (Aug 18 1890)
Eckley, Arthur (Aug 18 1890)
Eckley, Bertha (Aug 18 1890)
Eckley, Charles (Aug 18 1890)
Eckley, Louise (Aug 18 1890)
Eckley, Merwin (Aug 18 1890)
Eddy, Victoria
Foss, Agnes E.
Foss, Lizzie
Foss, Martin Howard
Foster, Jay D.
Freeman, Blanche M.
Freeman, D. B.
Freeman, George B.
Freeman, L. M.
Freeman, Marion L.
Gardiner, A. P.
George, Annie J.
Glassford, Mary A.
Goetz, Lena W. (Choir)
Goodwin, Caleb
Goodwin, Elizabeth
Goodwin, Elizabeth A.
Goodwin, Frederick B.
Goodwin, Henry B.
Goodwin, Howard W.
Goodwin, Isabell L.
Goodwin, Lena
Goodwin, Leonard R.
Goodwin, Leonora S.
Goodwin, Mary S.
Gordon, Bertha F.
Gordon, Emma R.
Gordon, Frances A.
Gordon, George E.
Gordon, John
Gordon, Lewis C.
Gordon, Nellie E.
Granger, Gertrude
Green, Albert
Green, Lata B. (R.?)
Green, William M.
Gregory, Catharine
Haberle, Emma M.
Hale, E. C.
Hale, G. E.
Hale, M. D.
Hale, M. S.
Hale, W. B.
Hale, W. E.
Hall, Margaret
Harbaugh, Addie R. (Addie R. and Bertha R. Harbaugh)
Harbaugh, Bertha R. (Addie R. and Bertha R. Harbaugh)
Harbaugh, Geo. R. (Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor)
Harbaugh, Geo. R.
Harden, Lucy
Harden, Millicent
Harker, Maris
Haskins, Emma J.
Haskins, John S.
Hayes, Ella Leach
Heller, Baby
Heller, Ida
Heller, Mary C.
Henry, Harvey R. (Chicago )
Henry, Mrs. H. R. (Chicago, Ills.)
Herrick, Geo. W. (Grandma Pickard)
Herrick, Julia A. (Grandma Pickard)
Herrick, Laura H. (Grandma Pickard)
Herrick, Ruth W. (Grandma Pickard)
Hick, Amy E.
Hick, Geo. C.
Hick, Harriet
Hick, Lottie M. (N.?)
Higgins, Jane
Hills, Cordelia M.
Hills, Elsie
Hills, Erasmus O.
Hills, Maria B.
Hiltz, Grace A. (Choir)
Holmes, Agnes A.
Holmes, Bayard
Holmes, Bayard B.
Holmes, Ralph L.
Horr, Frances W.
Horr, George B.
Horr, Leonard W.
Houston, Beulah (Aug 18 1890)
Hovey, Adelaide Louise
Hovey, Alfred K.
Hovey, Alice (Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor)
Hovey, Alice A.
Hovey, Alice M.
Hovey, Augustus H. (Deacons)
Hovey, Donald
Hovey, Frank E.
Howe, Frances J.
Howe, Lu R.
Howe, William F.
Howell, Charlotte B.
Howell, Grace (Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor)
Howell, Grace L.
Howell, Lottie (Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor)
Irons(?), William Wilson
Irons, Agnes
Irons, Agnes W.
Jackson, Arthur (Nellie and Arthur Jackson)
Jackson, E. R. (E. R. and Lottie Jackson)
Jackson, Hattie
Jackson, Herbert
Jackson, Lottie (E. R. and Lottie Jackson)
Jackson, Nellie (Nellie and Arthur Jackson)
Johnson, H. C. (Deacons)
Johnson, Mary B.
Johnson, May
Johnson, Ruth I.
Johnston, Emma
Johnston, J. L. (Choir)
Johnston, John (Deacons)
Johnston, May F.
Jones, Emma
Jones, Nettia M.
Karr, Emeline D.
Karr, Francis
Karr, Llewellyn E.
Kelland, George A. (Choir)
Kimball, Sadie (Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor)
Kimball, Sadiee J.
Knight, George A. (Chicago )
Lawrence, Sarah E.
Leung, Mrs.
Lewis, Joseph D.
Lewis, Raymond D.
Lewis, Sarah A.
Little, Dudley
Little, Mary A. (77 Years)
Lutz, E. H.
Lutz, Florence
Macmillan, Mary A.
Marsh, Esther
Marsh, Lydia
Mavor, Flora A.
Mavor, Gertie I.
Mavor, Jessie (Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor)
Mavor, Jessie E.
Mavor, John
Mavor, John
Mavor, M. Belle
Mavor, Mary E.
Mavor, Mortie M.
Mavor, William
McCartney, Joseph A.
McCartney, Jr., Joseph A.
McCartney, Mary J.
McCartney, Mrs. Jane
McCullough, John
McCullough, Sarah
McDowell, Eva E.
McDowell, J.
McDowell, L. E.
McDowell, Ralph
McEdwards, James
McEdwards, Jessie (Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor)
McEdwards, Mary
McKeever, Buell
McKeever, J. S.
McKeever, Mary A.
McLennan, Christina
McLennan, Christopher
McLennan, Margaret
McLennan, Sarah
McMinn, Lizzie (Lizzie and Thomas McMinn)
McMinn, Thomas (Lizzie and Thomas McMinn)
Mead, Alice
Mecklenburg, Lykke
Melcher, Alvina
Melcher, Baby
Melcher, Charles H.
Melcher, Clara M.
Melcher, Eddie
Melcher, Richard
Melcher, Sadie A.
Merrill, E. T.
Millard, George M.
Millard, Roxanna
Miller, Blanch C.
Miller, Edna
Neahr, Arthur
Nellis, James (Mr. And Mrs. James Nellis)
Nicodem, Nellie
Northrup, Adelaide Louise
Northup, Hellen E.
Nutt, Alfred
Osher, Helen
Page, H. J.
Page, Kate L.
Paine, Edith M.
Paine, Geneva Carr
Paine, George A.
Paine, John C.
Paine, Lyman N.
Paine, Mary C.
Paine, Ruth
Patten, Susannah
Puffenbarger, Herman
Puffenbarger, Kate
Puffenbarger, Madge
Read, Ella M.
Read, George G.
Read, Gilbert L.
Read, Harriet A.
Reid, Alberta A.
Reid, Janet D.
Rockwell, H. O.
Rockwell, Margaret
Rood, Mary E.
Root, E. W.
Root, Emma B.
Root, Ethel M.
Root, Ida S.
Root, Mabel E.
Root, Walter J.
Ross, Carrie S.
Samules, A. O.
Samules, Lucy Millicent
Samules, R. C.
Scannell, S.
Schaffler, C. E. (Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor)
Schauffler, Mrs. (Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor)
Scott, Addism (Addison?) B.
Scott, Felicia H.
Scott, John Hiatt
Scott, Rev. E. H.
Searls, Grace (Chicago )
Sims, Angie Bell
Smith, Caroline I.
Smith, Charlotte D.
Smith, Dudley
Smith, Harry
Smith, Josie
Smith, Julia A.
Smith, Kate
Smith, Mary J.
Spaulding, Carrie
Springer, Daisy M.
Springer, Jessie Bell
Springer, Lorin C.
Springer, Margaret A.
Story, Albert
Story, Inda (?) A.
Story, Isabella
Story, Marion
Stoudenmire, Annie M.
Straith, Geo.
Straith, Inda
Strong, Hattie C.
Strong, Martha
Strong, Nathan
Sutherland, C. L.
Sutherland, Clara (Lanie and Clara Sutherland)
Sutherland, Clemie
Sutherland, L. L. (Deacons)
Sutherland, L. L. (Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor)
Sutherland, Lanie (Lanie and Clara Sutherland)
Tabor, Lorena Ellis
Tanner, Ethlen
Taylor, Mary
Taylor, R. J. (Mr. And Mrs. R. J. Taylor)
Tennant, Annie (Maggie and Annie Tennant)
Tennant, Maggie (Maggie and Annie Tennant)
Thrine, Henry
Thrine, Lena
Tolman, Nellie M.
Trumbull, Charley
Trumbull, Emily
Trumbull, Florence M.
Trumbull, Morris (Deacons)
Trumbull, Morris
Trumbull, Morris K. (Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor)
Trumbull, Roy
Tucker, Ella A.
Tucker, Marguerite
Tyner, Agatha
VanKirk, Edna
VanKirk, Elizabeth
VanKirk, Leroy
VanKirk, Lulu
VanKirk, Maude
VanKirk, Stephen
Waite, Geo. W.
Waite, Mabel
Waite, Mabel
Waite, Mary S.
Waite, Wm. W.
Wallace, M. E. L.
Wardell, J. Lulu
Weed, Helen B.
Welch, Eddie
Welch, Frank
Welch, Mary
Wellington, Marguerite
Wessels, Fred J. (Choir)
Weston, Alice J.
Weston, Eddie H.
Weston, Edward B.
Weston, May
Wetmore, Annie
Williams, Alice
Williams, E. F. (T.?) (Pastor)
Williams, Geo. W.
Williams, Gracie Evelyn
Williams, J. P.
Williams, May
Williams, William
Wilson, Ada H.
Wilson, C. M.
Wilson, H. B.
Wilson, James E.
Winter, Archie
Wolsey, Frances
Zimmerman, Oolaita (Choir)

Contributed Jan 2001 by Vicki L. McAlister

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